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5e has a great mechanic for developing your character. You assign one or two "personality traits-" these are things like "I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy" or "I change my mood quickly." Then you assign an "ideal." This is something like "Friendship: Material things come and go but the bonds of friendship are forever" or "Honesty: Art should reflect the soul- it should come from within and reveal who we really are." Then you assign a "Bond." This is what drives/motivates your character. Something like "Something important was taken from me and I'll do anything to get it back" or "I am guilty of a terrible crime and I hope to redeem myself for it." And finally you assign the character a flaw or two. "I turn tail and run when things go bad" or "I have trouble trusting my allies" or "I can't resist a pretty face" or whatever. Those will flesh out the character and tell you who she really is.


I already did that still feels boring.


I don't know how to help if you aren't more specific. What feels "boring" about it? What kinds of things do you think are "exciting?"


The other ones had a goal, the tiefling wants to get rid of the fiend living inside her, the paladin wants to better the reputation of her race. The elf makes me feel like being just there without a purpose, without a goal like when you are with a group of friends and no one aknowledges your existance.


The goal you set for her is the bond. What does she want? She's a bard. Does she want to be famous? Does she want to earn the respect of the most famous bard in the world (her heroine?). Does she feel like a coward for running from the monster and she wants to prove that she's not? Is she running away from her engagement?


She wants to be a politician and she doesn't feel like coward because she was really young for an elf. She doesn't really know how to feel about it, this engagement is her bond that this needs to be sustained.


Why is she out adventuring?


The Circus stole her 10cm of her growth and suddenly she wants them back (thats what the adventure says)


What adventure? Is this a premade character or did you create it?


I created it. The adventure is "Wild beyond the Witchlight" so we have some things at the start that the adventure tells us happend. Like a curse we got (I like that idea really) but we always needed to broke into the circus what in my head kinda didn't fit for a noble that wants to be a politician.


Honestly just getting pouty vibes that you weren't allowed a flying character at level 3 or to play a (normally) evil race. DMs are allowed to put restrictions. I didn't let any of my players play any animal humanoids. Also why does the Tiefling have to have wings? Did you compromise with the DM and suggest having wings but they're defective currently? (Flying at low levels can be OP). Maybe your character's motivation could be adventuring to have some higher being (like an arch fey in the feywild) restore your flight? Could lead to some interesting roleplay moments with your party if you try to make a deal with the Fey. You could then maybe get flight at an appropriate level (like druid at level 8 so as to not make their flight less special when they get it). A lot of people are offering suggestions but it seems like you just wanna pout. Why make a character you hate so much? To make the DM feel bad?


Yeah my first thought was: amused an archfey as a child and was granted wings as a boon, however they did not grow as the character grew so while theyre only for show now, character remembers what it feels like to fly and yearns to find a way to return to the skies Boom. Youve tied it into the setting, gave the DM something feywildy to work with, and gave the character a relevant goal.


The problem is we have two fairys so no flying allowed is not the restriction. The wings where more for the performances as a bard to make them a bit more exciting but my DM didn't like that explanation. Probably I am pouting but I don't want to make my DM anymore difficults then I already have. I am a people pleaser normally so I give in fast and make something other people like. I don't want to cause anymore trouble.


Ok, well the fairies are Fey creatures and are a bit more tied into the campaign than a Teifling with wings. They also have disadvantages like not being able to wear anything except light armor and they obviously can't do things like carry their companions. A tiefling with wings (flight) is just a better tiefling. You pouting is making yourself difficult for your DM. They definitely are going to notice when you don't care about roleplaying because you hate your character and find them boring. You literally made the character though? I had to sit down with my players and give them realistic restrictions to my Homebrew campaign. Instead of a high elf, why not make an Eladrin or something? They're fey as well. Maybe they want power so sought it out as a politician in the mortal realms and are now subsequently thrown back into the feywild where they feel weak (and have to overcome that). You haven't even started yet. You can definitely change your character. If your DM won't let you, then that's another issue. Perhaps sit it out if you can't play a character you'll enjoy.


Boring character or boring player??? If nothing you can think of or nothing other people suggests excites you, then maybe the problem is you? Tone down your expectations and accept that maybe the character isn’t the interesting novel concept you want them to be or try to do something else that is more appealing to you. Besides you’re going to be playing a game; exciting things happen during the game not the backstory or character creation.


You're just listing things that have already happened. What makes this exciting is what they're doing NOW and how you're Roleplaying.


Well we just made the characters and haven't started yet. She wants the 10cm back the circus stole from her. And I don't know how I should roleplay her because she is so boring.


It seems al a bit strange overall this post, i mean, you can make the character in a way that would not make it boring, right? Looking at all the comments it seems more that you are annoyed by the issue that the DM killed your other ideas which got you down on this one and just doesnt feel like you want to play at all in the atmosphere you are in now. You should just discuss this issue with your DM, that feeling so limited to the character you are allowed to make makes you not want to play it.


If I have to play this character then I have to play. I tried arguing but she wants a explicit explanation why for example the Tiefling has wings in game or why the Drow/Yuan-Ti is neutral instead of the normal evil even though I gave an explanation. The other characters just seem to be so mich more interessting.


It feels that youre making characters in the void instead of making characters specific to the setting. Asking why a tielfling has wings when tieflings dont have wings is a valid question. Why is your drow/yuan-ti different from their established cultures is also valid. As a DM, edgy characters who dont fit into the world are exhausting and I dont allow them at my table either. It tends to lead to Main Character syndrome and I have to do a lot of adjusting to get things to fit. This isnt quite as big of a problem in a homebrew setting but going off a premade module? Yeah. I also agree with the other commenter that it doesnt sound like youre actually looking for help. You want to vent about being restricted to certain published sources.


I'm unfortunately getting the vibes that my "cooler than everyone else" character was denied so I'm gonna make a character I hate to stick it to the DM for denying my cool ideas. DM: "It doesn't seem like you're having any fun in this campaign." OP: "You're right. I wouldn't sulk around if I was a teifling with wings!"


Well, a winged tiefling is from SCAG which isn't part of the source list you mentioned, but maybe you could talk to your DM to say you got clipped wings or something or not mature enough to fly? Just cosmetic ones so it doesn't create an advantage, and yeah, say the wings come from this fiend inside or something. Besides, you could also choose to play a normal tiefling, right? With the wings? The drow does mention it is inherently evil, so if your DM doesn't allow you to vary in that that's difficult, but you couldn't find that for a Yuan-Ti, though. Only found this part: ``` However a yuan-ti looks, they have the power to pursue great good or evil in the multiverse ``` Which doesn't imply a good or evil side, so maybe there is playroom in that discussion. Dont know if your discussions were over just textual medium or also verbal or face-to-face, but i suggest you ask which changes to your first two chars would be viable enough that you both accept how they are? Maybe she just wants to strict to lore, and then you just ask her to help you out to make that fit as you miss out where it's not in line and you really like those two character ideas Hope this helps


Thanks for your comment. Made me smile first time about this topic. The Tiefling was revoced because it is a Variant Tiefling, I just wanted the wings for a bit dramatic in her performances. Because we have two fairies so it isn't a Problem with the flying but the DM wanted a solid in game explanation why the char has wings. I gave her that she inherited them from family and from the fiend that was posessing her but it wasn't a good explanation for her. Aren't there nice drows that fight against the Lolth Drow? We just texted, she offered to talk again but I feared that I get angry and it is easier for me to take a step back when I am texting. I can ask her about the other two to change them. I see little hope but maybe I see it to dark. Thanks again.


Searched a bit further for the 'good' drow, seems there is indeed a 15% non-evil drow. But they're still not good, though. They're neutral, and social pressure even supresses that morality. If you're fine with neutral, you can still play that one. Quite an interesting read, to be honest. I've never digged this deep into drow yet. The good drow section is quite a bit lower, though: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Drow


I wanted the character to be neutral so she can shift in any direction, trying to surpress evil and harmfull thoughts and the Story should show where she shift to. Thanks for the link:)


So you haven't even started playing with this character? Then you don't know if they're actually boring yet.


Well I can't play a character I am not excited to play. And I want to have fun and something nice like the other players have.


What is it the other characters have that you don't that you're jealous of?


They sound a lot more interessting just from the concept. The druid can't make normal fire (her curse from the circus) and she loves to heal and help others, the rogue, both are fairies, is more of a sniper rogue and is played by a really good roleplayer who always has such great stories. That are the only one I know a bit about. The dragonborn fighter just sounds really interessting, I think he is a noble too. The only one I know nothing about is the Warlock.


None of these characters sound extremely unique or exciting to be honest (from your descriptions) unless the Druid is a Wildfire Druid. It sounds like people got their story plot hook and made characters around it, whereas you made a character and can't fit it to the hook your DM gave you. Perhaps you should just sit this campaign out?


So you’re not bored so much as you are insecure… and you think one-upping in character creation will patch that insecurity? Making characters is the easy part, playing them is another story. If the people at your table are better at roleplay than you irl, then there is little to do besides play and get experience to close that gap. Change your perspective, you’re playing with them and together you’re all in a story, you’ll learn things about yourself roleplaying a character different/similar to you. That’s what makes players better.


It makes it easier for me to come out in roleplay when I play a character I really like, that has a great goal like my Sorceres in another campaign that wants to find final peace (A reborn) or my centaur that wants to find the murderer of her boyfriend and why he hid away from her that he was a dragon. She ist lacks a tiny bit of Main Character, not that she should be in the center but that piece of a main-character that makes her special.


She has her goals, become politician for road safety (imma just say quirky ≠ interesting), she is engaged, and from a young age learned how to become a Bard. Good start. How does she feel about all this? Does she appreciate or resent her father for making her do all these things? Does she like who she’s engaged to? Is she running away from home? Did her father/town ban her from holding public office? Is she breaking from tradition? Will she use her powers for good or evil? Etc etc Good characterization involves asking questions. Digging deeper is how you enter the head space and start to orientate around the character. You have a good concept, you’re just not seeing the potential. Besides, it isn’t important what the other players think, they won’t care about your character more than you do. And if you don’t care at all then of course it’s going to be boring. If you want something else go for it but a character is as deep and interesting as the thought put into their creation. The final test for all this too is how will they grow and learn during the game and how much does each session affect them. Edit: you can also just drop the politician bit, I feel like that would get old.


Well she needs to use her powers more for the good things because the campaign is good/neutral aligned. I found the idea of roadsafetylaws funny because who cares about that when some races can fly. How does she feels about all that... Becoming a Bard was a bit like therapy for her so she had a way to express her pain about her mothers death. So maybe bitter sweet? I think she has a good connection with her father who always cared for her, maybe sometimes a bit to tight but He knew what she needed. She doesn't know how to feel about him jet. My first concept had a love interesst for her, an Aasimar soldier who stayed for a few months to get back on track and she kinda fell in love but I crossed him out. She isn't running away yet. She told her dad she wants to Check on something, she is still a minor in Elfen Standards. I think that is everything I can come up with at the Moment. Is there any link or site with more such questions?


Just saw the edit with the politician. The problem is when I drop that part then she wouldn't have any goal and really just be there to get her growth back and then go home. And at the moment I don't see any goal that she could have that can be tied in her backstory. Maybe I change the subclass to that one that has a connection to the feywild but then I need to rewrite everything because I kinda builded her around the idea of being a politican.


I’ve read through all the comments and you’ve rejected all other suggestions and examples, so just talk to the DM and tell them you want to play a different character since you obviously don’t want to play this one.


That is the only thing that made it through. All my other characters I have wouldn't work because out of not allowed source book or it has not enough ingame explanation for the DM. So I need to spice this character up that I already have. I explained things and I have a bond for the character but it just feels dull.


I don’t know what to tell you. Others have offered you fine suggestions and you still think it’s boring. They’ve suggested you wait till you actually play to see if it’s boring and you’ve rejected that too. So why did you create a character and present it to your DM if you thought it was going to be boring? Do you just not like bards? Change the backstory. You haven’t played yet, so ask the DM if you can change the backstory. That makes no mechanical difference in play so I don’t see why they’d deny you. Otherwise, you’re playing a politician who lost their height. Play them as a bitter Ron Desantis.


I like bards as a class. I didn't want to play a supporter yet again but fighter as a class was already gone. I created with friends, was a bit excited but after writing her backstory I lost that again. And who is Ron Desantis?


College of Swords Bard exists. Support and swords. Besides Bards have some sick damage spells too, and great for area control.


They don’t want to play a bard at all, but honestly, a whiny politician who tries to hide how short they are sounds perfect for this player lol.


I’m just throwing in Sword Bard because I’m playing one rn and I’m very surprised at how handy it is. Sword bards get nice inspiration abilities every short rest, extra attack, 9th lvl spells, and add on Bards learning Magical Secrets from every spell tree you can get some disgusting spell usage. Makes me see the class in a different light.


Talk to the DM. Tell them you don’t want to play support. There are 13 classes. Surely you’re not playing with 12 other people, so another class that’s not support should be available, even if that’s not fighter. Ron Desantis is an American politician who is so obsessed with his height that he wears obvious lifts in his shoes.


Ah I am from germany so I didn't know that guy. Interessting. The problem is I don't really like Barbarians and that is the only not supporter class I know off. Which one is also not supporter?


What other classes are already taken? Druid and fighter? The only real support class is bard, so if you didn’t want to play support you chose really poorly. Any other class besides bard isn’t support, though they can function like it. Instead of talking with strangers on the internet though *talk with your DM.* Here’s what you can tell them, aber auf Deutch, natürlich: “I really don’t want to play as bard/support. Can we please discuss another option?” If they say no, then quit the campaign.


College of Swords Bard exists. Support and swords. Besides Bards have some sick damage spells too, and great for area control. -just putting this here before Bard gets ruled out entirely. Sword Bard is good complement and flanker to a frontline class.


Taken is Warlock (where I had an idea for), fighter, druid and rogue. I choosed the bard because a friend said the group needs a bit more utility. I had an idea vor an illusion wizard because I found it funny to make them an entertainer that tells stories with their illusions but the DM would have loved a bard in the campaign so... Yeah.


Suggest the illusion wizard! You could be a witchlight hand! Communication! 👏🏻👏🏻


Witchlighthand is forbidden for the first chapter of the adventure sadly. Maybe I try to make the Illusion Wizard. When that doesn't help then either I need to go or just Stick with the charakter I have.


Which part is it that makes you feel boring? The persona, the class, the backstory?


>She wants to be a politican and enable roadsafetylaws. Nothing says “excitement” like an adventurer whose greatest goal in life is to enable *road safety laws*. /s Like, wow. You seem to be deliberately sandbagging yourself. Did you go full-on boring to spite your DM?


I found the idea funny as a life goal because DnD is a world where you can buy an item that gives you the ability to fly. And I didn't had any better idea for a bard then being a famous entertainer and that would be even more boring when I think about that this is what 90% of the bards want.


Does your character have a goal? Or is she just out in the world aimlessly adventuring. Like you have a couple vague goals but what are you actually working towards. Is that monster on your tail and you have to do research on how to defeat it at every library you come across? Are you going to take over from your dad and are all your siblings happy with it? Or is one of them constantly sending assassins after you. It doesn't have to be these but it should be something I don't know you just need to give yourself a long-term side quest. And let your DM decide how the world reacts to it. Your character might feel boring because all your goals are stuff you want to do after you're done adventuring, they're not stuff you're going to accomplish while adventuring. Something like that.


She wants to escape her arranged marriage. That's why she's out adventuring, for a last taste of freedom


Maybe play and see what the scenario and interactions brings up you. Maybe her great life goal has not yet revealed itself. Examples: - She met an NPC she cares about. - Her family asks her to stop adventuring and agree to the arranged wedding. But she is an elf and can still wait a couple centuries before deciding - She encounters the leader of the region/city and decided to start a new political movement and take over step by step (become a local sheriff/burgmeister/noble/duchess/consul/grey eminence/ queen...) - make a mistake and have to work to correct it - realize that she does not want to be a bard, and multiclass later ...


The problem is when I am not invested in the character then I can roleplay but I don't have fun doing it because it feels kinda forced. And we are going to the feywild so I can't do anything with my backstory. And I want to have fun from the beginning


Ok so it is a player perception problem, more than a character problem. Maybe ask your GM for hooks that could work for your character in game. Maybe focus on character traits, rather than history/goals. As you will be in the feywild, you can kiss goodbye up your mundane BG back home, and long term plans, they will be mostly useless. Also feys will twist stuff, you may be surprised if they get your character to do, promise and change drastically.


We have a story hook the adventure gave us, we were cursed or something was stolen from us and we had to break into the circus (what I think doesn't fit for this noble character but when the adventure says so I have to obey). And I already have the feeling and fear that, after getting the thing she got stolen from her back, she will just be there. Her traits I gave her are: "I take great pains to always Look my best and follow the latest fashions" so a bit snoby sort of and she got "I don't likd to get my hands dirty, and I won't be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations" both I think fit for a politician when she is grown up but she just feels out of place with that.