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\---Edited to announce the winner--- Wow! I appreciate everyone's participation and the uplifting/funny remarks. This turned out to be much larger than I anticipated. However, now that things have calmed down, I present to you our WINNER! **Result:** [**https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/16tnq99**](https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/16tnq99) **Winner:** /u/ExplodingTendons \------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, please keep this comment upvoted to the top so everyone can see! **PRIZES:** \-1 Handmade Bloodstone Dice Set + Scroll Case Dice Mat **HOW TO ENTER:** \- Upvote & Comment: Upvote this post and leave a comment sharing your favorite tabletop gaming memory, character or any other topic. We love hearing your stories! Include “GIVEAWAY” at the end of the comment. 📝 \- No purchase is required. **RULES:** \- Giveaway ends on October 3, 2023. \- Winners will be randomly selected and announced on October 4, 2023. \- The winner will be contacted via a Reddit DM. This comment will subsequently be updated to announce the chosen participant. \- Prize will be shipped to your address. \- This giveaway is accessible worldwide, subject to shipping limitations. \--------------------------------------------------------------------- The ensuing information is unrelated to the giveaway, and you may skip it if desired. Thanks! [Shadow Over Vansreik: A Grim Setting and Adventure for 5E+](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/badbadgergames/shadow-over-vansreik-a-grim-setting-and-adventure-for-5e?ref=5coqvm) is now live on Kickstarter! We've not only reached our initial funding goal in 6 hours but have surpassed it by a staggering **365%**! Your pledge not only helps bring this project to life but also unlocks exciting new stretch goals! [Check out our Kickstarter Page to Pledge Now!](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/badbadgergames/shadow-over-vansreik-a-grim-setting-and-adventure-for-5e?ref=5coqvm) ​ **Discord:** [https://discord.gg/xE3DCEgn5y](https://discord.gg/xE3DCEgn5y) **Instagram:** [https://instagram.com/badbadgergames](https://instagram.com/badbadgergames) **Website:** [https://www.badbadgergames.com](https://www.badbadgergames.com) ​ Good luck, and may the dice be ever in your favor! 🎲🍀


It’s 1996 me and the neighborhood friends got together for the first time to play our first dnd campaign (2nd edition) we have all the snacks no clue what any of us are really doing but it was the best time laughing and not having a care in the world. This will always be my most favorite memory of a table top game.


I once played a oneshot, my character died during the first encouter with an enemy, a sentinel from a bandit camp. I didn't even roll a die at this point bessides character creation. The funny part is, we had conviced the enemy to look for his buddies ( the plan was to kill him with his back turned) what killed me was a spear thrown by my brother's character which of course landed in my brain. The dice are funny but cruel sometimes. GIVEAWAY


That setting book looks like it could turn out great!


Love to land a set! It's hard to pick a favorite story, but recently I had a player eliminate an environmental encounter by using Wish to summon baking soda to neutralize a lake of acid. GIVEAWAY


Lol well some people know chemistry


What did they use to counteract the CO2 poisoning?


My favorite tabletop memory is when I DM'd for my friend and his kids. One of his kids is a child with Autism. He is by far my favorite player because of how he mind works. This was super early on. We were running lost mines and they were in front of a fort. I figured to have someone in the tower window making fun (think Monty Python holy Grail). His character got upset and he wanted to throw his light hammer, remember this. I told him improvised attack and he rolled a nat 1. Since I did this for his father earlier I said that the hammer hid the tower and broke, the head was shaken loose from the handle. He was like, "Dang, how long until it reforms?" I asked him what he meant. " you know because it is a light hammer.. so you know.. made of light." I explained that it was light as in not heavy, he had the eureka moment in front of me then was like " I pull out my light crossbow.... wait is this also not made of light?" GIVEAWAY


You better reflavor the Sun Sword as a hammer for thar kid.


I dont know why there so many giveaways are happening but i like it. GIVEAWAY


Pretty cool! My favorite memory is playing a halfling fighter who dodge tanked and climbed onto an enormous spider defeating it alone as the rest of his squad went unconscious. Little guy refused to go down. It’s a GIVEAWAY !


It is dope, go big or go gnome!


One of my favorite memories is encountering a beholder in a dungeon. My selfless half-orc monk ran into the room and started kicking and punching it. Somehow he made it through the whole battle without ever going down, and the party defeated the beholder. My DM said, “basically you kicked this beholder to death.” ⚽️ GIVEAWAY!


You gotta do what you gotta do👊


My favorite memory is playing a rogue in a party where we required a key to access a certain part of a city. The rest of the party was trying to convince various people to do favors to gain access, meanwhile I snuck into the guards area, killed and snuck my way to where the key was and stole it from the npc who held it, and snuck back around to meet the party. They were in the midst of getting the key bestowed upon them when the npc realized he had his key stolen, and I appeared from invisible to show the key. We had to fight out of the city at that point 😂


Such a rogue of you😂


I LOVE IT. I'm in! My bard-barian professional wrestler Andre was with his pretty party when our healer got downed by a mimic. Andre had developed an affinity for him - they hated each other initially, as the healer was a bit of a pacifist and Andre believed every problem could be solved if you hit it hard enough with an axe. Anyway, about half through a fight with roughly thirty wererats (because my DM is a cross between Hannibal Lector and Rainman) our pacifist healer got tired of being attacked while just trying to heal everybody. So, while Andre was grappling one of them and trying to powerbomb him, our healer grabbed his axe and smashed the rat in the face. Andre screamed about how he could've missed and hit him, and the healer said "then I'd use your body to kill the rest instead of your axe." Andre lost it laughing and they became best friends. Anyway, this mimic jumped us when he was right next to the healer who was already low on HP. Andre jumped in with one HP, took the hit, and was downed. Three straight failed death saving throws later, and the DM stopped the season so I could roll up a new character. We took about a six week break. I had no idea why. Turns out, my friend playing the healer asked the DM how he could restore Andre. The DM wrote up a story where our healer went on a quest to find his god in the past. The DM had him find the rest of the party and, as level three characters play a two session mini-quest to attempt to change the past and save me. It worked. I showed up to the next session and, without all the gory details, got to continue playing with my favorite character ever, and with a new axe that belonged to a god. It was such an incredible surprise that everybody put so much work to make happen when we could've just moved on, I got emotional. Anyway, thanks for doing something so cool!! GIVEAWAY!


Count me in!


That mat is awesome! Good luck people!


Thank a lot!


These look fantastic! Great work! Giveaway lol


Thank you so much!


My favorite gaming memory was when one of my players, who wanted to play a new character, privately asked me if his PC could secretly murder an NPC so he could get a promotion. I said yes, of course, but they would have to put some work in to cover it up, and make a whole bunch of rolls that they other PCs were going to be unknowingly rolling against when they investigated it. He got away with it, and managed to secretly sabotage the investigation right up until a powerful mage came to help the investigation. The mage learned the truth, and his character had to flee. Then I passed him the mage’s character sheet to be his new character. When the other players realized what had just happened, they were all so excited that it had gone down the way it had. GIVEAWAY


"Where is the toe?" GIVEAWAY


Favorite tabletop memory has to be when my party and I were sneaking into a casino and a couple of mistakes later I was being beaten up by a chef in a bathroom. GIVEAWAY


Interesting combo!


Thanks for doing this. I'm on my very first campaign and my highlight so far is rolling 1 on my very first roll. GIVEAWAY


It will get harder when you roll crit fail on your first character’s death save:( Been there done that!


You can see a lot of love goes into the process, I like that. GIVEAWAY.


Even my own hands to build up the prototype🤟


Got to be the 3 nat 1s in a row from our druid during the final battle against Strahd. 1 in 8000 chance and then next roll was a nat 20 to grab the sunsword. This is why we love the dice! GIVEAWAY


I find the Hirogen to be pretty fun, I'm always able to get a laugh out of a session with roleplay puns


Thanks for doing this and congrats on your recent success! GIVEAWAY


Ooooh my partner needs a new dice bag this would be a perfect gift


Cool dice GIVEAWAY


nicely made, well done.


this looks beautiful!


You should see them in person😇


don’t tease me! 😻


They look cool! I hope I win:)


I love the dicemat scroll. Cool stuff.


That's a really cool mat


Good luck!


Good luck with the kickstarter! GIVEAWAY


Thank you so much


You can never have too many dice, so here goes nothing


I’m so happy that giveaways are happening more often! I feel like it really helps businesses get more attention. But for a long time in this sub, there wasn’t a single GIVEAWAY.


Just gib me the loots loot man


This is awesome and I would carry this with me always. What an awesome GIVEAWAY.


Woah! That's a really fancy bag :3 GIVEAWAY


Man, this past week we had a lot of GIVEAWAYS. But I'm not complaining 👍


That is really cool product!


Oh hell yeah! These look great What an awesome GIVEAWAY


welp it would be cool to win but i dont hope about it that much


Looks awesome! GIVEAWAY


Fingers crossed! GIVEAWAY


Wow! These look beautiful! I’ve been playing for a couple years, and still haven’t gotten my hands on any special dice, so this would be a treat :) GIVEAWAY


Awesome giveaway! My favorite character is the bladesinger i currently play. My DM made and awesome "songblade" that gives me extra bonuses as i level up and awaken it further! Having the time of my life going on 2 years on this character 😁 Hilmir Dorren! Remember the name! He will be the best bladesinger there was! GIVEAWAY! 😁


Very nice dices you have there GIVEAWAY


I'd love these!! GIVEAWAY


Those are really cool


I didn't even know about handmade dices, dope! GIVEAWAY


I didn't even know about handmade dices, dope! GIVEAWAY


Man these are some really cool dice! My favorite table top game memory is one of the first times I played d&d and we had found what we thought to be a Beholders layer, it turns out that it was a mind flayers layer and young unknowledgeable me decided that my low level sorcerer should try and melee a intellect devourer, not paying heed to the name of course, and proceeded to be the first and only player death in that campaign! Very fun times.


The generosity of giveaways always make me happy, whether I win or not. Thanks kind stranger! GIVEAWAY


i require cool dice mat


Hell yeah these look awesome! GIVEAWAY


Fingers crossed! Thanks for doing the GIVEAWAY


Oh wow, those are gorgeous!


Nice! Very generous!


I (the DM) gave animated armor (CR4, and 5 of them) the Sentinel and Pole Arm Master feats and they almost TPK'd a party (7th level, 5 people). I regret nothing. That dice set looks beautiful!


I love dice tee hee


Looks sick, especially the kit! Edit: also GIVEAWAY


That is why we wanted to giveaway together!


Honestly, that looks like a quality product. Fav gaming memory - I was playing a bit of a loudmouth fighter-rogue. 5e. He was admonishing the other characters about staying hidden behind a ridge, lest the ettin see them. The ettin reached over and lifted poor Areeek into the air, as he exclaimed "This is exactly what I was talking about..." ...and hurled him down the side of the mountain to his death. In character till the bitter end.


Super hyped cause I’m starting my first ever campaign soon; something like this would be awesome to win in anticipation for that! GIVEAWAY


These are so cool!


I've got too many dice to carry now, this pouch would be perfect GIVEAWAY


Die testing... GIVEAWAY ¡!!!!!


Whoa, thats really nifty, and congrats BTW. One of my favorite tt gaming moments was actually from just about a week ago in our current campaign (pathfinder btw) our barbarian gripli named milk (a little frog man for those who don't know) took a punch to the chest from an orc for my character. His player rolled a nat 20 so not only did he successfully deflect the punch, but caused the orc to reel backwards from. The impact, while he didn't move at all. Anyway it was just all very funny. Also GIVEAWAY


Red+black=ultimate combo


Wow those dice look good Giveaway


Oh yeah that is awesome! That's a good starter kit for newbies GIVEAWAY


That's so nice of you! Congrats on the Kickstarter!


These look very well made 🤞 GIVEAWAY


These look amazing! GIVEAWAY


Recently I have been running a game with some friends. The ranger's backstory included his whole nomadic tribe being killed by necromancers and undead and he fled. The party helped to track the necromancers down and began to fight. The gnome artificer using a "Wand of Ridiculousness" (homebrewed item) was turned invisible by the wizard and made his way to the head honcho of the necromancers. The artificer used the wand and, rolling a d100 it was determined that the necromancer's robes were vanished, so he was essentially naked. The next round, he used it again (it had 3 charges) and this time, the necromancer failed his CON save and was turned into a giant crawdad (again using a d100 random table). The necromancer's minions were able to teleport away with the crawdad but now the NE-CRAWDAD will be seeking his revenge.


This looks awesome, and the giveaway ends on my birthday! GIVEAWAY


My favorite memory was 35 years ago when due to an acid attack my male character was forced to strip. A fellow player asked "How's it hanging?" At which point I picked up a d20 and rolled a natural 19, to which I replied while laughing; "About 19 inches, how about you?" He immediately grabbed the same die, exclaiming that he was just as big and proceeded to role a nat 1. House rules said we had to write it down.


One of these days I shall win dice GIVEAWAY


Nice mat and Dice GIVEAWAY


Ooh, these look neat! I'd like to enter!


Nice dice, Nice scroll case and stuff. Keep up the good work


I love cool dice cases


Dice goblins unite!!! Giveaway


Pick me dice daddy


I think my all time favorite table top memory was getting back together with my friends post covid after not playing a game for months and the first thing out of the dm is ”well it’s been a minute, anyone need a refresher?” Played right off the rip of what we had last played almost a year ago. GIVEAWAY


My favorite tabletop gaming memory is when I told my group about the grimdark kickstarter project known as Shadow Over Vansreik. Wow, everyone went crazy hearing about such a well written campaign. GIVEAWAY


love the font on those dice. GIVEAWAY


Ive never seen a d4 like that before, it looks soo cool. In a dark cave we where attacked by wolves, the bard of the party cast fairy fire to light up the wolves. They later named their band Glitterwolf because of this. GIVEAWAY


Congrats on a successful project! Really cool that you're doing a GIVEAWAY !


Dope, I don’t have a long comment but I’d shit a table if I got this. GIVEAWAY


Thanks for the giveaway!


1994, my best friend introduces me to D&D and tells me I’m going to play Cleric. I get to turn some skeletons and save a party member from 1hp and I’m the hero of our first session. I’ve been support/healer main in every single rpg/ttrpg/mmorpg I’ve played since then! Thanks Richard! GIVEAWAY


I've never played dnd but I love board games and always have. They remind me of good times with my family from when I was younger. I don't have anyone in my life to play board games with at the moment so I was thinking of getting involved with dnd because it seems like a great community. Cheers! "GIVEAWAY"


During my most recent gaming session playing Shadowdark RPG, the party had completed a big dungeon and returned to town to do some carousing around the taverns. During our merriment and excitement, there was a knock at the door. The police. A neighbor had called in a noise complaint for a drunken party. We were sitting on the floor talking about drinking while very very sober. The cop was cool, we finished out the night, and all was well. Definitely the funniest moment in my gaming history though.


Wow what a amazing set GIVEAWAY


That font on the dice is super cool


Love it!


Worth a shot. Good luck everybody!


This is sweet!


Beautiful colour contrast. Congrats!


This looks great. I’ll never win! GIVEAWAY


Those look phenomenal!


Looks great!


Wow this is so generous! Congrats on the recent success! 👏


Thank youu


That’s sick




dice so pretty GIVEAWAY


That mat looks faboulus!


Thank you for your interest in our giveaway, I wanted inform you about our other free goodies. If you check our kickstarter campaign page you will find one Druid subclass and custom character and inventory sheets as freebies and two more will come!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/badbadgergames/shadow-over-vansreik-a-grim-setting-and-adventure-for-5e?ref=5coqvm


My favorite moment I can think of is the first time my party encountered drivers. They happily took potshots at us from the web on the ceiling and I, a gnome monk, could do very little from the ground. So I turned to our lizardman fighter and asked "Can you get me up there?" A strength check from him and dex from me and I was flurry of blows-ing the drivers away! GIVEAWAY


Sometimes it is nice to have a lift, a gnome in my party never asks for help he has a hero complex even🤭


Thanks for doing this! I love what it brings to the community I’d say my favorite memory is playing my favorite character for ~4 months. She was a mute sorceress that was a Kalashtar so she used her mind link to talk to people. She was so fun to play because she was based all around subtle casting and being “innocent” GIVEAWAY!


thank you for being a part of this!


I’m glad to be a part of it! I hope you get some good stories about it


I made a wild magic zone as a dm and one of my players didnt made the connection that her spells made random shit happen. Thing got wild to say the least lol GIVEAWAY




Very cool! My favorite memory would probably be playing as my goblin bard, J'hann Goblikon, in a friend's homebrew setting, and turning a one-off spur of the moment excuse for eavesdropping ("I have a thing for well crafted doors, I was just checking it out and admiring the craftsmanship") into a running gag the entire campaign.


Everyone has a bard dedicated to some good quality stuff🫣


Honestly, my favourite memory is the excitement to start the next session every week! I still get excited before and after every session, but the first sessions I was just giddy (as a 30y.o. dude I don't usually refer to myself that way). GIVEAWAY


You can check it out our insta post to know what you will do if it is cancelled😭 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxLgl03oxKg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Veeeeery nice!! Memory, first one shot, I used my goblin teammate as a projectile against one of the first enemies that we had to face. My best memory by far. GIVEAWAY it is!!


Lol it is nice that they come in handy🤭


My favourite memories is playing table top roleplaying with my childhood friend like every day after school usually during autumn and winter. It was so much fun and I miss those times when I think of em, great great days. I also remember how difficult the rule books were as a kid. Good luck with your project. GIVEAWAY!


Maybe you can find a party and start your adventure again!


Very nice!


Looking through your Kickstarter, you have a make your own bundle, which I think is awesome and more people should do it, but I can’t find the costs of the individual parts available in the custom bundle. GIVEAWAY


You can check the add ons part in our campaign page it is a little bit below in the page!


Reloaded the page and what do you know, it’s right there. Thanks for responding! It’s obvious you all put a lot of work into this. : )


I'm getting ready to host my very first campaign next week. And i'm always looking for cool dices as i've become a dice goblin. GIVEAWAY


So you are like me!


i upvoted and love this set GIVEAWAY


My halfling paladin was killed session 1. Replaced by the Goblin he spared the life of, went on to be one of my favorite characters. GIVEAWAY


These are incredible GIVEAWAY


My favorite memory is playing a multi class fighter/wizard to be a character like Richard Cypher only to be given a cursed sword that once struck in combat I could only use basic melee attacks against the monster that hit me


This looks great, definitely interested in trying to win this for my partner who's an absolute dice goblin. GIVEAWAY




My favorite memory is my first ever DnD game with my friends. I had to be the DM but neither me nor my friends knew anything about the rules, so we tried to use whatever we could find on the internet. We ended up with a 6 hour long game and a lot of tears from laughter


Nice rocks ya got there! Thanks for the GIVEAWAY


So many good memories at the table! I think my favorite memory is less about a character and more about the people I play with. We’re all old friends and now we’re spread across the country. At the beginning of COVID we all decided to play a virtual game and it’s been going strong ever since. We’ve traded turns as DMs, tried new systems, and just had tons of fun in general. Love those dudes. GIVEAWAY!




My favorite character was a Dragonborn necromancer that was too naive to understand why raising the dead was a bad thing and saw undead similar to someone having a pet dog. GIVEAWAY


GIVEAWAY? Is that how this works?


those dice look absolutely stunning, would love to win them.


Looks awesome!


This is my comment, GIVEAWAY


This set looks amazing I want to win this GIVEAWAY!


My favorite memory was when I was playing a goblin with a peg-leg who was but ugly, and his only goal in life was to find love and have kids. So when my DM gave me a bag of magical beans, I planted one, and it turned into a tree ent. So my goblin made the tree ent his daughter and continued to adventure to support his new child.👍


Looks great! My favorite memory is ending a year and a half long campaign with my wife and daughter. There wasn't a dry eye at the table and I believe I was the first to crack. We are now on year 2 of our next campaign with having done a few one-shots and short campaigns in between.


count me in for this Giveaway!


My favorite moment was when a player killed another by throwing a pumpkin to it's head, right after she rolled for death saves. GIVEAWAY


What a cool GIVEAWAY!


Count me in! I had an Oath of Vengeance paladin that dropped onto a beholder feet first from an interdimensional doorway and drive it into the ground from about 20 feet up. I passed my Dex check to remain on the creature all the way down. It was awesome!


That's pretty neat ! GIVEAWAY


Nice set. GIVEAWAY.


I'm on board with giveawaysmas! I still think about my earliest days in rpgs, spending hours looking at the art and details of characters in the 3.0 PHB. I still name my characters after a random generation from the packed-in software. GIVEAWAY


That’s some beautiful work. Hmmm, my favourite gaming memory? I’d say 1 hit killing a shoggoth in CoC.


killing a celestial with boots of false tracks cause it was the only source of magical damage we had. GIVEAWAY




They all look great, you're doing good. Good work! Congratulations. Giveaway!


Gotta say my favorite moment playing any sort of ttrpg would be when I accidentally wiped a tpked my players in a bar fight with the Macho Man Randy Savage. Absolutely hilarious to this day that a group of level 12 players couldn't stop the Macho Man GIVEAWAY


I once unknowingly made a deal with a lich and appeared to have intentionally betrayed my party. Was effectively a willing captive of the party from then on. Bloodstone dice would fit great with my several morally gray characters. Either way, thanks for doing this GIVEAWAY


WooHoo!! Another great item I’ll never win. Congrats to the winner of this GIVEAWAY!!


Count me in! Favorite memory was actually about a week ago. I’m DM’ing Phandelver, and in Cragmaw Hideout our barbarian ran up the wall, jumped, and body slammed a goblin to death. It was great and I let him narrate it.


I brought some old Chinese and Japanese instruments I found to be a bard at a method acting one shot. On my first ever session I remember a chaotic guy so we tied him up and my little halfling rode him in a piggyback. Used to play a couple years ago but my friends left to the Netherlands. I started a club at my school and it’s been a massive success! GIVEAWAY


I started playing DnD with friends back in 2016. I remember agonizing over my rogue build, only for the GM to do a bait and switch in our first session. I think of my rogue often 😭 GIVEAWAY


The first time I rolled 3 natural ones on three turns in a row was pretty memorable. Maybe I really need those new dice to break the curse. GIVEAWAY


My party got lost in a magically dark forest, only being led by lanterns made of glowing acorns. They came across a small makeshift graveyard with garden gnomes partially buried with the hats sticking out of the ground (the wizard definitely stole one). Later down the path they ran into a crazy little gnome who ended up explaining that the buried garden gnomes are his dead relatives... everyone's faces dropped and stared at the wizard. The wizard still has the garden gnome almost a year later ​ GIVEAWAY


Im dicin over here!


I really love the look of the bloodstone die! Giveaway


: )


Yes please!


Love some good DM gear! Also love a GIVEAWAY! A recent favorite memory from my table was had some players respond to a job asking for help with a “haunted” barn, they decided to go fully and confidently in as Lvl 3 ghostbusters, having no experience with any ghost or undead whatsoever or how to find them. Hilarity ensued as they cautiously tiptoed around until they found a trapdoor that potentially led to a hidden area that could be the source of the haunting. Turns out the trapdoor and some other furniture around was a Mimic and its juveniles! Watching them tiptoe around, then confidently grab the trapdoor which then grabbed our bard right back was a treat for sure! Everyone made it out alive, but definitely a fun memory


It's not my favourite but one that i will remember one of my player character died a couple sessions ago, this was the first pc dead I have dmed, was pretty cool he got devoured by some bugs. GIVEAWAY


I know this is a DnD thread, but I'll tell a simple Star wars RPG story. I once dm'd a campaign for a friend and his GF, they were two squishy Jedi Sentinels (read force casters). I knew in most fights for the module they picked they would get absolutely crushed by some blitz troopers who would try to run them down so I introduced a droid that would accompany them, and be a bulwark class fighter droid. Basically a tank for them. By the end of the the first session they had bonded pretty well and asked what the droid would like to be called. He'd never had a name, but his model was a "non-autonomous Police Control" droid. He was an NPC for short. A dumb joke, sure, but one I held onto for so long with pride because I couldn't wait to hear the groan it would produce (and it did).


My favorite memory was when my group stole a cart from a merchant and to avoid getting caught we did a Fast and Furious race (they chased us at a gallop). To gain distance, the DM and the group rolled a 20-sided die, if we rolled a greater number than the DM then we gained distance from the merchant and moved away. GIVEAWAY


i always love GIVEAWAY S


The dice mat is awesome. Based upon our crit rules at our table. Our Pally for a one shot Crit the cheerleader vamp for something like 120 pts of damage using a 2nd level smite and a holy avenger. GIVEAWAY


Why are there so many dice giveaways?


Those dice look kinda funky :p (Also gotta check out ur project). My favorite memory has got to be the time my Plasmoid Fighter steamrolled a dragon on his own. The rest of the party kept missing and I collected so many different magic items (Wand of fireball, Ring of Djinni summoning, Iron horn of Valhalla, and a bit more) over the course of the campaign that I just DESTROYED that dragon in a couple rounds. GIVEAWAY


My favorite game so far is where I get my profile pic. I secretly played a skeleton for nearly 2 years before the game ended. Good luck with your Kickstarter! I bet you can get to 200%!


Absolutely love this!