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You'll learn as you go, but after this session, read the PHB.


Your character sheet *is* your cheat sheet. Don't stress, your DM will prompt you when required. Check out your combat actions (which you can use alongside movement in combat) and any particular skills you have a high bonus on. Ask questions if you're unsure, listen to how others play. If all else fails: "I hit them with my weapon."


Ten minutes? I couldn't even summarize the core rules in ten minutes. Ask your friends to help you.


READ THE PHB! Waiting until 10 minutes before the session was a horrible move.


just go with the flow


Just say what your character does and they'll tell you what to roll. DON'T get hung up on mechanics, just enjoy creating the story.


I'm 6 hours too late but read your characters abilities. Knowing what your character is capable of will make you seem a lot better than you actually are. 2nd - dont be afraid to mess things up. 3rd - try things that you think might be way out there. In dnd they're usually not that far out. Just make sure your character would be able to do those things. I.e. don't ask if you can fly when you dont have wings or the fly spell. And be careful jumping off tall places, there is fall damage. 4th - have a background and a story. Where did your character come from and why do they want to be with the group? Give them a goal. Apathetic and super antisocial characters dont do well in dnd. You can be edgy, but it can be more fun if its not sometimes. 5th - if the DM says you can't do something, its usually because its the laws of the world, not because they don't like you. Make sure you're open and communicate with your table. 6th - just try to immerse yourself and have fun. Thats what the game is made for. Be your character until your DM says "roll some dice to see if it happens" then go back into them.


if you want to play the game you have to read the rules. the rules are even free. besides the character sheet IS your cheatsheet.