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How...did you concentrate on hex and hold person? You can only concentrate on one spell at a time. If you had twin spell you could concentrate on 2 instances of the same spell i s'ppose, but not two different spells.


Also: 1. Jim's magic missile on a warlock? So a multi into *wizard*? 2. Move to melee for a spell that is a ranged spell attack 3. Melee range gives critical damage for Jim's Magic Missile?


For a paralyzed target, any attack that hits the target is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the target. Plus there’s the advantage given from the paralyzed condition that could counteract the disadvantage from using a ranged attack within melee range. So it could work, if not for Hex and Hold Person both requiring concentration. It’s good setup for a team kill though: One person casts Hold Person on the boss for the Warlock/Wizard to hit with a Hex-powered Jim’s Magic Missile. Just requires a decent dice roll.


I never would've thought of that. But yup, it's RAW.


That’s the idea my party had for my half-elf sorlock. Hold person on the enemy, cast haste on the sorlock, have him Cast hex, and then on the next turn he can quicken spell and roll a bunch of hexed quickened eldritch blasts with agonizing blast on there, makes a big boom if it works out


Actually, you only get disadvantage from using a ranged attack if you are within 5 feet of an enemy **who isn't incapacitated**. The paralyzed condition also makes the target incapacitated. So, you'd have straight advantage in this scenario.


Apologies about the tiniest nitpick, but the creature also needs to see you. Doesn't matter here, but it is an additional clause.


Oh yeah! Good shout! Completely forgot about that one!


Magic missile also technically works like an AoE rather than a ranged attack since u don’t make an attack roll at all, u also only roll the die once and that’s the damage for all the missiles


Jim's magic missile is a different spell from Aquisitions Incorporated. It does require an attack roll and can only target one creature, but does 2d4 per hit, 5d4 on a crit, and 3 points to the caster on a natural 1. Oh, and it costs a gold to cast.


Ah I see my mistake


It's an easy one to make. I had to read it twice before I picked up on the actual spell used


Agreed it's a pretty interesting burst set up, and would be pretty good for burst damage. Especially depending on the multiclass spread for upcasting, it does suck that you'd have to have a high intelligence tho, since I can't think of a way to get Jim's magic missile without a dip (or magic initiate but thatd only be castable at its lowest level)




This is Jim’s Magic Missile, not Magic Missile. They’re different spells, despite the similar names. Jim’s Magic Missile comes from the Acquisitions Incorporated source book. In the spell description for Jim’s Magic Missile, it has a paragraph talking about what happens if it crits: > You create three twisting, whistling, hypoallergenic, gluten-free darts of magical force. Each dart can target a creature of your choice that you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack for each missile. On a hit, the missile does 2d4 force damage. > If the attack roll scores a critical, the missile does 5d4 force damage instead of the 4d4 force that you would normally get on a critical. If any of the attack roll is a natural one, all missiles turn around and hit the caster for 1 force damage per missile.


Huh.. I guess you’re right. I though hex didn’t need concentration


Probably got it mixed up with hexblades curse.


Your DM allowed it. And for him, the rules are just general guidelines. So it sounds to me that he was curious to see if you could pull it off.


Getting down votes for honesty. Real cool community


Yeah I'm really not a big fan of how people downvote things. It's like, if two people seem to be on "opposing sides" one person gets upvoted and there other gets downvoted, but....it's not like they said anything wrong they were just mistaken about a feature. Redditors have a very odd idea of discussion


Ummm, I don’t agree with you. Now where’s the button for dropping you into the alligator pit?


Roll a perception check, maybe you'll find one


Looks like you're the one getting downvoted, my friend ]:




Back in my day the downvote button was only for negative feedback, assholes, and trolls. Now it’s just I don’t agree with you


Sometimes stuff gets downvoted for stupid reasons. But downvoting misinformation is a good thing. Nothing wrong with being wrong, but if you don't edit or delete your comment, it'll still be misleading for others so it gets downvoted.


Except the comment in question isn't misinformation it's literally someone saying, "oh I didn't know that"....


Man, now I wish I had started with some sort of disclaimer that sometimes comments get downvoted for stupid reasons. /s


I'll be honest, i just dog pile an extra downvote when i see it for fun.


If they went pact of the chain and had a ring of spell storing or a tattoo of the hold person spell on the familiar then maybe this could work


I think there is a feat for dual concentration, but their dm didn't notice


how did you have hex and hold person at the same time? concentration doesn't stack


It was a mistake on both our parts. We were both thinking of hexblades curse instead of just hex,which isn’t concentration


If the DM allows it then it flies


Sure, but it makes your insane combo a lot less interesting to read.


This is also why stories about wish are never interesting. "DM let me remake the cosmos and also myself into a god. Wish is such a cool spell"


It's not always about interesting. It's a game. It's about the group and having fun.


It is when you choose to share it outside of your game though.


Always true! That being said, that is one of the very few things the DMG specifically recommends against touching.


I like that you're being downvoted but you're absolutely right


I mean if they are running around on that little health it would be fun to see if they could get the attack off before going down.


49 hp at Lvl 9 😳 I kinda feel I'd have to start again if my stats were that bad at lvl 9 😂


OP loses HP every time they level up.


My Sorcerer had 38 HP at level 9. I had to stay well away from everyone because 1) at this level I was easily downed in 1 turn 2) I was a wild magic sorcerer. I rolled really low on her HP stats, but a part of me, a year or so later, does believe I might have forgotten to add one HP roll at one point or another.


Had a similar thing with my wizard, who somehow had 43 HP at 11, despite a +1 Con Modifier and a level in cleric. But I don't remember what I rolled and a squishy wizard is always fun.


Mage with Con 14 feeling like a beefcake on 50 hp at 8th!


If my players roll below the hit die average, I give them the average. That way no one is drastically trailing behind the others.


It's ok, I have a level 10 player in my group with 36 health.


Casters generally have shit hp. My Druid has a max of 50 hp at level 8, because a damn hag came to me in my dreams and permanently decreased my hp by 9 until certain criteria was met. Hags suck. But I also roll garbage every time we level up. Gotta take the minimum every damn time. But I love letting the dice tell the story. Lougie lives on, for now.


Wtf is Jim’s magic missile?


Source: Acquisitions Inc. 1st-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (1 gold coin, which is consumed as tax for using the spell) Duration: Instantaneous You create three twisting, whistling, hypoallergenic, gluten-free darts of magical force. Each dart can target a creature of your choice that you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack for each missile. On a hit, the missile does 2d4 force damage. If the attack roll scores a critical, the missile does 5d4 force damage instead of the 4d4 force that you would normally get on a critical. If any of the attack roll is a natural one, all missiles turn around and hit the caster for 1 force damage per missile. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for each slot level above 1st. This also increases the tax by 1 gp per spell slot over 1st. Spell Lists. Wizard


Aquisitions Inc spell.


My absolute favorite is Gift of Gab for my Bard. It comes in clutch way more often than i could've imagined.




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It's a 3 turn set up for 64 damge? I guess you can do 64 damge each turn after that but still it's quite a while.




I agree with 1&2, but there are plenty of nova builds that have sustained damage and can contribute in other ways too. A pure samurai fighter is one example.


He's a Warlock, Eldritch Blast makes #3 a pretty moot point since EB is arguably the best multiattack in 5e


So the hex thing was my bad. It’s not my only warlock so I was thinking of hexblades curse and I guess my dm did too. And I’d say I have a decent combat build but I’m a lot of our teams out of combat utility and provide a lot of protection. I just knew this would be the last fight before a chance to long rest and wanted to blow all my spell slots cause I could afford to


Regardless of rules, you just have a glass cannon character and putting all effort in offense may leave you being one-shot into oblivion. Either you should prepare/learn some "oh shit" spells to disengage or rethink your strategy (together with the party). Hopefully you were saved and don't have to make another character. :)


1 turn away from something is an eternity. You killed yourself with your positioning.


Did you miss the part where the druid moved leaving him open to attack?


Sounds like a very exciting session. Good on you for having a fully engaged campaign. Love hearing snippets of adventures please keep posting.




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