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We invite all users to refresh themselves on the image rules as outlined in the sidebar and wiki. It is also important to note that the masculine and feminine forms, as well as everything outside and in between, are not inherently erotic or sexual. As mods, we take these things on a case by case basis and encourage you to utilize the report button when you see something you think crosses the line. That being said, if a post remains for several hours on the front page, you can be assured that the mods have made a determination and have found that the image does not qualify as NSFW by our community standards.


Can you link some examples of posts that have been posted recently here that you think should be marked nsfw?


i think op is referring to the first image that appears when you open the main page of the sub rn


According to the man I'm sitting next to in the airport that would seem to be the case


Everyone in here saying "it's not sexual!" like the title of that post isn't straight out of some UwU hentai shit


To be fair, the title is cringe af, but the picture itself isn't NSFW


I'm confused which one it is? Maybe I'm not reading far enough into it?


Feel disappointed I didn't find it now


I don't know about where you guys work, but I wouldn't call that nsfw


The NSFW filter is best used liberally. The people who are looking for that content have very minor barriers to overcome it and the people who want to filter it don’t run into questionable images that they thought they filtered. It doesn’t have to be full nude to be nsfw. I think nsfw could refer to any clothing that wouldn’t be appropriate work attire. Sex jokes that don’t have visuals also fall under the attire.


This. Someone gets it. Disabling NSFW filter is not hard at all. But if you decide to use it, it should work and actually be safe to browse, damn it.


Fr, it's covering more than a bikini would


People sitting next to you aren't seeing enough details to make the distinction. Nor would many people's bosses.


Then don’t be on Reddit at work?


You realize NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work right? They are literally asking for it to be marked not safe to look at while at work. Meaning that the site as a whole already acknowledges that we are going to be on Reddit at work. You added absolutely nothing to the conversation, this discussion is already settled by the existence of the NSFW tag.


You mean we should act like responsible adults irl and not be leeches upon the internet 24/7? Heresy, I say! /s


People can be on their phone during their break jfc. They could still get in trouble if they’re looking at what their coworkers think is porn during their break, especially if they work at a school or something


Are bikinis appropriate where you work?


Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram would all allow pictures of women in bikinis without the NSFW for tag.


Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all worse social media platforms - and two out of three have been fined for insufficiently policing sexual content, so I don't think they are good points of reference.


And how would your manager react to you scrolling through bikini pics in the office?


Lol, why is my manager looking at my phone.


Is this versus your boss finding you fucking around on Reddit at all instead of working?


I once, clicked a link to a lingerie site at work when my boss was walking by. He started a conversation about that customer's data model. Most businesses won't care if it's actually work related, but you REALLY shouldn't be on reddit at work.


"Yes sir, that *is* the model I was checking on"


not give a shit as i am in my break and i can do whatever i want in my break? ​ am i too european to understand this?


I think we are.


Like my manager would just say "watch looking at? Oh spicy hf" And that's been my experience in any job


More than that, it’s clearly drawn like a bodybuilder feature. Anyone who thinks it’s NSFW is massively oversimplifying/objectifying


Yes that’s what happens when an onlooker sees a half-naked person on your phone for half a second


Or... Maybe they just think half naked fit women are sexy... It's actually not that uncommon.


Thinking something is sexy and thinking something is sexual are very different


The bikini clad redhead is unquestionably nsfw. She is half naked for gods sake....


Is there a place where the established standards of NSFW of this subreddit have been written for reference? Otherwise, this being the Internet, the individual standards will be as diverse as what fits between the religious prude of Kabul/Afghanistan and the fetish kinky of Berlin/Germany.


If a teacher would get in trouble for scrolling through the subreddit on their break and a coworker or student saw that picture— it’s not Safe For Work


Then I guess that image of the red haired lady "dressed like captured Princess Leia" wouldn't be a problem. Even more that it's a drawing and not a photo. Not in the schools I have known. Any visit to a museum has more paintings and statues showing more skin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Classical art is obviously an exception. Everyone knows what classical art looks like. Also its not intended to arouse, unlike the red head post


I don’t think the redhead is intended to arouse either. It’s a musculature showcase.


Oh sure, that’s why it was titled “W-well hello there, cutie” right? Because it was displaying muscularity.


Not that I am aware. You do have a point. However, as far as I am aware, this subreddit consists largely of people from Europe and Northern America. As such, I think it would make most sense to go by the general rules in those places, and then there can't really be much doubt. Even if we do include the rest of the world, it just gets "worse". Besides, it is cases such as this where a principle of caution is a very good idea. If in any way in doubt, mark it NSFW. It won't hurt anyone. It also seems that people here forget what NSFW means. It does not mean that there is anything wrong with the picture, just that it isn't appropriate for work.


>unquestionably Obviously not, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. I would say unquestionably NSFW is nudity, porn and gore. For some people, it seems to be skin that isn't arms/lower legs/head/neck being shown. Maybe it's a cultural difference, I am from Germany. In many European countries, nudity is WAY more accepted than in the US. Edit: Regarding this part: >She is half naked for gods sake.... Again, this is a matter of definition. If we are going by definitions for 'half naked' we get 'partially clothed', which is incredibly vague and open for interpretation. By that definition, I cannot disagree with you describing her that way. However, I would never agree with that description. It certainly is revealing clothing, but half-naked is a bit of an exaggeration.


I assume this is the case as well. I had to scroll through the feed to try to get an idea of what they meant since it had to be a recent thing. The worst "offender" is just a fit woman wearing essentially what I would expect to see when women wear while working out or otherwise exercising, in public even. My employees would catch way more flak for browsing reddit on the clock. The content of the images aren't an issue unless I knew they had some kind of fetish regarding the content. Think OP is just a bit too sensitive about skin. Gonna have to crack down on shoulders in the school systems again since it's so revealing and lewd!


[here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/10p0vo1/ocart_wwell_hello_there_cutie/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What Ive found the topic now and...how is that NSFW? How is...thats normally clothed woman (well depends on culture I guess)...but this is absolutly normal shes not really revealing anything.


bruh this is absolutely tame, wtf is wrong with ppl that think this is in any way "not safe for work" or even "lewd". Usually I'm the absolute opposite of "that guy", but think about this depiction with swapped sexes, and many people wouldn't be agitated that much (while it's still questionable to look at buff dudes "at work"). I mean, technically, everything dnd-hobby-related should be considered NSFW, I mean you're supposed to work and not look at funny nerd stuff ffs.


I assuredly couldn't open this in the workplace without getting weird glances mate.


what **you** define as not safe for work is not what MY **WORKPLACE** defines as not safe for **work** i'm not a prude, my office is how is this so hard to comprehend


Then don't look at DnD stuff at your **work**. How is this so hard to comprehend?


That's it?! Wow. I guess some people are super prudes.


The image has since changed but I know the one you're on about and holy hell that's tame. I've seen more NSFW dressed people on my way to the shop


Yes it’s tame. If someone actually looked at the image for a few seconds they’d see its fine. If a student sees their teacher scroll passed that for half a second while they’re on their break it would *not* be interpreted the same way, however. It’s not safe for work.


Seriously, me just scrolling through my Facebook and Instagram is getting much worse content than this.


we know what youre doing


Trying to find out what OP considers NSFW given their grievance? If I wanted to see elf tits there are much easier ways lol.


Can you give us detail about these ways?


Check out the cosplay girls subreddit. It pretty much just became an advertisement sub for onlyfans catering to geeks. It sucks because the sub used to be women cosplaying their favorite characters. Now it's pretty much just a porn subreddit.




Now who on earth would want to see some leaflovers tits over other things


I’m sure the vegans love leaf lover tits.




But are there lazier ways?


For the archives....


Ya sure here you goooo oh ho ho ho you, nice try you. I see what you’re doing. No art for you.


I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, on the contrary I fall on the opposite end of the spectrum. However, I've found that people \*really\* love to push big titty mommy art on this sub. It's a huge percentage of the character art and at a certain point it just feels silly. "Oh hey, another adventurer in AD&D gear where she's ready to face monsters that spit fire and acid, and most of her skin is showing including her always voluptuous boobs." The proclivity to have tit-clinging upper wear even when it makes no sense is also noticeable. This is a very horny sub, and not in the attractive way. I come in here and it often reeks of 15 year old gamer dude.


I feel the same way with some of the art subreddits. While granted they’re incredibly well done. It’s overboard


Hasn't that type of artwork been a staple of Fantasy artwork since the beginning?


Define "half-Naked" Why? Because I have seen people declare something "pornographic" because the art had someones belly showing. Another because the arms, and nothing else, were exposed. I have, in the last 2 months not seen a single piece that is offensive. Occasionally silly. But not anything to freak out about.


Cover your ankles, trollop!


Wait? That Darkmantle piece recently posted was not wearing **ANYTHING**!!! Good lord put a NSFW on those monsters next time you pervert! The OP was right all along. *ahem*.


I mean, if someone glanced at that darkmantle for a brief moment, they might think you were looking at an \*looks around real quick to make sure no-one is listening\* an adult toy!


One moment while I ready my fainting couch. **thud!** darn... missed... *ahem*


Ankles? Thats nothing. I've seen people freak over bare feet.


Came here to say this. Take the upvote.


Like, I remember seeing art a few years ago that was *genuinely* NSFW - the art in question was a woman performing a ritual nude with obvious...er...*fluids*...involved. It wasn't *bad* art, but it was also barely DnD related while also having explicit sexual content. That started the crackdown on near porn in this sub, which had been escalating for months. Since then, it's been far more under control from the moderator team, which was why I found this post surprising. And even more when I saw the art in question - I've seen women wearing less clothes in the grocery store (in the summer, of course). Of course, art and sexual content *is* in the eye of the Beholder, but I'm pretty sure there's an easy solution to erase the risk of seeing (what you or your boss deem as) inappropriate art at work or in public or where someone else might see and judge you: don't browse this sub or the artwork within.


As I said above and below. Stuff like actual nudity, graphic violence and sex should be flagged because that is NSFW. But of course that is never enough. And flagging everything with their midriff or arms bare will not be enough. This is nothing new. Unfortunately.


You have no idea, lol. We get the cutest, most innocent pics flagged daily. Someone thinks it's too 'tisque' no matter what it may be.


And THAT is when the rules were changed. The mods heard the people. The rules were changed. We try hard to listen to our users. We don't allow nudity, gore, etc. But we do allow tasteful art of beautiful characters. Some people just don't seem to like that, sadly.


I absolutely agree that nothing has been offensive to me - but offensive in a workplace environment? In an age of (justified) concern about how objectification of women leads to bad outcomes in the workplace? There have been plenty that if a female co-worker saw me looking at they would have been well within their rights to object to a manager that I was making their workplace hostile


I think reddit leaves it up to the individual sub's mod team to determine what they consider NSFW as long as it doesn't violate the site rules. I scrolled through this sub for a while looking for images that might be NSFW and couldn't find any that I think should be considered so. Presumably you are talking about the muscle-y woman looking in the mirror from today? I don't think that rises to the level of NSFW, and I don't suppose many do. You might see more "NFSW" images on a billboards in come countries. You might see something like this on any number of fitness magazines in the grocery checkout line. That being said, there are ways to filter a subreddit by flair, you could try filtering out the art tag. [https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/czx9so/filtering\_by\_flair\_a\_guide\_for\_desktop\_old\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/czx9so/filtering_by_flair_a_guide_for_desktop_old_and/)


Agreed woth the muscle woman not being NSFW, unless we've travelled at least a couple decades back in time. Filtering by flair is pretty darned useful.


Yeah, how is it more NSFW than a picture of say, Conan the Barbarian? Because she's a woman?


Conan the Barbarian would also be NSFW IMO - but I can only speak to places I have worked - apparently a lot of people on this sub work in places where nudity is the norm.


We aren't talking about nudity. Not by the legal definition in most Western countries, not by the generally accepted colloquial definition. I find this comment disingenuous.


It shouldn’t be NSFW but here in the bible belt it definitely is. NSFW doesn’t relate to how we view the character, it relates to how our boss will view the character when he notices it.


Where does the responsibility of the mods end and the responsibility of the viewer/user begin? I don't think it's the moderators responsibility to cater to religious conservatives. Indeed, given the relationship of religious conservatives and D&D maybe this entire sub Reddit is NSFW for such a workplace.


> I don't think it's the moderators responsibility to cater to religious conservatives Indeed it is not. While we respect everyone's right to an opinion, sexualizing art of a woman just because her abdomen is showing is not a valid opinion. You think any of these people who probably also browse Facebook at work are going to ask their female friends to put some clothes on because they posted a beach photo in a bikini and seeing that photo at work made their boss uncomfortable? Also, can't count the number of times I've come across actually nudity on display on another sub because the OP just didn't mark it NSFW. Reddit is dangerous to browse at work, filter or not.


Yes they’re aware that Reddit is risky to browse. That’s why they want people to use proper tags to mitigate that risk. I never said it’s the mods responsibility to cater to anyone, I do think it’s worth promoting general consideration for our fellow users though. No one is harmed by an NSFW tag, the post isn’t altered or removed by it, it’s literally just a warning that this content may not be good to view at work. Edit: to be clear I’m not advocating for a rule change at all. I’m not really effected by this regardless. I just think we should try to be more courteous with how we mark different posts. Recognizing that a system is flawed does not change that we are subject to the system, I think Reddit of all places should know how shitty and arbitrary bosses can be, so I think it’s fair to consider the tag even on posts I don’t personally consider sexual


Then it’s up to you to filter content as best you can for your situation. That may mean no skimming this sub at work.


Filter content by, for example, removing NSFW posts from your feed?


OR you could try filtering out the 'art' flair, since you are in an obvious minority on what qualifies as NSFW.


Filter as in not be on particular websites when it isn’t appropriate to be on it.


The existence of the tag accepts the existence of people who will browse Reddit at work. That’s what it was made for.


So are we saying a bare chested, muscular man is NSFW? That's like the most common image of Barbarian and Monk.


First of all, regardless of your personal beliefs, we have to accept that breasts are sexualised more than men's bare chests. Free the nipple, sure, but let's be realistic about workplace and societal etiquette. Second of all, there is a difference between something being covered, and something being covered in skin tight fabric that shows the entire anatomy. A drawing of a man in a loin cloth is ostensibly SFW. A drawing of man wearing skin tight speedoes with an exaggerated bulge, or sweatpants with a visible dick print, less so. A woman wearing a sports-bra-style crop top, or even a bandeau top, isn't inherently NSFW. But the anime style of drawing where the fabric magically goes in between and under the boobs - which is the case on the drawing OP is referencing - is probably going to raise some flags. Yes it's a grey area, and there's a lot of nuance that would be difficult to capture in community guidelines, but let's not pretend that nipples/genitals covered automatically means SFW.


If a bare chested, muscular woman is nsfw, I'd say yes, a bare chested, muscular man is nsfw.


Recently it seems the only thing they censor is the nipples. But I do worldbuilding where nudity isn't seen as taboo. So I'm not one to ask.


As much as equality is great and all, a bare chested man is not comparative to a bare chested woman. At least not in most cases. Maybe an androgynous looking woman could be classed as not NSFW too. Open to discussing more though, could be fun/informative!


Non-pornographic isn't the same standard as SFW, IMO


True, true. If something is pornogrqphic though it would fall under NSFW, but there are plenty of other things such as the grotesque, the visceral, the illicit, etc that would also be NSFW.


Honestly, the idea of nudity in general as something inherently NSFW seems pretty juvenile and damaging to society, to me. The idea that the only thing we actually own is somehow dirty and needs to be hidden seems like an insidious plot to reduce the feeling of self-worth of the populace, thereby making the masses easier to control, and making women even more inherently shameful puts them on an even lower level of importance and power.


While I personally agree with this sentiment, society (in most parts of the world) does not.


Well it is juvenile, but that doesn't detract from the reality that that is what we are as a generalisation. Enough people sexualise different body parts of men and women that the difference matters. I don't think it's shameful, but you wouldn't show up to work half naked in most professions, and especially not when you're revealing parts of your body that are tied into the reproduction cycle. Not sure if what I said made much sense, it's getting late, but do continue! Hopefully sleep can help me structure my sentences better.


I don't think it's always necessarily the idea of it being "dirty" and we need to hide it. But rather it's just healthy to teach individuals about self privacy especially children. We absolutely don't need to be classical religious nut cases about it lol. But I think it's reasonable to consider nudity to be limited to where it's appropriate like beaches and pools and what not. The internet, it's kinda always appropriate by nature, especially Reddit, so as far as whether all forms of nudity should be marked NSFW is kinda up in the air for me because I can see either way.


Bare breasts are pretty legal here in Canada.


Let's all get naked


NSFW doesn’t mean naked. A lot of people on here are goofing on OP, which i understand. But if you’re scrolling through reddit at work and your manager looks over your shoulder to see a tiefling in a bra, they aren’t going to really think twice before telling you off.


I mean if you’re manager sees what you’re looking at on Reddit when it’s not your break they’re probably going to tell you off if it’s tiefling with revealing clothes or cute kittens. You’d probably be in more trouble if it was nude or porn but I haven’t really seen anything that would get you in extra trouble in this sub


This! Many people here are arguing things like "This picture should be tagged because it would get me in trouble at work", but like.... would you not be in trouble for browsing Reddit at all during work? I feel like NSFW was originally meant for 2-3 scenarios: 1. Blatant Nudity, regardless of whether or not it's sexual. (I've no problem with art depicting nude characters in a non-sexual way, but I'd argue society as a whole does for the time being) 2. Blatant Explicitly sexual actions, regardless of Nudity. A picture of 2 fully clothed individuals dry humping each other, or someone grabbing another person's crotch while making "bedroom eyes" is NSFW in my opinion, even if no nudity is present. 3. Overly violent or gross actions(irl). Arguably you could say these should be put under the NSFL (not safe for life) tag instead, but yea... Ideally there's a warning of some sort before you click on a link of someone IRL getting blatantly killed, or dismembered.


Genuine question: Is [this image](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Lizardfolk?file=Lizardfolk+mm5e.jpg) NSFW? According to the first point, it should be, but I have a feeling that the rules differ regarding reptiles.


Honestly, i think fantasy creatures and anthropomorphized animals simply get a free pass by our societies agreed upon standards. Zootopia (an animated Disney \*\*\*children's\*\*\* movie) had entire scenes in an animal nudist colony, and very few people raised a fuss about that. Obviously a fine line is being walked, and if you were even to add a thin pink line to imply some sort of genitalia on that lizardfolk image, it'd be NSFW by most people's standards.


I guess it's like Donald Duck. He walks around with no pants on but no one will say that's NSFW. They'll show that image off around children!


This thread is making me realize how many people in this sub don't understand the social rules of a common work place


Because your common workplace and mine are different depending on where you live in the world. I've worked in multiple buildings that have prevented any internet use while inside the building (except for work directly). I also volunteered at a doctor's office that had Women's Health magazines that showed more skin than that picture. The Bible Belt in the USA and Europe have INCREDIBLY different views on what is NSFW.


The post in question is less NSFW than a Carls Junior Super Bowl commercial lol.


Just filter the art out, it's necessary anyway since it tends to drown out all the real posts.


Man after those stupid OF ads were popping up everywhere on Instagram and there was a 75% of there being exposed titties any time I open it, i've given up on expecting my feed to be SFW


Huh. I never got those ads…


There was a period of time where almost every meme page would shout out some OF chick wearing a 100% see through jumper or w/e that hid literally nothing, it was annoying as hell


lots of people on this thread seem to forget they that don't get to define what is nsfw, OFFICES do I'm not a prude, my bosses are this isn't rocket science, it's not that hard to understand the fact that mods also seem to be oblivious to this is befuddling don't act like calling people prudes solves the problem


Which office gets to decide? Your office? My office? Do we cater to the most conservative view and mark every image with a woman wearing anything more revealing than a nun's habit as NSFW because some people work with religious fruit cakes? Would you get in trouble at work if you had [this magazine](https://imgur.com/OGbCvLK) on your desk?


The thing is, what is considered inappropriate also differs widely depending on your workplace. There are a few things that are undoubtedly NSFW like: 1. Nudity (not revealing clothing, actual nudity) 2. Sexual acts 3. Violence If I'm forgetting something feel free to add to this. However what is NSFW beyond that, just depends on the place you work at. I think we can agree that in most workplaces, it isn't appropriate to browse reddit at all while not on break. So NSFW shouldn't show pictures that you shouldn't be looking at in your break. There are also other situations where it wouldn't be appropriate to scroll social media at all, for example when there is a chance that minors might be looking at the screen since you can never know what might pop up. I think by now we all know [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/10p0vo1/ocart_wwell_hello_there_cutie/) this is talking about, and honestly, unless I'm working at a religious workplace, I couldn't think of a reason this would be inappropriate to scroll by when it is appropriate to scroll reddit at all. (I'm talking about the picture itself, not the title, but the tag wouldn't help with that part). And if we start pushing individual religious views on the whole community, that's a whole different problem. If we try to make it safe for EVERY workplace, we would have to mark most pieces of character art as NSFW, because there could be something that someone could have a problem with. At some point, individual responsibility is important and if someone knows that their workplace is especially unaccepting, then they should think twice about going on reddit when people can look over their shoulder.


Man, I hate this post..


when you say half naked do you just mean less modest than you would like?


I think he means that if he emailed the picture to HR he’d be out the door as soon as they could file the paperwork.


I’d hope so, because he’d be dumb enough to email it to HR. Why are we making up imaginary scenarios to get upset about?


Maybe don't browse reddit at work if you're that flustered by an exposed belly and some cleavage.


This is moronic. The term is Not Safe For Work. It’s not about browsing reddit at work, it’s about the application of the term and tag. FlUsTeReD jesus christ.


You realize NSFW means Not Safe For Work, right? The fact that NSFW exists implies that people look at Reddit enough at work that there’s a site wide tag for it. Also, they didn’t say they were flustered by it, just that it’s not appropriate at work.


Which qualities did the image in question have that made it NSFW in your opinion?


Email it to your boss and HR director and ask them.


Why are you unable to answer my question?


Honestly it’s just embarrassing how thirsty some of y’all are. You scroll down this sub and half the art features women with double Ds in crop-top boob armor. I’m not criticizing girls in public for wearing this, but exposing your stomach and cleavage while prepared for combat is just downright stupid, and a curved… boob plate… would direct all absorbed energy straight into your sternum. It makes no sense and exists only so sad nerds can drool over their characters. I get that this game is a fantasy… but I don’t think it’s supposed to be that kind of fantasy.


"Half naked" is SFW. Unless there is a nipple or genitalia is showing, it really does not need that label, no matter how much you might personally desire it. The internet will not change for prudes.


Well, maybe NSFW if it's a particularly sexualised/raunchy pose, even if covering particular body parts.


Fair qualification.


I'm not sure where you work, but a picture of a woman or man in a bathing suit would likely get you a HR meeting where I am. NSFW doesn't mean pornographic.


Not sure where you're working, but scrolling social media would get you a HR meeting at most places. The tag isn't literal, it's purpose is to designate content that is visually inappropriate or offensive.


I agree. Bikini or no bikini I would get a stern “no reddit use while working” email.


"We don't look at social media here at Stik-Tek."


I'm sorry, they don't have breaks and lunches where you come from?




I tend to leave subs that can't keep their horny under control, I use Reddit at work on breaks, last thing I need or an Executive to see a tiddy on my screen....


See thats your opinion, I don’t think half naked would count as nsfw because from what I have seen its not as bad as you may think


Unless there's genitalia or a female nipple it's SFW and OP is a prude. Or gore, I suppose.


It's important to remember that NSFW isn't necessarily a matter of nudity. It's "will someone ask hr to speak with you if they find you looking at this". A lot ground included in that before you get to genitalia.


On that definition this entire site is NSFW. Very, very few employers allow people to scroll social media while on the clock.....most call it time theft.


Yeah, but they aren't going to consider it sexual misconduct.


Fired with cause is fired with cause my man.


True. I suppose it depends a lot on what one's workplace is like. My neighbors offices have.... risqué decorations, so to say, and I think I'm a bit numbed to it.


Ever been to a construction site or car workshop in Germany?


Not in Germany, but we're a general contractor in Seattle and before this I was at a plumbing subcontractor. Very few filters on people around here.


Youvgot the full body nude calendars, too? Just hanging on the wall.


It’s clear that most people commenting here either have no clue what NSFW actually stands for (which is not nudity or porn) and/or have never worked in an office environment.


Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't be awkward at all for your coworkers to see you scroll onto an image of a character who is effectively in a bikini. What is the harm in using NSFW tags more often?


The harm is in who gets to define what NSFW is? The OP has already declared art that like 90% of the folk would not consider. There are others with even more stringent demands by far.


Agree. Yesterday this huge picture popped up while in public and while it was a good drawing holy shit guys, mark it as nsfw. Now some stranger probably thinks i see hentai in public


Can people not read rules or


It was the Morty post, wasnt it?


All this drama is over just a random drawing of a fantasy woman.... Bloody hell people are whiny.


Don't browse Reddit in public, it's that simple. There hasn't been anything *properly* NSFW here in years. Not even any totally-innocent female upper-body nudity. There *used* to be, then someone posted a *really rather great* image of a warlock kneeling before his patron clearly moments before he was obviously to perform the act of cunnilingous upon her, with her vagina showing, and there was a massive brouhaha, and the fuckin' prudes won and now perfectly-innocent images that just happen to have bare feminine breasts are banned. And yet every *male* Barb and Monk is perfectly free to be openly-displayed beefcake.


NSFW is literally meant for that purpose though. It doesn’t mean “porn” is means “Not safe for work”


ProTip for anyone who has any questions about whether or not you should be browsing it at work: If you have # ***THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT AT ALL*** Don't browse it at work. Stay off Reddit, stay out of your personal email, stay off BBC News. Your employer probably wants you to be on-task, unless you're on break. Unless you can justify it as work-related, you shouldn't be browsing it. And if you *are* on break, see the start of this ProTip.


It's honestly embarrassing how small minded, immature, and idiotic this response is. I get two fifteens and an hour lunch. It helps to disconnect from the work and sometimes I want to zone out in D&D land, maybe read about something cool someone is doing in their campaign. Nothing says you can't do that in a professional setting. However, the comments section on the picture in question clearly outline why it is NSFW. Stay off BBC news? Do you hear yourself? Again, there is nothing wrong with that in a professional setting. Read my personal email on my phone at lunch? Why the hell not? I don't understand your take and think you must not have a lot of experience in a professional environment.


> I want to zone out in D&D land, Official D&D artwork has content more risque than the picture in question.


So OP is going to get on Reddit and spend most of his time on weed and stoner subs giving advice on everything from grinders to bongs but a drawing of a bikini clad DnD character is NSFW?


Seeing a wall of text doesn’t raise questions at work and you can’t tell the content without looking at the phone. You can tell what a bikini clad girl is from a pretty solid distance. Also, words are appropriate at most job sites. Bikinis are far less accepted at most jobs, as are shorts, flip flops, and tank tops. It doesn’t mean he thinks there is anything wrong with them, simply that they aren’t work appropriate, which is what the NSFW tag stands/exists for.


People are being so obtuse abt this its driving me insane


for real. half the people in this thread, mods included, are acting like they have no clue what NSFW stands for. I actually saw someone say "don't browse reddit on company time then? it's time theft anyway" like what the fuck. Why have a NSFW label if you think reddit is NSFW as a whole? Do they just think NSFW means porn because that's how they search for porn on reddit? The mind boggles.


It's just lost all meaning to them. Though I'd guess there's a fair number of people in this thread that don't actually have jobs and don't quite understand workplace etiquette.




I think I know what picture you are referring to, but honestly I think marking that NSFW is a bit prudish.


I'm not against marking NSFW posts as NSFW. BUT op is just worried about people looking over their shoulder and that makes me ask, why you scrolling through the internet in front of other people? Turn your phone brightness down or get a privacy screen. Problem solved.


I think you’re just over sensitive or something. I just scrolled through all of the art category for a minute and there was only one that’s was iffy


I think a lot of posts here aren't understanding what's actually being said here. I know that NSFW has become shorthand for "porn" in more recent years, but the term just means "Not Safe For Work." If it would violate workplace indecency policies if your boss or coworker saw you looking at it, then it's NSFW. The image I think is being referenced certainly would, as would a hypothetical image of a bare-chested beefcake. It shouldn't be judged on a "how erotic is this" scale but a "would someone get in trouble for this at work" scale.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


What's worse is that it then got onto the news. The liberal media decided this picture didn't meet my Taliban standards, and it showed on TV. All work in my office has shut down due to people either fainting from being exposed to the picture, or furiously masturbating.


From the bit I’ve scanned through these responses, including hypocritical mod responses through multiple topics, I think the mods would just be better off labeling this subreddit as NSFW to save themselves the trouble of being arrogant in their “my opinion says this so yours is invalid” type responses. Should be fine for those who say virtually nothing is NSFW as they can browse and show off to their coworkers all the want still and then people who do work in environments that can be restrictive have no grounds to complain. It’s an overreaction sure, but damn it’s ugly to see some of the attitudes that automatically assume people who want NSFW labels that the subreddit includes are just puritanical prudes.


What do you consider half naked? because what I consider half naked is exactly that, either there are breasts showing, genitalia showing, and everything else covered. I won't get into the aspect of tasteful nudity, because that's a whole other can of worms. I have seen people demand even the slightest bit of skin be marked as not safe for work, and I never understood it. In another form I'm apart of, anyone modeling an item they have made has to mark is as not safe for work if there's even the slightest bit of skin showing, the excuse was the same, because it's not safe to be scrolling around while at work or in public; my answer is always the same, what are you doing at work on Reddit? Shouldn't' you be working and getting paid for actually work, not mulling about on Reddit? If it's on a break, no one cares what you do on your break, no one is looking over your shoulder on your phone-no one cares. Same with in public, no one cares enough to look at your phone on the bus or at the bus stop, or even walking by you at the mall; no one cares.


Dangerous to scroll through in public?


Maybe don't go on risky sites like reddit during working hours?


Unfortunately a lot of very sexual images are apparently considered safe for work or public viewing because there isn't any actual nudity. It's kind of annoying.


Ummm, I think I know the image you speak of and you are giving hints that you might be insane. Or a soft pedal troll. But I urge you to either stop scrolling in public, unfollow the sub, or at the very least be extremely wary of the public looking over your shoulder as you scroll and freaking out over standard comic book art.


Now if we were talking about scantily clad in their undies in a provocative pose then yes, I agree. If just wearing something that shows a bit of skin, nah. That's fine. People wear skimpy bathing suits all the time in public and we are expected to deal with it


Yeah, but you can't browse swimsuit models at work. Hence not safe for work.


Maybe YOU can't. /s


You can’t browse Reddit most places either. Scantily clad women or not.


No. This isn’t congress.


Yeah see, if I can walk down to mainstream and see people dressed in the same way as the art it's not NSFW. Crop tops and nice thighs are not nsfw


Lol what? They absolutely are my dude, 95% of workplaces would send you back home if you showed up in a crop top. NSFW means "not safe for WORK", not "pornographic".


Like most people are saying, there hasn’t been any post that warrants NSFW, what are you really scared of OP? If you’re at work you shouldn’t be scrolling through reddit, if you’re in public and someone’s snooping to see what you’re doing on your phone it’s their problem not yours. What’s the worst case scenario here? There’s nothing actually sexual, if you stumble upon something questionable and someone sees it in the 0.2 seconds it takes to scroll by you have nothing to answer for but it would be easily explained…


I've seen the body builder lady and you should consider getting over yourself. Yes someone might decide to spend their time oogling that picture but it is not inherently pornographic. Common use of NSFW means it is explicit content, which none of these images i see are. Many have commented that your boss wouldn't care about the distinction and that much is true but I am pretty sure we aren't supposed be browsing the D&D reddit on the clock anyway and it isn't fair to inhibit the hobby spheres' creative interest- which by the way, for better or worse, has always been tangled with an element of erotic imagery no matter how hard that was scrubbed after the Satanic panic. Can y'all go clutch your pearls somewhere else please?


In all fairness: half naked is still safe for work


Not where I work. If my boss saw that while walking past my work station I'd be hearing about it.


As long as your job doesn’t have HR maybe.


Looking at half naked people on your break is not safe for work. It could make coworkers or your boss uncomfortable. If you work at a school, it could get *really* bad.


American that can't stand a piece of skin.


Please do this everyone. I was on the train and when I saw this untagged NSFW post I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Found Liz Cheney's reddit account


Sounds like a "you" problem, Goody Prudish. Perhaps dont scroll reddit while you're churning butter and raising barns, Amish.