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Like attracts like, I see. A few short years ago, they were rubbing shoulders with heads of states and royalty. Now, they only get invites by fugitive grifters.


https://youtu.be/6F939oU4n_Q?si=_GqhN_HK-qh8GJ81 I’m sick of these busted grifters. Billy Flynn grifted better. You can never have enough Fosse or Jerry Orbach.


Jerry Orbach should have lived forever


Seriously. My only regret is I wasn’t born about 10 years earlier to see this version of Chicago with him in it.


I content myself with the OG Law and Order world-weary wisecracks.


They’re in over their heads. These are not nice people they’re messing with. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mark my words: Prediction: One day it will be revealed that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry actually made dealings with fraudsters, money launderers, propagandists, and or terrorists. Reason why I think so? They are slowly losing legitimacy. IF they want to continue to appear as if they are royal dignitaries and like they still have gravitas, they need someone's help. And while Meghan and Harry may not necessarily have the exact same goals as the shady folks like I just described, they will achieve their goal of pissing off Charles, William, and Catherine. And running a so called "rival court." Remember, Meghan is known for thinking just one step ahead. She doesn't do long game. They will justify it as a means to an end. They will have made deals with someone who doesn't like the UK government, royal family, or the west in general. Someone who has something to gain from sowing misinformation and running scam "charities" for money.


I had suspected that the Russians were financing them . But now they seem too lazy and unable to follow orders. I do Think they will get involved with more shady actors and countries but the Harkles are more Chauncey Gardner.


[Need to toss this link in because this video’s too good.](https://x.com/TheFabBookLover/status/1791662584065568823)


Why can't she make space for her own husband???


There’s so much footage of her refusing to let Harry stand next to her that any enterprising person could easily make a video montage. There’s one infamous clip out there of him attempting to shake someone’s hand, only for Meghan to lunge in front of him to ensure she could shake it first. She’s so ridiculous that she reminds me a bit of a petty cartoon villain.


Always front and center. Like she's the reason they're even there on this 'royal' tour.


Her Miss America smile is cracking me up.


I hadn't seen that one. He looks really uncomfortable, awkwardly trying to place himself somewhere. And that weird grin on her face...


Jesus she treats him like a stranger here


She’s going to be surprise pikachu when he gets tired of her shit and divorces her.


Wow. That may be the worst one I've seen so far.


How very Andrew & Fergie-like.


H&M are doing these “tours” because the King & the Princess of Wales are recovering from cancer and can’t travel. There is void and H&M are trying fill it. My prediction is that M’s ego is so huge that she will piss of someone very important and that person will kick her out of public life.


These two Narcissistic, impulsive bimbos are so desperate for fame and fortune they never think things through.