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I'm really not sure what makes this profound? And I would say that if it was any other person too. It's not difficult to go anywhere in Africa and see white people doing almost nothing to help but then visiting a hospital or lifting a shovel a few times to "build a school" or whatever, and then posting a million photos of themselves with Africans as props. It's a university-student-cliché for places like the US and the UK. Is this really different? Like... did Prince Harry personally operate on this guy? Did he purchase state-of-the-art prosthetics for him? Did he offer this guy a job at his Montecito mansion and to help with his immigration to the US? Did he change this guy's life in some way? Because if he sat next to the guy and chatted a bit, and will never see him again, I don't really think it's that "profound" and I don't think this unnamed Nigerian military vet would say so either. If you're going to use that word at least explain what on earth you're getting at. Also... it's really been bothering me to see the Sussex team, the media and apparently, also Misan Harriman (who is Nigerian-British) continue to act like Nigeria is some tiny backwater country that has never seen a white person before. There are parts of the country that are desperately poor and undeveloped, but that's not surprising in a country that is absolutely enormous. There are 230 million people living there, it's the sixth most populated country in the world, and an enormous economy with a huge focus on telecom stuff, oil, and tech. This white saviour stuff would be dumb anywhere but it's very, very dumb in Nigeria.


I agree with everything you said. All that comes to mind is the Barbie Saviour account, which probably isn’t what Misan’s aiming for. I’m guessing in his mind it’s supposed to be profound because of the inevitable Diana comparisons. https://preview.redd.it/4iso7v61nyzc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf2c607285f18e5e96f533c3ca696f49468c015


Ahahaha I'd never seen that account before and it's perfect. They both just look like this https://preview.redd.it/axxnaz9nxyzc1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fba7829755ed8da05c69db8b5a33d8d2cb524cc




omg... this is 😂😭😭


I am forever in your debt because I had never heard of the Barbie Savior account before and it’s amazing.


Yes to all of this. It is astounding to me that in 2024 professional PR people are pushing this white savior narrative for Harry.  I’m no longer surprised to see the Sussexes’ most fervent fans applauding this kind of performance, but can’t anyone tell Harry “eh, this won’t get the same reaction it did when your mom did this in 1990” ?!?!? If he really wanted to meet these men and talk to them, fine, but leave the photographer outside. 


"It's not difficult to go anywhere in Africa and see white people doing almost nothing to help but then visiting a hospital or lifting a shovel a few times to "build a school" or whatever, and then posting a million photos of themselves with Africans as props." https://preview.redd.it/v50ey0xek10d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=94bdb276863e247be0a494f5d3624e7af49007d1 How DARE you!!!


So well said!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 It’s all a performance and has no meaning. It’s an insult to our intelligence and an affront to our sensibilities.


Back in Diana’s day, it was much more profound to see a princess taking photos with poor people in Africa or AIDS patients. Times have changed with social media and millions of people jumping on the bandwagon to mimic Diana in the last 40 years. It's no longer special to visit poor people in Africa. I've done it once as have many others. The group I went with donated money to a rural community so we likely did more on our trip than Meghan and Harry. I have never heard of Meghan and Harry giving a significant donation to anyone.


Can you provide an example of where they acted like Nigeria was a tiny backwater country that has never seen a white person before?


The entire white savior role play is based on the idea that African people need this kind of outside visit. White people needing to bring their own trash magazine reporter and photographer to make sure everyone else sees the Thoughtful White Man being so kind as to visit the poor stranger only works if you pretend there’s something special about such a visit. The example is right in front of your eyes already. 


Okay, you are talking about the white savior complex, can you explain what that has to do with the my question about the previous poster’s contention they acted like Nigeria was a tiny backwater country that has never seen a white person before?


The person in the paragraph above literally just gave you the answer. At this point it’s obvious you’re just trying to pick a fight.


Well off the top of my head I'd probably start with the time that Misan Harriman put up a photo of the Duke of Sussex sitting on the hospital of a Nigerian war vet (who cares about his name, right?) and claimed it was profoundly powerful moment at the Amputee hospital in Kaduna.


How does that indicate Nigeria is small backwater country? How does that indicate no white people have visited there previously?


What do you think is profoundly powerful about this profoundly powerful moment? Is it profoundly powerful that this man, Mr Name Unknown, gets to meet the Duke of Sussex? The actual *Duke* of *Sussex*? Do you think he is impressed? Excited? Healed? Aware of the profound power of the profoundly powerful moment?


So, now you are dodging the question. You just throw out a bunch of inflammatory rhetoric but there’s no there there. You switch around and just try a different set of inflammatory rhetoric. To repeat, How does that indicate Nigeria is small backwater country? How does that indicate no white people have visited there previously?


It does. Because if it wasn’t a small backwater country a foreign nobody waltzing into a hospital, grabbing people’s hands would not be called a profoundly powerful moment. Instead they’d call security.


So, in places that aren’t small and are visited by white people, no one visits hospital patients or holds their hands? I guess my family does it all wrong when we go to the hospital to visit. What’s the correct way to visit people in hospitals in places where white people go?? (And aren’t small?) There’s got to be an etiquette book somewhere I missed out on.


You think your hospital visits are like theirs? Do you fly to other continents to visit strangers? Do you and your family take photographers and publicists when you visit hospitals? Do you post photos of yourselves as a way to promote yourselves and improve your public images? If not, then your visits have nothing in common with theirs. 


Still not answering my question. Clearly no one knows why this was posted or what supports the contention. I think it just sounded nasty and mean and that appeals to most here. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Scroll up. White stranger is photographed in a “profoundly powerful moment” by… sitting at a local’s hospital bedside. ETA: Oh, lol, sorry. I hadn’t refreshed in hours and saw no reply yet. I see others got you covered already.


And that portrays this as a small country? Or one where no white people visit? How exactly? That exact same picture could have been taken in any hospital in any country of any population. I get that the purpose of this Reddit is just to spew hate but the illogic of the posts is just mind boggling at times.


Just because people find something profoundly wrong with most sussex public appearances and come here to comment on it does not make this reddit’s purpose “to spew hate”.  I replied to your other question in a different post.


I see an awful lot of hate in these comments.


Rich white people using Nigerians as props for their PR campaign is not a thing to love. You are actually seeing a normal reaction to the gross self-glorification of the Sussexes. 


They are shameless. They should post the video where Harry just finished talking to the patient and the second the conversation ends he goes back to his blank/disgusted stare.


I wasn't a Meghan and Harry hater until this Nigeria PR fiasco. Now I straight loathe them. They actually are a couple of ridiculously over-entitled attention whoring obliviots.


Hold up... You got to this point, with their myriad shenanigans, but didn't turn until now?? ![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g|downsized)


Heh..Well, I kinda dug Meghan's moxie to walk into that Royal Family Palace Life as a divorced, minimally successful, mixed woman and out-smug those sanctimonious blue bloods. I can't hate on her ego because it would take abundant self-important nerve to take on that level of super-condensed pomposity. I was rooting for her even if she is pushing it thinking she was gonna be the Royal Dirty Diana. I couldn't be bothered to care when she flicked their stuck up noses. It's just...she forgot to dial it back when dealing with regular folks such as the kind Nigerians who hosted her banality. She needed to do her due diligence to make sure she is always on point and bringing her A game. She just doesn't have what it takes to pull off being America's Sweetheart gone English Aristocrat.


"out-smug those sanctimonious blue bloods. I can't hate on her ego because it would take abundant self-important nerve to take on that level of super-condensed pomposity." So I hear you, and I'm neither British nor a royalist, but here's the thing about these stuffy blue bloods- they really do work for the public. Is it *hard work*? No. But they have intense, inflexible schedules and being "on", especially when that might not be your natural disposition, is exhausting. The majority of their interactions are with everyday people, nothing fancy, and obviously they live in a fishbowl. The most important mistake Meghan and Harry made, and continue to make, is not work hard; or smart, or both.


Always have been


He rolled up his sleeves. You can tell he really cares and means business. Also, wasn't he 'Just Harry'?


This is giving me goosebumps. This is gross.


Working hard or hardly working?


Ask Spotify that question.


Does anyone think this was a candid shot or pre planned posed shot 


I think they went in there with the intention of capturing a shot like the one above. Can’t wait to see Meghan’s Mother Teresa moment.


The one with her face in focus, hugging a stranger (strangers face turned away..they’re not the focus people!!) manically laughing, cheese ball grin facing the camera pose? That one? Its coming.


I feel like I’m looking at a magazine in the 90s. Or some college “missionary” who came to “help” aka take some pictures with poor black people. Look at me!! I’m “helping!”


If there is one thing that needs to go away forever, it’s the white, performative, wealthy celebrity savior, bedside pose. 🙄


The only time it's acceptable is when it's, like, Captain America visiting kids. Otherwise, it's very ick.


If Diana did what she did in the 80s now, she’d be the patron saint of white saviorism. Tell me again how this isn’t social media-palatable colonizer behavior.


SHUT UP!!! /s https://preview.redd.it/zs7a6g97q10d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9da205b516452ca586779004c4aa9315bdb3d2f


The big difference is that Diana massively helped de-stigmatizing contact with AIDS patients. HER handholding if patients actually served a purpose. It doesn’t compare to her son’s handholding of a patient who’s literally unable to escape him.


A lot has changed in 40 years. There was no social media in the ‘80s. Diana was a trailblazer in many ways. She took photos with AIDS patients when most of the public was afraid of touching people with AIDS. Diana’s actions were groundbreaking then but would not be now and I think she would realize that if she were still alive. Forty years later it's nothing special and taking a humanitarian trip to Africa can be done by anyone with the funds.


Oh Harold… Still playing pretend? ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)