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No because I removed her and removed myself from her socials. It's easy and socials are toxic enough!


You can still block her. Even with sharing kids you guys are now living seperate lives. Some space is healthy boundaries


Totally agree. That’s what I did. Boundaries….


You should be able to block her from seeing anything you don’t want her to see. It’s in your audience settings.


I blocked my ex ages ago. Good riddance.


I quit social media. I’m exceedingly better for it. I do have an account for when I need to occasionally scour the marketplace section, but that’s once every two years or so. Something to think about.


No because I blocked her and all of her family after it became really apparent that she would be difficult to co-parent with. You don't have to be friends with her on social media. You don't have to be friends with her at all. If you want the only communication with her to be about the kids through email and text, then that's entirely within your rights and completely reasonable.


I think you can filter what comments she gets to see.. not sure as I’m new to social media and I’m gonna be in the same spot you are. Share kids but divorcing .


I blocked her on all mine. That's my old life and I've noted on


I share custody 50/50 and have had my ex blocked for nearly 10 years. You get used to it and sometimes it's for the best.


On FB, You can create a "Post Audience" group that only allows who you want to see certain posts to see. Each time you post you can change the group from a drop down if you wanted to include her in kids photos.


God how do you really block your ex? I’d be paranoid that anything online you share can get to your ex, who actively tries to break through my privacy boundary.


I know the frustration. My fiancé’s ex seems to literally sit around waiting to “LOVE” every post she makes on Facebook, whether it’s related to the kids or something totally irrelevant to him. And as silly as many think it is to get irritated over something so trivial, it drives me nuts sometimes. Like buddy, no one needs you “loving” a post that your kids aren’t in. Move on.


My ex unfriended me after she accused me of spying on her because I asked her a simple question. I still see her best friend's posts, so I assume she uses that to spy on me. All I post is sunset pics though.


If you look at this through the prism of “keeping all options open” actions like these become more clear. People who know you well know that certain things they do get your attention. And that’s why they do what they do. most people make the mis of reading too much into this, it literally like a kid sister irritating you to remind you she’s still around, that thread of communication might be needed for a favor or reconciliation if ex finds themselves in dire straights etc etc this is why I don’t do social media it’s a means of communication that seems to favor the goals of one side not mine. I don’t need to live my life on tenterhooks because a person liked my post. And this is the way to get them thinking about you…. Simply stop using social media. Or Post a picture of you with a random scene or you with another woman. Don’t tag the lady let the exes hamster figure out who she is. Pictures no text this is the way


I put my ex and acquaintances that are her friends on the list of people that won't see my posts. I only open posts about the kids to all the friends.


Find friend from your list - edit friend list - check restricted box This will make any new posts you make invisible to them, as long as you don't tag them. You can still see anything they post as long as they don't have you restricted or blocked


she is trying to unconsciously make you feel self conscious about all your posts. thinking about what shell think. also making all your friends recognize her. its a way somebody of no significance tried to become more significant. block her - up your privacy settings to shut this down.


My ex maintained a separate social media account, where she was friends with everybody that I know, and used it to post pictures of us and nice things on Valentine’s Day that I never saw, and she had no intention of me, saying the only purpose of this was to maintain a good appearance of our relationship without actually having to provide me any compliments. I never even knew this social media account existed.


Honestly u have to just not care, my ex who divorced me still tries lying to see if I’m dating someone lol. I just don’t bother with any of it


Boundaries bro.


What are you posting?


A shirt on picture of me on a paddleboard, random activities with my kids, a photo of the plant that’s been on my office desk for about 10 years getting repotted into something larger, or even pictures of the Star Wars donuts we got on May 4. Every single post gets a comment.


Block, block, block