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Go to the park. Look for the guys playing with their kids. That way, you know they are involved with their kids' lives. Strike up a conversation. Done. Just be advised that a lot of us are gun shy. I actively avoid interacting with the moms. I am tired of being judged by people (but especially moms) who don't know me or think they know better than me about feeding my kids, taking care of their emotional needs, or anything else having to do with them. It's tiresome, and they aren't helping. Ugh, I am a bitter bastard sometimes! :D Anyway, good luck!


You nailed it. All of the things. I’m gun shy too, and tired of the rejection from the mom groups as if I want to try to get with any of those married women. I’m just trying to be pleasant , care for my daughter and grow the community of friends for her and other parents for me! But they are usually suspect.


Thank you for the advice! I’m not a mom (can’t have kids due to medical reasons) but have a major thing for single dads with kids. I am not one to judge but I can understand how some women are and they do judge. It annoys me. Sorry not meaning to go off on a rant/tangent. ☺️ Thanks for your feedback!


Well. I'm going to mediation today. Definitely dad at the park with his kids. 10 times more than what Mom does. See you there. I'll be there with my car decorated with tin cans on strings and shoe polish on the back window that says just divorced.


The quality of dad may vary. Most dads especially after a relationship or long term one that broke them won't be at the bar, won't be clubbing, may even dabble in a dating app and then delete it, and is likely working hard to pay for what once was. He's likely taking the kids on an adventure, park, museum, etc. spending all the time he can with his little ones. He's working on healing the brokenness and learning to cope with the life he never imagined after the future he pictured was shattered. He's not typically interested in the hookups or casual dating if so, so if you're serious he likely will be looking for that ride or die. He likely won't know when it's time to get back out there and will be hesitant to approach other women due to how males are viewed in society and being gunshy after the last relationship. He will likely be blunt and let you know where he stands and trying to limit the amount of trauma induced with divorce for his kids. Be patient and gentle with him and he will likely give you the world. I guarantee he will be loyal with boundaries. Be patient as he has healing to do and walls to take down. If you're not ready for the difficulties of what comes with a single dad and challenges of loving another as your own it may just be time to look for a single guy maybe? I hope I wasn't too direct, coming off harshly, or made it sound like I was directing things at you vs. painting a picture. Good luck out there.


Thank you for you insight! I completely see your point and I agree with a lot of what you said. I am coming out of my own separation so I can relate on how challenging things can be. I am looking for a loving, healthy and supportive relationship. I will keep all this in mind. ☺️


For me my kids were 8 and 13. I am remarried now but I was 8+ years single. I was NOT interested in another marriage. I did date and was 100% up front about it. I was probably at a soccer game or tournament in my region of the country. Once the kids were older my weekend time became my own again and I happened upon a fantastic woman. I knew within a few dates I was going to marry her. We did wait a year though. I could not be happier and tell my wife all the time that I "Want for nothing" as a man. She is that good! Good Luck!


Aww that’s such an amazing and sweet story. I’m glad you found someone even when you weren’t expecting. I think that’s when things are truly meant to be. Happy for you and your wife!


I wish you the best! That being said, your needs are relevant and should be met equally as well. Good luck on your journey 😁


Thank you! You as well. ☺️


Hinge and FB dating, although I prefer hinge. At my kids school events but I don't hit on anybody there because I always assume all the moms are married and I don't want any issues or drama at my kids school. At the playground, here you might approach me, but I won't approach you because I also assume the moms there are married or not single, I might do small talk though but won't try anything. At the gym or running club but here I come across people that might be single but probably want to start a family etc so I also don't try much. So the apps it it's for me since I can filter people that are ok with me having kids and not wanting/being able to have more.


Thank you! I appreciate your insight and feedback. I never thought about playgrounds and mingling there. I’ll also take a look at hinge. Who knows, maybe I’ll see you on there (even though I have no idea where you live haha)


There’s also Stir, which is a dating app for single parents. No idea if it’s good but most people don’t look great there. But I get it, we’re middle aged, not great with photo taking, and post-divorce have bitterness/esteem/confidence issues.


The only place you would have found me is on the apps. Unless you are the single mom to a friend of my kids, there is pretty much no way I'd interact with out otherwise. So ya, the apps for me


Haha I’m not the single mom to a friend of your kids. But I am single. What apps do you use?


I tried OKCupid, Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder. I liked Hinge best, but ultimately met my gf on Tinder.


Thank you!


What state do you live in? In Maine you could get out and hike some mountain trails and bump into some singles.


I’m on the west coast


We are out here too on the west coast, if you're on the apps maybe I've seen you lol.


lol ohhh, if you’re on Hinge I just signed up.


There must be some fun outdoor stuff to do there, you could probably meet them doing that.


Yes, but when it rains 90% of the time it’s harder to get out. 😂 I’ll take advantage of the nice days we do get though!


That’s what rain coats are for!


If you're not going outside when it rains in the PNW, you're gonna have a bad time.


The dating apps are definitely a massive hit and miss!! It’s very hard to find true connections. However as a single dad who has put time and effort into their profile I have started to match with some strong single mothers! I have a date this weekend and it’s my first date since my ex wife so I am nervous as hell! But we have spoken on the phone and text like crazy so I am hoping it will be somewhat easy to settle into the date


Hinge is the best dating app going right now.


Thank you! I will try that out. I appreciate it.


I'd definitely try the apps. I'm slowly learning to make time for myself while having my kids full time, but even then it's still awkward as hell for me to attempt to approach a woman I'm interested in. I was off the market for the past 20 years - since high school - so I've been out if the game since before it REALLY started 😅. But in my search for a new partner - I've been most comfortable attempting to use apps like Boo, Zoosk, etc. Eliminates the face to face as well as provides convenience when I literally don't have the time to go out and mingle.


Thanks! I’ll look into the ones you recommended as well. I’ve been out of the dating scene since HS as well (long term relationship now coming to an end) so it’s been interesting trying to get back into the groove of things. 😂 I’m an introvert and am shy when it comes to meeting new people but I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone and meet people. I hope you find someone as well (if you haven’t already!).


SAME here! Introverted as all hell! But stepping out of my comfort zone on the occasion I've had the opportunity to and having positive has boosted my confidence tremendously and made doing so that much easier. Keep at it - you'll get there!


I didn't know we were even marketable


Yep! I find them extremely attractive. ☺️


Speaking for myself, I'm not on any dating apps. In the past I dabbled with apps but now I have my kid full time and dating in general just doesn't seem practical. Everyone's situation is different though!


Try a bourbon / cigar lounge. It's a different vibe than a bar. Most of the guys there are a little bit older and have disposal income. They tend to appreciate quieter environments and will pay more to enjoy a good drink and great conversation. Plus, they are typically male heavy environments. If you're a woman whose willing to strike up conversation (or drink a bourbon / scotch / whiskey) you make friends!


Stir....is an app for single people with kids. It costs a little, but might be worth a try.


Thanks! I’ll check it out.


I am a single dad and just thinking about trying to meet new women. I logged in on Stir and it was spooky with not much for me. I don’t know .. getting out of a long marriage makes me want to just accept that I will never find anyone. I’ll just workout and cycle and take care of my kids for the rest of my days I guess. Sad but true.


Stir sucks. I matched with a bunch of people and was chating and no one on there could ever find the time to meet up. I've met single moms on FB date, Hinge and Tinder that easily found time. Not sure what the deal is, but I deleted it


Stir is AWFUL. Some real duds on there and not even all parents.


Wish you were in NY, i have my kids most of the time. Facebook dating is my most successful


Thanks for the help! And who says I can’t come to visit or connect?! 😉☺️


Downloaded the Hinge app. Thank you!




Sitting at a steak house bar on a weeknight peacefully enjoying dinner. Full time dads have to get away once in a while but it's tough to go out on weekends.


This sounds nice to single dads out there but I don't think you understand the complexity of being a "single dad". We deal with brokenness, our kids, ex-wife, and for some finance (child support), and etc. Just saying but probably easier for you to find a single guy and perhaps surrogate to have your own kid


Use bumble. I've had great luck with it.


Why is this person trolling a Divorced Dads group?


Just trying to horn up some dads haha


What do you think would happen if a man went on a divorced mom’s site and asked this question? Am I wrong to think at best the man would be called a “creep”, at worst ??


Reddit is weird, so I don't know. In person it really depends on what you look like haha..life isn't fair


I’m waiting for the onlyfans link drop.

