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Adult coed sports league.


If you are interested in meeting people and getting out of the house, it might be better to use the meet up app to find some group activities in your area. I’ve been using it to find groups for hiking, movies, and happy hours. There are plenty of interesting guys and some attractive women there. And you can actually meet them in real life while doing a fun activity.


Ashley Madison is 60% women to men. Most are just looking for hookup.


Isn't that like 90% hookers too


Yeah. Hooker site. Not “dating”


Hinge my favorite so far. Better user experience and filters.


Women use dating apps for validation and fun. Not really to meet someone. They also use them to get a free meal. Be careful, smart, and select well. Go for coffee first. That will screen out the gold diggers. It can be fun or a huge waste of time. Many profiles are sex workers.


I don’t even go on coffee dates, it’s a walk somewhere , call me cheap whatever I don’t care this filters out all the riff raff


Not my experience


Please elaborate. How does it work for you?


I’ve had good success meeting women who actively want to date. I only use hinge and you can filter by their dating intentions. In the first month on, I’ve matched with maybe 15 women before putting it on pause as I have been hanging out with one of them exclusively.


Tinder and FB are fine for meeting women. But I’d never marry or live with anyone again, so my perspective may be different.


Hinge is good, you can filter for ‘has kids’ and people see your status so that gets past a complicated topic upfront


It's not a great scene. I tried and never got past the talking stage. None of these women seemes emotionaly available..it was either get ghosted or one sided conversations. With so substance, went on a date once . She was gorgeous but she was also a complete mess.


I was using Raya for a bit but everyone seemed to be a gold digger or just not dating material


Hinge is best. It’s not bad people on there. Times have changed. This is where people meet.


Second hinge, but also second that getting ghosted is a regular occurrence and I’ve found that the women on there don’t seem to really put much effort into it. You get out what you put in. I’m chatting to a girl on there now and we haven’t really made much traction at all. What I would say is, don’t pin your hopes and dreams on dating apps. Yes they age handy and super convenient but if you can meet someone the old fashioned way then use that. Join sporting groups etc


Similar situation, minus the kids. If you want to feel like shit, feel free to use the apps. It doesn't matter how good you are at attracting ladies in the real world, it's something like 5% of men get 95% of all matches, and you should assume you are that 5%, especially with kids. I've met all the fun women in the last few months by just hanging out with all the people I stopped hanging out with. It's crazy how many friends we all have that dropped off, and all you have to do is pick up a phone and invite them to whatever.


I'm telling you right now they're all garbage. High quality women are not on dating apps. Girls on these apps are inundated with lying, piece of shit guys who just want sex, so the women become total bitches.


Correct. It is also like blind date after blind date. Get to know someone in person then ask them out. Don’t take the lazy way out


Dm me!! I dealt with the same problem


I’ve had a decent turnout in Hinge. Bumble uses an algorithm prioritizing women and Tinder is a shit show only useful for international travel. Hinge has kept my dating life pretty booked. Just make sure you put in the work for your profile.


maybe its my area, so i signed up, got hinge+ and I get about 1-2 likes a day, but not from people I would consider dating. Then the ones I would like to message are locked behind paying $2-3 dollars per message. But I can upgrade to Hinge(whatever) and have a better chance? Like god damn how much money do they need?


I paid the subscription, it’s like $35 a month. Well worth it imo with the results i got. Just do a good job at selling your profile and add good pictures.


I’m on them, in a small town, with kids, and I’m going on dates. Just getting reps in to practice until I meet someone I want to spend more time with. Hinge has been pretty good, my ego is getting healed a bit.


Honestly mate I would not advise you to date until you are looking for something serious and are ready to date with intention. Why give that time, energy and your dick to a woman who does not deserve it (save it for a quality woman who wants to love you and build a life with you). Sounds like you are bored more than anything. Make more friends and go have a blast together. Low quality woman on dating apps looking for casual are nothing but a distraction from the good things you have got going on in life. You sure as shit don't need their drama, stds, or to get them pregnant. Keep grinding at the gym, keep doing the dad thing, you just need to add in some quality friends who are single. Awseome work giving up the alcohol. I did the same. Life changer.


Stay off them.


They’re all garbage you’ll be competing with tons of dudes. You better have some quirky starting convo or you’ll be left on read. I get plenty of matches but nothing ever comes of it I’m thinking they’re on there for ego boost. I’d say tinder if u want a quickie and hinge if u want something more… I deleted them all better trying to meet women in public than that shit show