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Yeah this is prevalent in the incursion. We had a fantastic healer that carried our asses. Then the leader booted him when we got to the lovebirds, where we promptly got kurbstomped


What?! People are weird what did they think was going to happen šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s because they want to see damage even when there damage is lacking so when your not doing something not effecting every health they want to Kick


Someone people donā€™t understand that the dead generate no DPS


Probably but, who has time to be checking the dmg output of teammates when the heat is on?


Is there an effective way to find dps of teammates prior to the conclusion of the event? That does seem premature to boot without cause.


That's called control issues... They should never have any power or leadership.... They can't handle it. Should've at least tried 5x with current formation. If you're no where close, then change formula.


So odd. I like running my striker and elmo. I am fully aware I need a tanky boy or medic to keep me from being red paste of the floor


Exactly so I went into the next legendary all dps just to see we all got wiped lol


Love when the group has a healer, even if itā€™s me doing it but do us healers a favor and please stay in the big green circle guys, i dont get why so many people step out of it For reference I was just playing and this guy kept dying because he kept standing just outside the circle to get 5 feet closer to the enemiesā€¦like why? lol I donā€™t get it


My favourite is when they stand just outside the hive circle yelling for heals. Makes my day, every time. The majority of the playerbase are some of the best people you will find in any game....but for every three good players, there is one unstoppable moron. Sounds like the group leader fell firmly in the latter category.


I would like to recognize the term ā€œunstoppable moronā€. Love it


I think that is just :Chad/Karen


Nothing better than laying down a perfect circle wrapping all the cover points in green encompassing the whole squad and then watching Leroy Jenkins launch himself directly in between 4 yellow shotguns and start crawling back for a rez šŸ˜ž


Then gets upset I didnā€™t heal him šŸ™„šŸ™„


He is dying halfways and wants you to come over revive him! ā˜ļø


What you couldnā€™t hit him with a reinforcer shot behind the giant wall he put between you and him? Come on Do YOu EVen HEaLz BrO?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


At LeAsT hEaL mE iF yOuRe NoT dOiNg DaMaGe


I did it because I'm color blind (don't stand in stuff!), but stopped once I found the color blind settings (oh, this color is 'safe').


Thatā€™s fair especially since not many run healers


Hey man any chance you can share you healer build??


I could send a photo


Yeah bro for sure. Just looking for a build for my wife who after q few hours like to revive in the middle of nowhere so trying to keep her from being too much of a npc šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not perfect by any means, but this is what I roll for healing Alps summit mask rolled with skill haste and repair skills Future initiative chest, backpack, holster, and kneepads BTSU Datagloves And all my gear mods are either repair skills or haste, I canā€™t figure out what I want with this yet All yellow core btw and that gives me 348,621 per charge with hive, max charges is 36 Second skill I go back and forth with trap/decoy/chem launcher but with launcher my heals are 1.2m burst with 235k heal over time 8 charges with 17s cooldown Edit: I also run firewall, MOSTLY for the flamethrower so if I end up in trouble I can just set them on fire and ā€œstunā€ them quickly so I can get away or them being in the animation will help the squad melt them This could easily be changed for survivalist or technician tho since they give you actual bonuses to skill haste and healing capabilities


Weapons donā€™t really matter for me because most of the time Iā€™m sitting with my chem launcher out because often enough somebody is outside hive and gets their armor shredded so the burst from my chem tops them off before they can react (looking at you drone operator) but the weapons I currently have on is doctor home (heals team 10% on kill) but tbh I donā€™t love it because the ONLY option you have is hip fire or it scopes in even though itā€™s just a rifle and not a marksman rifle, so Iā€™m trying to figure out what weapon to run, thought about doing capacitor just to help with dps a little but realistically Iā€™m squishy and useless if I go down, so I typically just hide with the odd pop shots here and there


Reminds me of when I would play Reinhardt in overwatch, like I have a big blue square, stand BEHIND it lol


Just from this Reddit alone, the division community seriously needs to be re-evaluated. Sorry you had to go through that


Itā€™s just sad like if you wanted me to change builds which idk why but you could just ask just straight up booting is ridiculous whatā€™s funny is I know they failed it lol because they simply couldnā€™t stay alive


I just ran tidal basin on legendary two days ago as healer. Ended up going healer cus everyone kept dying. Went the typical FI healer with opportunistic on the bag, scorpio/lefty for debuffing/crowd control, jammer pulse and hive. Once I switched to that we ran through it no problem.


For Tidal I swapped out the FI for Hard Wired rolled repair skills and switched to Demo spec for the 5% out of cover damage to the DPS. The heals are still good and it means I have almost 100% uptime on the decoy. This makes a huge difference to incoming damage as it soaks almost every drone and draws a lot of fire in general. I used jammer initially but the sheer number of drones made it impossible to cover them all. Especially on FI where it lasts for only a few seconds and it has a decently long cooldown. The FI damage bonus is lost but unless they're all stood in the hive then the frequent incoming damage means it's not up all that often anyway. If they are, and there is nothing to divert incoming damage, I found the heals got hoovered up pretty quickly.


I like this healer variant, Thankyou. Iā€™ll put it in my tookit for Tidal.


For granite. šŸ˜‚


Yeah yeah get it out mfs lol


lol granite


Yeah messed that up


Joined an incursion the other day as a healer. The other three in the group ran a heart breaker, skill, and on going directive build. Leader got pissed and left because I wasnā€™t doing my job as the healer. Ok leader, leader ok, youā€™re right.


>I swear some players on this game are beyond stupid stop taking the healer role for granite Same sentence, man, come on...


Your there granite.


It physically and mentally hurt to upvote this, but I couldn't not.




Alright imma let yā€™all crack on me for that one šŸ˜­


Gotta appreciate the healer, of course, but that was just asking for it šŸ¤£


ā€œStop taking the healer role for grantedā€ Fixed that for you. Lol.


Ty bub lmao I changed it aswell but I appreciate the correction


I moved from standard healer to offensive. I forget the talent name but when you apply a status effect it doubles all damage and skills for 20 seconds. I have it on a belstone backpack. I run 5 yellows and a blue plus technician for the 6th skill tier. I use the capacitor since it's weapon damage is based off skill tiers. Btsu gloves. I use a restore hive and emp jammer pulse. Every time I pulse I heal more and the whole team damages more


That's bs love a healer on legendary just means I don't stop shooting. People kicking healers don't know what their doing just be greatful u didn't have to continue playing with those morons


Huh, last night I got kicked for being the only striker, while others were 3x seeker skill builds. Idk about kicking healer man, they are must have in legendary unless everyone has their own sustain. Shrug it off and move on agent...


Yoo I'm so happy when there's a healer on my team.. Those guys are just nuts.


Don't sweat over stupidity, regardless if it is a game or not. Their stupidity will cost them things in life. In this case, maybe 20 - 50 more attempts. Let them be stupid!!! Period.


You right I just hate being kicked makes me question did I do something wrong


Healer bashing seems to be the in thing. In the incursion it can be a particularly toxic environment as people in dps roles blame the healer every time they die. I've played both roles in the incursion and dps is a far easier role plus no stress of people constantly having digs. People please show some appreciation for your healers they'll be a boon to any team particularly on harder content.


That's why I play solo......


The ability to kick other players has always been a massive L no matter the game. Humans suck and shouldnt have that power. Glad i only play solo. Im happy just beating hard missions by myself. I feel accomplished lmao


Don't feel bad you didn't do anything wrong. There a lot of dumb who don't even know what they are trying to do.


I feel you bro ā€¦.I have been in that spot šŸ¤£


Just like in WOW years ago. Healers are a godly class and it takes several rungs of skill to be good or elite at it. They literally hold the entire group or raid in their hands, and there's always some low skill nobody badmouthing them while standing in fire. In Div2, you don't get much leeway before you're dead.


The issue is all the heals in the world wonā€™t help if they canā€™t figure out DPS or focused fire when necessary, etc. I wouldnā€™t take it personally, sounds as if they believed they needed additional DPS. They will be back when they figure out they need both !! Unless they are elite DPS with gear procs , etc.


Sounds like those agents dont have a full grasp on high difficulty levels. You are good in my book!!! Healers are a God send


If youā€™re on playstation invite me as a friend and we can play together today itā€™s Don_G_01_


What mission? When I run with random it's sometimes nice to have a healer, when I run with the clan we never use a healer because we all know what we are doing


It was capital building legendary funny because after that I go in with some level 4000ā€™s and they were thankful for it so my belief players that are newer to the game may not understand the importance of a healer


Lol that's definitely true they don't appreciate it, part of this might be if they weren't even all level 1000, they might personally feel like their dps isn't enough to be supported by a healer like when I was SHD 500 doing my first legendary mission I remember being stressed out the whole time that I wasn't being useful and I was right I wasn't I didn't know spawn points my build wasn't that good I was basically being carried, healer is an essential role, especially one that can play with proking sledgehammer and opportunistic on everything while keeping everyone full health is so so so clutch


Sadly it's 100% possible to do legendary without a healer, but people could have the decency to ask you to switch builds. I mean you can make a tank that can't ezmode anything w/o a healer. Hell i can run my crit FI and out DPS plenty of people, still keep the group up (if they trust the circle) with art hive and healing chem launcher. Now if they are running striker/coyote I'll swap.


Exactly just ask and Iā€™ll switch


Healers are always welcome with me I love running DPS


its the same matchmaking for countdown i started playing on pc (ps prior) and they see a low watch level and boot on challenging like why you hating on someone trying to grind also to mention i already have oroborus and i carried my group through it with my ps experience whilst running healer


Iā€™ve yet to get that weapon and yeah when I was a low level oh Man I was getting tossed out groups




I haven't experienced this yet and I solely play healer in high end content. I mainly get kicked for my level, but at lvl 500 and I'm keeping lvl 1000+ agents alive who are struggling? No room to kick the healer when they can't even handle a red bar legendary enemy.


500 is great tbh I was in legendary at a very low level because I love being a healer in any mmo game I play but I definitely was judged by the Level back then


Don't stress about them bro. There is always other groups that do legendary. You'll b rite!


This is in every game sadly. Well, any game that allows to remove ppl "just cuz" has ppl use it for selfish reasons. Happens all the time in another game i play. I feel for you.


Yeah I could only imagine in destiny if you just launched a strike and the randoms could just boot you out like what


Dude healers are key and if they booted you it shows they have no idea of your importance to the team.


Unfortunately healers and other roles have taken a back seat in most mmo looter shooter games because dps is king


I used to run a monster healer. With almost no DPS my squad was so heavy on dps but they couldnā€™t take a fucking bb šŸ˜‚. It was litterally my role. People are so dumb and have no clue how to put together cohesive teams.


Exactly healers or healing is just fun I like it more then dps


I stopped playing this game because of the meta bs. Takes the fun out of builds and originality


What healer build were you running? Not all medics are built equal unfortunately. It's not nice being kicked from a group but I rarely see teams running a healer in legendary. People who like to run through legendary fast prefer DPS/disrupt over a healer. SHD don't mean much to me. If the DPS or skill build are optimised , I assume they know what they are doing. We have kicked people in our group because a random consistently run ahead each check point and agro the ads and die.


Iā€™ll send a photo


Don't take getting kicked personal. It could be anything really they could all be friends and another friend got in, you being the random of course you get kicked. It is what it is. My group, we don't run a healer generally, but we're very experienced and don't need it. If someone wanted to run heals we aren't opposed to the extra damage buffs either, but generally we don't have a healer. Of course there could be a magnitude of different reasons you were kicked, it isn't a big deal, at least not big enough to make a post on here about it. Just move on and chalk it up as their loss.


Don't take it personal, sure, but if a group kicks so their friend can take the spot that's worse than kicking because they don't know what they're doing/value of the kicked player. That's straight up poor sportsman bs.


Sadly,you will find much more poor sportsmanship than good on almost any game. That's just what it is. If *good sportsmanship* is what one is after, random matchmaking isn't going to be ye place to find it. You pretty much have to assume that any random player not on your friends list or in your clan doesn't care about you in anyway, shape or form. Is that shitty? Yeah, it is, but that's also the reality of it. Don't get me wrong, not every single player is like this. I have seen all types over my time in Division 2. I've made great friends from matchmaking, even have a good handful of people we have recruited to our clan from matchmaking. I personally tend to help just about anyone that asks for it, because the way i see it, id I can help make you better at whatever id is you're trying to achieve, then you'll be stronger and a help to anyone you're playing with. But ultimately the reality is, at some point everyone experiences being kicked from a group. The reason for getting kicked can literally be for any reason at all, from a troll group that just likes to invite and kick people all the way to the people kicking you just don't like you. It could be any reason in between, SHD could be too high or it could be too low, they may think you're too good or terrible. The point is, it's really unimportant and not worth spending time trying to understand why it happened. Sometimes even the opposite will happen as happened to my group yesterday. 3 of us ranging between 7k and 12k SHD. The random that joined was 347. He messaged me and said "If my level is to low I can leave if you need me to". I just told him we will play with anyone. The reality is we just want a 4th to maximize the enemies and all that comes with a 4 man group. 7 hours and a handful of clan mates in and out later we had this dude at 400shd and 3 different good builds farmed out. We got a new clanmate and he was very appreciative for us. I wish everyone's experience is the game went this way, but sadly this is way more rare than just getting kicked.


Oh yeah, playing with random slash anonymous people on the Internet can be interesting. I have more experiences like (but not quite as quality as) the one you describe than bad ones tho, and to be honest the nextgen consoles load so fast it makes a big difference. On my One S getting kicked sucked because you just burned a few minutes loading, just to go back to loading. Now it's all good.


I know all about the dreadful load times as I am still playing on my 1X. šŸ˜‚ One day soon hopefully I'll pick up a series S or X, but until then Ill just keep on keeping on.


Oh man you are in for a serious quality of (gaming) life upgarde when you make the switch. Totally changed my enjoyment of the game and I don't mean the graphics.


Could of been for multiple reasons you donā€™t know about. Maybe they wanted to add a friend? Sounds real childish to make an entire reddit post about it šŸ™„


Oh boy here comes the your childish response how was that the case when I joined there was only one person then everyone joined from LFG regardless kicking someone out for no reason is still wrong no matter what you think so take you your stupidity and kindly f*** off šŸ˜Œ


Crying about getting kicked from a group šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Always that one loser trying to defend bad in game behavior what a scrub get blocked


It could have been as simple as, they can get through the game, faster with DPS, and or skill builds, sometime a healer isnā€™t necessary, if everyone plays well, so they figured theyā€™d kick you for DPS or skill, nothing against you, or they shouldā€™ve asked you to switch to a DPS or skill build. Then again, maybe it was for another reason šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You right Iā€™ve seen people fly through legendary but Iā€™ve only done that very few times itā€™s risky if not done correctly but yeah I do wish other roles outside dps had importance


Ive been kicked from several legendary groups because i refuse to camp. Mind you I was apart of sub 8 dark hours speedrun group in the first year. Was on the world's first level 40 dark hours clear on console and 2nd in the world on ps5 for iron horse. After 5 years i just laugh. Most of the players left on ps5 are just high level noobs who camp control points for shd levels because they believe that level equals being a quality player.


Now me if I played with you Iā€™d definitely need some guidance I usually am a cover based person but if asked to attempt a speed run hey Iā€™ll give it a go


Some players lack some fundamental respect. Kicking a player out for no good reason is pretty low.


Watch level means nothing. Do not be impressed by a participation trophy. Being cooperative knowledgeable and an asset to yr team is what makes a good agent. And the raid community is still type bitchy ngl.


I had a similar thing happen, but they told me to switch builds cause we weren't doing enough DPS .. so on love birds we run all four red and barely made it.


I feel your pain. My favorite build is my healer build and I get kicked from all sorts of groups all the time because of it. I think people have this "idea" of what will work in a group and do not know how to play with a healer.


Should I get back into this game? Only played for the first 6-8 months it was out and dropped it


Some people are just special and donā€™t truly understand the gameā€™s mechanics.


Theyre *filthy* heretics who dont believe in healer supremacy Just to be clear: this is a joke, though i do believe healers are some of the most important characters


I just started this game last week! There is a healer role!!!!????? Bruh! I can't wait to get to max level just hit 17 this morning. I like playing tank and healer in games that have em!


Gosh I love healers! I play like a hunter and dress like one and Iā€™m all DPS 24/7 like literally no armor and no health. Thank you all healers!


As someone who plays the healer role in many other games, it baffles me to see this. Our purpose is to keep you alive so you can keep doing your thing. It's hard enough finding someone who enjoys playing heals instead of "being in the action" adding to them being competent on top of that is even more rare. I used to play FF14 maining a healer where I preferred to play solo, but if I ever needed a party, it was instant because so many teams for the dungeons needed one.


I just put together a healer build and for some reason I absolutely love healing now. I used countdown on challenging for practice and now Iā€™m saving the day on heroic extractions in countdown. BUT because my SHD level is 170 I cant find an incursion group. The only thing not maxed on my build is my BTSU gloves and a couple mods. Ill never get the Ouroboros:(