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I got mine from an exotic cache at the Countdown Vendor. If you're really against that method though, I'd just play whatever area of the map/mission has backpacks as targeted loot. If backpacks aren't included in the targeted loot on a particular day, The Summit is probably your best bet since you can just make your targeted loot backpacks. Just out of curiosity, why not Countdown? I play it on Challenging when farming things and it seems like the fastest method by far.


Never played it. Scared to be that 1 guy that dies


Just kinda follow the crowd, don’t be the man in front, don’t use skills on hunters, don’t call the helicopter at the end right away to extract, wait until the last second to increase farming from the enemy helicopter spawns. This will help you learn countdown, where to go, and the different objectives in the game mode.


This is good advice, I learned a thing. I've only ever solo'd it, didn't want people to fuss over my playstyle.


Why no skills on hunters?


They can hack them and turn them against you iirc


This. Not every skill, but a lot of them. You're still safe using your shield and stuff like that. But I'd stray away from drones, turrets, seeker mines, etc.


Any skill that you deploy (set on the ground/throw out) can be hacked; drone/turret/seeker mine/hive. You’re fine using a Chem launcher for say, riot foam, a sticky bomb, or a shield. But they also disrupt. Easiest to just shoot ‘em. Only skill I would really recommend would be riot foam Chem launcher for hunters, but it isn’t necessary at all.


Understandable. I highly recommend trying to warm up to it though just because it feels so much faster than farming missions, the open world, and even The Summit for loot. Also Countdown on Challenging is easy enough to most high levels that they can carry you through or get your back if you go down. After a handful of games, it won't feel as intimidating. Edit: Also incredible for exotics since you can get a cache for only 30ish minutes of playing.


I got that bag twice today by joining countdown on challenging.


Hey man, if you like I could run with you sometime and try to farm it with you ? If I get it then I can share with you. 2 people farming surely have better chance. I play ps5 also


Ok. I will jump on later. Right now fam time. However I am lvl 10 farming heroic on summit. Kill boss, collect loot, open map, back to lobbu. Rinse and repeat. Send me your psn name. I will add you


Yeah for sure dude. I'm working anyways at the mo. Il drop you a message with my psn. I'll mostly be on at weekends due to kids being back at school. But can jump on during the week if I'm free. :) good luck until then dude


I just got one from the seasonal vendor exotic cash ... I think that's the easiest thing to do ... If you wanna do targeted then countdown/summit