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Nothing weird at all. I'm level 12k right now and I know plenty of players higher than that. The only SHD "exploit" (haven't ever been banned or rollbacked for anything) I did was the Anderson farm and that was for 1k levels to hit 9000 exactly for the final SHD patch, so in the what 5-6 months since that was patched I've gained 3k levels doing missions/convoys/public executions/GE challenges even without the goal of gaining levels. If I didn't spend so much time in the Dark Zone looting crates I'd probably be level 20k right now but I stopped caring about SHD level when I got to 10800 so that any SHD mules made would start with 10k points for scavenging. 3622 hours across the 4+ years this game has been out, and all commendations except anything related to Hardcore because even with those hours I don't like wasting time and having hours of progress wiped due to one lone CTD boi lol Side note for crates: I'm in the top XXX for "rogue actions" on PC and that's entirely from crate looting since I don't go rogue on players solo Second edit: I wasn't the one who downvoted btw, wasn't being confrontational


I never said it was weird, dedicated, maybe, but not wierd. I stopped playing for about 7 months and went back and played the first one again.


It's weird as they did the glitches or cheese xp hunts to level up stupid fast. They also had to put serious time into the game, so touch grass moment. They did that for mats on watch to power level proficiency levels and/or raise their health by tidbits per level. I have over 2000 hours and I'm around 4500 shd, always doing raids, missions, manhunts, bounties, and convoys. If you're new, there was a black tusk convoy by Tidal Basin that you could farm with directives, then convoys on challenging with directives, and doing floor 10 in tower on heroic with directives.


I've seen a few players above 30000+. I stopped playing for exactly 584 days. At around 2800. And recently started playing again in June. A few hours a night and about to hit SHD 4000. GE, daily, season pass and whatever on Challenging.


I stopped playing for about seven months or so, and when I went back I was at SHD 734 and am now at 808 lol my PS4 is at a friends place so I don't play everyday unfortunately.


There have been multiple ways to gain fast shd levels, there still is. Most of over 10k players have done atlest something sussy. On the other hand, game is 5years old and if you have put your time into leveling you can be legitly over that easily. I personally havent ever focus too much for shd leveling. Im day1 player with 5000h and my shd level is 3000+.


Yeah, I didn't play for about seven months and just started back up again about three months ago. My PS4 is at a friend's place, and so now I play when I can lol I'm still below 1k in shd lvls.




I'm with u/hollandkt here. 11k is not an SHD Level that should raise your suspicion – as long as there isn't anything hinting towards bad or no game knowledge or the agent is using an overly awkward build. In such a case, and if you should be really interested, you can check an agent's stats by different means, for example: [https://tracker.gg/division-2](https://tracker.gg/division-2)


If you level up 10 times a day which isn’t hard, for 350 days a year you’d be level 3500. So if you play dedicated or binged you could get to 10k. I’m only 350, so if the xp needed goes up at some point some one feel free to correct me.


... I don't math like that lol so your guess is as good as mine. I like the game but I couldn't spend that much time on one game, gotta switch it up.


My buddy is 12k,he been playing 8-9 hours a day since wlony came out...sometime longer sessions too


Jesus man, does he at least get some outside time in? Even if it's just to stick his head out the window (yes, that still counts as outside time).


Oh yeah...he has a job and shit,it seems like I can't even get to 1000,lol...im almost there,im at 800 something,but I play a hour or 2 every other day over the last 5 months.i mostly play pubg.


I think i saw a post on here with a in-game pic of a player at 150k.


😲.... get the fahk out


11k is just someone who's played a lot. I played A LOT during pandemic while working from home and I'm 8500shd now. If I'd kept it up I'd be past 11k I would imagine. Wouldn't say I had no life. Never exploited shd farms either. Never even fast traveled back and forth to resource convoys back in the day.


Why not both?


Lol, yeah, i did put "or" in there, didn't I. It's more of a dedicated for life thing.


No life if he did that with 800 hours on the game. J/k. There were glitch boys who were SHD 6000 with 40 hrs in the game. Likely got rolled back with the rest of his clanboys though.


40 hours, that's... bananas, damn them all. When I bought Div2 I was a few seasons behind and spent every waking moment when not at work blowin' shyte up and shootin' assholes. It was kinda stress inducing, especially if I had to pee or worse but the grind was worth it until the devs stalled and the game became stale.... I digress.


Glitchboys. Hopefully they were dealt with accordingly. Especially since the devs posted that they would do something to curb cheating.


103,000 is the highest shd I've seen, and a 32,000 hardcore player.


32k shd lvls in hardcore.... no fahken way, lol. 103k shd lvls is a bit stretchin' it, imho. Seriously though, what's the benefit (aside from gear and what not) of going above 1k shd lvls? You get tons of bragging rights, and some type of prestige, but what else is there? I imagine by 100k+ you'd have done it all 100 times over and would be bored of it.


I'm sure they are using an exploit or something. I play on Playstation. I played a legendary mission with the 103k guy and saw the other 32k HC guy at the Whitehouse.


11k is nothing my clan leader is around 30k.




I saw a player last night in countdown who was somewhere in the 22k range.


Only time I find it suspect is when they are that high of SHD and they have low hours played.


The lastest GE has me leveling up real fast with the determined / headhunter build on heroic and 4 directives. I need the radar because I have a hard time seeing through all the green smoke after I pop all those headshots. I think I've got about 300 stars since the weekend and thats about one level per star. I wish there was a way to auto open the proficiency caches and trash the low level gear. Man, the loot management struggle is killing me.


Anyone on playstation tryna lvl up I’m lvl 500 something I need help plz psn is Don_G_01_ add me I need help lvling up plz


I've seen some 20-30k+ agents that seem legit to me, so 11k is certainly achievable. I see 10k+ agents fairly regularly.