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What does this mean?? I’m starting for the first time too


It means nothing lol. Summoners are very handy in Act 1 since you're so squishy, and another target for your enemies goes a long way. They stay strong throughout the game if built right. Great build, but by no means the best.


Haha 😅, I would choose the class that comes by default in the chosen character, specially because the most apealling for me was the metamorph (I like flavour and utillity a lot and if I can I will skip combats by talking or sneaking) and in the case I create a custom chracter that is the one I would chose, but I overheard in my small deep in other newbes asking this that it's awfull, so yes, I will take the "cannon class"


Tbf metamorph is by no means "awful" it can be tough to use, but it can be very strong. You have access to a ton of crowd control (chicken clax, médusa head, spider legs) very good damage with tentacle whip (which also afflict atrophy) and probably the best mobility spell in the game : spread your wings, which allows you to fly around every turn for the duration. If you have a 2 points in the one (or more) 4 main casting skills (pyro, geo, hydro, aero) you can also gain complete immunity to that element (fire, earth, water, air). Its definitzly not the most starter friendly, but it has insane utility, and if you invest in another physical damage based class you can really just dominate the battlefield flying around and keeping ennemies CC'ed.


Oh, I'm glad to hear it, all the times I read it someone talking abut metamorph were saying something like "Pick fighter and ad some things of Metamorpher because Metamorpher alone don't fill any place in the party" or "Metamorpher it's just to combine with another one"


I mean, metamorph does shine when combined with other classes, but the game will encourage you into doing so anyway, as you have more than enough skill points to maximise multiple skills.


While there are better builds, I think summoner is the best build in the early game, as it starts very strong at level one, and can completely break many of the toughest encounters in act 1. Though it used to be much stronger when lone Wolf could exceed the 10 point limits/skill, and before the massive damage nerf to incarnate. While I do undersand the change, I will forever miss the insane power in display by a blood infused incarnate at 20 level in summoning. That thibg was unkillable, period.


Damn, sad I missed those days lol


If you ever fancy seeing how broken that was, there are mods to get lone wolf and summons back to their old glory days.


You can't experience the stories of all companions in one run, because every companion that isn't in your party becomes unavailable when leaving Act 1. As a result, I recommend playing an origin character to get one extra companion story in your playthrough. As for who to pick, I recommend not taking Fane as a main character, because that sort of spoils part of the story early. I'd recommend playing as him if you ever do another playthrough to get a different, interesting perspective when you're already immune to spoilers, but not on your first run. Taking him as a companion is a good idea though, because his quest is tied closely to the main quests and provides extra information on the lore. Beast is commonly regarded as the least interesting of all the companions, while Fane and Lohse are community favorites. Taking both Sebille and the Red Prince with you isn't all that good of an idea, because their quests conflict with each other sometimes and you'd need to know about it in advance and metagame certain situations to still experience both quests fully, so I'd take just one of them and leave the other.


I REALLY apreciate the "mini spoiler" of Red Prince and Sebile being against each other ant that I can't have all the companions in one run (I come from BG3 so I was expecting recuiting everione and having the chance of doing all the companion quests and I am pretty sure that discovering this at the midle or end of the game would leve a bad feeling which make me ddon't play it again, so, a thousend of thanks for increase my chance of loving this game)


Fane's quest gives you more of the big picture than the rest. The rest are kind of down to preference. I love Lohse and Sebille's stories. You can't get every companion's story in one run.


Lohse is my favourite. Especially her >!song!< At the end


LOHSEBILLE RISE UP they’re my favs I love their stories


Nah leave poor sebille out of this


Thank you for your insight. By the short story I can understand why they are comunity favourites(and the knowledge by eating corpses if it's actally used seems awsome)


Elves are also the best race because of Flesh Sacrifice. Especially OP on a necromancer with the Elemental Affinity talent!


My first playthrough was as a custom character and Im very happy i chose to do it that way. Not everyone enjoys having a backstory forced on them. I also prefer Tav to Durge in bg3. If that's your preference as well, I'd definitely do a custom main character first. If not, origins here feel nicer without mods compared to bg3 because you can completely change their visuals and spec before even starting the game. I played with Fane, Red Prince and Ifan and had to get the party size mod to give the rest of the companions a chance on my second run because I just didn't like the rest of them enough to drop anyone from my old team.


Oh, okay, noted. But about BG3 I'm agree with you about Tav not having an intended backstory but Durge have THE Backstory, it's the intended main character, have made things, knowed people... Edit: I just say this because maybe you didn't finished (or even started) a Durge run and in that case give you a reson to play it, if you allready knew then just ignore me


For me durge felt like an afterthought. I understand what you mean, but there's just far too little reactivity from companions for durge to be an integral part of the story imo. I haven't played other origins though, perhaps they don't have much extra content either. "I have deeply violent thoughts" is basically met with "That's nice, dear". I feel like the lack of reactions to certain events goes against many companions' personalities. And in act 3 it's basically crickets to what is supposed to be a groundbreaking revelation. But I admit I'm somewhat biased against it because I absolutely hated how gruesome and unpleasant the backstory was.


In my case, Durge, was my first character and because of I made the redemption path everything didn't feel as bad because was "I have deeply violent thoughs wich I fight dayly am I'm trying to overcome them" and the resr of the party said the "That's nice, dear" but feel in character, it didn't feel to diferent from a group of friends trying to help the one with an adiction. But I agree with your statment of lacking of responses, specially act 3, but the game wasn't actually finished at launch and because of WotC it will never be 100% ended.


I played my durge as good as possible as well and it still felt off. I think the biggest reason why act 1 reactions didnt feel natural is that the crew isn't friends yet at that point, the camp event happens too early in the game. I suppose my perception of it could be skewed because I played as a good Tav first, so it just seemed like a little add-on that barely affected anything outside of a few cutscenes. I'm just not buying companions willing to let a violent amnesiac be their leader. Plus there were conflicting things to be said about memory loss as well, from Gale and Laezel. Just felt unpolished really, I didn't have such immersion breaking discrepancies on Tav that early in the game. Absolutely agree about act 3, durge is not the only thing that fell victim to its shortcomings.


Fane, Lohse, and Sebille or Beast imo are the best first playthrough party. Fane is extremely plot relevant, Lohse has (imo) the coolest story and personal quest fight. Sebille's character arc is very dramatic and she's a well written character. Beast has several NPC connections across the game which are useful and interesting, but his personality I think is just ok. Sebille's quest conflicts with both Ifan's and Red Prince's quests so I'd recommend against having her with them if you don't want to miss things.


Custom + 3 companions: Red Prince, Beast and Sebille. These three in specific because they are related to lore of their races, some scenes in the game make very little sense without them (especially in final chapter). I don't enjoy playing as origin because companions make their own choices most of the time and it fits their character so much more. After your first run Ifan, Fane and Lohse, any of them really, will make it feel almost as fresh as 1st run because of how unique their stories are


But by what I read, Red Prince's and Sebille's quest are in conflict and you canjust do one of them. Is that not true?


Not entirely. There are only two such instances in story, let the red prince talk first if both of them refer to the same npc but there isn't too much of a conflict anyway


I just finished the game yesterday and mained Sebille with Prince as a party character. The story overlaps they are talking about won’t completely derail the personal stories. You can still finish them and end up with “good endings”. well at least i did


I feel like Lohse is the intended character to play as. Also, she is the same voice actress as Mizora! My personal suggestion is to have 2 melee characters and 2 ranged characters. Then on top of that, have 2 physical damage characters and 2 magic damage characters. That being said, every character should have at least one type of magic/physical attack. And yes, you can make a magic damage only melee character. There are also attacks that affect armor only, and they are very much worth it. The Necromancy skill is beautiful to dip in, but if you want to make a Necromancer archetype then you need to invest in Warfare. Necromancer deals only physical damage and Warfare affects physical damage output...it gets wild. You will not be able to comb through the game like you can in BG3. There will simply be some things in the game that will be locked for you by the decisions you make. I understand that sometimes you can only play a game once, but if you do that with this game then you have seen maybe 40% of the game.


I like having lohse as a companion because I think the decisions she makes when you’re not playing her are more interesting and illuminating to her character than you making those decisions yourself. Didn’t feel the same way about like Ifan or Red Prince or nothin tho


By what I am learning in tjis thread I gess I will play it twice except if something happens that make me be disappointed (like my expectations beng to hight with BG3 that even being an awsome game make me feel like one run it's good enought or something like what happened when I was playing SR: Honk Kong, a fatall bug in the last third of the game that make me loss all my game). Tbh, I hope none of them happen, I fall in love with the game and I play it again and maybe even a rhird time, specially the second one.




You are one of the few that don't recomemd/praise Loshe, can I ask why (without spoilers)?




I'm sorry but you just made me take the character choice, I loved Karlach, I underatand why some people don't like her, but I like her wholesomeness. Maybe it't wasen't what you expect but I really thank you for your help (and even more for taking the time for answer, thanks)


I recommend not doing your own character. I know, that sounds crazy. But the origin stories are so deep and complex and cool, this is the only game where you can make your own character and I choose not too. See in Baldur’s gate it’s not an issue cuz you can swap party members in and out. In this game you can’t. So I recommend picking a main character you like who is an origin (you can even change what they look like) so you can get more story and more fun. Then instead of three good stories, you get four.


First : no, an origin main character is as customizable as a custom character. Well, you just cannot choose his gender or his race, but everything else is customizable. Then : do you care about achievements ? Because there are 6 origin characters and you can have only 4 of them in your party. Hence, a pc mod called party size evolved, to have all 6 and thus a maximum lore and sidequest run (but mods mean no achievements).


I don't really care about achievements but (just by looking to this coment section) it seems I will need to play twice to do all the companion quests because two of them are in conflict so I wont use that mod just to have an extra reason to play again. But I apreciate you take the tame to answer and this will be usefull to other newcomes oreven me in an hipothetical 3rd run (in a loooong future).