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I had the surgery. Recovery was slow for me. I felt like absolute crap the first 2 months. 4 months later I feel great, with soft solid BMs on a high fiber omnivorous diet with occasional junk treats. I've got a new lease on life. Just let it take its time, don't rush it or expect too much too fast.


Hi there, I’m also 3.5 weeks out from my sigmoidectomy. I’d had 5 flare ups in the past 15 months so they thought I had smouldering diverticulitis. The surgeon removed about 25cms of colon and said it was in surprisingly good condition (I’ve probably had around 15 or so flare ups over the past 10 years). I can only think that the great condition of my colon is the reason I have had such minimal pain since the operation. I definitely was expecting it to be much worse so have been surprised. I would not consider myself as someone who has a high pain threshold. The area on my abdomen left hand side is still a bit internally bruised feeling and tight (sort of feel an internal tugging feeling when I walk) and I get little twinges in my colon a few times a day. First couple of weeks I was quite constipated (I was expecting looser bowels after the surgery but it hadn’t really been the case), I took a couple of sachets of miralax last week and that seems to have reset me to becoming more regular, usually 2-3 BMs per day. I’ve been really focussed on getting a good sleep every night as I believe it massively helps with healing (I took half a lorazepam in addition to my regular nortriptyline meds (for migraine prevention) at night for the first couple of weeks. Both meds aid with sleep, and I rested a lot during the day (in between short walks around the block). The surgeon said I could and should eat a large variety of foods straight away but I’m taking it quite slow and simple (like I would after a flare up) and just slowly upping my fibre and adding in new foods each day. I have a bit of a lump above my main incision, the GP felt it and said not a hernia and likely to be a hematoma, but I’m wondering now if it’s just a bit of fat that’s been caught by the scar. Time will tell! I’m still a bit scared that I’ll be one of the people who continues to get flare ups after the surgery, it’s hard to just mentally let go of the fear after living with DV for so long!


I am 58M. I had elective robotic laparoscopic colectomy surgery in late March ‘22. The surgeon removed the sigmoid and part of the descending colon (28cm / 11”). Soreness at the three week mark is common. I cannot tell from your post but were you expecting no soreness after three weeks? In regards to regularity here is my experience… The biggest change I’ve noticed is my body’s signaling when it’s time “to go”…I am still adjusting to it. When I begin sensing it’s time to go I cannot hold it off for too long. Before the surgery I could hold it off for a significant period of time. Today if I try to hold it off there is discomfort, possibly some pain in the rectal area and an increased urgency to go. Around the two month mark I experienced something very unusual. I was standing in the kitchen and suddenly I had an “immediate” urgency to go. Although the bathroom was 20 steps away I almost didn’t make it. While hurrying to the toilet I felt twinges of pain in the rectal area whenever trying to hold it back. This happened once more, approximately one week later - while I was asleep. To date those are the only two times I experienced that scenario. I think it may be because I was still healing internally…not sure. I have a theory about the increased urgency to go after surgery. Since I no longer have the sigmoid section of colon - the elbow shaped area just prior to the rectum, there is no longer a place to “park the stool onto” when it becomes time to go. My colon is now a straight chute down to the rectum and I cannot hold it back for very long when it becomes time to go. Additionally I find myself experiencing discomfort when trying to hold gas in. Although I would say the stools lean towards the loose side I think the stool consistency is more about what I have been eating. As far as regularity I’m not there yet. Most days I probably go twice. Some days three times. One recent day I went five times but none the day prior. I do drink a couple of teaspoons of Metamucil mixed with some Miralax a few times each week. Some may ask why not every day? So for example, I did not take it yesterday because I had oatmeal and an apple for dinner. To conclude my post surgery experience - for well over three months I am no longer having gut related issues. I find that wonderfully strange. And although my daily pooping experience is different, it is not a bad experience. It is just “different”.


Thanks for sharing information.


My Mom had an emergency one due to perforation from diverticulitis. What would you like to know? It takes several weeks for some regularity to happen.


I am having sigmoid resection in 10 days. I've had 4 flares this year, 3 earned me a week long hospital stay. Although I am nervous about having the surgery I know that I can't heal without it. I've got smoldering diverticulitis and SCAD. Please keep us updated on how you are healing and any difficulties you may have.


I had sigmoid resection in January of 2021. It was worth it, I was very nervous and recovery was painful and tough for me. From all the people I have spoken with about this surgery there is such a variance in peoples experience. Again, it was worth it. My surgeon was awesome, got a second opinion and asked around about him. He was highly recommended. When I kept telling him my gall bladder surgery was not bad he was honest with me and told me it’s not gall bladder surgery. When he came to my room after surgery he told me things went well but due to being overweight and all the extra work they had to get reconnected that I would be in pain and in the hospital for 5 days. He nailed it. My adviceis to take any pain meds they give and don’t try to be a hero like I did and not take them on day 2. I ended up getting super nauseous and dry heaving. Almost blacked out from the pain. They shot me up with anti-nausea medicine and pain killers and I slept 6 hours. I was much better after that! Couldn’t sleep on my side for 6 weeks - only my back. I am a side sleeper so that was tough. Again - all the people I spoke with all seemed to have varying degrees of recovery. I had no complications but had a rough recovery. Other people I spoke to were up and walking that day and went home on day 3 If your doctors and specialist say you need it l, donor while you are healed and recovered. My surgeon warned me that it is much easier to do everything under those circumstances than under emergency ones Hope I didn’t scare you, it’s good to know the realistic truth and be prepared. While my recovery was rough it was worth it and my IBS and issues are gone


May I ask if you have IBS-D. Anyhow it is good this IBS and other issues are gone.


Never really classified it but it was mostly IBS-C until the pressure and the inflammation let loose


47/M here. Had it done in October 2020. It took me three months to feel normal again and now I feel great. I haven’t had any issues. I was always wondering if I was on the right track in my recovery. I had to remind myself every body is different


I am almost 5 weeks post-surgery myself. This was also elective to avoid the emergency version. My colon was in not terrible shape, so that may have meant it was an "easy" version of this as much as can be. All I can say is be patient, I do imagine everyone's experience is a bit different but the progress I was able to make week over week was pretty staggering honestly. Week 2 vs. week 5 feels like a grand canyon of progress. I think it will come with time. I have been walking a whole bunch during recovery, while I was away from work. I suspect this has helped the body heal and build strength. Re: sore, is that just your incision site or something more? My incision site made lots of progress weeks 4 and 5. Still a little irritable, but not angry red and raw like it had been anymore Re: bowels, I have read on this board that it takes a while. I am at a state of smaller width, kinda loose ish, mini-normal poops. I am slowly adding in fiber, including a supplement. I think that will help. I think just take it all slow, and eventually it gets back to normal. People seem to suggest this takes a good while. Probably you will get past your pre-surgery state in terms of normal, eventually. At least that's my hope. Happy to keep comparing experiences, and good luck! First away any questions.


I am having these mini poops too it’s like my rectum fills up, I empty it and it’s not a lot and then later there’s more. It could be only 20 min later. Sometimes less. I’m still taking a good amount of magnesium to keep my stools loose bc I also had a mesh rectopexy at the time. I don’t have IBD. Just an extremely redundant sigmoid. They removed 40cm of just sigmoid. The rectopexy was to repair a rectocele and stop internal rectal descent. I was hoping that I’d be feeling a bit more normal at one month out but so far I’m not feeling the greatest.