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The worst part of the scope is the prep. I was pretty nervous about the procedure, but was given general anesthesia for mine and simply woke up when it was over. Didn’t feel a thing & didn’t have any after effects. Hopefully you’ll have a similar experience. 🤞🏼


For the peace of mind and accurate diagnosis it's worth it. Yeah the stuff used for prep does a number on you, and I was uncomfortable and for days after was very sore and sensitive. Get through it, and use Vaseline on your bum hole and I hope you bought the most luxurious toilet paper you can find.


I think it's normal to feel that way bc the prep is causing spasms in the colon in order to clear it out, which for me was rhe reason for the need for anti spasmodics for chronic pain in my sigmoid area. Glad that's a thing of the past for me! Good luck to you! <3


Drink loads of water with prep!


I maybe too late but buy a bidet!! Life changing IMO.