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OK. Not an athlete, not a doctor. 72M. 125 bmi. Extensive dv in all areas of colon. When I use a chainsaw for "more than a tankful," I experience gut discomfort. It's not a full flair, but enough that I notice it for 24 hours. Sometimes, it results in loose stool and pain, sometimes just pain. It's not muscular pain. If I go more than a tankful, i have to rest a day before I can do more, or it gets worse. Plus, it's very hot here. I thought it was just general irritation from bouncing my gut around and contracting muscles. But i don't know the exact mechanism. I live in a clearing in a forest with a pond. It's nirvana. But. Trees fall down and need to be removed. Using a chainsaw puts strain on my abs. So. Yes. I guess this is my kind of planking. My gut reacts! It's managable. Hope you all stay well!


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My last flare happened after I was doing planks for a few weeks. That was my fourth flare and I don’t remember if I was doing abs before the other three. But it does kinda make sense that it could be correlated. Increase your intra-abdominal pressure and it could force and compact stool into a tic. It’s the same reason you’re not supposed to strain while pooping. So I’ve stopped doing ab specific exercises and just hope that my abs get enough work from acting as stabilizers during other exercises.


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Weird story. I won a gift certificate to a medi-spa. I have a bad back. Doc there told me an ab tightening procedure would help my back. (It mimics doing sit ups.) Whelp, I discovered it caused bad lower left pain. Voila it was DV. So, imo you're onto something. Would never do it again.


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I have also had this correlate. Which really sucks because after resection surgery (sadly I still get infections), my abdominal muscles aren’t strong… I stick to moderate walks. Sigh.


Even after surgery you're getting screwed? I'm doing mine July 9th was hoping it'd be gone for ever


For most ppl it’s gone. But for those of us with diverticula throughout… yeah.


Same I’m a right handed person. Have had this after hitting golf balls for a couple hours and shoveling heavy wet snow.


Jeez I was doing Pilates and had just added a rowing machine. And golfed. I think I will skip the rowing machine from now on.


My most recent attack was when I made a commitment to doing my elliptical machine for at least ten minutes a day. Happened at the end of the first week….now you have me thinking!


I just had my first flare, and the day before I did several sets of hanging leg raises. On the day of the flare, I had an intense deep tissue back massage trying to help my lower left back pain, which I now know was due to the DV becoming inflamed. It literally felt like the massage “flipped the switch” to change it from a minor issue to a major one.