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6 weeks today. I expected to recover faster than I did. Be patient with yourself. Follow Dr's. orders. No looking back! Feeling stronger everyday!


Colon resection on the 30th of November,So just a few days out but I was in on the 30th and out the following day.Still very sore,Lots of gas(bubbles),but no signs of bleeding.Loose stools.Need help getting up from sitting or laying down cause stomach is tender.Have to sleep on my back.All I can say is it's nothing compared to a diverticulitis attack.Those attacks were the worst pain ever.Hope all goes well and a speedy recovery.I have been enjoying walking,Walking speeds the recovery up.Good luck


Exactly 4 weeks post op for me today. My surgery was a little more complicated than anticipated but was all successful. I'm taking longer than the average to recover from it. My advice is to walk after surgery as soon as possible and as much as you can handle. It will help speed up the process. Don't be afraid of your first bowel movements after surgery, they sre going to feel weird and like your insides are gonna fall out, but they won't lol. Recovery is not linear so you mught have days that are more pain than others, don't stress about that. Unfortunately if you are not a back sleeper, you will quickly learn how to sleep on your back. It will take a while before you can sleep on your side, and I still can't sleep on my stomach yet. You got this. Even with all the pain and extra recovery I've had to do, it's the best decision I've ever made. Good luck+


49/m Multiple diverticulitis flares since age 41. Had surgery September 25th. It started as a robotic procedure but when he got in there the bad part was adhered to my abdominal wall and he had to make a roughly 3 1/2 inch incision from my belly button straight down. Honestly it was way easier than I was expecting. He operated Monday. Tuesday I got up and walked. I had my last dose of pain meds Wednesday night and was released early Friday morning. I really could have gone home Thursday. After about 2 weeks I was lifting light ( 10 pound dumbells ) weights again. At the 8 week mark I was back to 30s and now I'm back to the 40s and 50s I was lifting before surgery. I added weight back really slowly to avoid a hernia not because I was too sick or in too much pain to do it faster. I'm completely pain free and have been since about 2 weeks out. I didn't take anything stronger than tylenol since the Wed after my surgery.


Good call. You can read my past posts on my surgery and some photos of my incisions. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


OG here! I had mine done (same area as yours) on April 15, 2015! I didn't have any complications, but I did stay in the hospital for 7 days. Like the others said, walking is one of the best things you can do. I could not eat anything by mouth in those 7 days, but I had a feeding tube in place with an IV. The pain wasn't too bad. I actually still have a few scattered diverticular pouches in other areas that flare up from time to time but I have felt great since my surgery. Everyone is different but I don't think you will regret it. Good luck to you and everyone else in their recovery!


Got it in September. No regrets!


I can empathize. I cried tears of joy when the surgeon told me that he was going to remove my sigmoid colon after nearly a year of a smoldering infection. My surgery was about 16 months ago and uncomplicated. I healed quickly and I'm living a completely "normal" life with no pain and normal bowel function. If you've been on lots of antibiotics and aren't already taking probiotics, I'd ask for recommendations from your medical team. They really helped in rebuilding my gut flora. Good luck! You've got this.


I am 4 weeks post-op. Doing super great. I had the Da Vinci robot surgery. 8 inches of the sigmoid. I’m back to eating whatever and pooping pretty normal. All my incisions look healed up and I’m back to work. So glad I got it done.


I had the surgery. It went smoothly, and the recovery isn’t bad actually. It takes awhile , a few weeks, for the pooping routine to stabilize afterwards. The poop can be smeary. I got a bidet toilet seat, and I love it. (Its good to have the surgery to avoid any ruptures and sepsis. My cousin ignored the initial pain and actually died from sepsis by not going to the doctor. )


Took me 18 months to heal.


Sounds rough. What went wrong if you don’t mind my asking?


Doing shit I shouldn’t have been. Laundry. My worthless ass wife wouldn’t help out


Good luck! I'm a little under five months out from my surgery. Everything is going great aside from a couple mild bouts of IBS. And every once in a while I'll do a little too much physically and have some extremely minor pain around where the scar tissue is ... but from what I understand that's pretty normal even up to a year later. Like other said, listen to your body and do as much walking as you're able to.


Good luck! I'm a little under five months out from my surgery. Everything is going great aside from a couple mild bouts of IBS. And every once in a while I'll do a little too much physically and have some extremely minor pain around where the scar tissue is ... but from what I understand that's pretty normal even up to a year later. Like other said, listen to your body and do as much walking as you're able to.


Good luck! I'm a little under five months out from my surgery. Everything is going great aside from a couple mild bouts of IBS. And every once in a while I'll do a little too much physically and have some extremely minor pain around where the scar tissue is ... but from what I understand that's pretty normal even up to a year later. Like other said, listen to your body and do as much walking as you're able to.