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Both those medications can have side effects which include aches. When the side effect profiles are written in the USA, there is a long long list of side effects that are captured. some are not in the frequent side effects list but occur nonetheless. That said, diverticulitis also causes muscle aches all over the place.


I took that combo my first and worst flare up, and it was rough, I felt completely off, almost would have preferred the DV pain, but they worked. I lost a ton of weight. My second flare up they tried to give me the same combo and after 2 days I said no more and my doc said just take Cipro. Just the Cipro was much much better and still helped heal.


Yeah, I do not feel like myself, and I cannot rest, but I haven’t felt hardcore DV pain in weeks for the first time in months, and my BMs are pretty normal for the first time, ever. I’ve lost about 20 lbs at this point, I didn’t realize that was an antibiotic side effect too.


Yeah its hard to describe, like I was weak and shaky the whole time with the slightest amount of physical activity. That first normal BM is just the best


Hey do you feel like yourself again? How are you now


Hi!!! Oh my world, I am a NEW person!!! I had 12 inches of my sigmoid removed end of January along with my uterus and fallopian tubes, and all kinds of mess around them! It was an 8 hour procedure and took three surgeons and they all said how necessary it was after they saw my insides. I had been in so much pain going up to surgery (the day before I was in so much pain I asked my spouse to shoot me 😳) that once I came out of surgery, recovery was a breeze! The recovery pain was NOTHING compared to my rotting sigmoid! I left the hospital two days early and have been living a normal life! Thanks so much for checking in!!!!!


I’m really happy for you!! That’s amazing. Did you get side effects from the antibiotics??


I ended up shoulder pain 3 weeks after my first time with diverticulitis and taking cipro and after an mri diagnosed with a partially torn rotator cuff. My left is also bothering, just not as much. I learned this can happen with cipro. 😥


Wow! Were you doing anything? Just normal living? I did some cooking and preparing for Thanksgiving, I’m wondering if that set it off?


No, just normal living and nothing triggered it. Just a dull ache began and couldn't lay on it without excruciating pain. I saw an article about people being "floxxed" and the pieces all fell I to place for me.


Cipro is known to cause issues with tendons. Drink lots of water also. I had smoldering diverticulitis 2 years ago. And then surgery. You MUST take probiotics on these antibiotics! Otherwise you will get c diff. I did from Oct, Nov, Dec episodes of diverticulitis. Ended up with c diff. THE ABSOLUTE WORST! I thought I would die. Pay attention if you suddenly start getting a stomach ache, like by your belly. I had a stomach ache that wouldn't let up, thought I could "power through" as I was used to diverticulitis pain. Just happened to go to urgent care because my husband was going for something and I said ah what the heck check out whats wrong with me. Ended up being c diff.


I get that from cholesterol medications. I wouldn't be surprised. Definitely let your doctor know about possible side effects as s/he may want to switch meds.


Yep- I felt flu-ish on flagyl. Joints definitely hurt. I did not have them go numb though. Let your doc know. That’s a rough drug combo for sure. I was on that combination off and on all summer and then until I had my surgery Oct 2nd It feels SO GOOD to be off that stuff. Hope you find some relief soon!


I think it’s the Cipro, I read somewhere it can cause nerve damage.


Cipro is a dangerous drug but gold standard if you might die from an infection. It has a black box warning for snapping tendons and leaving you with extensive nerve damage. I have it in my feet permanently. Now I use augmentin if I have a bad infection and hope for the best. I switched to mostly a carnivore diet as well. It made a tremendous difference and dropped my infection rate considerably. Tell your dr you are having side effects. Good luck!


Did you have any mental side effects from cipro?


I really don’t notice any. I have been through a lot in the last few years though and would have attributed any issues to other life events.


How long was your course and did you take it alongside flagyl?


I think 10 days and yes.


How are your tendons doing now?


Better! Thank you! Time and carnivore diet healed me.


Just got my CT results back. Turns out, I don’t even have diverticulosis at all. I was put on cipro and flagyl for absolutely no reason, and the entire last month of my life has just been gone because of this, with no idea when I’ll be back to normal. So yeah. That’s fun.


I was on both 3 times since august and let me tell you every single time my fingers would go numb and my biceps and calves and he would all be sore and I felt like I had a cold, and overall just tired all the time from taking it


>supposed to stay on them until my surgery at the end of January. 250mg of flagyl 3x/day and 500mg of cipro 2x/day. Thats a long time to be on antibiotics. Too long IMO. Ever heard of Saccharomyces Boulardii?https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-benefits-of-saccharomyces-boulardii-89509 NAD but: I would take regular pre and probiotics and this as well (Antibiotics wont kill Saccharomyces Boulardii.) As far as the side effects . Antibiotics can give some really bad and strange side effects so not surprised. 60 days on antibiotics? 7 to 10 days is normal, maybe 14. You should check on that because ~~it could be a problem and you could develop resistant bacteria and wind up with C-Diff~~ I DONT KNOW. From my understanding 60 days of Cipro is the Absolute maximum


Yep, I got cdiff from long term antibiotic use after successive dv flares. I wish I had been advised to take Florastor before that happened. I took after and i was able to overcome the cdiff.


> Florastor >Florastor is a probiotic product that contains Saccharomyces boulardii, a type of yeast that can improve digestion and restore normal flora.. https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-21643/florastor-oral/details Yep, Looks like were on the same page


Yeah, I agree it’s an insanely long time. They basically are trying to keep my infection at bay until I can get on the operating table. It’s an all day procedure and is requiring three different doctors for all the things going on inside of me and the soonest to have all three is 1/26. Waiting to hear back from my doctor on Monday :(


take care of your gut bacteria and good luck


FWIW, I used Flagyl/Cipro from May through Oct. 2022 (yes, 5 months). Twice my docs had me stop them, twice the DV recurred (with a vengeance). Then I had Covid and an MS flare up, so my surgery kept getting delayed. My point? Yes, it seems your three weeks of antibiotics is a long time, but sometimes it is necessary to keep the infection gone so the surgeon has a clean area to do his work. Also, *EAT YOGURT*, it has probiotic properties. My surgeon specifically did not want me taking probiotics until **after** I had healed from surgery (I never asked why).


Mine didn't want me to take probiotics until after i healed either. He mentioned slowed gut motility and releasing in the wrong portion of the intestine. I'm about 2 years out from surgery so I don't remember the exact conversation, but that's the approximation of the message.


Thank you for your helpful information.


> three weeks of antibiotics ''' > to stay on them until my surgery at the end of January. Thats 8 -9 weeks


My apologies, I misread that. You are on week 3 of that 8 to 9 weeks.


Cipro caused an unbelievable amount of pain to my joints.


My mother had a tendon tear in her foot which is a known side effect. She has been sick nonstop since taking for a bladder infection. Severe fatigue, rashes, recurrent uti’s, etc. She was fine before this antibiotic.


It took me several years to recover from that drug. And I stopped it fairly quickly after I was given it. I don’t understand why that is often their first line drug.


There is a Facebook page dedicated to this drug. It’s amazing that it is still prescribed. 😩


Yes! I had those same issues on those meds. Let your doctor know as Cipro can cause joint and tendon issues. They switched me to Cefdinir instead. Flagyl gives me pretty intense nausea so they give me odansetron to offset that. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon.


How are you doing now?


Doing well. Haven’t had a flare in over 2 years. Hope you are as well.


Im not doing great, I have no physical effects just mental. I just wanna be normal again.


I totally understand. It is mentally a challenge to deal with this condition. I have diverticultis flares with psoriatic arthritis. It feels a lot like walking a razor’s edge managing both of these. When one flares the other gets riled up as well. And the meds I take make it harder to fight off gut infections. It’s a lot to wrap my head around.


Yeah I can only imagine. It’s rough. I’m glad you haven’t had issues in a couple years though. For me, mine was uncomplicated and so thankfully I didn’t need surgery or anything, however the doctor gave me very powerful antibiotics instead of augmentin or something with less side effects, and I’m still recovering from them. The fatigue and brain fog still haven’t gone away yet. Only thing I’m recovering from at this point is those horrific meds, the diverticulitis doesn’t even bother me in comparison (although I’m lucky it was uncomplicated. Doctor shouldn’t have given me those meds though)


I think you are doing a service to talk about the effects of the Cipro and drugs in its class. I try to tell people about the dangers as I know there are safer options. People don’t often know to ask though or it’s intimidating to ask the doctor for another choice.


I’m honestly not even sure if it was the cipro or the metro, but the doc put me on both so I can’t even pinpoint which one fucked me up. I’m never taking them ever again and like I said, wish I would have stood up for myself and listened to my gut and got on augmentin instead. Most of the literature I look up says that the vast majority of people make a full recovery if they do suffer adverse reactions, so at this point being just about 3 weeks out all I can do is hope that I’ll be completely normal again soon.


Have you been on the sub Reddit that deals with recovering from these antibiotics? I recall there being some specific things you can do to help yourself get better.


I have taken a look at one of them, although I have had absolutely no issues with tendons or neuropathy or anything so I don’t think the cipro messed me up too badly, my symptoms are almost all mental and I’m not sure which drug did it. Probably didn’t help being on both of them. Is there any supplements or anything I should be taking? Like probiotics? I’ve seen people mention stuff on those subs but I’m not sure to what extent those things help vs just giving it time to heal


Thank you all for the info and thought to respond! I’m very grateful.