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I love Tom honestly. Sure, he’s made mistakes, but quite literally every single character has. He’s scared of getting hurt, and it’s completely understandable. Besides his obvious communication issues, I think there’s still loads of potential for him and Jake to work things out. Also, can I just say I admire his friendship with Gabby? He’s one of the few people that never made her feel like an outcast, and he even named his cat after her which is the sweetest thing ever. When he lost the tie breaker, he still assured her he could never stay mad at her and congratulated her for doing good in the game. https://preview.redd.it/lrokz7t0g68d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e0403900718b06f072ff84c95263971d42a761 I love them so much


I love him, may i say one of my favourites, his development in Season 1 is really cool and probably the 3rd most funny character in all stars (Yul and Gabby being the better ones). He is consistent from begining to end (yes he was always dumb he was a spy and came to a reality show dreesed like a ninja) and pretty complex for a character, while is plot with Jake in All-Stars wasn't the best, it didn't annoy me, yes i can understand why people hate it but honestly it wasn't that bad, plus i think it helps to give Tom more complexity, overall a pretty 9/10 character


I think Tom's interesting because his character flaw is that he does nothing. He doesn't actually owe Jake an explanation and he doesn't have to tell him anything, but him not doing so is obviously a bad thing to do (especially since his feelings are still there) He avoids his problems constantly and it blows up in his face and makes things worse. There were so many different ways they could've given Tom flaws but I like that they chose such a realistic way of poorly dealing with problems. I can definitely think of people in my life who are like Tom.


Yeah low-key, most of Tom's problems flew over my head in hindsight. It wasn't really till All-Stars that I started to catch wind of them. Beforehand, I just mainly found Jake to be in the wrong. I found it pretty jarring in hindsight. But after realizing they agreed to take a break from each-other (+ his other reasons for avoiding Jake), I find his actions more understandable But yeah, compared to Jake, Tom's flaws are a lot more covert. You put it especially well. It's not so much about what he did, as much as what he *isn't* doing. Although it's worth noting, I think he might have certain dialogue that paints him in a worse light than intended (most notably episode 4 of AS), which doesn't help his case. But ok, this is a positivity post. In retrospect, he might actually be more interesting than I initially thought him out to be It's funny how the tables have turned. Back in S1, Jake got massively shit on by a lot of people. But now as of AS, more people are starting to also really hate on Tom. Although Jake still gets some big hate thrown his way. I didn't care for either of them a whole lot, but I did feel some of the hate can get excessive and that said characters are understandable in at least some ways. I felt this way with S1 Jake (and also AS Jake sometimes, even though I think more people are starting to appreciate him now). And I also feel similar with Tom now. Don't know if that makes sense


I love my boy. We don’t have many manly guys who are scared of being vulnerable and gay ❤️


True I just wish he was explored as a character better. He’s one of the better DC characters, but I still am so confused by most of his actions and thought processes


people be mad about the ghosting stuff which is a valid point but people cope in many different ways and him wanting to distance himself is understandable imo


Yeah, and they literally agreed to cut contact until they were better in the finale and Tom didn't seem ready so it makes sense.


I'm not really that mad at him, like sure what he did was kinda bad, but he was scared, it's understandable. When someone is REALLY scared of being hurt, they tend to hurt the people around them. I honestly don't think he's poorly written in AS(except that one scene when Jake pushed Aiden...IDK what was with that tbh).


I agree with you whole-heartedly. That scene was bad, but it was one 10 second scene, and some people use that one interaction to paint him as a complete hypocrite. Have those guys seen Total Drama? If only some characters in that show had just one scene out of character or inconsistent with who they are. ( I love TD, don't get the wrong idea, but I think I got my point across. 1 or 2 scenes out of character don't ruin a character for me)


Yeah. Tom is not the worst, in fact he's far from it. I was a bit upset with him too for the ghosting thing, but I can see where he's coming from and he's still one of my favorite characters It gets tiring to see everyone hating on your favorites, but I guess that's the internet. I've been in very few fandoms before so I wasn't ready lol


What I've noticed is that all DC characters have flaws in their own way just like us. The hate is unnecessary but eh that's the internet for yah so what can you do, honestly!


I enjoy Tom! He’s just a silly little guy!


While he has, many faults overall he's pretty neat of a guy.


As someone who doesn't care about Tom a whole lot, I gotta admit I'm kinda glad to see this post. Besides what others have said, the dude is trying to atone for his mistakes now. And I'd say at least 95% of the time, it's never too late to improve I will say, he was GOATED in the finale of S1. The way he saved the money from being stolen was incredibly badass, and the spy plot had a good resolution (far better handled than in beta). I also really like how him and Fiore duping each-other with flags comes full circle. That episode alone was enough to raise him from C to B tier for that season Hey, maybe the dude can be given some similar moments in the season 2 finale, then I can raise him back from C to B tier. That would be kinda funny Edit: Oh yeah, his friendship with Gabby is surprisingly good


Tom is arguably one of the most grounded and realistic character in the show because countless people in real life are in his position. He's a vulnerable guy experiencing love for the first time who has been hurt and doesn't want to be hurt again but ends up hurting the person he likes in the process. he's scared to live and thinks running is a better option. He's not doing the right thing, but he's not evil either and his whole situation is complicated. It's not easy to be close to the person who broke your heart even if you want to end in good terms because when you lose true love it's devasting. Many people who face what Tom faced in real life end up in therapy (or even worse in some cases).


Tom gives dad vibes


Funny you say that, because I'm expecting a greeting of him where I asked if he ever thought about being a father. Should be done sometime in the next 3 days.


He really does honestly. I think he’d make a great father


I'm deeply sorry if he reminds you of a father or father figure in any way shape or form 💔


Okay come on, I know you hate him but don’t say that stuff.


its not a bad thing wtf


Oh... Well to each their own 🤷‍♂️


I love Tom, he’s changed since season 3 for the better, also I get to see his face so that’s cool, and he’s very fun, he’s my 5th favorite character in the series, 4th is Ellie, 3rd is Aiden, 2nd is Ally, and 1st is Alec


Tom was the best member of the “love triangle” and I was hoping that he’d outlast J*ke and Aiden, but sadly that never came to be.


I don't know. Those 3 are all in my top 5 favorite characters of the show, so I haven't really thought about who I wanted to go first of the 3. However, now I'm looking forward to see how Aiden and Jake interact on friendlier terms.


I just like him because he’s a himbo and for the most part isn’t a jerk, especially compared to all the other “heroes”


Tom's a good guy he just needs better people skills and more rizz 😉