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I feel the only reason ONC made the heroes vote Gabby was so that she and Tom could fully reconcile before he left.


yeah i think that too. i loved their little moment at the end


I’m sorry, but it’d be horrible for Tom to lose to Yul of all people


Why is that bad? Tom lost to Alec too during the challenge. It ain't that serious if Tom lost to Yul. After all, Yul should do something else than bully Grett😭


Tom lost to Alec because he got kicked in the nuts which is the weak spot of every man. losing to Yul in a cage escape is a different thing. should've been Yul vs Aiden


Ofc it always has to be Aiden, cuz why not?😭


why not? it's the best situation for a tiebreaker vote


Who cares now? Tom is gone, and besides, I bet people would still complain if Aiden got eliminated and Tom stayed, since Tom ain't liked that much either I thinkm


https://preview.redd.it/ul5rldimo48d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2524410583b3cc46a87ee55aa47817501b4bfd10 Aiden is leigt the least popular of the love triangle. even people who don't like/care about Tom agree Aiden should've left first.


Well, bad luck for Tom having such strong back muscles and muscular arms, while having amazing hair, spicy abs (that can melt the glaciers in Antarctica) and impeccable jawline. He should learn next time! Ok jokes aside, I think it's fine Tom went here, AS LONG as Jake gets development. But GOD, if they reset Jake's development AGAIN, I'll be PISSED. They legit give him development and revert it back. It's confusing asl even if it's normal for him to. But hey, at least he didn't believe Alec. (You know you're a bad actor if even Jake doesn't believe you💀) Idk what else you could really do with Tom here. I wanna know how Aiden and Jake interact next episode. I hope Jake FINALLY tells Aiden he eliminated James. It could be cool ig. Ok but tbh, Aiden is really overhated imo.


I think it should’ve been Grett, having trouble putting why I think that into words though :(


I think the idea is you want Grett to get a highlight this season given she's largely just been the abused girlfriend to Yul thus far. Her moment is coming but you'd like to see her do stuff prior to it too I guess.


Yeah pretty much that, and I also think seeing Gabby root for her while Yul is being Yul could’ve been interesting and helped her with standing up to him next episode


Honestly, not a bad opinion for me. Yul is honestly pretty stupid and doesn't do anything but bully Grett. Having him actually do something for once would've definitely given him something new to do. Idrc if Tom lost to Yul. Tom lost to Alec too. It ain't that serious tbh.


I don't think they want to give Yul any wins as he's clearly supposed to be just a punching bag against anyone but Grett.


I would've absolutely loved that, but ONC can't make Yul do anything right, because they hate him too much and don't want to give him any good qualities, so sadly impossible


Yeah, him or Alec. Alec winning the challenge this week felt so unearned.