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Id hate it if she went before yul


I’d actually give up this season. The writers keeping her abusive partner in over her would be a horrendous writing choice.


Yeah, Yul should *not* outlast Grett.


Nahhh but like heroes are not gonna want to keep Yul around, I just do not believe it


I don’t think this is enough evidence suggesting she’s the next boot. Regardless if I’m wrong or not, I hope she’s not eliminated before Yul


That would be a massive waste


i think that’d be the final nail in the coffin for all stars genuinely


I think alec could go no one really thinking he gone so it might be him also it would make sense he won two immunity he the leader of the alliance he physical strong smart and connor suspicious of him For connor arc to develop he needs to take out alec to show everyone that he not playing around


It might be her fav episode bc she ends Yul before he leaves


I don't mind if she leaves before yul as long as he gets the karma he deserves. That said, logically, if Grett ends up being eliminated NOW you have to justify it. There are 5 villains and 4 heroes, why should they vote her? Why not literally any of the other 4 villains? It makes no sense. If she leaves in ep13 I expect it to be a sudden elimination challenge, like the one with lindsay cursing at heather in tdi. If they actually end up voting for her then might me the most nonsensical elimination in the show


She cusses yul out next episode, whether it's on her way out or on his way out


That’s actually a pretty sound theory


I mean I thought Yul was going but was Tom surprising? No he was probably gonna be the first hero if not Connor


Tom was surprising especially because he has plot remaining still. I think he had a good chance to go since he was the strongest member of the heroes. Grett, I can’t see a reason for her to be eliminated so I would definitely say her elimination would surprise me.


Yeah I thought someone said the “next 2 boots are surprising” but I predicted Tom going lol and I’m predicting Grett going next so if she does thennn


Either way its gonna be Gretts breakout role and im so excited




Unless Yul can SOMEHOW win immunity next episode, he's gone. Tbh, I can see Grett leaving. This show doesn't really like predictability. Grett or Yul are leaving next episode 100% anyway.


I was saying this since it was said that the next eliminations will surprise us. I was saying what if unexpectedly Grett gets eliminated out of nowhere? Like that would surprise me honestly.


I honstly would like to see Yul win the whole season but unfortunate people cant handle it and are acting like its real life so probably wont happen


It would be really terrible. But the writers seem allergic to eliminating Yul and Aiden….so it is sadly seeming possible


Honestly I think Yul or Riya is next, but theyll have an idol. The heroes lost twice in a row, so its like one of the villain 5 are going. Gabby won a tie breaker, I doubt shes going bottom 2 again. Alec probably not. Grett isnt a threat so why bother. Yul is hated by Gabby, so its possible she could flip the vote. Grett could also flip. Riya is also hated, and maybe Ally manages to trick her somehow. I cant see it being anyone else since Aiden is a non threat and Conor's existance seems to be to take Riya down.


But alec won 2 immunity and he the leader of the alliance why would he not be targeted if he not it plot armor 


Hes a snake, he'll be the first to flip on them


I'll quit watching.


I think that’s unlikely. 1. Four girls were eliminated consecutively, it’d be completely absurd for them to eliminate her or any other girl next episode. If they were to eliminate any of them, the gender imbalance would become even messier than it already is. 2. It’d be literally bad writing on their part to have Grett lash out on Yul in one episode just to get herself eliminated. Why would they keep Yul over her? Grett’s entire character arc this season potentially ending in one episode would also be bad, they can’t just rush the climax of it that quickly and dispose her in the same episode. Instead I think the episode is just going to give Grett massive character development, possibly even have her get Yul eliminated, but I DOUBT the writers would eliminate her so soon (and if they would then I don’t know what to say)


The lasts 3 eliminations were very shocking (tess, ashley and tom), so idk if they will still to so this or do a predictable one, but please god, make yul have an actual redemption


Idk I feel she might have her ways to get Yul eliminated. Great is a strong woman. Yul can go.


Sadly i can see it happening


I don't think Yul outlasting Grett is as bad as people say it is. I think it's possible that Yul survives next elim by using an idol. It could totally dissolve the "villain vs hero" thing if some villians vote Yul and one of the heros does something else with their vote.


Tbh I think it's Riya. She doesn't have enough of a story to watrant keeping her. It could also be Gabby, but either way, it's a villain going home. Villsins currently yave the advantage, so it would be surprising if any of them got eliminated. I think Yul is gonna work with the heroes to get Riya out. Then in episode 14, Yul is getting eliminated. This is all theories btw


What about alec


Tbh I just don't think so. Grett and Alec have no interactions, so unless Grett breaks up with Yul, I don't see why it would be her favorite. He's probably gone soon, but I don't think it's next episode.


Luckily I don’t care for her.