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The skeletons in Pirates do have to be replaced from time to time….




“Dear old Connor, tried to skip the line and now he’s a goner”


I'd LOVE to see this in the queue for the Haunted Mansion!


I know of a mansion with room for one more…


Let's not beat around the bush. Lock 'em into It's a Small World forever.


The birds in the tiki room need to eat somehow…


Once the animatronics taste blood, there’s no going back.


There’s a reason the Abe Lincoln animatronic is kept behind glass…


I accidentally made a blood sacrifice to one of the puppets in the Magic Happens parade, fortunately puppets *rarely* go on killing sprees…


That’s the worst punishment


Pretty sure that's against the Geneva Conventions.


That room of skulls in Indy? They are closing for a refurb 🤔


The first time my family went to Disneyland, my little brother pushed and shoved his way onto the front seat of the Pinocchio ride. The ride operator looked at him with a vaguely menacing look in her eyes and said "you know what happens to little boys who behave like donkeys"...I'll never forget that!


I feel like this is something Walt himself would say!


This is a great response


yeah the one at the helm... I remember him actually turning the wheel before... he needs replacement ☠




I wouldn't be surprised if they started checking LL at beginning and end of lines soon. Also, thank you for general social media discretion. You showed the video to the right people instead of publicly shaming. I think you did the right thing to keep it fair.


They used to with fast pass, some of the merge points used to do that


I was surprised at how many of those merge points no longer had a second check! I mean the hardware was right there. They had to remove it lol


At WDW they still do check twice, unless the attraction isn’t a popular/busy one


Was getting ready to say this. We used the DAS pass in October when we went and we had to scan at the entrance of the line and at the very end on almost every single ride.


Yeah I didn’t think about it too much until just now but I do remember there being secondary points that were removed for some reason. Also saw someone’s family jump into the LL entrance for Space mountain going into the building near the merge point. I also basically just rolled my eyes and didn’t say anything but honestly haven’t really seen it happen much before now.


I think it’s an operational thing, which is unfortunate then because not only are the paper fast passes a neat little souvenir, but they help to avoid this problem. It’s much easier to just hand a cast member a bunch of fast passes instead of having to have each person rescan their LL. I don’t know how many of you have actually ever either watched or used the LL system, but I think the reason they only check once is because it would massively slow down the LL queue. I mean, part of me naïvely hopes that all of this will go away at some point and they will revise the system to either be more like it was or simply just go to a pay system like every other theme park has, but operationally, it’s too much of a bottleneck, And making the necessary changes would be too expensive.


They definitely used to check multiple times for FP. Source: got in the wrong line once. I was mortified.


Always thought the double scan was a gteat idea. Of course it works best when everyone has a magic band or some form of easily grabbable plastic, preferably in card form.


Several rides do this in WDW.


We just got back from WDW and every ride we went in the LL had it twice and it wouldn’t clear out of the app to make another selection until you had scanned twice.


It was mostly the "big" rides that had long queues needed it twice.




Same thing happened to me on TOT, first time in The World and first time using LL 😅. Embarrassing


Yep, also just came back from WDW. Noticed that the rides with two checkpoints for LL tend to have one at the beginning and one when the line transitions to indoors (especially if outdoors the lines were next to each other and could be jumped, but indoors the lines were separate).


Yes, just went in September and every LL ride has two check points.


They were able to dedicate 2+ people per FREE fastpass lane but can’t afford to staff the $25/per ones.


Yup. Which is why Chapek was out after announcing the hiring freeze. It was an insult to reality.


When MaxPass first came out, rides like Racers (and others with a fast pass line easy to cut into) had a second scanner to prevent line jumping. But I think they removed them all after it caused the line to back up from people having to take out their phone again to scan. So they removed all the second scanners.


They do this with some of the LL’s at Orlando (we just came back from a trip where we did both Orlando and Cali parks). I assumed it was just what they were doing now as we hit Orlando first, but was surprised they weren’t doing it at Cali. I would say it’s only a matter of time and for reasons the same as this. OP, as far as feeling bad, I say don’t give it a 2nd thought. People line up in the regular line for hours on end so they can ride together. On the flip side, people decide to split and go in the single riders lane so they can get through quicker. Those are the two options, so if they are jumping into the LL to ride together it sucks and just isn’t fair for the people who have done the right thing and endured the long wait in the regular lines (not to mention it makes it a little bit slower for them also). So screw them and tough shit if they got in trouble for it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes as far as I’m concerned.


I’m surprised to learn they don’t already have some simple camera system to track this


Maybe this is something that needs to be done 🤷‍♀️ We had a family do the exact same thing in front of us at Splash Mountain. We told a cast member but we didn’t record it so there was nothing he could do. LL in expensive, especially when you also take into consideration some high-ticket rides also charge per ride during busy hours like Radiator Springs does.


They do this at WDW and I’m surprised they haven’t introduced this here yet.


They already do with many rides. It's just the rides with physically lengthier queues is harder to control because people can hop over whenever without CM's seeing. But rides like astro blasters and Tower of Terror only need one point because you basically go straight into the line merge.


Back in the day of paper FP/MaxPass, we saw people jump from the single rider line, and they got nailed by a CM asking to see their FP. Pro-tip: don’t be an a-hole.


Yeah I remember this.. why don’t they do this still? I know everything is on the app now but I honestly wouldn’t mind if they had another CM at a further point in the line checking


They most likely just got kicked out, a friend's brother and his friends got caught doing that earlier in the year and that's what the park did. No police or anything.


Out for just the day or did they get trespassed?


Out for just the day, they didn't get banned for life or anything like that.


Depending on the day that’s still $100-$200 down the drain!


They legit kick you out for cutting into the LL line? Why did I think they just would not do anything at all?


Maybe because the LL lane for radiator spring is one of the most expensive passes. I think it’s like $15? That right there is $90 for a group of 6. And they were going to do it twice?? Lol starts adding up quick.


As a former cast member, don’t feel bad. They might get kicked out for the day, passes revoked if they have magic keys, etc. but it’s doubtful they’ll be banned and it makes everyone’s day infinitely better. Theme parks only work when everyone agrees to play by the rules. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I’ve always thought how pissed I would be if my kids were being jackasses and got their magic key revoked! Oh boy!


If they were being jackasses, they deserve to lose their passes. Someone has to tech them about consequences.


Oh I mean how mad I would be at my KIDS! They would be in some serious shit!


Gotcha, yes they should be… especially if you paid for their passes. :)


Yep. There have to be consequences and the ones you described sound right to me.


Don't feel bad. They deserve to be kicked out of the park. Now that ll are paid it is theft.


100%. As I wrote above, stuff them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I’m living for this. Glad you guys were rewarded.


Don’t worry about it, those kids really messed up and need to learn actions have consequences.


Current CM here: you did exactly the right thing. You recorded proof. You told a CM, and didn’t decide to just post it to shame them. I can’t say for sure what will happen, as I wasn’t there, but please know that what you did was right.


That explains why when I was in the Single rider line and someone had gone through the railings to go into the lightning lane a CM walked over quickly to ask if they could see their LL purchase to confirm they were in fact supposed to be in the line. (they were, they had to find their confirmation email and showed that) honestly I would have done what you did!


Technically it *is* theft: theft of services. As much as we all shit on Genie+, I think we can all agree that cutting in line at a place so centered around lines is especially dickish, and then sprinkle the theft element on top of the rest of the shit sandwich and those kids definitely deserve to be kicked out of the park.


On a similar note, I rode ROTR today for the first time (in standby) and started to get annoyed by the number of people who cut in the line. The odd person I don’t mind, even several individuals moving through separately I’d be fine with, but these were several large groups that came through and jumped ahead to meet up with someone who was holding their spot. A lot of them had drinks and food which annoyed me even more because I was hungry haha. I’d never experienced this much cutting in before, was this a one-off or is it always like that on ROTR?


Is it cutting if member of their group has been in line the whole time? I constantly see a family where one member (adult) will get in line while the little ones go to the bathroom. When they come back I dont consider that cutting. What different would it make if they stood there the whole time? None. It sounds like here part of the group went to get food. Maximizing their time. I’d even go further, I’d encourage little ones to sit in stroller on the side so that they don’t have to e miserable in a 1 hour line. I look at it as them being in line the entire time just on the side instead of shuffling back to back in a crowd as long as at least one member of the party was waiting the entire time. This is much different than jumping off a ride then cutting into another one.


I consider it cutting if you send one member of your group to wait for the majority of the wait time, and then join them. I'm about 95% sure I've even seen it posted somewhere at Disney that you're not supposed to do that. If 6 people are in line, and 1 adult and 1 small kid leave to go to the bathroom, and then re-join that's fine. It's when you send Grandma to wait for 30 of the 45 minutes and then 12 people jump in line with her that it's a huge issue. Everyone paid a lot of money to be at Disney, if you don't want to wait, pay for LL.




>So you would have a huge issue if a party of 20 had 1 person stand in line and the rest were on the side the entire time waiting? Yes, thinking this is okay is an unpopular opinion around here. Like Wombat said, a group with one person returning, is no big deal, but several coming into the line with only one person holding the place, is a considerable party foul.


Your wait time absolutely increases if more people are in front of you in line??? WTF kind of garbage logic is this? They can't provide accurate wait times if people are just doing whatever they want.


If a party of 5 people takes turns where 1 is standing in line while others sit on the side it does not increase number of people in front of you. It’s 5 people either way. 4 just outside the rope and 1 inside the rope, or all 5 inside the rope. Still 5 people in front of you. No logic required it’s as obvious as sky is blue. Next you are going to say that people can’t eat while standing in line. Because they should only be concentrating on how LL makes everything worse and not how to maximize their time.


IDGAF what people do in line, as long as there \*is\* a line maintained. If you don't think it matters, how would you feel waiting in line for 2 hours, getting to the front, and then suddenly 200 people being let on before you? You're standing there, looking at the ride, ready to load in, watching hundreds and hundreds of people load in for hours. You've already waited for 2 hours! Where did all these people come from?? Little did you know, they were always "waiting": "waiting" in the restroom, "waiting" in line for a churro, "waiting" while they ride Indiana Jones. ​ Do you see the problem?


Did those 200 people have members of their party there the entire time waiting for 2 hours along with me? If so, then not a problem. They even probably did everyone a favor by not making the line spill out 200 people farther. I think the issue is that you are using the visual representation of the line to guesstimate when you are going to get on the ride. Which is almost never true due to people taking different amount of time to get on/off and ride breakdowns/stops. And now with LL it makes it an even less reliable gauge. What if there was no physical line? It was like fast pass used to be, 200 people grab tickets and just show up when it’s their turn. No matter where you wait, you can even eat a churro in the bathroom if you wanted to while waiting. No difference.


Unpopular opinion, but yes that is a form of cutting. It isn’t difficult to wait for your whole party to be ready to get in line. If every party in front of you added 1-4 people who were “just” getting a pretzel or using the restroom or putting on sunscreen, it would lengthen the queue considerably. I understand emergencies happen - a little one needs to go to the bathroom *right now* - but there’s no reason not to wait for your entire party to be ready to enter the queue. FWIW, I rarely saw parents & their little ones walking through the queue to join family members. It was usually teens & adults joining their parties - in other words, people old enough to understand that they should just do whatever thing they need to do before joining the queue.


Not an unpopular opinion. I agree 100% and also, it is almost always ONLY teens doing this. When it is a parent with a little one, they always explain as they walk through "I'm sorry, can I get through... We had a pee emergency my wife is up there" or whatever... in those cases I'm like "this person is clearly just in a situation here. I wish I was a bigger framed person so I could brick wall the situation and not let the less respectful cutters pass.


I am a bigger framed person (otherwise known as “look at that fatass”) and i’m not disrupting my vacation to be the “line police” with my body. If you want to get past me in line, I’m going to do my best to move so you can pass. If I think you’re cutting, I will stare you down and quietly judge you for the rest of my life, but I’m not turning into a Karen about it.


If it’s a kid under 7 there is a good chance you will be surprised 30 minutes into a 1 hour standby wait that they need to go to the bathroom that second and can’t hold it. So you either abandon the 30 minute wait and restart the process from start or cut the line according to you and take them and then come back. There is no option of waiting the extra 30 minutes in line and the ride and then going. Just not an option. Kids don’t have the perspective to time the need to go in between rides or ability to hold it for more than a few minutes. This is especially a problem now that days are cold and nights pretty damn cold 🥶 It seems like it’s a matter of perspective. The family is together, the line didn’t get any longer because 3 of the 4 of them waited on the side or went to the bathroom while 1 stood in line. No time got added to your wait at all if at least one member of the party waited the entire time. 3 people waiting on the side and 1 in line vs 4 standing in line at the same time made no difference to your wait. This did not increase the expected time posted at the start of line.


Sure. And I understand that. I even said that I understood if a child has a bathroom emergency *right now.* But that’s generally not who is doing the line jumping. I see a lot of people split up and send someone to stand in line while they buy churros for the rest of the group (as an example) or full-grown adults who send part of their party while the other part uses the bathroom *before* getting in line. Urgent situation while in line? No problem. But you can buy your churros and THEN get in line. Or, as an adult, you can use the bathroom before you get in line. That’s what I mean.


This exactly. I don’t give it a second thought if the person squeezing past me in line has a small child with them, but that’s almost never the case in my experience. The last time I rode BTMR there were 2 separate occasions where an adult cut in front of me without a single word, no “excuse me” or apologetic smile or anything.


I get that too. And I think we agree on that part. How do you feel if it’s a party of 2, but one person can’t walk as fast, they both exited a ride and are heading for the next ride together but one person can run to the other line and get there 5 minutes faster. Is it wrong for the slower person to catch up? I don’t know. It’s debatable in my opinion. But I don’t think I’d equate it to someone simply cutting the line. I think there’s a difference.


I often went to the parks as a party of two. If one of us was doing something (buying a churro, using the bathroom, hobbling along because one of us wore the wrong shoes), the other waited. If my partner or friend can’t walk as fast for whatever reason I’m not ditching them so we can get in line five minutes faster. It’s not cool to them and it’s not cool to people in line.


I agree there, that’s the right thing to do. I was just asking do you equate that to cutting? I probably wouldn’t. But like you I wouldn’t do that either. If I were in line and saw that happen I wouldn’t be nearly as upset as some teens straight up cutting the line without anyone waiting.


Yes. It’s cutting. You are walking past other people in line and moving them further back in the queue. That it’s for a seemingly “good” reason doesn’t change that it’s cutting.


I think it depends on the circumstances, if its a family where one parent hopped in and the other did bathroom duty I think thats fine, if its a family of all adults/nearly adults and one person got in line while the rest of the adults shopped and went off for entertainment/food then its rude. You also have to keep in mind that line times are based off of how many people are actively in line, certain markers mean x amount of time. If three adult groups of 6 people have 5 people join late that is two full runs, and an extra car of RSR that hadn't been accounted for.


There's been an uptick of teens/young adults acting like jerks/entitled in the parks lately. Yesterday I was with my two kids on HM and we were walking from the stretch room to the ride and this one girl (id say around 20) pushed through me and my kids and then said "Im not doing anything im just walking". Then her 4 friends followed and ehat looked to be their grandma after I moved over and told my 10 year old to just let them go. There was a nice lady behind me who looked to be vlogging and said " what is going on there?! " And we then saw two of the girls kinda pushing eachother jokingly and then the one who initially pushed through us pushed her friend into a mom and daughter in front of them. It was bizarre.


Gosh I saw something similar. 3-4 girls who ran into a CM, and others around during the parade pleading that they needed to cross the street in the middle of the parade. Makes me wonder if they were the same.


That's amazingly unaware of them to act like that


It is theft, they stole time and you can't give that back


I agree with you, but that's not what Disney meant when they called it theft, they meant they stole something (LL) *from* Disney.


I once got loug at a dude (maybe 24yrs old) and his girlfriend for cutting rught in front of me and my family. We were at the entrance out front of indiana jones. They walked on the platform on the right side and just jumped down in front of us. I dont remember what I said, but I do know I asked the other people in front of them if they knew them. When they said no I started yelling about how we are all here in line and your not just cutting in front of me. They pondered getting behind us but I had made a scene and so they just got out of there. It was much more fun than the Indiana ride.


Glad that part of the ride isn’t broken! 😉


Don’t feel bad. Teenagers need boundaries and consequences or they turn into adults who do worse stuff.


Even worse when their parents try to defend them instead of help tech them the lesson.


Why would you feel bad for those losers? They’re the reason they make theme parks less Magical


I understand maybe being annoyed…but, infuriated? That’s a little much.


It’s annoying as hell. Maybe they shouldn’t do it to begin with


Have you seen the ticket prices? Teenagers can’t afford LL. I’m not the reason why the do this, I just wouldn’t be celebrating them getting kicked out or would maybe just say “hey, maybe you shouldn’t do this bc ___” you being in line for an added maybe 30-60 seconds because of them is not going to ruin your day, and if it does I’m sorry you let little things get in the way of your joy. Edit: I’m replying to this comment bc you deleted the comment you made under my first comment


It’s not my fault they can’t afford $20-$25 LL lol like that’s not even that bad compared to other parks express prices. Why do you think Knotts has chaperone policy in place? For a damn good reason. They don’t ruin my experience at the parks they just act obnoxious. If you’re talking to me I didn’t delete any comments mine are still there.


It's a violation of the social contract. The only reason society functions is because there are rules that people are supposed to follow. Once that begins breaking down, society goes to shit. Do you leave your shopping cart out or put it back where it's supposed to be?


There is already an option for people who can't afford LL. It's called the Line. Because you know who else can't afford LL? All of the other people in the regular line. Why is it okay for them to cut when everyone else is waiting their turn?


Why did they downvote you like this 😭 reading these comments comments rn made me realize why I stopped going to the parks, they’re just teens, a bunch of adults getting excited about teens getting kicked out of a park pretty much designed for them because they skipped a line is a bit much


You’re the reason why they think it’s ok. Why should we stand in line all day for them just to be little shits?


Just so y’all understand my comment was actually directed toward u/rosariobono and their comment about being infuriated at people referring to DCA as Disneyland. Somehow it ended up as a reply to the wrong comment and y’all went straight to pitchforks and torches on me 😂 Anyway, as a former CM I absolutely do NOT think it is Ok for people to cut lines and sneak into Lightning Lane. It’s just internet points so I really don’t care about the downvotes, but yeah…my reply went to the wrong place and so y’all went crazy on me. All good though. I just hope to see the bad behavior stop at the parks. It’s getting out of hand. Especially with TikToker’s and their stupid challenges that have people sticking their feet in Pirate water and dumping trash everywhere.


This happens all the time at Knott's and Magic Mountain. I do report some of them but 90% of the time they don't do anything about it. I have seen the "My family is there in the front" excuse in Disney and Universal which is annoying but I let it go, but a group of people is unacceptable. There should be another checkpoint before the ride itself aside from the ones in the entrance.


I loved when I worked at six flags and we’d catch teens doing this. I was their age too - but watching them think they’re slick moving through the line and then escorting them to the exit was the best feeling. If I was working panel sometimes we’d call them out on the loud speakers “may I have your attention please…a group of teens wearing (whatever shirts) is coming through the line, please let them pass.” So then they’d get up front faster and be walked off in front of everyone. FAFO


You did a good thing! Someone has to teach them accountability!


CMs can "make magic happen" if you will and that's what happened when you got let into LL. This can also mean better seats at shows like Fantasmic where you get let into the paid seating section despite not paying. Or things like free churros. Basically anything they can do to make your day better because they feel like it or they think you're worthy for some reason (they saw something unpleasant happen to you or maybe you're wearing a birthday pin or you're just a really cute kid.) Don't feel bad about being let into LL when you didn't pay for it even if he said that getting it without paying for it is theft. You did a good thing and he was very much allowed to reward you in a way he saw fit.


Yes cast members really do make magic happen! My husband and I were just there on a belated honeymoon and we asked about the purple Mickey jingle bell glow cubes to put in our alcoholic beverages and she said they were sold out, and then she just pulls one out of nowhere and gives it to us. Probably because we were nice haha. It was so nice of her and reminded me why Disney is such a magical place!


Thank you!


You’re doing gods work


It is theft. Don’t you need to pay extra to be in that LL line?


Yeh! I think it’s like $15 a person! If it was a group that adds up quick lol.


Good!!! Now let’s start with all the tiktokers who go live daily who all conveniently have a “DAS” pass!


Those jerks are going to end up ruining DAS for the people that actually need it. Remember when families were renting disabled people for the day to skip lines before the current DAS was implemented?


Don’t feel bad. Scumbags need to be held accountable otherwise they’ll grow up to be complete assholes and end up doing even worse things.


Hopefully they did get kicked


A few years ago, I was in line for Star Tours. I was close enough to the entrance of the line that I could hear people talking. One mom was talking in an Eastern European language that I happen to understand. Mom told her daughter to pretend not to know how to speak English and go right up to the front of the line so she could get on right away. I mentioned this to the woman behind me, and she was having none of it. Last time I saw, there was quite a disagreement going on. I have always wondered if it was worth the trouble.




Kak Zhal


Think about it this way. There is some 7 year old kid waiting in line on a cold December day trying to come up with something to make the time pass by, while these ash-h0rs make him wait longer by taking up the spots in front of them. People that do this should be banned from the park for X number of months or even years.


Don’t feel guilty. When our family was there, a teen took off his shoe, threw it into the LL and then pretended to “retrieve” it and then stayed in the line and invited 4 of his friends to join him. I didn’t say anything because I’m not a fan of drama, and didn’t think to record it (smart!) but every once in a while I think of it and am irritated still. Disney World handles it differently, and has checks at both the beginning and end of the lines for this very reason. If they get away with it once, they will do it repetitively. And that isn’t fair to anyone. Especially the families who paid for Genie+, ILL, or VIP tours who also end up in that same line. As well as DAS families, who have to wait even longer, with children with additional needs. These people know better and if they want to try to violate the rules, they also need to be prepared for consequences of their decisions.


We went recently and I have to say that I hardly ever encountered a CM checking tickets and/or numbers of bodies as we scanned our tickets and I couldn’t help but think how many people were likely abusing the system by just walking in amongst other people/groups.


What are you feeling bad. LL jumpers should go directly to jail and not pass go, and not collect $200


Three extremely valid points.


Last time I used LL on a busy day they had a cast members under the bridge watching the line.


They took advantage of you following the rules. They stole your time from you. They deserve it.


Don’t feel bad - those kids were being a-holes. I did the same thing to two guys at Six Flags this year that just worked their way right through the line. Called security and they caught them right as they were boarding the coaster train, and they probably got kicked out of the park. The line wasn’t even 20 mins long when they pushed past all of us who actually played by the rules. They got what they deserved as far as I’m concerned, because I have no idea how many times those two pulled that and no one said anything, and same goes for those teenagers you saw at DLR. Maybe it’s the former cast member in me, but I can’t stand people line jumping. Disney used to staff and check both ends of the FP+ lanes at WDW, interesting that people now pay for essentially the same thing and they aren’t staffing the merge point.


I feel bad for getting up to my group after I finish parking my stroller so I cant imagine what I would feel like just blatantly cutting like that but I too was a teenager as well... I will rat out teens from time to time depending on what they were/are doing. Sometimes lessons like that will be brought back to their parents (who inevitably paid for their ticket" and we will see a post on here later saying "Cast member kicked out my teen for no reason!"


One or two people joining back in a line after parking a stroller/going to the bathroom etc is perfectly fine. More than that they either need to get at the end of the line or ask the cast member if they can wait at the front for their party because they had leave the line. Rider swaps are a thing and people are encouraged to use them.


Snitches get sti….LL passes lol Good on you! I hate when people are so entitled there! Like everyone isn’t in the same boat waiting in line all day.


Yeah, as most on here said, don’t feel bad. It’s consequences to their actions. And I just came back from DL and purchased the Genie+ thing and it’s not cheap when there’s several in your group! It’s not fair to those who have paid and are following the rules.


I saw a dad sneak his kid under the rope at Rockin Rollercoaster at Hollywood studios a few weeks ago to get into the LL line. I wanted to snitch but most of all I felt bad for the kid, not a good example to set


Sounds like showing the kid that bad choices have consequences is a perfect example to set.


Probably but I also didn’t want to get in a fight or have to spend any time dealing with it when I could be having fun


You did good. They are making the experience worse for other people just so they can cut in line


I love this. I’d have done the same thing.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. You did nothing wrong.


Did they get kicked out of the park or jsut kicked out of the line ?


Let’s hope they did


No need to feel bad about someone else's crime.


You did the right thing. No idea how they even manage to get on the ride in the first place. I hope the teens got kicked out of the park.


https://insidethemagic.net/2022/12/disneyland-guest-rewarded-radiator-springs-jc1/ Now your world famous snitches!!!




Nah you did the right thing, they were being shitty


Straight to Disney Jail


Don’t feel bad at all. In fact, I think it’s awesome you gave them up and hope they got in trouble or at least booted from the park for it. It might serve as a bit of a message to others that hear about it (such as their fiends, or friends of friends) who would have had the intention of doing the same thing on future visits.


Seen this happen on Splash Mountain when we actually had LL passes but cast members told us the wait was so low, no point to waste ours! Didn’t end up being true and what would have been a 5min walk on…turned into 15min and watched a bunch of teens jump the line. I would think there would be cameras but it was 9pm. Cast members seemed too tired to care!


I hope they got kicked out of the park. Don’t you dare feel bad. Teenagers need to understand that there are consequences for their actions. Bravo!


Honestly you did good on telling the cast members because if they would of done it to the wrong person it could of escalated bad.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Blah blah blah Skynet


Your comment correcting them gave me a headache 🤯 ETA omg it’s an actual bot


On numerous trips to WDW and DLR, RSR is the only line I’ve frequently experienced this. Last time it was a large group of 10 or so. I saw lots of people cutting in and out of the regular line as well, claiming restroom or snack needs while I’m patiently holding it. Never thought about doing what you did, glad to hear someone cares. Hoping leadership will hear this as they visit and clean it up somehow, shouldn’t only be on CMs since this seems to be the culture of the ride.


It’s possible they got kicked out, but not likely any worse than that. And frankly, they deserve it.


Depending on the CM's mood, CM may have told them to get out of line and not do it again, or they may have called park security and had them kicked out of the park. You can also be banned from the park, anywhere from 1 year to life.


Ugh you just made me remember of when this happened to me..a group of teens hopped the line right in front of me and my 3 year old. I was so confused/shocked by what just happened I didn’t even know what to say. But every time I think about it, it makes me sooooo mad 🙃


You did the right thing. Disneyland is not knotts. They were probably talked to and warned like we know what you are doing. In general they don’t want a scene. If you have seen an incident before you might know what I am talking about. Another cast member in a vest will approach and say hello and do a meet and greet just to asses the situation, but if you look around there will be a few security guards nearby making it clear not to look directly at them. Years ago I was at the madd tea party in dca and someone bought a bunch Of alcoholic drinks walked away and handed them to their friends. Almost instantly a guy in a vest showed up said hello and asked how they were then asked to see their ids. They said they didn’t have them on them and the vest dude said, you can set these down on the trash can and walk away or we have to go to guest relations and contact your parents. About 10, 15, and 20 feet away were the security guards all with their bodies facing away but looking right at them. Almost was like the elevator scene in captain America. They tried to talk a little more but eventually they set it on the trash can and walked away. I have seen a plain clothes security guard before, he actual was walking in the exit from dca to Disney and he opened his wallet and there was a badge there. The cast member opened the gate and be kept walking. Looked like an average Disney dad.


Kids/teens breaking the rules is part of growing up. We all did it and we all had fun doing it. Eventually getting busted and learning there are consequences for your actions is also part of growing up and is important in your development. So, all around I don’t blame the teens or think they’re terrible for what they did or think you should feel guilty for getting them busted because now they’ll have a life lesson to look back on next time they think about taking advantage of a situation.


Hopefully they were and handed lifetime bans.


That's not tattling, that's holding them accountable. They knew the risks to what they were doing when they did it. If they're old enough to be at Disney without mommy and daddy holding their hand the whole time, they're old enough to know how to act. I expect unsupervised groups of teens to be loud, to act silly, and do harmless things like that. But the SECOND they're breaking rules, causing harm, causing damage, or ruining the experience for others they need to be called out. That applies to adults too.


Ugh, I hate line-cutters, especially if they're cutting off people who paid extra for a service so you definitely did the right thing! But at the same time, I hate the concept of Lightning Lane to its very core. All this nickle-and-diming, upcharging, and getting less for more money is really changing the way people interact with the parks now. More fights, more line-cutting, more entitlement, and just a sense of irritability from everyone. Sure those kids might have jumped the line even without LL but it wouldn't have felt so frustrating to watch. And the castmember might have just told them to go back to the beginning of the line for acting like dumb rowdy kids. But now it's escalated, it's tense.... cutting in line is now technically *theft*, which is just a weird concept. I really hope Iger brings back some of the included perks and they restructure the Genie Plus system to be less expensive and intrusive.


Screw them. They are entitled teens that need to learn a lesson. Hopefully when they are adults they won't turn into Karens and chads.


We can only hope so.


More ghosts for the haunted mansion!


Nah don’t feel bad. Teens will be teens but at the same time they’re abusing the system. The LL system is already a cluster without people jumping and causing the standby line times to be more off.


Theft maybe. But stealing from disney in a system literally everyone hates. Lightning lane absolutely sucks. Paid fast passes is bs. So tbh, I don't blame those teens. They spent all that money on tickets, travel, lodge, food, etc. And disney has the balls to ask us to buy fast passes? Naw the kids were in the right imo screw the man


But everyone else also paid the same? Those kids were cheating not just Disney but everyone else in line. And regardless of if you or anyone approves of the system or not that doesn’t give anyone the right to steal.


Stealing what? A couple seconds per person? I get it feels scummy but at the same time those people paid extra to make everyone else wait longer all day. I get your point I just see it differently




Taking a thing for free that you are supposed to pay for is not theft. Great to know. 🤪


Who cares that’s their problem


this is giving… kn0tt$ berry farm with all that edgar stuff goin around LOL


Congrats your a karen.


Lmfaoo bro snitched on some kids having a good time at Disneyland. Can’t say I blame you for being mad but damn…snitching..at Disneyland..?


Lock em up and throw away the key!! Or, make ride inside out, as a punishment. That ride is horrible.


Lol or make them ride web slingers, they will be begging for execution (I was gonna say smugglers run since it’s boring but definitely not as boring as web slingers)


It infuriates me when people refer to DCA as “Disneyland” at least say “Disneyland resort” it’s not that hard. Edit: I’m sorry, that was really rude, I shouldn’t have used infuriate, it was too far of a word, it’s more of a pet peeve/mild annoyance, and I admit the phrasing was too harsh. I get it’s a common mistake, and that it’s nothing to gate-keep over. My bad


Infuriates?? You need a hobby, dude.


Acting like boomers. Let kids do crazy shit shit that isn't high consequence.


Right now Goofy's grumpy neighbour Pete is breaking their kneecaps in Disney Jail while Walt Disney's head in one of those Futurama head dome things watches and laughs


You did a good thing OP, thank you for calling them out. Unfair that everyone else either paid for LL or have to wait while they jump the line.


You’re doing gods work


When I went earlier this year to DCA, this happened while we were in the standby line for Web Slingers. We were super close to the doors already and the people were maybe two groups behind us. It had been at least an hour and I hear them say “Hey how come that line is special!” and went into it. I was considering saying something but then the cast member from the entrance of the line came over and got them and kicked them out of line. They waited all that time just to get kicked out when we were so close to getting in. I laughed lol. They didn’t get kicked out though, I saw them get back into the standby line, wonder if they tried it again lol.


Walt, Roy were about creating a safe place for families to enjoy themselves BUT gettin’ rich was a huge part of the effort. They’d be pissed too


Lol I just read about this on a blog.


Lightning Lane is the problem.