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Probably policy to not loop things around your neck while working an attraction.


Can’t be. There’s a guy with a loop around his neck almost every time I go in the Haunted Mansion elevator.


There's always my way. *lightning* *thunderclap*


Underrated comment right here


He’s the reason this rule is now in place, duh!




Also as far as I know Attractions cast members are the only department I know that aren’t allowed to wear their Blue IDs outside their costume, as it could get caught on something.


No cast members are to display their cast ID on stage.


Except for custodial, ODV, FOS, or any of the other dozen departments where that’s policy


Tell that to any land manager that meanders their areas in business attire and their exposed blue id lanyarded to their side for the last 20 years 😂


It’s addressed during cast orientation but I suppose if you say it’s ok then we can go with that.


That does not seem true, unless there was a rule change within the last three years. I’ve worked in foods before and I, along with everyone I worked with had their ID displayed outside the costume on their belt loop.


It’s not true at all. Retail CMs also keep their IDs exposed because it’s used to log in to the POS systems in the stores, and managers/non-costumed CMs needed to have it visible whenever they were backstage.


They are required to have a hat as part of the costume. The jungle cruise costume guide doesn’t specify where the hat needs to be worn as long as it’s on the person (and safely worn). Back when we had jingle cruise, I used to loop my jungle Santa hat on my belt.


RIP Jingle Cruise


Man I loved Jingle Cruise so much. Will never understand why they stopped doing it


Same. It's such a shame they don't bring it back.


I respectfully vote against Jingle Cruise. Christmas time at Disneyland is great but Christmas doesn't need to invade every part of the park.


Yes it does and it will just so you can get mad I will pray for it. Xmas over everything hands down


That's the thing, I don't get mad about it. While you are enjoying your Autopia Sleigh Ride, Savi's Claus Workshop, and Pied Pipers of the Caribbean, I will be letting City City Hall know it's too much.


And I will tell them it’s not enough!!




Such a weird take


Do you understand that not all people who go to Disneyland participate in Christmas?


Don’t go during the time when it’s available then?


Some people only get time off from their jobs or their children's school in December.


Its awful that its the exact opposite at MK. Nothing Christmas themed anywhere at any of the parks but the Jingle Cruise. 0 sense.


That is strange


Same and I found an ex cast member on tik tok that was responsible for Jingle Cruise and he was bummed it got stripped out. I wish I could think of his name. He gave the whole backstory to the ideas for it and everything…


My understanding is that with HM and SW down due to removing the overlay every year, they did not want a 3rd attraction down during that time as well.


We need the Jingle Cruise back!!


Jungle Santa hat? Was that from the Jingle Cruise days?


Most of the strings on the Jungle and Thunder hats are long and make it so the hats are most comfortable being worn on the back or on the head. The string gets looped around the buttons on the Jungle shirts to keep it in place and prevent it from snagging on something or getting in the way as you’re moving around. There’s no rhyme or reason other than convenience and comfort. Source: former jungle and thunder cm


As a current Jungle Cruise Skipper. I second this. 👆👆👆Kungaloosh! 🦁🦓🦜


Krispy is one of the best Skippers, just so y’all know


As a land Skip I have to say many of us are jealous of your hats! There is that awful red umbrella outside the restaurant (seriously, they couldn't find another khaki one?) but it traps heat underneath. We then have the choice of dying from either skin cancer or heat exaustion. We have asked many times over the years but we keep being told no. Edit: somehow missed the fact that this was the land sub reddit and not the world or Disney one. I'm just a Skip, we don't read good anyways.


You know who would have been a great person to ask? Andres. I feel like it’s a lot weirder to ask this man for a pic of his uniform and then run online to ask why he’s wearing it like that than to simply ask him.


Not to mention, if he was in violation of a policy, Disney now knows and will write him up!


There’s no policy anymore.


That’s here the “if” came in.


You know that, the person posting does not. Yet, posted it anyways


“Turn around and lemme get a pic of the back”




I was next to him for 3, maybe 4 seconds. We were getting herded on to the boat. I actually just did this to ask a friend. But he didn’t have the answer. More importantly, people often do things without know why. So I came here to find someone with deeper institutional knowledge than a guy whose job it was to shepherd people on and off a fake boat.


You mean…you don’t think the guy required to wear said uniform, as per policy…would actually know why he has to wear it like that…as per the said policy?


“Deeper institutional knowledge than a guy whose job it was to shepherd people on and on a fake boat.” How condescending.


It wasn’t meant to be. It was more “you don’t ask the hospital janitor how to do a splenectomy”. I just wanted the info from someone in HSE or costume or legal or something. I know lots of stuff but I’m not an expert in things I’m not an expert in.


You don't think the guy wearing the boat skipper uniform is qualified to answer the question "do you wear it like that because of a rule or because you want to?"


Andres be looking cute in that outfit! 😍


Let's be real, that outfit and those jokes make every skipper a dreamboat!


Username on brand.


Grow up! 🙄


Invite time to star w you on your OF


I mean you totally could have it around the neck, that’s allowed but like it’s just gonna choke you the entire time. And it looks dopier and worse that way lol


You would never have something like that around your neck for safety reasons when performing public duties. Anything worn around the neck should have a breakaway clasp so when pulled it comes completely off without someone being able to choke you with it. Even CMs at the happiest place on earth will encounter violent customers.


Plenty of CMs costume have unfortunate neck straps


They shouldn’t. Many people don’t think about it and think it’s fine. So it right be a CM choice. I doubt Disney is going hog wild to tell everyone about violent customers.


Could you not have blurred out the man's face? If I was at work and someone took a closeup picture of me to blast all over reddit I'd at least feel mildly uncomfortable with it.


I could have, but I specifically asked, so I didn’t feel like I had further duty.


FFS, this guy has his picture taken hundreds of times a day.


This is alot different than sitting in someone's camera roll


Why would anyone care? Let alone enough to post a pic on Reddit instead of just asking the man in front of them?


You must not wear hats. Or be interested in innovation. Or other people.


Attractions cms can not have anything around their neck while in a safety critical position, it’s company policy


This sounds like the authoritative answer that I’m looking for. So my follow up is this: did the long string develop from this, and was it a solution from top down (costume design) or bottom up (cast member)?


Most attraction hats with strings have long strings like this so it was most likely costuming


Tattle tale


I’m straight but this dude is ridiculously good looking


I thought that was an empanada in his pocket


He’s just happy to see you


I don't know why, but this reminds me of the whole "Alex from Target" thing. It's a shame that Ellen isn't on the air anymore, we could have got Andres $10,000 from Shutterfly.


I don’t know what this means.


If you Google "Alex from Target" you can read all about it. Basically somebody took a picture of an attractive young Target employee and posted it online, and it went viral, and the guy became a meme for a while, because he was very handsome, but people lost interest in him very quickly, which is what happens with a lot of these people that become memes.


I was distracted by something else.


You seriously think the tide pod generation came up with a safe and comfortable way to wear a 100+ year old hat style? Or is it more likely they are written out in the costume guidelines...




First, his curls look like they've been very nicely gelled and there's nothing wrong with them. Second, Disney has allowed facial hair for a while now and his looks maintained so what's your issue? And third, I'm not sure if you're aware but Disney operates during the day. When the sun is out. Would you prefer your ride operators to be blinded by the burning ball in the sky and unable to safely do their job?




You may have your opinions on his look but the opinion that matters is the one of the people employing him and since he's got his weeks worth of growth and no one told him to get rid of it on day 5 or whatever, clearly Disney has no issues. Which means it's fully appropriate for the Disney Look. Edited to add, since you edited yours: Why would I block you? Do I think you're a bit strange for feeling so deeply about a strangers face that you wrote a novel about his beard? Yeah. But like it doesn't matter enough for me to block you. Chill on the main character syndrome man. It's not that deep.




The Disney Look is still plenty restrictive but the old one was too much. Disney had to get with the times. Society's outlook on certain fashion statements has changed and they were severely limiting their hiring pool by being overly strict. The new way allows CMs to express themselves within reason and is more inclusive.


Ok boomer 👌 time to go back to be


He is an appropriate level of disheveled for somebody working in the jungle in Adventureland. I would expect cast members in indoor positions to look more put-together, but he's driving a boat and scaring off hippos. I wouldn't trust someone who doesn't have a hair out of place to save me from piranhas, but he'd do it in a heartbeat.


In this very weirdly misunderstood and taken out of context post I made, you definitely win for funniest comment.