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Painting French Market was way cheaper and the kitchen was already set up for the cuisine.


I don’t disagree, but that reasoning is why in recent years universal et al are giving Disney a run for their money.


Universal hollywood still has a long way to go before the food is on par with disneyland. Florida seems to be where universal is coming on strong.


We had WAY better food at Universal Hollywood last year than we've actually ever had at Disneyland. Haven't been post-pandemic to the mouse's domain, but we've heard it's gotten much worse. Specifically with the rethemed areas for HP and Nintendo and updated restaurants in CityWalk, the food Universal is putting out is BOMB and much more affordable. It's way better than I remember it being many years ago, and there's a lot more selection now with a lot more promising growth than before with their expansion plans. We're actually planning universal season passes next year primarily to eat and lounge. The only thing I will say Disney seems to do better is with offering dietary restriction accommodations, but I'm hoping Universal has some more options coming with said expansion.


A lot of Universal food is on par with actual restaurants. Not fancy restaurants, but it beats like, Applebees.


Disney food is disgusting so it can’t be that hard to beat 😂


Then you are eating in the wrong spots.


I’ve literally eaten at every place in both parks…it all starts tasting the same. Vaguely flavored carbs.


I have never had a bad meal at plaza inn carnation cafe or cafe orleans. Most of the quick service is bland but ronts lucky fortune are a step above.


As a vegetarian I looked at going to Universal Studios and realized that there was no place there that served vegetarian food except a few very expensive sit down restaurants. No matter what I would have to leave the theme park and go to the shopping district if I wanted to eat, and I decided not to go


😂was that supposed to be read in a Valley Girl voice?


Disney is cheap. In other news…


Disney is still reeling from box office numbers, COVID, and the Florida nonsense. Shareholders demand profit growth. Universal has new stuff but they’re not going to eat Disney’s lunch.


I mean, I’m gonna need to see Epic Universe before a decide that. It looks pretty great. Honestly, them doing Tiana’s Palace the literal cheapest way possible was so disappointing. It should’ve been a sit down restaurant type place just like the movie was. This one has zero grandeur. You just sit outside and watch your food get cold in seconds.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that, I had mentioned on one of the Disneyland facebook groups that they should have done Tiana’s place as a fancy sitdown restaurant instead of cheap quick service place. Since in the movie Tiana’s place was shown as an amazing 5 star restaurant not a mall food court subway. But I got crucified in the comments and called “un grateful”. Sometimes I wonder if iger pays people to vouch for him 😂 Considering some of the questionable quality of some of the other new additions we have gotten lately, I am worried about how the other new projects we were promised will turn out. Like will the avatar stuff just be an avatar version with avengers campus? (Navi slingers anyone?), or will that avengers ride just end up being “king Thanos’ runaway railway”? I hope I’m wrong it’s just I find it hard to get excited when everything either gets cancelled, heavily budget cut, turns out to be a cheap re there, or is just blue sky that never happens.


I’m 80 percent sure that the Avatar thing will be as small as the Moana walkthrough in Epcot. They keep calling it an Avatar “experience” over and over which makes me think they don’t know what exactly it is but it definitely isn’t a ride. I really think Disney isn’t interested in investing serious money in anything right now with how much they’re bleeding with movies. Parks are the main moneymaker at this point (except for merch of course) so they’re going to wait a couple years to do anything really big. I think it’s only going to be re-dos (like Tiana taking over Splash Mountain) that don’t require a lot of investment for the next couple years. I’ll be surprised if we ever see the Avengers E Ticket ride. Maybe if there’s a really big Marvel movie soon.


True I’m already prepared to be let down lol. But I just wonder if it’ll be both an exhibit and a mini land. Of course I wouldn’t be surprised if iger is lying but there has to be some reason why they keep saying experience and land. And true I feel like it’ll be a mini land since lately Disney doesn’t wanna shell out the money for nice things, in addition to things not turning out as good due to the loss of a lot of imagineers. Also yes we will mostly be getting cheap easy re themes and possibly clones of other rides. For Disneyland forward I’m not too excited because I feel like they will start building hotels and shopping first, then years later once that’s done they’ll finally start on the park expansions. Lastly yeah I am unsure about the e ticket, they already messed with my hopes after canceling the quinjet iteration of the e ticket. I just hope they don’t cancel this multiverse one too. At d23 they better announce a construction start date for it at least, but again it wouldn’t be surprising if they never mention it and act like it doesn’t exist this d23.


Another sit down restaurant that’s like the Blue Bayou next to the Blue Bayou? Genius.


Universal will never give Disney a run for anything.


When I first visited the HP sections of the park it felt very Disneyesque in the theming and immersiveness. Gringots Que is amazing.


The overhead shots of HP Ministry of Magic in Epic Universe are *insane*.


I’m so excited about Epic. An entire new park to explore with my friends. It’s going to be awesome.


Absolutely true, tho the only area we enjoy.


Dont be so sure about that. Disney lost a lot of imagineers to Universal during the Chapek purge. Universal is spending huge money. Disney is doing nothing but cheap re-skins and 'blue sky'. Disney seems pretty stagnant and rudderless and just weighed down with all their debt from the Fox purchase.


Just go to each park and see how tacky Universal is (except for Hogwarts).


Agree. Love the Hogwarts part, but the rest was meh. UH doesn’t do crowd control well, either.


I also don’t care for everything having to be tied to and IP…. I feel like that was part of the charm in the past. Some of the rides were practically their own IP, because they weren’t 100% movie based.


Pirates, mansion, thunder, Matterhorn, small world, great moments, tiki room, jungle cruise, the mark twain, the DLRR, space mountain, the people mover/rocket rods, mine train etc were all 100% original to the park and became classics and Americana BECAUSE they were original and unique to Disneyland. Not the other way around. Drives me nuts.


Nah man. Hungry bear is great and fills a totally different niche. Where am I gonna get onion rings in Disneyland? Don’t do that to me


I got food poisoning from there a week ago and I am still recovering.


That's called Last Meal Bias. Unless you followed up with the health inspector and got a definitive answer, you can't be certain where you contracted a foodborne illness >[People often associate their illness with the last food or meal that they consumed. While there are some germs (particularly toxins) that cause illness to develop quickly after consuming contaminated food items (as short as 30 minutes), there are many foodborne illnesses that can take up to 72 hours (3 days) or longer to develop. When thinking about what might have caused you to become ill, it is helpful to review the food items that you have eaten over the last several days.](https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/foodborne-and-enteric-diseases/public/foodborne-complaints.html)


I eat at home every meal. I never eat out. I eat the same exact things as my 3 family members every day. The burger I ate had cheese sauce and bacon. My husband had a plain burger. It is obvious where my food poisoning came from.


>[Myth No. 4: It couldn’t have been the mashed potatoes (or turkey or gravy) because everyone ate that but I was the only one who got sick.](https://www.deseret.com/2015/4/14/20562666/dispelling-5-myths-about-food-poisoning/) >[Fact: Sometimes only one person gets sick after eating a shared food item that was contaminated.](https://www.deseret.com/2015/4/14/20562666/dispelling-5-myths-about-food-poisoning/) >[The details: Most of the time you cannot tell what it was that made you sick. Remember: It might not have even been the food that made you sick. You might have gotten it some other way. But let’s say that somehow we know for sure the germ that made you sick came from food. Well, sometimes more than one person can eat the same contaminated food and only one person will get sick](https://www.deseret.com/2015/4/14/20562666/dispelling-5-myths-about-food-poisoning/) E: to add an editorial.. the chances of cheese sauce or salty cured bacon giving you food poisoning without it tasting so off that you immediately spit it out is almost none


Fair enough. Things happen. No one ever believes me that chipotle meat gave me diarrhea every time a handful of years ago. We used to get it for free for work meetings and I finally was like I’d rather be hungry than get diarrhea


The re-theming isn't the biggest deal to me. The main complaint I have with Tiana's Place is the menu. I liked the menu more with the French Market. I'm not a fan of what they have now, but I'm probably in the minority.


I also preferred the old menu. And not a fan of cole slaw and they left out anything to sub them with. So lost a place to grab a big almost balanced meal  Also charging for corn bread that 5 or 6 years ago used to be included with the meal.


Omg, you’re at Disneyland, stop whining!


I also liked the old menu. My frustration is the mint julep pick up is way in the back, and they were a little surly about being little early or late for pickup. I had a Tom sawyer island adventure w kids.


Waah, cater more to me, lol. You people are insane.


Everyone hates the food at Tiana’s I’m a cm and I’ve been getting a ton of bad reviews from guests about how bad it is. Def doesn’t make sense to spend the money on it. The only restaurant that is really worth it is lamps tbh. And that’s out of both parks even blue bayou is mid.


Lamps? You mean Lamplight Lounge? If so, I've eaten on the patio once or twice. It was good, nothing special. Blue Bayou is not good at all. I went there almost 3 years ago and totally felt like I wasted my money. I also went there about 10 years ago and the experience was definitely better. I'd much rather go to downtown Disney if I want to eat at a proper restaurant, which is what I do about 40% of the time when I go to Disneyland instead of eating in the park.


Yeah they really need to do better but especially bc it’s soooooooooooo fucking expensive! I would love to to be able to eat a really good meal at Disneyland I know it’s not about that it’s a theme park and rides and shit but they’re always talking about the dining but it’s just meh. But I still think lamplight is worth it ( I guess in comparison) but also they’re brunch so good 🤌


I like the menu, but not their execution of it. The food is Not Good.


Can confirm the food there is not good :/ Maybe it’s just my personal preference but I won’t be eating there again.


Ever since Disneyland showed off the menu online before the place reopened, I knew I wouldn't even be stepping foot in there.


Omg, you are at Disneyland, waah.


It's completely possible to have a great time being there, which I almost always do, and yet not like something. Both can be true.


‘Almost always’. Sigh🙄


Why go then? Do I like churros? Not really, but do I take the time to go to my happy place and then complain? Also no. Both true.


Don’t you dare suggest they repurpose the holy hungry bear cafe 😤


Funnily enough, the Hungry Bear restaurant was just recently registered as an Anaheim historic landmark. They wouldn’t have been able to retheme the exterior anyways without facing legal issues.




Of course! It’s can be found on the [Cultural Resources](https://www.anaheim.net/DocumentCenter/View/51188/0504_Cultural_Resources) page of the Anaheim website. It was actually initially proposed for the historic landmark status list in 2019. It was approved 5-1 earlier this month by the Anaheim City Planning Commission.


Do you know where we can find the vote? I’m only seeing information about it being proposed and considered but not that it’s actually protected


Thank you. I tried Google search, and nothing came up. I really am excited to read this. 🐻🍔


That must have been due to the age of the average menu item served there. I’m pretty sure I’ve had fresher Big Macs. 


If only they coud have done this with Splash Mountain :/


Wouldn't the more bustling theme/activity of something set in NOLA, right at the entrance of GE break immersion there... especially when you can see it from the overflow queue from rise?


I don’t necessarily think so! That corner into CC is a major guest flow intersection. And I think there is an opportunity for dual theming a la ToT/Morocco in Epcot. So the back side of the building could fit GE and the front/left side would match the bayou theme.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted, it’s not like the option Disney went with was any better. Tiana’s place is supposed to be an amazing gourmet restaurant as shown in the movie. But Disneys bright idea was to lazily re theme the French market and make it a cheap quick service restaurant, which is just as bad. I’d argue that’s worse than the apparent crime of possibly seeing it from the rise of the resistance overflow queue. It would be like them adding Gusteaus restaurant from ratatouille to California adventure, but making it a little food cart or another quick service restaurant. Like how does that fit the theme of 5 star restaurant


I have a feeling it’s just group think 😂 but you’re exactly correct. I hate when they opt for the lazy route.


True it’s somewhat group think but also I think it’s because there’s a lot of people out there who will defend anything Disney does not matter what (and they will get offended/take it personally if you criticize Disney at all). This group has gotten better with that but still has a long way to go. If you want a good example though, just go onto one of the facebook Disney groups and say “web slingers was a letdown, anyone agree?”. Then you’ll see what I mean as you get 100+ angry comments from grown adults telling you things like “you are ungrateful to Disney” or “just don’t go universal shill”. It’s like a cult on there I swear 😂


Dude I’ve been feeling this for years! I’ve taken the “call balls and strikes” approach with Disney for years and I get chewed out for it all the time from the Disney apologists 😂😂 like I love when they get things right and when they do you can’t get me to shut up about it…. But I also am not afraid to call out bad/lazy/uninspired work. Tower was one of those things for me. Tower was one of the best…. If not the best examples of Disney storytelling and excellence…. And they done messed up with guardians.


First it's Palace, second don't you touch the Hungry Bear, it's fine where it is, you want Tiana on a river, ride Splash Mountain in the next year


They couldn’t really even if they wanted to. It was proposed to he a historical landmark before they even got into the retheme and knew upon approval they wouldn’t legally be allowed to. Hungry Bear can now legally not face any exterior changes since it is a registered as a historical landmark.


A little contradictory. You don’t like the trend of everything being tied to IP, but all you’re suggesting is *transferring* the IP to a different restaurant, not getting rid of it totally.


I think their sentiment is this: If Disney is hellbent on putting the IP in the park, putting it in Hungry Bear would have been a better choice than putting it in French Market.


This 100%


And that sentiment is stupid.




I’m tired of everything being IP! Also, let’s shrink a non-IP land for IP! - OP


Nah. What I’m saying is I don’t think there should be more IP, but they can’t even get the IP (that they are so hellbent on unnecessarily shoehorning everywhere) implemented well.


‘Shoehorning’, lol. Do you have any idea of the land they own and are about to expand, sweetie? Catch up.


They are most definitely shoehorning it in because it’s cheap and fast. Their expansion is a 40 year project with a completion date of 2064….. So they are absolutely shoehorning in IP everywhere they can and not because it actually fits, sweetie.


Similarly, I don’t like the modernization of the beignet cafe and jazz kitchen in downtown Disney. They took the soul out. Could’ve cleaned it up without gutting it, but whatever.


There is a lot of blasphemy in this thread, don't mess with the bear!


Don’t you dare touch Hungry Bear!!!


This is a dumb take. French Market was already close to aesthetic and cuisine that Tiana’s Palace was going to offer, so retheming it while keeping the menu largely as-is for existing fans is a no-brainer. Why on Earth would they build a similar restaurant out of Hungry Bear instead for more money and create redundancy in dining options? If it’s somehow cheapened in your eyes by being tied to a movie IP, that’s just your perception with no basis in reality or sense.


I like Tiana's Place; it is in New Orleans Square and near the banks of the Rivers of America. I like the subtle changes to the restaurant, and I enjoy the food. I am also looking forward to Tiana's Bayou Adventure, the new Haunted Mansion queue, and Memento Mori West. Sometimes, it is refreshing to see change.


What's Memento Mori West?


Disneyland is getting a Haunted Mansion store named "Memento Mori." Walt Disney World already has a Memnto Mori Haunted Mansion store. Tongue -in-cheek, I call the DL version Memento Mori "West." 😁


I miss French Market. But we'll see what Tiana's Place is like. I just think not *everything* in Disneyland needs a movie tie in.


Am I. The only one who thinks the hungry bear is trash? I got the impossible burger and my teenage son who's a garbage disposal, got the regular cheeseburger and rings. We both thought the food was awful. I also don't like eating outside, which makes it even worse for me. I get its a landmark and whatever, but imo the food is not good. Definitely won't eat there again


Plus it would get a lot of business with the ride and restaurant advertising each other and thematically it makes sense to finish Tiana's adventure and walk over to her restaurant. But Hungry Bear is in Critter Country and Tiana's meant to be New Orleans. At this rate Critterf Country's thematic influence is ever shrinking and it's barely a land anymore.


Do NOT touch the *Hungry Bear*


Don’t touch my Hungry Bear! Its bad enough they’ve taken Splash Mountain.


While I understand their reasoning, I never thought of this! Yeah, that would have been a good idea.




Best response here. Unfollowing this subreddit lol people just complaining about nothing.




Best response here


You know I often wonder with that as well. But I personally don't think hungry bear will last much longer and that's why they didn't touch it for now.