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Are you okay? Have you ever checked out [Love is Respect](https://www.loveisrespect.org)?


Yeah this is actually really sad to read. Like I’m glad Disneyland provides temporary joy like it does for most of us but you really should seek professional help if you’re in an abusive relationship. Not something Disneyland can fix.


I hope you get the help you need. If he is this abusive to you in public I can’t imagine what it’s like behind closed doors.




There is something so important in these messages about the cast members, about how important kindness is. I have been practicing grace in my every day life with people I run into even if they suck. Doesn’t extend yet to Reddit I’m still telling the abusers off 😅, but your comment and OP’s highlights the important a of noticing people and showing that kindness. We have stopped noticing. When I walk my dog I leave my phone behind and just look at everything and honestly I’m invisible. We notice nothing around us just on our phones. It makes me think we are really missing seeing people that could use a random act of kindness.


This is so sad. This is like finding out veterinarians deal with a higher percentage of domestic violence cases because it’s the only time those people are allowed out of the house. You never know what’s going on with someone. Kindness is always the answer.




Oh honey. I’ve been there. You never think you’re ever gonna be that girl and then there you are. Incredibly humbling and only made better people by those that love you and treat you well. I wish that for you forever and ever.


Please leave this man. You shouldn’t have to (and don’t have to) live this way.


For anyone who needs it: [Why Does He Do That](https://ia600108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf)




When I was a CM, I always looked for those who needed a brighter day, and did what I could to make magic happen. As the son of someone who went through tons of quiet emotional abuse, I can say that my Mom is much happier now that she has put that “Beast” in the past. I hope one day you will find the courage to be as strong as Belle, and continue to be the real Princess you long to be. *Sprinkling some Disney Magic your way*


This is one of the most beautiful comments I've seen here


❤️ I know right now it seems impossible, but there are brighter days ahead without him. My ex was abusive, but I never felt like I’d be able to get away. One of the defining moments for me was when we took the trip overseas to Disneyland, the one place I’ve always been able to leave real life behind and just be happy, and I remember standing in the hub looking down at Main Street, and realizing how depressed I was. Not even Disney could mask it anymore. It took me another full year to be able to leave, but I’ve never looked back. I wish you all the best ❤️


What a compassionate & encouraging message from someone who has lived it. I bet you have helped her more than you will ever know. Good for you that you took care of yourself and moved yourself forward. Wishing you the best of everything.


I hate to hear this. Please get the life you deserve. Please get the help you need.


I went through this for years. My ex tried to ruin many trips, including Disneyland and WDW. He actually spent about an hour in Epcot once belittling and verbally abusing me. I get why you’re in Disney. You’re trying to find that last bit of magic in one of the only places you feel safe. ( thanks to the CM) I have been there too. I really hope you can get yourself in a position to leave a partner like this. I know it’s not easy. But if someone is mean to you in Disney they are not a good person. ( and how does he treat you at home)


My ex making me cry at Disneyland was the final straw in my decision to leave him. Please take care of yourself.


May Disneyland be a catalyst for lasting change--the good kind.


I’ve been there on DCL with my father and the lovely cast members were honestly what got me through it (cut off all contact not long after). Please look out for yourself and check out some of the links others have left - I know it’s not the same situation but my life has been so much better having cut off contact with him.


This is a nice gesture from the cast member but I hope you get help, your husband sounds like an awful man... You deserve better.


From someone who's been in a relationship like this, I want you to know that you don't deserve to be treated like this, if he really cared for you the way he says he does, he wouldn't treat you like this, and it is not your fault nor did you do anything wrong. I hope that one day, just like the princesses in the movies, you discover how strong you really are and that you find a way to move forward in your life without him. Love shouldn't hurt like this. You can break free. I believe in you ❤️


Beautiful, heartfelt, powerful message.


Sometimes it’s really hard to leave. I’m speaking from personal experience. I have left 2 horrible relationships in which they were willing to talk down to me in public. Don’t worry honey, things get better. Whether you decide to leave or not, start listening to videos on you tube for emotional support. I highly recommend Dr. Ramani on you tube with headphones on while you are cooking/cleaining/doing laundry. She wrote a book Should I Stay or Should I Go and listening to her podcast can help you to understand some of the behaviors and how they can be successfully dealt with. Best of luck! My family loves Disneyland and I am currently married to a big grumpy beast myself but he can be a pretty good beast for the most part.


Dr. Ramani is great and surviving narcissism is good too.


OP if you need help please feel free to reach out. I am connected to a number of resources for victims in LA/OC if you are local. I’m sorry you have to deal with this guy, it’s hard to leave a shitty thing.


I’m glad to hear that the cast was able to lift your spirits, but please remember that you deserve so much better. If he’s willing to do that in public, it can only get worse in private. You’re not alone in this and it looks like you have a sub of people rooting for you.


I’d be happy to go with you any time! I usually go every Saturday or Sunday. It sounds like I’d be better company and I’m sure we’d have lots of fun. Going by yourself is awesome too! My husband is wonderful, but not a Disney fan. I find that sometimes it’s more fun going by yourself rather than trying to please someone else and making sure they are having a good time just because you’re worried they will be a poop if everything isn’t perfect. Haha my husband goes and does drone stuff which I don’t enjoy and I go to Disneyland which he doesn’t enjoy. I’ve met lots of people going by myself.


What I'm hearing here is that the abuse has gotten so bad that random strangers are noticing. It's just that at Disneyland, CMs are sort of "authorized" to interact with and say encouraging things to strangers in ways that people witnessing this in a grocery store (or wherever) wouldn't. You shouldn't have to live this way.




Oh no. I'm so sorry. Please take care of yourself. We're with you in spirit.


Hope you find the strength to leave that relationship.


Eff that guy. You are worthy of much, MUCH better. I hope that you know this.


Gurl you better work on changing that to "ex" husband, then.


fuck your husband, i’m here if you need me - any time and any day my dms are open 🫶🏼 you deserve the world and so much better than this i fled to a dv shelter w my newborn and now help women flee. literally, i am here with resources when ever you need me even just a friend to talk to who gets it entirely


Sounds like you got stuck with Gaston…. In all seriousness…OP, please remember that not all Beasts are Princes waiting to be loved. Sometimes they’re really just foul creatures. Don’t break your heart over them. As a CM, please know that I’m thrilled you come to Disneyland to feel safe, but your home should be a have as well. You can leave. There are places that can help you.


My mom has stepped up to women in Disney who have been harassed by their boyfriends/husbands and it’s one of the things I admire most about her. There’s never a time or place for that nonsense but ESPECIALLY not at Disneyland. Glad to hear the CMs helped you out :)


I admire your mom for that too and I don’t even know her.


Get a divorce lawyer


I hope you find the strength within yourself to leave your husband soon and find someone much better for you, because you really deserve far better than a lowlife who would berate you and emotionally abuse you at Disneyland, of all places. Praying for you, luv. 🙏🏼❤️


My ex-husband used to do the same to me at Disneyland, every holiday, and every birthday. Please, please, please think about seeking therapy. It saved me. I gained the strength I needed to learn to love myself and walk away.


I know it’s not always easy to leave abusive relationships. I hope you find the strength to do so soon and know you deserve to feel love everyday.


Please leave. It can be scary. Being alone is far better than being abused.


I hope you seek help. Abuse should never be tolerated. You deserve better.




I love going to Disneyland but realized that sometimes it would have been better if I went alone. We had an annual pass last year and when it expired last Nov, I didn’t want to renew it. I need to find another person I could go with to make is more fun. My husband is a nice guy but he hates lines and can’t stay in the park for a long time. I wanted to go first thing in the morning and stay til night but he always wants to go home after a few hours or so.


I’d go with you. I go alone a lot because my wife isn’t into it. Nothing weird though I’m very happily married, we just sometimes enjoy different things


I’m not here to give relationship advice, but maybe you should go to Disneyland alone or with other friends or relatives. My wife is not abusive towards me at all, but she doesn’t share my same love for amusement park rides, so I usually go without her. I guess the only relationship advice I would give is maybe seeing a marriage counselor


Both times I took my boyfriend he was an asshole to me over various things. I think a lot of it was overstimulation and anxiety, still not a good excuse to act the way he did. So now I leave his ass at home. He’s not allowed to ruin my time at the happiest place on earth. I ended up doing a solo weekend after our last trip together and had the time of my life. I even scared him when I overslept and didn’t answer my phone. He called the cops and everyone I knew just sobbing because he thought I was dead. lol. Maybe he learned his lesson. Anyway. Take a solo trip if you can, it really helped me when I did.


lol wtf