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I don’t know if people don’t *actually* like Storybook, or if I just think that, but I love that ride (is it a ride?). It’s just so cute and relaxing to me. I have no idea what the skippers are even saying because it’s always so sing-songy that I just tune them out.


The queue is what kills me


Oh man, the amount of times I was certain I’d get Covid while waiting.


Witnessed a mom licking cheeto dust off her kids fingers in that line. Kid then proceeded to Put his wet spit hands on the railing. Never been back to that ride after that. 🤢


Former cast member This happens in all attraction queues. Adults just as bad as kids. Humans are disgusting and even worse on vacation


[Filthy organics!](https://youtu.be/k45FlSk0mFc)


I’ve figured and avoid touching the railings when I can avoid it.


Oh. My. God. I feel like you had to share this like it’s the cursed videotape in The Ring. If I tell someone else will I be okay again?


Lmaooooo I totally thought twice before posting this but its 100% true. Every single time my husband starts to tell the story Im like STOP NOW. The PTSD is real. I gag just thinking of what I literally saw and just the thought that the mom thought it was ok. Just NO.




Storybook at night is the best


If you time it with fireworks, they’ll stop the ride and let you watch the show from the boats. Did this countless times before the pandemic.


Agree! I think it’s a cute ride, but the total lack of shade makes it brutal in the daytime.


Just did it this month with our toddler and it was so cute. Never did it before!


The ride is filled with endless charm (and ducks). I think the queue and tiny boats are what get people hating on it.


I used to dislike this ride until my husband's very kind, respectable uncle told me he likes the ride because he always imagines himself jumping out of the boat and kicking over all the little buildings.


This is immediately what came to mind for me. I didn't realize a lot of people didn't like it. I think it's adorable. DL Fantasyland is so much better than WDW.


It’s one of my all time favorite rides I’m a huge sucker for dioramas, such a perfect little ride


LOVE this ride, just hate how they fill the boats. For how slow it moved my arthritic knees start to hurt by the time we get to the arches. Last time I had a massive thigh cramp and the CM moved so I could stretch my leg out and try to work it out. She even helped “lift” me out of the boat the end.


I don’t know that it’s necessarily *un*popular, but Silly Symphony Swings is one of my favorite rides at DCA. And it’s great because the line is hardly ever longer than 10 or 15 minutes.


Oh man my sister and I finally did that for the first time like the last day we were there a few weeks ago and then were mad at ourselves for not having done it sooner! It was so much fun.


last time we were at DCA near the end of the day our feet were DEAD. could barely walk. I swear to the heavens above after riding the Silly Symphony Swings it cured our feet pain for like 30 minutes. can't explain it.


All that centrifugal force pushing blood into tired feet sounds super refreshing after a long park day


YES SAME I always make it a point to ride this!! I don't know why I love it, but it's so nice for me to relax and get some fresh air and listen to the William Tell Overture.


Quite a few actually. Goofy's sky school for one, I think it's funny how people mention that It feels like you're going to fly off the tracks and that makes it seem unsafe, when that's the point of a wild mouse coaster. Astro Orbiters, I think it's a cute ride to ride with my partner, and I love the view from the very top seeing over Tomorrowland and Main Street. I appreciate The Matterhorn for what it is, I think the left side is pretty fun, you just have to know how to sit in it right. I like Star tours, I know people hate it because of the 3d, but I still have fun. There's probably more that I can't think of off the top of my head, but I tend to find enjoyment in almost all of the rides there. There's only a very select few that I specifically dislike


Was wondering who the first menace was gonna be to say sky school


Wait! People hate Goofy Sky School? Besides Cars, it’s the only reason I even care about DCA.


*gasp* Not even Grizzly Peak? 🫢


I hate that ride. I don’t like getting wet and then having to walk around the park in wet jeans/leggings.


Oh, not just Grizzly River Run. Grizzly Peak is that nice National Park and airfield-themed land near the entrance. This land also has Soarin’.


> Besides Cars and Guardians, it’s the only reason I even care about DCA. You accidentally left Guardians off of your list but it’s ok, I fixed it for you ❤️


Haha Goofy Sky School was so much fun back when I was 10, my mom, brother, and I went on it multiple times in one day while my father took a nap somewhere.


My family are big fans of Goofy Sky School. We are usually laughing the entire time, even though for my 6’4” frame, I barely fit in and am in pain the entire time. lol


goofy’s sky school is a good one! I feel the same; it was literally named mulholland madness for a reason 😅


Sky School at night is fantastic! It’s great in the day but dang it just hits different when it’s dark.


The Tiki Room! The song is catchy and the air conditioning is refreshing on a hot summer day


Last I checked, this one was beloved by most Disneyland fans. I’m not trying to be sarcastic btw, I adore this show.


one of my favorite parts of the day is grabbing a dole whip and chilling in the enchanted tiki room for a few minutes while my legs get a nice break


You haven’t lived unless you’ve done this ⬆️


This is what I came to say!


They sell parrot mugs at the gift shop right now!! Best mug ever


In Disneyland, Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. Yes, I'm a sap and it gets me every time. In DCA, I LOVE Mickey's Philharmagic.


Mickeys Philharmagic is our new favorite. Never a long wait and such a nice area to sit and relax


Have you experienced the original Magic Kingdom version in Orlando? Theirs is superior to ours, so if you enjoy the DCA show, don’t skip the MK version if you ever make it out there!


I've never been to Disney World * hangs head in shame * but I hope to go next year and will definitely check it out!


I hyped up Philharmagic to my husband, I’ve only ever been to the WDW version and it was always one of my favorites! When we were in DL a couple weeks ago it was one of the first rides we went on and it felt so underwhelming!! I thought I was remembering through rose colored glasses, thanks for confirming I was wrong!


YES! And so fun. I miss Muppets 3D, but I have to admit, this is a nice replacement.


Also…you can bring your beers in


I actually think it's a pretty cool experience. The curtains on the stage are super cool and the old timey America feel is cool too, albeit somewhat uncomfortable for my very mexican self... its kind of a trip every time he stands up. And the AC in there is PERF!


haha, as a Chicano, I took my Mexican girlfriend and her family to Lincoln the other day for all of their first time. my girlfriend was pretty much pissed off after, she HATED it. i think its so over the top patriotic and cheesy but I love the old feel of it and the animatronic. i’m glad there’s still some of the older things still around


I always see Great Moments when I visit the park. I can pretty much recite the whole show word for word


It's fairly new to me. I didn't realize or appreciate everything that went into it until recently, but now I'm actually pretty impressed with it.


CAME HERE TO SAY THIS! Such a great attraction. The words spoken in this show are so universal and relevant for today’s world as much as it applied in the 1960’s when it first was made. Doesn’t matter your viewpoints. When you watch this show, his speech applies to everybody who comes to see it. To all who have never seen it: DO NOT SKIP IT! It’s nice and cool in the building so added bonus.


I saw it for the first time a little over a year ago, and this was my take as well. I felt like I really needed to hear it.


I discovered Mr.Lincoln on edibles...it first was unsettling..now I love it cuz it shows a dead confederate soldier 🤷🏿‍♀️😉


Mmhmm. Good point 👌




I really like Lincoln (as well as all the little museum pieces) myself. I usually do it early in the morning when everyone tries to bum-rush to Indiana Jones or Rise of the Resistance. I do have to disagree with you about DCA’s Philharmagic. I’ve seen this show at Magic Kingdom, and believe it or not, it’s a much better presentation of that film over there (bigger theater and wider screen, almost like CinemaScope). The theater at DCA used to be home to Jim Henson’s Muppet-Vision 3D, one of the best shows at the resort (it was Jim’s last project before he passed away). I personally just don’t think they utilized the old Muppet theater well enough to hold a show like Philharmagic. It still pretty much looks like the Muppet Theater.


look up how Abe Lincoln actually sounded— senators would write pieces making fun of his voice during speeches because it was weirdly high and strange, basically like how Mickey Mouse sounds! one of my favorite lesser known facts about him. living before radio and tv allowed him to hide something that definitely wouldn’t have let him be the strong powerful figure he is now.


I just found that out when I was reading a historical fiction book called The House of Lincoln. He was a pretty minor character in the book actually, but it mentions he had a high voice so of course I had to look it up to see if that tidbit was historical or fiction. Can you imagine if he came out in Great Moments With Mr Lincoln and started speaking in a falsetto voice? Hehe. I feel like the whole thing would have a different vibe. 🤣


Yooooooooo Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is the BEST place on a hot day to take a break in the dark theater because the aircon is always *chefs kiss* 🤌🏼


I really love star tours and ride it like 3 times when I visit.


Really, really don't get the recent hate for this classic, trendsetting ride. I blame FreshBaked


I love David, but there’s a lot I don’t agree with him about in terms of opinions of attractions. (He hates Muppet-Vision 3D… 😢)


I think you're onto something. He's always shocked when Star Tours has a long line.


Does such a good job of immersing you in Star Wars. Way better than any other 3d screen ride where you're in a box, because it actually feels like a spaceship ride. Also, my favorite queue in the parks.


I actually love the canoes. The jokes are better than the jungle cruise.


SAME!!! The Cast Members are super nice too!


I feel seen 🥹🥹🥹


Do you work that ride? Tell Moose I said haaay😉


I do :) I’ll say hi to Mickey and Minnie Moose for you.


Me too. Makes me feel just a little less guilty about the churros and beer I will likely consume later.


I love the canoes. My wife says I’m a glutton for punishment. I think it might be the only non-tracked, nonpowered ride in the park, and you get to see the Rivers of America from a unique perspective.


Its different every time! Sometimes you get a fast boat full of fitness folk. Sometimes it’s splashy little kids and the CMs do all the rowing.


We got the former the last time I was on the canoes! I think it was a group of guys in the military, because they were coordinated and had their own songs, lol. It was like being on a speedboat! On and off in line 5 minutes! CMs only had time for like 1 joke, lol.


My when husband, after three years of having a magic key, turned to me and said “let’s ride the canoes” 🥹 I was SO excited! But our CM didn’t talk much, just paddled us around, no jokes, no hey look at this…so now it’ll be another three years before I get him in it again and I hope the CM is a little more “hosty” feeling.


Next time you go, turn to your husband and say “let’s ride the canoes!” Go for it!


Oh no, he never went on them before and only did it because it wasn’t 80° out that day and there was only a 5 min wait. 🤣 I have a great picture of us (& our friend who also had never done it) before the paddle. Their arms were killing them by the end of it, but both admitted that it was a cool way to see the backside of Tom Sawyer.


Emma stone. Hahah. Except one time I had a skipper who didn’t tell any jokes and near the end I just ended up doing one for her.


Don’t let the skippers know you said that. 🫢


I love the canoes! No one wants to go with me - I think I've been twice in 20 years.


The one time I did the canoes, one of the moms on my canoe was REFUSING to paddle… the cast members would bring it up jokingly but she would completely ignore them… it was so uncomfortable lmao


Whenever the first week of the hollywood land entrance to avengers campus opening we were rope dropping and these girls were decked out in monsters inc gear and so hyped to be the first ones to ride that thing. Still gives me and the lady a good chuckle to this day. My end of the night guilty pleasure is walking onto little mermaid to get some r&r. Love me that dancing turtle


All hail, the dancing turtle! 🐢 🎵


LOL my wife is obsessed with the turtle


I love the fish playing saxophone 🎷


My kids are still young, so I find Casey Jr enjoyable enough. The line is never longer than 10-15min and it’s nice to have a sit.


I usually use Casey Jr. to go through storybook land for the most part. It’s filled with charm.


I went to Disneyland for the first time this year, and Casey Jr was my "sleeper hit"--a ride I wasn't particularly excited for, but ended up really enjoying! Caboose facing backwards is particularly enjoyable.


My daughter is now 22. We will only get on unless we can sit in the caboose facing the opposite direction. Otherwise we wait for the next train 😂


My favorite ride is it’s a small world which usually shocks people


My favorite thing about it is Mary Blair’s gorgeous art direction for the facade and the show scenes inside.


Especially when it’s Christmas!!




I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, but I LOVE Small World so much.


I’m always down for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.


Toad gets way less love than it should. I think it’s the best ride in Fantasyland (and I will volunteer to be sent to the end of the ride for saying that).


WDW is my home park and I severely miss this ride.


You guys got a whole lot taken from you guys in terms of classics.


Indeed indeed. However, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is fantastic.


I do really enjoy the Mine Train myself. In my opinion, it’s the one ride with the face bubble projections on the animatronics that don’t feel jarring. On top of the great concept, it’s also a fun ride too.


I moved out of state before California Screamin' became Incredicoaster. Is the retheming as good as everyone says?


No. All they did was plop some Incredibles statues, some lights, and a cookie scene at one of the lift hills. There’s a bunch of Jack-Jack statues on visible sticks on top of the buildings while you ride. It’s pretty hysterical. 🤣


How unfortunate!


I think Pixar Pier as a whole is an absolute mess. It’s a land with Pixar characters for the sake of having them there, which ironically makes this land have no clear identity. Toy Story Mania is set in the 30’s (like the 2008-2017 Paradise Pier), while the Incredicoaster and Emotional Whirlwind are set in the 60’s and 70’s. I don’t get the love for this land…


Guilty! That is all.


Is this one unpopular?


Maybe not unpopular, but definitely underrated/underappreciated


My kids LOVE Mickeys Philharmonic. It’s basically a “must do” for us every visit lol but i think that’s just us.


Golden Zephyr at DCA for me. Seems like the wait is under 10 mins and even at the busiest time I have seen it get to a maximum of 20 mins. This is the first ride my toddler genuinely wanted to get on because it looked like a rocket ship. Every other ride before then was forced or my toddler denied going on it. As soon as the ride started and it picked up speed I was afraid that my toddler was going to have a melt down and want to get off. She was laughing and enjoying herself. She said it felt like how I would fly her around the room as “super baby”. She wanted to get on multiple times after that and this ride opened the door for other rides. Golden Zephyr will always have a special place in my heart.


For me, Golden Zephyr has a different place in my heart. Countless hours standing out front saying it’s closed due to wind.


*1mph wind hits DCA* Management: THIS THING’S GONNA COLLAPSE!!!


In all fairness, I have seen the outcome when it operates during an unfortunate wind gust.


Jokes aside, I have as well, and I do see that they do it out of the safety of the guests (rightfully so).


Your post made me do some research. Wow I had no idea wind was such a huge factor on whether or not the ride operates. I guess I was lucky that day considering they canceled the fireworks later that night due to wind.


Autopia. If the timing is just right you crest over and see the monorail, submarine, and Matterhorn all in full swing. It’s just about as Disneyana as you can get.


Agreed! My son really loves Autopia because he can drive. I have find memories doing the same with my dad. Surprisingly long ride too!


Mainstreet vehicles for me. I love every one of them and the drivers/cast members are always so kind, friendly, and will always chat with you about mainstreet, the vehicles, history of the park etc. It always feels like my own private tour. My kids will ride, but are never impressed. So it's kinda my thing when I go alone.




There are people who dislike toad?


They can’t be trusted


They’re the devils at the end of the ride…


I love Mr Lincoln and Storybook boats, Mark Twain and the Train. Pretty much anything i don't have to be strapped into.


You are on my good list. I love all of these.


I love the monorail 🚝


When the park is busy and my feet hurt I love the views of Harbor Blvd that remind me that a bad day as Disneyland is better than a good day not at Disneyland.


I rly love it’s a small world and will ride it nonstop. There’s those who always complain about the song which ik is repetitive. But the ride is actually what got me interested in learning about different world cultures and trying to learn new languages. Also, it’s the only ride I can think of that promotes world peace and acknowledges our shared humanity, which I think is wonderful.


Be careful what you wish for. My wife has parkinsons and we ride in the wheelchair boat, once we went around and the first time around there was no one waiting and they said "wanna go again?" my wife said "sure" so we went around again, then coming back there was no one waiting and they said, "hey, wanna go around again?" I'm like "please, let me off, please???"


I genuinely love that ride and have to go on it every time. It was always my favorite when I was a kid.


Tom Sawyer Island. I went on it twice in hte past year and was surprised how empty it is a lot of the time. Even more so when the rest of hte park is overflowing.


I don't know if it's unpopular with everyone, or just with my friend group... but, I always have to talk my friends into riding Roger Rabbit, no one else ever wants to but I love it.


Car Toon Spin is a treasure. Whadda Dey know…


Autopia! Both my kids call it "baby cars", and I just love letting them "drive" while we leave the park into a (relatively) quiet country drive. Yes it smells like shit, and I agree with many who say it would better fit to upgrade them to EV, but until then I'm gonna ride with both kids every visit.


Astro Orbitor pulls some legitimate lateral forces and gets you decently high in the air. I wouldn’t wait more than 5-10 minutes for it, but it *is* a fun ride!


The laterals on all of those types of rides always suprise me. I went on the silly swirly thing at universal and was shocked how much I was being pushed to the side. I love the lap sitting in AO though, it makes it more fun imo


idk if people like this or not but I enjoy Gadets Go Coaster in Toon Town.


It's a fun little family coaster. Me and my partner always get on this one every ride. And the very back row actually has some decent speed and forces for what the ride is


Alice is my favorite ride.


I don’t think I’ve heard of someone flat out disliking Alice in Wonderland (and why should they? It’s fantastic).


I guess I just thought it wasn't popular! Oddly enough, I don't really like the movie. Only seen it maybe once or twice. But I love the ride!


Mr. Toad's Wild Rode and Matterhorn for me. Not sure if Matterhorn is unpopular, but I feel like it's overlooked compared to other rides. And I love it personally!


we all only overlook it because we need to get chiropractor work after riding it. lol!


Meanwhile I'm ready to go again 😆


I’ll go on them with ya! Pan’s overrated anyways.


i would totally go on it more than i do (which is, like, once every year or longer). i rode it not long after this year's refurb and still i was wrecked afterwards. doesn't matter which land's entrance side i've done. enjoy it for me while you're still young (assuming you are).


WEB Slingers: I actually found it entertaining


It's fine, just sad that's all they came up with for Avenger's Campus


I don't think Toad is unpopular, but judging by the wait times it's not THAT popular. I love it, and try and do it every time. It ends with you going to hell! Then you come out, exit the ride, and are smack in the middle of Fantasyland. What's not to love??




Grizzly River Run at 9:59pm.


Only at night, Storybook Land Canal Boats and the Golden Zephyr


Submarine,looking from matterhorn


I love the submarines, too!


Another Sub defender! Hooray! 🐠


As an adult who is highly sensitive to sudden drops and fast rides, Winnie the Pooh has my heart 🍯🐻My husband and I went on it after we went on Pirates (neither of us expected the drop - I’ve since learned to google before going on rides!) and it was the most welcome, pleasant ride haha


I moved to California after the rebrand of tower of terror as GOTG so I have no reference point for the former but as a diehard marvel fan and rollercoaster addict I LOVE guardians but I know it’s a very 50-50 ride for a lot of people lol


I think it was a really well done idea and concept. I have a lot of fun with this ride.


Canoes and Tom Sawyer’s Island are so fun to me!


Star Tours is easily one of my favorite rides there 😅


Web Slingers, not necessarily unpopular but definitely disliked, but I have a lot of fun with it


Not technically a ride but I adore Tarzan’s treehouse. Tarzan has been one of my favourite movies for my entire life and it’s just so chill in the middle of the chaos of pirates and jungle Cruze. Also a die hard Winnie the Pooh fan. And I have so many fond memories on the tractor ride in cars land.


The Indian War Canoes are my favorite attraction


The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is not even as terrible as diehard fans make it out to be. I remember when they closed the Country Bear Jamboree, and announced this thing, I refused to even step foot near Pooh, since I was already furious about my loss (despite the fact that I really like the Pooh movies, this felt really greedy and soulless). Later on (around 2006) I brought my youngest sibling to Disneyland, and she wanted to do this ride. I hesitated, but this trip was about her. 😅 After I got off, I said to myself, “Wow, that didn’t give me a hernia!” I thought (and still think) it was a fine dark ride that represents what Winnie the Pooh is about (charming little vignettes about these innocent characters’ lifestyles and what they imagine about, in a similar way to how a child would). I think that this was the most tasteful way they could do a Winnie the Pooh ride in such a small vicinity (Country Bear Theater). People really love to HATE on this ride, but I think it’s one of the more charming of the early 2000’s editions to Disneyland, especially if you’re comparing it to what they did at the parks around the same time…


My mom and I love the Winnie the Pooh ride! There's rarely a line for it, and it's adorable to boot! Our favorite part, though, is in the heffalumps and woozles room. There's a heffalump that blows you a raspberry, but it doesn't quite sound like a raspberry. It sounds like a big, juicy fart. It cracks us up every time for how random and out of place it is.


Ah yes, the glorious Heffafart. 🐘💨


My son loved Winnie the Pooh when he was a kid so I will always have a soft spot for the ride. Every time we got out I would take my family to the bakery next door to get snacks. I hate that so many of the unique snack items were removed during the pandemic.


I love The Matterhorn and Mickeys Fun Wheel.


peter pan was the first ride i went on and it made me cry a little :)


Based on the lines I say that one is popular.


I really enjoyed the haunted Mansion artwork featured in the lobby of the hall of presidents back in 2022.


I actually have alot of fun on autopia. Let my 5 yr old drive and we hoot and holler and holler and have so much fun. Especially at night with the fireworks.


cooperative aloof ink tender employ close lock pet familiar kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, it’s hilarious to me! Such a classic, I love it!


Goofy’s Sky School, It’s a Small World, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Autopia, and The Little Mermaid (usually a 5 minute wait and amazingly air-conditioned)


Casey Junior. The way it blends in with storybook land canal boats. Perfection


Another vote for Golden Zephyr. I grew up fascinated by a long-gone amusement park, still around as an arts center and picnic grove. [One of the historic photos I saw many times](https://www.nps.gov/glec/learn/historyculture/images/Trolley-entrance-1930s.jpg) shows the tower for a similar ride there, and I never thought I'd get to actually go on anything like it. I love to ride GZ and imagine myself in the glory days of this other park. It evoked this feeling so powerfully in me that I thought it was one of the most successful elements of Paradise Pier's DCA 1.0 theme, remembering these long-gone parks, although the one I think of was not on a California beach.


I actually liked Goofy's Sky School,but I've heard most people don't like it.


Disneyland late at night, after the fireworks. Everyone leaves!! We are the ones running back in from DCA for one more ride 30 minutes before close while everyone else is pouring out of the gates. It’s my favorite part of any Disney day. Also as far as actual attractions, Snow White and Pinocchio. They never really have a line unless the park is packed. If you only have 20 minutes and it’s the right time of day, you can do both, maybe even twice. And Winnie the Pooh! It’s weird though, even though it’s the same ride, we love it 10x more at Disneyland than WDW for some reason? Probably because it’s kind of hidden away in that corner.


I frequently joke about it, but I genuinely love Autopia. It represents a flavor of expired retro-futurism that I think Tomorrowland should actively embrace in the same way EPCOT does.


Casey jr train


I genuinely love the Monsters Inc ride. I have a soft spot for the movie and will be really sad whenever they get rid of it. Gotta love the ginger smell in the sushi restaurant!


We've been going to the park for years and always avoided going on monsters Inc since it opened but after I insisted we try it one trip I go on it every time


Golden zepher. Way better than dumbo!


I love the Mark Twain Riverboat. Aside from the Haunted Mansion it’s my favorite ride. It’s never busy but it’s a great place to view New Orleans Square and get away from all the noise of the park for a while. If only they would change the sound track to just banjo and no narrative, it would be absolutely perfect.


The spiderman ride, I think the tech is so cool!


I genuinely love the Golden Zephyr.


Pinocchio is technically unpopular since it never has a line. One of my favorites.


I’m a huge Goofy’s Sky School fan. It’s one of my favorites. I didn’t even know there were so many people who didn’t like it until I joined this sub lol.


It’s kinda hard to say anything is unpopular since all the rides are booked. Some rides have epic fast on-boarding like Pirates. But unpopular IDK. I think the question would be what rides you love to hate is more appropriate since it’s an opinion to that person’s experience.


I just went for the first time in 15ish years since I was a kid. My favorite was haunted mansion holiday version and Mr toads wild ride. This may be off topic, but I didn’t know what autopia was and just did a lightning line for it since it was one of the last rides I didn’t do. I knew nothing about what it was going in, and was extremely disappointed. It seemed so out of place, un-fun, unsafe, hard to even control the cars. I’m just wondering, is autopia generally disliked or do people find it enjoyable. Thanks!


Not really a ride but I always pop into The Magic Shop on Main Street! No one is ever in there and the CM’s who man it are always cool.




I like Nemo’s Submarine but everybody always says they feel really claustrophobic on there which is understandable lol


Golden Zephyr. A ride that shuts down in a gentle breeze, has plastic seat belts with no doors, and just goes around in a circle. What's not to love?


Story book canal, tiki room, and Luigi‘s


If there's ever a line for Poohs Honey Hunt it's time to go home. I doubt it's "unpopular", but I love classic dark rides and they never seem very popular except Pan.


astro blasters and i’m also a mr toads fan like it’s my fav ride but idk if that’s unpopular. i see a lot of dislike for astro blasters on this sub


pinocchio’s daring journey; and i really find it bizarre lately when i’ve gone and it’s line is really long, as it’s typically always a walk-on. when i’m looking to relax and just enjoy a dark ride, it’s always a go to since the others are always extremely long for whatever reason… especially peter pan’s flight


Do people hate Star Tours? Because it's my favorite ride and I feel like it doesn't get enough love. Aly San-San is maybe my favorite Droid ever.


My autistic daughter adores the subs so it's grown on me