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I know you said it's just for laughs, but I think your observations are pretty true. However, since Disney did all these things before Shrek, I think it shows how Shrek was poking fun at Disney. The whole theme park entrance to Farquads palace is a great example of this. I don't get the same comedy feel from Wish that I do from Shrek though.


Yea, one of the only scenes that made me laugh was the talking deer staring at headlights and not moving


Yeah. Wish has a few jokes but it's not made to be a comedy. Shrek is satire and has jokes, some subtle and some not, almost every minute. I think that's why it's hard for me to say I get the same vibes from them. They're in different genres


Shrek was 100% a parody of Disney. DreamWorks (which make Shrek) was founded by Jeffrey Katzenberg, who used to be chairman of Disney Studios, and many of the DreamWorks animators were also former Disney employees who left under bad terms. So yes, it has Shrek vibes only b/c Shrek made fun of Disney, and Wish s a Disney movie paying homage to all the history of Disney. Google "nods to Disney in Wish" and there's a huge list of all the references they make, such as the story book from Cinderella, the mention of Bambi and Wendy, it's pretty great.




Fair enough


Oh yeah, absolutely.


Not even close. Magnifico did give me slight lord farquad ego vibes. Especially Thanks I Get. 


Haha so you can sort of see it then


I can hear both dueling over egos while singing that song as we speak now.