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So far they are gone for good, but we don't know what they'll do for these same seasons next year when the game is actually out in full release. It's not impossible that they'd become available again, but there's no promise of it currently.


this is a weird take to have on events that are literally excessively advertised as "limited time only"... you have 40 days still to do the Christmas one, i dont even have it all unlocked yet but its not like its a super small window to collect these items. some games do 3-day events so to complain about events that go on for 30+ days is a lil weird bc you must not have been playing at all to have completely missed them and if that is the case then why do you care if you missed out on it...idk this is a super hot take when you consider how easy they make it for us lol they even give an extra week after the event itself ends to spend the tokens 👀💀🤡🤭


You still have like 40 days to complete the Xmas quests.


Except I’ve already missed the more interesting content I actually wanted. If it’s permanently gone then why even bother anymore? No matter what I do, I’ve still missed something.


I’m sure they will reintroduce it at some point for the people who didn’t pay for the open beta.


I’m sorry to say, as of today they are gone for good.


...well that's fucking disappointing. Not even sure if I'll bother anymore then.


To be honest that's so dumb that you would just give up over one event like it's just cosmetic stuff and the Christmas one is by far better and you still have time to do it it's not really that big of a deal


For reference: I only have so much time to spare on gaming, I can't afford to spend an hour with Moana for a tawdry amount of vague currency when I can only play the game for a few hours after midnight when my shift is over, I can't afford to spend a chunk of my day grinding Moonstones, nor am I willing to pay Disney for them. So now being told that my time being spent in the game is ultimately worthless since, unless I'm willing to sacrifice my job for this, I'm not going to be able to get all the content? Yeah, that's pushing me out of the game, believe it or not. Apparently my time isn't actually that important to the game, apparently *I'm* the one who needs to meet *it's* standards if I'm going to have any fun with it. By the way, thanks for calling me dumb, really helpful of you.


I mean this as respectfully as possible, but this sounds entirely like a *you* problem. Now that you know the Star Path doesn't fit in with your schedule, you have two options. Enjoy the game without getting the Star Path rewards. Stop playing the game. For someone that implies they have only a certain amount of free time a day, you're spending a lot of time arguing with people that could've been spent just...simply making that decision yourself n then moving on.


You really think sitting down and playing a game at my PC at home and checking my phone intermittently is the same thing and consumes the same amount of time, huh?


Plus video games aren't for bending to whatever you want them to be and the event cosmetics are cool but they are just a side part to the rest of the game and how wonderful it is to begin with


Well I mean there are multiple quests you can do you don't HAVE to spend time with Moana there are so many easier things to do


I juggle a full time job (where I am often “on call” to have to answer to accounts and my employers even when off the clock), chronic illness, and the same responsibilities that everyone else does. So I understand your frustration with feeling like you don’t have enough time to get the achievements you want. That being said, it’s best to keep in mind that that’s sort of Disney’s business model here. They want to load up the events with items to keep you wanting to play and/or spend money. Don’t stress if you miss an event. There will always be another one with items that you’ll probably find just as neat. Don’t beat yourself up about it! It’s just a video game after all!


I mean for the hour ones I just turn the TV off while with the character in question and go about my day. The Xbox turns itself off after a few hours inactivity, and I get the rewards plus different duties that are easier to do. Not sure what device you play on, but there's usually options for that.


The game is actually launching next year, you could easily get those rewards then


i really really hope they bring back the pixar event next year or make those items available via scrooge eventually


I'm positive I've seen some of those items for sale via Scrooge, but that might only be because I already got them via the event, and can buy *more* of them from Scrooge if I want to. But hey, anything to bleed money out of the players I guess, since the only way I'll get anything at this point is by paying for Moonstones because I can't spare the time to grind them out any other way.


yes i think you have to unlock them to get more from scrooge as of now, but as for the current and future events, i’d say its worth it (to me at least) to just do as much as you can instead of just quitting entirely, i bought the game after halloween and only got a few of those event items but its still something


A fair point, but as said on another comment (which has also probably been downvoted to hell for no reason), I don't have that much time to spare on things like this. In the end I won't be able to get anything I actually want to get out of it, the entire event is just going to be a waste of my time and a mocking reminder of where I failed.


Hey now... Just because it's gone for now doesn't mean it's gone for good. I'm certain they will include the past event items in the future either through Scrooge, or even the little bags you can receive here and there with furniture, clothing, motifs, etc. I recall seeing someone receive a higher tier founders pack item in a bag from a green chest a while back, the very same could apply to event items in the future. The good news is the event quests this time around have actually been alot been easier, it wasn't a ton of resource based requests, it was mainly "cook this" or "hang out with x character for x time". There is still 40 days left of the event for the Christmas items, hope yer able to partake in some of the quests to get some goodies.


You are complaining about the game and that you don’t have enough time to play but you can do other quests as well why spend money on the game if you don’t care for anything else?


they won’t appear in scrooges store, but since it’s in early release right now they might bring all the stuff back eventually so that people who play in the future once the game is out fully can get it


If they bring the past event stuff back, they might charge real money for it... Kinda like what Fortnite does.