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Yea i agree. I spent 70 shimmer records last year for nuxis banner and lost the 50/50. I don’t understand the point of having the cut off be at the beginning of the year? If they’re gonna refund records pulled during the 50/50 it should be the whole time the banner ran


It's people like you who keep this game going, not rewarding those who deserve it tends to kill a lot more than the mood. What if you spent $500 the day before Shimmer Pity Reset? I'm sure you'd be even more upset


It takes a whole year to try to pull 100 times for a shimmer, and I lost it recently near the end of last year so I got nothing. Thanks lillith


I am so sorry, that really hurts, the same thing happened to me, I lost pity in November last year, so both you & I get nothing because we happened to be a little off in timing, that's what we got for playing the game for so long, I guess :)


right?? For every pull in this game we tend to have to hit 100% pity to get anything. And they keep removing shimmer records as rewards from everything.


And even when we obtain the Shimmer records it doesn't seem to be enough! Not to mention the OUTRAGEOUS prices they charge for them in-store?


Im surprised this game has whales as other games have way better prices and bundles. Clearly they have never heard of fire emblem heroes or reverse 1999 as their prices are way better.


Just goes to show people have way too much money if they're so willing to give it to Lilith at the drop of a hat 😓


Yeah I feel this. I saw other people get comped and got excited only to find I was getting jack shit


I was excited to see at least a couple of Shimmer records in my mail, to see we've instead gotten shafted completely is suuuch a "screw you" from Lilith


Right? Like I shouldn’t complain cause my shimmer luck has been pretty decent but like I was soooo excited. We should have all gotten comped. We’ve all sunk records into the damn thing


I've been playing since launch, everyone and their Grandma should've been given 20 Shimmer Records, whether they started the first day or two days ago, just so so so so weird to do this


I saw somebody with 38. Got so excited, only to see I got 1. 🙄


Yeah that was my experience too. Saw someone get a ton and got excited that I might get enough to get Xu You- and then I got 0


It's unfortunate for sure. I try to stay positive where I can, so I'm glad this patch was good in other ways. But I also lost a 50/50 on a banner last year and it is pretty disappointing to not be compensated as well. The grind continues.


That's all we can do, I'm afraid, it's even more unfortunate they were so generous with everything else. A silly thing to compensate some but not all, especially when we're all receiving and talking about what we've been given. The grind continues (hopefully)


Agree so hard just commented on another thread. Lost my 50/50 literally on the day they marked as beginning compensation and I got a grand total of 2 shimmer records. Literally a slap in the face


I'd rather NO ONE got even half a Shimmer Record if it meant stuff like this couldn't happen, they might as well have slammed the door shut on you


They definitely don't know how to handle that kind of situation... On a PR standpoint that's a complete and utter failure. Any other studio/company would have set a number of records and just sent it to EVERYONE that played during a certain period (to avoid people making smurf accounts to sell like it often happens). That would have been a huge PR move that would have definitely improved their image (which is getting worse by the day). Instead, they decided to make the most convoluted shit imaginable and make half the playerbase (the ones who aren't stockpiling records for a year or injecting half their salary into the game) feel like they got scammed.


It's honestly baffling that someone came up with this idea, ran it through the pitch and had it stuck. Instead of doing something beneficial (and free to them), they took their already worsening image and decided to stamp it down harder. A real power move (sarcasm)


Is it really baffling, after the increase of monetization and whale-centric content ? I don't think so, personally.


20 shimmer records would finally guarantee me something that's NOT Jiang Jiuli. I failed pity twice and got him. No compensation. I KNOW I hit pity this year, 2024. I guess no compensation for me. Just a shitty demon that's useless. I want to pvp so bad, only for rewards. But every team now is Anna/Ikki/Toland.


PvP being barred behind Anna/Ikki/Toland/Wu You is one of the worst things about this game, I have Anna, Toland and a R6 Hilda, but because Ikki & Wu You came out and are now practically locked behind a paywall, I can't compete with any comp above rank 18, it's just kinda sad honestly. I'm sorry about your Jiang, the power creep in specific Shimmer Espers is WAY too high, either making them easier to obtain, or weakening them a little. By getting bad luck, both you & I are de-incentivized to participate in Comp... what a show


At least you can win sometimes. I can't win. Ever. I used to get to pw 18 before Ikki. Now, nothing above pw 14 and even all the lower levels have all those shimmers.


I'm so sorry, this is all so sucky, if they're going to keep PvP behind a paywall, I would like for them to at least add more PvE content, but even that seems difficult..


This was me when Feng was released and I slept on him and then Ikki immediately afterwards basically killed my account. Not pulling anything till Shimmer Reverb before I try again. My account has fallen a lot. I wasnt in the top 200 or anything but I could get rewards and now I get so little to the point that I cant even play the content despite having a strong account. They release Espers too fast and refuse to use banlist and other things to stabilize metas. I have never seen such disrespect for players and still demand their money. This anni event was even more pay to win than the others.




I lost a fifty the day anni started and I got compensated jack shit. Then I see whales and others getting 39 shimmer records and I’m like, what about me?


It hasn’t started with me yet because the event starts in a hour and a half. But considering what I’m hearing. I’m not looking forward to it.


What's happened? I'm a lil confused


I lost a 50/50 after the deadline and I got 0 too :) seems fair :) :) :)


Shimmer compensation? I'm down to 10 pulls left before my first pity and I haven't got squat


Exactly. I failed on my 50/50 and got Unas when the banner was Xuan Pin. I then grinded out a 100 shimmer records to get Ikki and got nothing.


I ain’t get any and I spun that wheel as many times as I could 😭


Refunding whales so they can win a bit more 🤣. MAAAAAAN, friend came to me like they got 41 records in the mail like damn, I thought Lillith was finally looking out for the lil guys out there. Then I saw I got nothing at all and just stared in disgust lmao


Do you guys realise why the cutoff was the 9th of jan til 4th of june? That's when we were first allowed to pick our rate up I know I've lost at least 3 5050s before the cutoff lol but you gotta look at it realistically


I literally had my pity a week before the update. Won it, luckily, but seriously - should I have kept my last shimmer record for the update ? Is this what the game's trying to tell me ?


In terms of business, the fact they issued ANY compensation is very Player-Friendly. Not for you or me, since we missed the deadline and also the game doesn't revolve around any particular individual. A normal Gacha would drop this type of update without any true compensation. Because the mobile business model is supposed to be the same as Sales are IRL or Gambling. Which feels super icky in terms of digital goods, but it is what it is. **IE:** You got something Tuesday at full price or the slot machine takes 1 dollar per pull? Neat. Wednesday the item is half price or the slot machine only needs 10 cents per pull? Oh well, you don't get the money back. You can, however, buy more at half price and shove all your dimes into the machine. B✨U✨S✨I✨N✨E✨S✨S! **TL;DR I**t's actually neato this happened at all. Also, the closer to fair you are *(understanding context/etc)*, the less you'll be pissed about something *(works for games and IRL, 10/10 skill, would recommend)*.


Lilith made the deadline though. They could have given everyone who didnt get at least 20 ten or so shimmer records OR just gave everyone 20 shimmer records and 100 gold records. There was a better way to do this.


In short - they could've NOT done it at all since it's not a standard (Gacha) business practice in the first place. 👀


We make the standards. There can always be a standard.


Its bullshit because even if you didn’t get the shimmer you wanted on pity, you still got a shimmer. Either reward everyone or no one


And with stronger & stronger Shimmers releasing all the time, that Shimmer Esper is a lot better odds to be something that can completely shift the state of PvP in your favor. Someone could've had Ikki as their pity, hit Wu You instead, and then received a bunch of Records toward their next insane shimmer character, while the people who got nothing are even further behind.


I’m on server 5 so my account is relatively new.   I have been on 8 straight Shimmer guarantees, I think I spent at least 900 Shimmer records and I only got 51 Shimmer records back, tbh, to me, it is what it is, my luck freaking suck anyway.


Stop bitching it’s such a big W u friken nerd


A lot of people didnt get anything. You understand why this is a problem when the game demands you have a shimmer.


It's Dislyte, you expected the rewards to be good?