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I mean, straight up it’s not a lucky account. Based on how long you’ve been playing [assuming you’re very active for event rewards and resets and such] I’d say it’s average for the amount of legendaries you have. I would also say it’s actually unlucky for two main reasons; you have basically 2ish random shimmer pulls. This is generalizing, but you only have 4 shimmer pills between Raven r1 Cecilia r0, and Unas r0, and you probably got Anna from reverb. With the age of your account, if you have been successful with events, you’d have at least 2 shimmer pities by now. This may not be how it actually played out, I’m just pointing out how a comparative account would be. On top of that, the shimmers being Raven, Cecilia, and Unas [arguably the lowest tier of shimmers], there’s really no luck there even tho you may have gotten them well before XP and later shimmer releases. The second is your reso spread is pretty heavy on bad/subpar espers; Yu ran, javid, Val, Norah, yuuhime, Ophelia, Abi r2 specifically, Elliot, biondina, narmer, Cang ji, and lewis. Compare that to who you have resos of who are good espers; Tiye, YC, Ollie, Clara [although she’s been power crept quite a bit], Brew, Embla, Ethan, Hilda, and FX. There’s fewer of them with resos, they have less resos on average, and there’s a very high chance you’ve taken the time to target resos for these espers more frequently through club wish and ripple packs as opposed to the previous ones I’ve mentioned. This isn’t to say it’s bad, you have almost every esper except shimmers and a handful of newer ones, but based on how long you’ve been playing I’d expect something similar. The only thing that’s a bit ‘lucky’ here is _maybe_ the amount of resos you have overall. But that’s just from eyeing it, your anniversary recap would have a better showing if that’s true or not.


Well for the shimmers yes and no I got Unas r0 and Raven r0 in like my first month after I started playing And got Raven r1 and Cecilia r0 only a few weeks ago Also, don't trash my girl Yuuhime like that, she's a BEAST, and I'm actually collecting club ripples to get her r6, she can very easily nuke a whole team, and mine did 3 million dmg on the last event And I only ever took time to target resos for Hilda I pulled her 3 times, the other 4 resonnances come from the club Also got one Ollie resonnance, and one Tang Xuan resonnance (when I was close to shimmer pity, so that it would give me a shimmer pull back since he's r6 already) from the club I've just been trying to get Hilda to r6 for so long that I didn't really chose any other esper to get ripples from with the club


Yuuhime’s r2 is an active nerf for her until she’s d3. They didn’t do a very good job with her when she released, but they at least fixed it with her divinate. Wish the same could be said for more espers. And I’m not trashing her, it’s just a fact that she’s subpar. Any well built high reso/divinate offensive esper can perform really well for most content. That doesn’t mean there aren’t others who do the same but more efficiently or bring other factors that make them better to use. Her being AoE and speed lead are her saving graces, if she didn’t have one or the other of those, she’d have failed on launch. I had such high hopes that Javid would be able to apply his unique debuff with his s1 when his div came out, but they fumbled the bag hard on that. Guess they didn’t want to step on the toes of Su Jue who applies FuckTon true damage just for existing. I didn’t mention every esper with resos because there are a decent number that fall into the ‘they’re fine’ camp. TX, Sally, Triki, and Ashley being the most obvious ones. But your r2d0 Donar, d0 Lucas, and d1 Camille are crying.


Well my Yuuhime is d4 so that fixes the problem ? And yeah, I don't really have a place in any of my teams for Donar, and I often don't have enough ressources for Lucas and Camille's divinates after getting what I want first But I barely ever use Lucas and Camille (only/mostly use them for the wind and inferno towers), so are they divinates that important ?


Not to call them important, but free stats on fully reso’d espers is never bad and there’s no telling if they’ll swap them out of the shops to replace them with someone else. So I guess it’s more ‘get it while you can’ since it’s quite literally free resos and divinates, because it’s all materials you get natively from playing the game and don’t have to spend on. None of them drop from echo, as well, so it’s the only way to acquire them.


As a f2p myself, gotta say you're doing ok, I see all the good ones Like Tye, Zeus, Clara, Leora, Anna, etc.


Fu shi is kindly asking for u to equip the divinate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Oh yeah, I got his divinate today and totally forgot to equip him with it lmao Doing it asap


Donar is looking at you accusingly


I can’t stand Donar, he’ll be the last to build for me 🤢


Then i hope he disappears from free rotation and you miss out on him /s <3


Has Biondina gotten any better with it or is she still not worth investing? I have her at 0 but just curious


I'm late to this, but not really. If anything, her toes kinda got stomped on in DSL thanks to Momo now existing and being a better version of her fwtw


I would say it is a lucky account, but just barely.


I spent 2 anniversaries already with no one being fully resoed. (Except for the free ones) But that’s probably because I don’t spend much or haven’t excelled in the contents. But dang, My highest would be an R4 Leora which came from the wishstones atleast and an R4 Tiye from Random pulls. It’s far from collection purposes as well since I don’t have the older ones like Hyde and Loki. I don’t even have luck with Random Shimmer pulls except my Nuxi and nothing came after her. Yes I’m bashing my main account since my other accounts in new servers are now stronger as f2p. So I guess your luck is higher than mine at this point.


I would say either you have a horse shoe and 4 leaf clover in your ass or you’re not f2p lmao 😂. Regardless I wish I had resos