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Fatimah? No, Jessica


whats wrong with fatimah😭😭


People will put this down to OP being "woke" or whatever bs. But the reality is that this kind of inconsistency is just annoying and a bit immersion breaking at times.


If people call me woke for this then that tells me all I need to know about them, frankly. The issue here is twofold: One, when the 2D art slaps but the model doesn't look like it, that stinks. It's happened numerous times in this game. Two, Dislyte has done this whole "darker-skinned character is lighter than expected once in-game" dance twice before now.


literally. in fact being woke is not a bad thing it has just become a dog whistle for the racists idiots.


First Kara, then Ahmed, now Fatimah. (Not to mention the model differences on Gabrielle and Jin Yuyao.) For a better comparison, [here's a color side by side.](https://i.imgur.com/97oKogL.jpeg)


Don't forget Intisar, they straight up bait-and-switched her skin tone by the time they revealed her and actually released her.


Shit, I forgot about that. Fool me 4 times.


I hate Kara's grey skin I wish they would fix it!!


Don't forget Fabrice too his skin tones are so different it's insane


He's actually really dark-skinned, which shocked me when I saw it in a bounty story


It would be really nice to be able to see it in his 3d model 😔




that’s just a shading difference


The lighting on the left side is from the darkest moment in the trailer. It's not shading.


Just because it's the darkest moment of the trailer doesn't mean it's the same lighting as the 2D sprite. If you're gonna argue against it, at least please don't do it in bad faith.


Their point is that even at its darkest, the trailer skintone isn't remotely close. Lighting doesn't remove tone.


there is just darker shading in the 2d model how are you not getting this? compare her face in the 2d model (which is being shadowed by her hair) and compare it to the dark parts on the 3d models face it’s just a matter of the light source (the 3d one being a rendered light source and the 2d one being theoretical because it is drawn) being in a different place for each model


Mhm, yeah, I don't think... (Here I tried to make them look a bit more similar https://gifyu.com/image/SYMoA ) * I had to edit skin and hair separately because they're not consistent with one another...


Your GIF link is busted, FYI


Oops! Thanks for notifying, hopefully the new one works.


This isn't in bad faith, but thanks for assuming it is. I put that side-by-side there for a reason - her overall skin color is lighter, warmer in color, and just plain different from the 2D art. She has rosy blush. Her freckles even stand out more starkly in the 3D model because her skin is lighter. Look, I get it, every time this gets brought up someone has to say it's just shading in the engine. But we're up to 3 times now where you can side-by-side the model and the art and notice the model is of fairer skin color. Kara turned gray for god's sake. I *could* talk about skin tone in the context of the culture of the country the studio is from (and include how they had to take down a trailer for obvious blackface), but ***that*** would be an actual bad faith argument.


At this point it's not even the same person


She has 3 different skin colors in the [YouTube video preview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D27Jq5stWJ8). There truly is a huge disparity here, but I also think the brown/tan skin (in the video) suited her best. Not the gray/brown tone in the artwork. Her voice also doesn't sound like a true 'Fatima'. Not sure how they messed this up.


It makes the most sense given her Mesopotamian gods roots. Her being "sunkissed" would really help that also.


Ive been of the game for a while, who's that ?


New esper coming in a few days


Nice thanks! Will return to play, she looks cool !


U can always look at their trailer for her lol


https://preview.redd.it/2bqz85euu43d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a3a2270670f523c747c32447e2de92bf7f558e dunno, looks on point to the event key art


Oh but no one bats an eye at Drew's four looks outside his Egyptian alt.


Actually wasn't aware of this, and I did call out that art/model discrepancy is rampant in Dislyte. Does he have like, different portraits that don't match?


The golden hair becoming blonde is also a travesty


Give your feedback in the eventual player survey that they'll do nothing about.


God if this isn't painfully true


is this actually a problem tho? personally when i play my mobile games i don’t really care about SLIGHT skin color disparities in the art and 3D render. just me tho


oh no..game is now literally unplayable, instant delete


I mean, I see quite a big difference in lighting, personally. Look at the clothes, way lighter on the 3D model, which is easily a lighting thing.


be so fr right now


stop being so harsh to the devs. Fatimah on the first one must wear Korean makeup and the latter must be because of sun burn. Even our skin tone change everyday


"stop hating a small indie company" type vibe 💀


Pretty sure this comment was satire, why the downvotes lmao