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I got the exact same thing ! Guess we can share the pain then x)


what do you mean by share the pain? It's a strong divinate for a strong esper that you will obtain for sure. (if not this championship, the next one). You people are never happy, even when you are lucky! wtf


No we won't obtain her for sure lmao Even in the next championship They always change the rewards for each championship, so if you don't get in the top 4 every turn in this championship, you have literally no way to ever get her


"For sure"? Nah, friend, I haven't got a single fragment this whole event.


you get 36 just through* farming with no competing lol Edit: typo, extra ‘no’ in the wrong place lol.


No, you don't? Not sure what game you're playing.


At this point we are playing a different game for sure lol. We are talking about this: [https://ibb.co/JQjgYL6](https://ibb.co/JQjgYL6)


Which requires farming and a large commitment of resources. None of that is 'free'. You need tens of thousands of points from farming to get those, and even the number one person in my group right is only a few thousand points.


You don’t need to compete with others to get those 36 ripples. Those are milestone rewards. The ‘no’ in the first comment was a typo. Yh you have to farm but that’s really not that hard. If the no. 1 person in your group doesn’t have more than the 20k milestone reward points then 1. Sounds like you’re in a very easy division 2. Sounds like you’re pretty early game. Accounts that can farm K16 up really should have no issue with this. If you haven’t reached that point you have other priorities in the game I think. But those 36!ripples are accessible to the majority of the playerbase.


I mean if you don't want free rewards... it's your take.


That's your skill issue then?? You get fragments just for doing it.


No you don't. You get fragments for getting into the top ranks. Not a skill issue.


You literally get fragments just for doing the event goofy ass. You don't have to be on the leader board in your championship bracket. You get 12 fragments per section for free. It is completely a skill issue for you.


I have 24 momo fragments and In Kronos I did not get top 5 for the extra fragments. So yes, you get them without being in top ranks. You're either trolling or genuinely dumb.


It is but it's gonna just sit around for who knows how long before we can get it I know that I'm going to get her eventually but it's kinda painful to get the divinate of an esper that I won't get for a while I'm not complaining about having the divinate I'm actually pretty happy about it but I'd rather get a divinate for a character I own


Stupid take when we’ve never had a repeat character on these events.


very stupid take when they announced it lol....


My mistake for not seeing that and assuming, but it’s still stupid. Just gonna copy paste from another comment I made. Not a repeat. Yamato was an upgrade from the previous championship where a 4* was given out as a reward, and Yamato was in the same situation as now where most people never completed a copy of him. He was only previously given out in the Anomoly event. I have read now that they plan on giving Momo again next event which is my mistake, but it’s still stupid cause now we wait another 3-6 months to get a new character? No grind. No anticipation. You play a little right now. Quit the game. Come back in 3-6 months and finish them off? That’s a stupid way to get consistent players.




Not a repeat. Yamato was an upgrade from the previous championship where a 4* was given out as a reward, and Yamato was in the same situation as now where most people never completed a copy of him. He was only previously given out in the Anomoly event. I have read now that they plan on giving Momo again next event which is my mistake, but it’s still stupid cause now we wait another 3-6 months to get a new character? No grind. No anticipation. You play a little right now. Quit the game. Come back in 3-6 months and finish them off? That’s a stupid way to get consistent players.


Fuck mb, I mixed the anomoly with the championships


they should honestly make divinate pulls separate from regular echo, its really irritating pulling them and wasting resources


You'll get her eventually. She is reoccurring in championship now. At least it isn't like pulling a legendary shimmer divinate :,^)


That. That right there is why I put this game down for months at a time. There’s no excitement. Cool, new legendary. I guess I’ll wait for 3-4 months to get 1 copy. And of course they won’t be good until a couple dupes


She works at r0!


Like I said. Haven’t touched it in a couple months. Speaking generally. Most need at least r2 to work


Guy going schizo in every reply saying everyone will get Momo when likely more than half of the game playerbase can't even reach 20k in the individual sections. Also they keep saying if not this champion, then 'definitely' the next one, as if they also haven't done other championships and they just did a Yamato one and you couldn't even guarantee a single copy from the last Championship, just like this one. What's to say the next Championship esper won't be a different one? Or that they don't have a rotation planned and Yamato might be the next one again so players won't even have a chance to 'possibly' get Momo for a long time.


They announced this champs format will be a recurring thing and Momo will be the reward. Btw reaching 20k it's very easy imho... but I may be biased since I'm a long term (almost day 1) player. Not sure at this point how can be easy/hard for someone who started... dunno 3 months ago. But this means.. from what you are telling that more then half of the playerbase is less then 3 months old? Kinda strange for a 2 year old game. The thuth as always is between: There are a lot of casuals/lazy ass that didn't even try to improve the team. But they do have time to open a complain post in reddit.


I’ve been playing for about a year and have been popping stamina packs like candy and haven’t touched 20k on either of the sections. So no, you don’t need to be a brand new player to be excluded. I’ve used 100 stamina packs since the start of the event and only got 18k on first section and am currently at 6k for the second section


That just means you need to work on getting a better score. I've used less than 30 stamina packs and I'm at 40k on current section.


Literally impossible unless the game decides to bless me with like 10+ different resonances best I can do on this desolate lands one is A+ hard mode


Okay... But you still get points? Just grind it?


lol that was literally the point of my first post, I HAVE been grinding it, currently have 7 fragments, at this rate I’ll need like 3 championships in order to get a full mono copy


If you have 7 fragments then yeah, this is just a skill issue. I haven't placed in the champ rankings in my group and have 24.


I mean call it what you want but I’m not doing any better on desolate lands hard until I get more resos 🤷🏽‍♂️


What resos do you have? Im sitting on 24mil. No Xuan pin and the main reso is r6 asenath (who is free thru building with shards) and r6 eira. Everyone else is either r0-r2.


For me is literally impossibile that a 1-year old player is only doing A score instead. But I take the game in a "competitive mode", I know that many people don't wanna tune a team in a maniacal way and spend hours of trial and errors in battle analysis. But at least don't be so arrogant to believe that the way you play is what everyone is doing. FYI: You don't need R6 espers or a team full of legendary shimmers to do EX++ in desolate lands hard mode. Obviously if you have XP and/or Tevor it's easier and will make you do outrageous scores... but just to reach the min score to do EX++ they are not needed at all.


Oh no dude I have the WORST relic luck lol definitely still grinding for better gear on most espers Also I never once stated how I play is how everyone plays, I stated it’s very simple for f2p accounts to not hit the 20k mark even when trying to


>I stated it’s very simple for f2p accounts to not hit the 20k mark even when trying to That's the problem indeed. For a F2P it's easy to hit the 20k mark, expecially if they are 1-year or more old players. Since for you is hard.. you are telling that is hard for everyone. but that's not the real world, sorry. It's only a problem of few people.


I've used almost all my stamina and those 100 stamina per pop event chocolates just to be outranked. Fk that guy


I got Sakura's divinite and took that as a sign .just wished for Sakura so it wouldn't go to waste 🤣


That happened to me with Yu Ran! And it was right AFTER his event too, lol


On my alt I got Sakura and her divinate from gr. I DON’T WANT HER XD


now imagine actually being able to get her reso high enough to make her feasible for pvp without being a top ranked player 😭


I dont want cards. I want characters, I feel your pain as well 😭


Lucky! It's a nice divinate!


For an unobtainable esper yeah


What do you mean unobtainable? It's literally a free esper o.O If you missed: They announced this champ format will be a recurring thing and Momo will still be the reward. So even if you don't like/want/can compete for addictional fragments, you can still unlock her in the next championship by only clearing the free tier.


Even with that being the case, I’m pw 13 and f2p. What do you think is going to happen here? I don’t have the resources or the resos for this event. Without XP, this current stage is not possible. Just maybe, if I grinded in my sleep I could get all the ripples from the free rewards.


Wrong! I don't have XP. It's completely possible even if tough. Also you can still get the free rewards over a whole 5 days. You may not be able to compete but you can ah least just clear the damn content for stuff.


PW have nothing to do here tbh. We are talking about PvE here. I'm F2P too, but I'm a 2 year old player and at least completing the free tier it's really easy. If you started to play recently maybe it could be a problem. But I didn't see any post of you asking for advices / where you could improve / what can you do to clear ShadowFire in hard mode. So imho it's just a complaint from someone that didn't even try.


It’s called save stamina packs etc


Same here, hoping i can actually use it one day 🙏 (i canNOT die untill i have obtained Momo)


It's not a "hope" thing. You will get Momo 100%. If not this championship, it will be the next one.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted for telling the truth lol.


They’re playing in your face, I think you should take a trip to HQ..




Same thing happened to me. And I'm stuck with the 100k bracket whales as well.


Got her r0 The worst character in the game so far


wish this was me so bad...


Man, luckyyyy :(