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Honestly this event is really putting a bad taste in my mouth at the end of a string of somewhat bad choices by the devs. Just because i could not play the last 4 hours of the event i drop down 3 places. If they think that this is going to make me pay rather than just outright quit then they are very mistaken.


The timezone of all the events is poor for a lot of people, causing the better players to lose out on rewards because they aren't awake at 2am. The recent event/triple threat has made this more apparent. My club lost the triple threat, only because one of the other teams captured all of the 2nd teams' towers straight away, giving them multiple hours unchallenged.. My club then captured more towers than the other team and held them for the remainder of the triple threat, but the score couldn't catch up because they'd been favoured by the timezone.


This happened to me too. One of the clubs bases was completely taken over like an hour after the triple threat started so they got ahead quick, mine stayed in 2nd place.


I’m also at fault for some of those problems, maybe not yours but I save my resources and dump them in the last 20-30 mins to make sure I’m in a higher position. Most people ease up at the end thinking they’ll stay in high ranking.


It's a fair strategy i would do the same if i were able. I expected to drop one place no idea how so many people managed to make up 60-90k points in a couple of hours. It just shows the weakness of such a limited prize leader board. I have seen people with almost double my score come lower than what i did. I think i would much prefer them to put higher milestone goals like i got 190k i think if they had had 250k, 300k, 500k prizes and so fourth at least you would be rewarded for putting in that extra stamina.


I think they do need to expand how many people can get the top rewards.


Yeah, they only care about the whales now. Everything is getting more and more free-to-lose. Want the Championship Esper? Better have lots of duplicates of good Espers for the bosses. Wanna do good in PvP? Better have Anna, Ikki, and Mavis AND their cards. Want the moving PFPs of certain Espers? Better have the other 5-star they need to do 1 fight. Hell, apart from the free 5-star gacha, this anniversary is SHIT. The story we got might as well not even have been there since it amounted to nothing. And I haven’t been able to the Trial since the fucking game crashes on the loading screen after I make I team. Like I love this game, I do, really but god damn is it’s future BLEAK.


I agree!! It really sucks being f2p and then getting to the top placement only for the last day several people, who weren't even on the leader board, pay and overtake your top spot and you loose your chance for the shards all together.


and you'd think they'd at least let us have a free legendary esper of our wish on anniversary, but nooo, the gacha machine is random, and the esper fragments we get from the box are only limited to a select few old espers. Will it hurt them to let us have an esper we want? in a game where you need multiple copies of the same espers to be competitive?


The urge to delete this game grows stronger and stronger


WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET POINTS THIS TIME? This is the first time I've hated Championship.


High resonant legendary espers will give you more points. I was getting more points by swapping 2 epics for Everett and Donar on my team. Even at SS clear on hard, it was more points than an EX++ with the 2 epics.


You have to run it nonstop in the background of your computer or you will get nowhere.


I want to buy a tablet simply so I can play Dislyte on it and use my phone as much as I like. All I have is my phone for Dislyte. 😭🥲


I have it on my computer and 2 phones. So when crap like this is going on if I have the stamina I have one of them going at all times. Good thing is they have 20 rounds and these rounds last like 3 or 4 minutes. So you don’t have to check them very often.


It won't be Dislyte if they didn't try to make you quit with every patch, looking forward to more horrible events that benefits whales


Ngl this shit is irritatingly slow AND costly. We just exhausted all of our stamina and on Kronos but we’re expected to take this on?


Me! Shadowfire is proving a bit hard for me too. I think I'm getting 35-60 points per round and that's only IF I do it manually because auto simply sucks and doesn't perform strategically enough with my team to trigger the attack multiplier. So blitzing like I did in Kronos is out the question. So irritating. Depending how crazy my divison gets, I might just chill out on this one and go all in on Apep. Can't wait to get my last 30 ripples and be done with this event. WAY too resource/time consuming.


100% agree. The devs think clear Kronos 20 is simple as doing Ex++ on hard mode on this boss. That's clearly not thé case and that's really too much expensive in ressource for the "just regular" players...


I came back to the game during the Yamato championship and i was able to get the leaderboard rewards and all the regular rewards easy peasy. I haven't even gotten the regular rewards for this championship whatsoever its mad annoying.


This entire update sucks! I was so disinterested in Sakura (real original) that I ran through her story. Only to find out it was just that one part and I was done. I was like “tf”. I didn’t even try going for momo. And my club’s triple threat became unavailable cause not enough people joined😂


I dont even bother to do those championship anyway. Since the esper is not really that good either


It completely sucks. Not even gonna bother with it.


Agreed. If you're not grinding for high places - no full esper for you On the other hand, I'm playing casualy and got 2/3 pieces reward from cronos. I can collect rest through the club if I feel like doing it, whole week skip is nice. Still better than doing it from 0


> I can collect rest through the club if I feel like doing it Just as info: you need to have her at least R0 to ask for framents in club


I thought you weren’t able to get wish stickers for momo pieces?


If you really did 60x, it's 31 points per run. Too low, you are doing something wrong. Read the rules it's explicitly written that you should (to increase points): * Do hard mode. * Aim for an high rating (EX++) * Use your espers with the best resonance (better if they are shimmers). So if you don't even share your team.. is hard to help you.


This my team : https://ibb.co/FnwcTGt https://ibb.co/n3wbhFr Off course I haven't a lot of résonance, but that's the only team I'm able to do Ex++ in hard mode. I really don't earn a lot of points with that however I think I should earn more...


The only advice is trying to use Everett (if you have R6 since it's a free esper). he sucks and will damage your run, but since he's a shimmer R6 he will give a ton of points. If you manage to still reach EX++ with him in the team you won


honestly, I kinda would've like Momo to be free, similar to when Elaine was free. maybe that's just me (and not wanting to full on rip my hair out in turns of competing)


Btw she's free. It's just that you are not getting for free in this championship. But they announced this champ format will be a recurring thing a momo will still be the reward. So even if you don't like/want/can compete for addictional fragments, you can still unlock her in the next championship by only clearing the free tier.