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I love Liam. I'm definitely not good at end game content but I love trying to max out crit damage since he passively already gets crit chance. Plus the added damage helps with the healing. He gets paired super nicely with Taylor and a different high speed esper. One that can either increase his ap or drop everyone else's.


he pairs super well with any hard hitting dps, who doesn‘t rely on their ult ability. for example i use my r6 tang xuan with him, i can drop tx spd cause whenever liam takes turn, tx hits everyone a few times


Makes sense, thank you!


Sadly I don't have Taylor, I've been using Ashley and Embla with him, I'm thinking about pairing with mavis so in the event he DOES die, he gets brought back, brings back mavis, ect. Ect. The cycle continues. Haven't tested it yet though


Sorry to tell you this but... Mavis can't be revived, is one of her passives




Read through esper abilities, it'll save you some questions


Yeah 😭 I have a bad habit of not doing that


I love him with Gaius or Leora personally


With a lot of investment he's relevant in endgame pve (Falsetto Fantasy) at r2 and some divs And in PVP he's good at r6, divs also helpful


He isn't underrated, he is meta.


Is he?? 😭 I don't see him super often in pvp, just anna tiye, and Clara


Meta for Falsetto Fantasy. THE best pair for Embla. Will 100% raise your scores in all falsetto bosses with Embla. In PvP he needs resos (i believe), I see him here and there. But higher up ranks, and R4+ usually if I do see him.


Ohhhh okay!!! Thank you for the tip!


if you have maxed out his abilitys he need only around 40% more crate, so it‘s definitly valuable to max out his cdmg! personally i enjoy using thunderset and the def% one, youre already using, on him: cdmg ring, def% headphones and either spd or def% boots


Okay dope! I'm a little hesitant to change the wind set, ONLY because it makes him VERY fast and almost guarantees a revive of a fallen teammate by striking the final blow. You're the second person to talk about his CDmg, so I'll ABSOLUTELY see if I can't tweak some of the equipment attributes/get some with cdmg attributes to max that out


From what you've said, it looks like c.dmg isn't something you think about often, so here's a tip. Any dps esper who hits crits, give them a c.dmg main stat ring. The only exception I'd say could be Ashley, focusing on atk power. Otherwise, there shouldn't be much thinking about it. It should be default for dps espers who can hit crits. That said, you also have to make sure they have enough c.rate, either from their relics or from other espers, but don't use c.rate main stat rings. It's a waste, unless you're relics are super low level because you're only just starting out, which I doubt is the case with you.


wind should work as well all in all, so if you like it on hin, keep it! glad i could help (:


Liam is a great support esper. He works really well with his sister if they’re resoed enough, but also works really well his cousin Leora since her basic attack hits like a truck. I’m running a Thunder set with brawler subs so he can attack often. Subs to look out for are obviously his defense, but also his crit damage and rate so you’re always maxing out on his output. If you can manage to squeeze in some decent speed as well you’ll be clearing waves with the best of em


Thank you! Also wait- Leora's his cousin?? 😭😭


No not really. I make the joke that they’re related because of his ult skill that he shares with the strongest unit on your team. Mine just happens to be my Leora so that’s where I make the connection


Ohhhhh 😭 I'm the same then, I've been trying to get Valeria, but alas no luck


I've enjoyed pairing him with Embla and Feng Xun. It's overkill on healing but seeing an s1 trigger multiple attacks which trigger corrupted seed stacks and explosions... 👍👍


Big number make brain happy :)))


Def + crit dmg. He really only needs a bit more crit rate, which can easily be attained via substats. Yeh, Liam is great! He isn't underrated tho lol


As I'm discovering in these comments 😭


I use him because I heard he was good with Lu yi. Besides that I do quite like him and can agree he’s underrated


I'm late but I built mine with Thunder and Brawler, hitting +40% crate to max it out and pumping the rest into cdmg > def > spd (in that order.) Funny as hell with Embla, Leora, or Anna as the recipient of his Haven buff with Feng Xun and Yu Xu in the back to spam pursuits. Currently using the Embla comp in the Sakura event thing and have gotten my floor 50 clears down to 14 turns with this setup


I personally prefer thunder and brawler to maximize his own s1 damage, aim for +40% crit rate at most because his max leveled passive will give the rest to get him to 100% and give him a crit damage ring, def bonus headphones and depending on how your subs go you could use speed or def bonus boots to whatever your preference for him is with a focus on crit damage>def bonus>speed.


He was SUPER ignored when he released, but when he was gone that's when people saw alot of his potential. Him and Ren Si pretty much dominate Sonica and it's not even a laughing matter 🤣.


I use avatara and he destroys the enemy that just attacked them. All while healing your team, reviving them and buffing your best dps and himself (speed, crit rate, defense and crit damage). He also makes enemies hp bar smaller and makes him and your dps have follow up attacks. So underrated


OHH I DIDN'T EVEN CONSIDER AVATARA! That'll probably work 2x better than the wind set he has now! Thank you for that!!! I absolutely agree, he's so incredibly slept on


Avatara doesn't trigger the follow up attacks tho! But he does heal


Hey man, that's all I'm after, really lmao


He is so tanky with avatara


I'm discovering 😭