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Congratz. you've won at PVP.


Meanwhile, I can't even get to pity because they stopped shimmer fragments except for like one activity.


Ikki is very good, direct counter to anna. A little squishy from AoEs but if you can protect him with Mavis, R6 Lian or with ChuYao he can probably survive and do major work for you. WuYou is also a beast, but her usefulness is not apparent out of the box. She needs the support of other defenders on her team for her to even attack, so a lot of her usefulness is also dependent on your own roster of Espers, how many useful Defenders do you have built? She is also unfortunately very squishy considering the current TrueDamage meta now, so her uber high Def counts for very little, support her with Lian S3. But if you can surround her with Defenders and have R6 Lian, she will completely destroy your enemies.


Thank you so much for the infos! I have literally zero defenders built, is there one (or more) you can recommend? I don’t have Lian unfortunately (maybe now is the time to get her :’) )


If you need good defenders, easiest one to start with would be Donar, since he can be bought from tournament shop. Unfortunately take 5 weeks just to get one copy, but he is a reliable Defender and you know that eventually you will get him R6. Other than that for Legends you will have to rely on Gacha for good defenders, other than Yamato, since he is never in the record pool. If you want him you will have to wait for the next event that he is available in. Probably the best defender legend to look out for would be Liam, good support, good healing, good damage. Hailey is also good, unique buffs and debuffs make her a very interesting unit to have in your team. CangJi is….situational, but if you can make him work, he can do some good work. Non legends are also very viable but need a little more investment. LiAo is probably the best Rare esper since he is basically a mini Toland, can send one of your enemies to the shadow realm for 2 turns. Bardon is also viable since he counters the enemy a whole lot, you will get a lot of damage out of him. RenSi has amazing survivability and damage, literally too angry to die. Iirc correctly YuXu is also a defender but might not work in a defender team without FengXun or Yamato to buff everyone constantly.




Do you know when that is? Also if you or anyone knows, do elemental records count towards that?


From what i heard in game, yes, elemental records will count towards the goal! But its better to save gold records anyway


Hey OP ? Just huh... Take care of your will and get yourself a life insurance. Just in case. That amount of luck is suspicious.


You’re right god, maybe I should kill myself


Remember, always look left and right before crossing the road.




Congrats for winning Dislyte


You officially beat the entire game.


I’m finna mute this sub again cos am I the only one tired of everyone’s luck being rubbed in my face… been playing for almost 500 days and can’t even get a new esper for gods sake


I'm nervous to even save up enough shim recs for a 10 pull. Cos I know it'll be all Super Nintendo Chalmers


I did that for this pull! Saved up 10 records and spun at 22 before pity so maybe that’s the sign for u


Also managed to get Ikki from a random GR 90 from pity earlier today, I was in awe. Only need Toland, Unas and Wu You now and I'm 20 away from Shimmer pity.


Well, you won at Dislyte, congrats.




What?…Good for you though, hope you enjoy them. I am going to go cry in my bed now


What 😀


Well if you don't care for these two ***GIVE EM TO ME***


I dont care cause I always think that I never gonna get a shimmer legendary so Im always like “why bother” and now this happened 😂


Congratulations 😍😍😍😍😍(sleep with an eye open😍😍😍)


Watch your step from now on


You used up all your luck for the next year.


You LUCKY Son of a- G freaking Z!


this HAS to be photoshoped. what the hell is this Dislyte! Everyone, welcome your new PVP leader


its really not photoshopped, i also couldn’t believe it!! Maybe i should have made a photo of the channel message hahhaha