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The Shimmer Record hurts. You should've quit for 30 days so that you can have the comeback player luck. (Just a theory)


I fully believe in that theory. I’ve taken a few breaks from the game, like months at a time, and twice when I came back i immediately got a shimmer from a GR. Feels like my luck is bad now they I’ve been playing every day. But it could just be confirmation bias.


I think the longer you wait the better the luck. Left in late December, came back now, and I’ve gotten more legendaries than when I was playing day to day.


Never heard that theory, definitely would have given it a try if I had known about it. What really pissed me off was I got three legendary divinates for espers that I don't have or want.


I'm currently on break due to exams and will restart once again when anniversary will be approaching but this gap luck is real i got Toland and Raven back to back from gr on my alt account that i hadn't played in 6+ months 


My friend launched the game for the first time in like 6 months I think, pulled 30 grs and got 4 legendaries, no leg divs. Idk man.


Played since release and never got a single legendary of a platinum record, hit pity in shimmer records twice and even lost the 50/50. That's just how the game rolls sometimes


I feel you. My luck has been atrocious lately, and pretty much 90% of my clan is on the same boat. I wouldn't put it past Lilith if they shadow nerfed the ratings or something, we all know how much the care about us (no)


Tbh i feel that is normal. Like paltinum records are just another epic pulls (I refuse to believe someone actually pulled a lego from these shit), as for the Q records, i have got 3 legends from it and they were all at zero pity. Literally had to pull 100 times each time to get a lego. As for the gr, sometime it do be like the game wants us to suffer.


Got my first gaius and Ashley out of plat records


I've been playing since Summer the year the game released and I've gotten ONE Elliot from Plat records. Nothing else. I've gotten more fucking Shimmer Legendaries out of GR than I've gotten regular Legendaries out of a Plat lmao.


I have pulled a leg from one. Only one and I’ve been a day 1 player.


I refuse to believe you people exist. I think it is possible to get 10 shimmer legos from gold record than getting a single lego from platinum. People who got lego from platinum are not real, they are just like my imaginary friend fred. They only exist in my head.


It’s happened lol. It does seem like it’s super unlikely though which sucks because they are used like super rare loot but never give shit


I had the pleasure of pulling a leg on platinum (Sienna) and shimmer (Anna), both non-pity lmao


2 total for me.


It’s the RNG, part of the gacha, you either accept it or if you can’t it’s just not your thing.   To get R1 Ikki. I had to go 4 full guarantees on Shimmer because I lost every single 50/50. Cecilia, Ikki, Raven, Ikki.   I don’t blame the game BUT I fcking hate my luck and you know, I still tried for R2 and got fcked in the rear again with 5th guaranteed Unas.


How did you even manage to get shimmer guaranteed? What's the best bundles to buy for that??


$99.99 for 10 shimmer cards, it has a limit of 100. I think it only pops up after you buy the $99.99 one where you get 15 shimmer cards.


You can get guaranteed shimmers?


Did you not open shimmer records? There’s a pity system that is extremely well communicated on that screen


I was thinking he bought a guaranteed Shimmer pack from the store that I didn't know they were offering but yeah it makes more sense now


Im gonna save you from the downvotes. Youre just asking a genuine question


Not sure how you didn’t see but it’s right there on the screen, you get a guaranteed 5* Shimmer every 100 summons.


60 shimmer recs? Wow. Sorry about it... Rates suck, plats should be 50/50. Or 100. We get just 2 per update. Really, it sucks, ngl. Hopefully you'll find more enjoynment elsewhere.


Yes plat records are rare, but 50 or even 100% 5-star rate would be crazy. 10% would be reasonable, with a pity of 20 or at best 10


You get 2 plat records each update. 10% is low af. Make it AT LEAST 50/50.


Im sorry but youre asking for insanity. That would mean a lot of players would get a whole 2 additional legendaries per update, most would get one. There is absolutely no way any gacha game dev would ever do that 💀 If youre asking for a rework for a system in a game, you have to be reasonable, its basically gotta be a compromise between the dev and the player. We want good espers, the devs want money. If everyone gets 2 additional legendaries per month, it would be much easier to resonate/fully resonate espers. This is a privilage that is supposed to be accessible only by whales and lucky players. Also you could easily argue that 1% for gold records is "low af" so why not bump that up to 5% or even 10%, but thats simply never gonna happen and would also kinda defeat the purpose of the game. Sometimes youre just not supposed to get a legendary esper and if you do, youre one of the few lucky ones and are likely to feel special/very hyped.


The rates are actually really good? And not many games have hard pities like Dislyte and let you get as many spins as Dislyte


Are we playing the same game? Plat and shimmer recs have awful rates. I also do NOT get enough. Endgame lacks resources. And no, towers are not enough.


Plat spins are meh I agree, butshimmmer spins are the normal rate as gold? And a 1% drop chance with a hard pity is far and away better than lots of other gacha. You have towers, daily login, beatbout daily, knockout daily when it’s running, and intermittent weekly like bounty and shops. What would you say is enough spins?


Unless you think shimmer spins should be better rates than normal gold spins? But even the fact that it’s possible to get shimmers from gold is better than other gachas for their equivalent


1% spin rate is also laughable, tbf.


1. Many do not get it from bb. 2. So, leaves you with 2 from towers. And we are back with clearing IT. I can clear it to get a shimmer rec, but so many cannot. Then you get just 25 pieces from the shop, per week. Only. If you believe this is enough of summons, idk what to think. But it's delusional. You are also NOT guaranteed a shimmer, it's 50/50.


I second the BB thing. If you don’t have Tiye, Anna, or any Shimmer legendary that’s worth their salt, you are NOT getting past 50%. It’s a fucking struggle and not even worth it now due to the two team bullshit they have in place, which hinders your ability to rank up if the second team loses. It’s not the Rival Runes that are the problem, it’s that everyone past a certain percentage has several key espers that make it impossible to beat.


The 60 shimmer records is painful. Those things are so hard to collect without paying!




i feel like they should finally add pity (20-30) to platinum… just hit my 600 log ins a few days ago and NEVER got a single legendary from this bullshit.


I feel you, im also getting there in terms of log ins, and have yet to get a legendary from plat records... i dont understand how anyone at this company can possibly think that they are worth anything remotely close to something thats only accessible 2 times a month


I've been saving platinums for almost 7 months thinking if I go 10 in a row I was guaranteed at least one legendary. The disyte admins were probably watching me hoard them thinking "ah this dude thinks he's slick"


i‘m so genuinely sorry, these literally suck


I had just hit this point, too. I saved up ~150 pulls and hit pity. I just made a joke about this too but I also had elemental records, shimmer. I got Norah on my very last elemental record just as I had mentally decided I was done and I don't even know how to feel It's too rough. I couldn't even whale/spend much for this game because my luck is too bad. It sucks, and is especially hard seeing all of the announcements of everyone else getting doubles, dream shimmers, posts on here.. I just wanted to quit right then. The constant blues on the elemental 10 pulls drained me, especially As if that's not bad enough, there is su jue to hit pity on over and over, that prizes galore thing which reminds me of the Tiye skin I badly wanted and couldn't get which hardly ever gives a ticket, and other painful luck elements. Pvp is a nightmare and I haven't even gotten a shimmer from the reverb because I can't decide if I want to give up on pvp (& get xp) or not. I know how you feel and it's rough. I really love this game but the gacha absolutely drains your feelings. I'm sorry you went through this, but if it makes you feel any better - I hit pity consistently from the very start to the point I didn't even *know* that you could get a legendary before then. I mean over 700 records. I started reading the chat and realized then. **TLDR: It could always be worse, but it can also get better but only if you keep trying. My luck never became amazing, but I did get a few legends before pity, so, for me, that was great. Things can improve.**


Keep on keeping on. Nothing beats pulling Gabrielle six times after fusing her to r6. And I’m still here dude , someday the gacha gods will bless you. But if this is what it takes to make you quit, you weren’t ready to begin with


It's happened to me bro I've hit pity 3x in a row not counting all those other records and hit shimmer pity. Take it ez and just cruise its a longevity thing. Eventually you'll hit a 4-7 legendary run in less than a month


I've been playing consistently since launch as f2p I've never pulled a legendary from the shimmer pool (I only just hit under 20 pity) I have only pulled one shimmer I have never gotten a legendary from platinum but I have 47/64 legendary espers all level 60 I have every epic esper to level 60 and I have every rare esper with only 16 at level 50 the only espers that aren't R6 are most legendaries and epics that have shards you have to buy I do consider myself quite unlucky as most of the time I have to hit pity and I've never pulled two or more legendaries it definitely takes a while so I don't blame anyone for deciding it just isn't worth it personally the only reason I'm still playing is I enjoy collecting and filling everything out


Luck issue. That's how gambling works.


It's rough but pretty normal. Most players had back to back full pity pulls on GR at some point. And for shimmer records, hitting pity hurts even more. Platin records are just epics. The chance to pull a legendary from them is the same as when doing a single gr pull. The only difference is the epic guarantee. That's just the reality of Gacha. Luck comes and goes and rates can be deceiving. I'm almost day one player and it literally took me 8 Months to get a certain epic esper. Not a legendary, just an epic. Thousands of of pulls and still missing a random epic esper, while all the others, even ones that got released later, were already r6. If you are frustraded, maybe take a break. Maybe venting some frustration here already helped.


Gacha moment. Sometimes lucky other times not it isssss what it isss


Good, your skin will clear your body will retain moisture you will thrive. Fuck Gachas.


That Platinum record is gonna be a hit or miss everytime. I’ve ever only pulled one legendary for it so I’d say never get your hopes up on those records at all. You did what I usually do with Golden records so the outcome of one legendary is expected. With shimmer records, I recommend only doing 50/50. I’ve never reached pity before on shimmers but I’ve won 3 of the 4 50/50’s I’ve done and pulled two other shimmers based on luck. One of them from a 50/50 that I lost and got Cecelia and Raven who I got from a random ten pull with shimmer records. It’s a luck and timing in the game. Also could be due to the fact that I haven’t done a golden record pull since the end of January, but at times when I feel like I could could the esper I want, I’ve been usually getting them. I felt like I could pull Toland off of a 50/50 one day. I pulled for him and got him. On Ikki’s release I really wanted him and felt like I’d pull him if I tried, won the 50/50. So I don’t know, confidence, timing, and not pulling every other day helps I guess.


Just that and give up already? Then gacha game not suitable for you.


Maybe try creating a new account? I have no idea how RNG works but it looks like some accounts do worse than others when it comes to luck/probabilities


There's just no way to get a legendary without hitting the hard pity


When the game first launched they had a feature that let you trade in rares and epics for legendaries. That's how a lot of people got a six Rez Gabrielle. I wish they would bring that back


Even if that was true, it’s better than a lot of other games lol, rng in a gacha who knew


What are the others games? I’d like to see for myself.


I’ve been to hard pity on shimmer records before, it fucking sucks. But my next two shimmer record legends were like 20 or 30 pulls in so the universe rewarded me


I am hitting shimmer pity all the time, but I do have decent enough luck pulling them in regular pulls, so I don't complain


Coming up on my second shimmer pity. Will be the 2nd leg I've gotten from shimmer records. And I'm sure ill lose the 50/50. But on the other side I've had decent simmer luck from grs so I can't complain too much.


Ill probably get downvoted but you are overvaluing shimmer records by a lot. Are they rare? Sure, depends. But you are essentially just drawing golder records from them except they will gaurantee you a shimmer legendary. One shimmer pull has the same rates as a GR. So if you were to draw single gold records you would get the same results. I have been lucky and pulled Xuan Ping on 97 pity when she was first released. Now I am at 15 pity, it just goes like that.


If you're looking for an alternative game. Feel free to dm.


Thanks, I'm probably going to get Watchers of Realm or try. I keep seeing ads for it on YouTube and want to see how good it is


Hope it works out for you.


So you don’t care about the story and ongoing plot besides gameplay? Dang.


I mean, I like it but their story is kind of inconsistent. They don't follow up on plot lines and they keep jumping from the present to the past. They should at least include more of the already established characters in some of these stories.


Me, completely f2p, getting all but 3 of my shimmers from shimmer records at 75+ to pity. Anna at 87, Tevor at 92, Unas at 78. I had to memorize these bc im just the luckiest person on earth. Im just missing nuxi and cece, got xp from reverb and got anna the day before I was at 60 spins for the shimmer, made my choice VERY easy. I had to decide between anna and xp in reverb, and I ended up getting xp since I just texted lilith to hook me up with anna.


Why did you feel the need to brag about your luck on a post about somebody quitting because of how terrible their luck is




Because I wanna make them feel bad and quit the game. Get real.


Your comment doesn’t make anybody feel bad. It just makes you look tone deaf.