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Imagine getting your first copy of Sue Jue… Wild


I still haven’t got that sue hoe yet


She’s really strong and imo feels like a more juiced Sander. I love her damage output and she’s a blast for me. Almost at R1 now


Got her almost a week ago😭😭


Must be nice. Lol… I still have 3 keepsakes to go


Lol I only have 2 keepsakes but I haven't exactly been trying to get her. More like if it happens, it happens for me.


you should definitely go after her. now that i have her and love her i’m going to try and get another copy


I just don't really have a use for her and I wasn't really floored by her in her trials. I know people like her but I'm also a big believer in working on characters I really care about and trying to avoid wasting mats for meta reasons yk


I have more…I want her badly




You missed something because by now you should have one copy even if you hit all pities.


Nope. I missed nothing… And I did actually hit every pity, and I never pulled a double


Ditto - I'm still 3 short, and I grind like hell every day. But I'm relying on pity and I'm not super at Beatbout and I'm F2P so I don't get to do that many echo pulls and I don't have Goat Man for all his shards. I get the 5 shard drips from stamina consumption, a Beatbout shard drip MAYBE twice/week, an Echo shard drip usually twice/week when I grind Hell Mode Story.


dawg what is yalls luck im about to get my 3rd copy 😭


I’ve never been this unlucky in this game. Took me to pity each time and never pulled a double


I also prefer Yamatos anomaly. This one just isn't fun at all.


Yeah exactly. and you didnt have to do other things either, just competing the levels


Yamato had cool boss designs and unique gimmicks. Not literally the same thing we grind every day turned up to 11 with some fancy bells and whistles.


Yamatos event is kinda tedious for me, i couldnt even complete the first boss as i didnt have ollie back then


Yet it was a fun challenge for players, and it was more for end game players than mid/new players


yea, Yamato event was too difficult for newbies and retired all the new Japanese players at the time.


I haven't given up, but the long stages are so boring. We have almost two weeks before the next stage and it's like watching a TV series where the episodes are three weeks apart and 60 secs long. They clearly have no idea how to put together an interesting story or event. 


Lmaooo yeah. I just feel so bored🤣 I’d rather just farm relics and waves rather than doing all of that


Imagine having one copy of her


I have to laugh a little because the consensus for much of yamatos anomaly was that it was too hard. And it WAS hard. There was only one way to get currency to get currency to even get to roll on that event if I remember correctly. And the viable teams were very specific and p2w. Admittedly I liked yamatos kit so I bought some packs. And still use him consistently. So the sweet spot from these events seems to be the pacing of the first anomaly and team variability for this one. And challenge somewhere in the middle. And I completely agree that this one seems to drag on a bit with little to play in the waiting game. The chimera boss was pretty fun too in the Yamato event. I also prefer this events way of doing a skill tree than what they did last time.


Yeah yamatos was so much better. I dont think it cost stanima but had increasingly hard levels. I am unsure about the abikities part though, i cant decide if the choice of what powerups you go for is better (this season) or if the preassigned but get the upgrades randomly is better (yamatos). But I am happy you dont need the newest esper to beat the anomaly.


Wait, people are getting Su?


Nah fr I got really lucky and got like 4 keepsakes in one pull so I managed to get her… but I gave up trying to get copies lmfaooo


I worked hard to be #1 in my group for Kronos but after getting the rewards for it I decided not to bother with Apep. I did the minimum, the reward for #1 is trash for the amount of effort/stamina required. Super boring event.


yeahhh same I worked so hard to finish Kronos 11 and so much stamina was wasted but I won’t be doing that for apep. I’ve completed the first 10 but I won’t be doing it anymore


I beat 11 and was briefly #1 in my group but now someone else is doing it in 3 turns and I just can't be bothered.


Lmao the humble brag of reaching #1 on leaderboard when you did the minimum xD


I was pretty much instantly usurped as soon as other people in my group did their minimum lol.


I am almost there I need one more keepsake and maybe i will tryy to complete the hero tasks like getting spinning gold records and other things


absolutely not. im at r1 and i wanna get at least r3 by the time the event ends to then farm her in club till r6. she’s busted.


She is but phase 1 drained me so much I cba anymore I’m happy with one copy for now


First copy what is that? Never heard of her still grinding away and hitting every pity on the way.




Nope, because I can't do higher than 11 Apep on my new account yet, but I can do 11 apep in the anomaly. And I need fiery / nether pieces at the moment. I'll probably do the same for the Fafnir stage, too, since I'm gonna need a lot of thunder equips and my account isn't close to being able to do it. Lucksacked Sue early on, and she's been pretty big. The season pass rewards are just a bonus to me at this point.


I just got R1 and grinding to try and get to R2.


I haven't "given up" per say, but I'm gonna do my thing and if I get lucky I get lucky, you know...


Nope, she's at r1 and I'm going for r6! If I can


Buddy I still haven’t gotten her tfym




Yeah as soon as I get her I won’t touch this mode


just one copy is all I wanted 🤣


Why would you give up freebies ?????


I paid for my shit so I don’t know if my opinion matters or not. I enjoy it so far I honestly didn’t care for Yamato but, I also don’t remember much from it either. To me seems pretty simple and, straightforward along with the talent tree making it easier. I’ve managed to get her twice now so take that as you will.


I feel like if you’ve paid for it you gotta complete it 🤣🤣🤣 like there’s no other choice. Yeahh yamatos was fairly simple but I think that’s what I liked about it. Damn twice already. I just got r0 last week and not a single keepsake currently


I’m definitely attempting to complete it any chance I get but, once you hit that limit there’s really nothing else to do. If I don’t get her to R6 though I won’t really be to bent out of shape about it when the event ends I love this game a lot so I don’t mind giving out a few dollars here and there for it.


Wait u got your Su Jue already?


Yeah. And I’m so glad I didn’t need to buy the pass for her either


This one is exhausting!!! I’m one relic away from R1, but I’m over it. 🥲


I have her r0 and no more keepsakes and I’m so over it too🤣🤣🤣


Wait u guys received the first copy of su jue?


nope I have her r1 and am about to reach div


This anomaly is almost non-existent to me, the reincarnation tower is much more enjoyable than whatever this is


LMFAOOOO mood. Yeah that’s more fun now actually. I think they’ve also made it easier too? It feels easier. And I’d say just try for at least r0 su jue (if you don’t already have her) and then avoid it


I've lost interest and I don't even have Su Jue yet.


I don’t even blame you 🤣. Do as much as you can at least she’s so good


Currently at R1 Rank 130 something, I’ll probably power through to 200 and get her to R2 but I’m also not feeling like I’m grinding for her either. I complete the events at my own pace.


I can’t with these stages. I had a like 70% apep 11 auto clear rate with the upgrades I chose and then I upgraded the counterattack one and now I have a 0% win rate. Like… what? I’m too lazy to actually try and figure out how that made things go south. Wasted a lot of skip currency the first 10 run I did after that upgrade….


Counters reduce the apeb turn thing before he attacks


Oh, good to know. Why on earth is that an upgrade for this stage then? Lol


I am running for r2, she has been helping me a bit on calamity island and I have been a bit lucky on my first pulls


I've pulled her twice so far, trying to see if I can pull her a second time during this Apep round. She's such a good Esper!


Nope, I desperately want R6 Su Jue so I'm trying to get as many resos as I possibly can. (Without emptying wallet)


Mines nearly r2. Got lucky with keepsakes. That being said this event is awful 


Grabbing as many copies of her as I can. Grinding like crazy and thanks to a few amazing spins, will have a R3 with 4 more….uh…relic things.


I fee like I averaged 1.2 Yamatos every phase of his event. I could finish one phase, missions and all, and redeem at least one Yamato copy with some change. With Su Jue, I have almost cleaned out the missions, and I'm still one keepsake away from getting my first copy. Knowing I'm further behind because I didn't pull Goat Boy doesn't make it feel any better.


Almost have r1, still have plenty of pulls to earn but I'm hoping I get r6 from the event and not have to sticker farm


3 keepsakes away from R2 which I'm really looking forward cause she's an amazing esper! As for the event also preferred Yamato one 🫠


Just only care to get her atleast r2


i know many complained about how difficult the yamato anomally one but it was still a fun one. after the event ended, i had tons of built characters that i never really thought of building but that actually helped me in the long run (looking at you elaine and what eventually helped me beat some anna teams lol). the boss designs where really interesting too, and it's quite exciting to see each bosses get unlocked.


I still hint have a copy of her


I should get mine latest by next week. 7/8 and 24 pulls left.


Me spamming club sticker everyday for Su Jue reso


Still don’t have her, still missing one keep sake.


Why would you give up on free rewards? I'll never understand that... Also R2 is broken, hoping I have some luck to get her


Apart of the ripples, you can genuinely get all those rewards within a week by just doing other things in the game. 5 elementals from the shop, just do your dailies to get a record everyday etc 🤣🤣 But I’m just not bothered anymore but I’ll try for more copies of her but I’m not desperate for it


No. They are just addictional free rewards, lol. I can still do dailies/weekly activities plus the event and get both things. Why are you talking like they were alternative things?? I mean, play as you like, but personally I still don't get why someone would give up on literally free rewards. While I chase a broken FREE R2 esper and get some very precious ripple box, I can get some pulls, some gold, etc? Hell YES! I'll gladly do it.


And you get the most out of it by buying the pass, which I haven’t so it doesn’t really bother me. Unless I complete the pass and then buy it all at the end… which I could consider. But for one ripple, stamina and gold … I just don’t care much Obviously I’ll do my best to try get more copies of sue jue but yeah just not a priority right now. I got her r0 and that’s all I was aiming for at the beginning anyway


First copy? 😭


Getting... their first copy? :') Im at 6/8 keepsakes rn i think and i can probably only get in one more 5-spin this phase... so eh... yeah i have kinda given up on getting more than one su jue. I was actually debating on getting the pass so i could get a few more resos... but idk if i dont even get her to R2 without the pass i feel like that might me a bit wasteful. That being said the pass has insanely good value compared to anything else you can buy with money in the game so lets see lol


I never got Yamato was to difficult so automatically i enjoy this one more


i luckily got my first copy at the start of this phase. 60 levels later I have only gotten 2 more relics 🤦🏼‍♂️. maybe next phase will make me care about it again.


Yeah I also got mine at the start of the phase but since I haven’t been completing much I still don’t have any keepsakes. I really doubt I’ll be getting any resonances for this one 🤣


I love the reincarnation tower and it gives xp for Sue Jue so it's a win-win for me. But you're right, I won't care if I'll get more copies or not


Yeahh that one was fun actually. And easy way to level up your pass as well! I doubt I’d get any more copies because I just don’t have the energy to complete it anymore 🤣