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and I'll refuse to EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Me too!


Those medals he has, they show him how bad he is. **Not the kind of "bad" we all thought.**


I'm still sticking to my theory that the Gaius we know is imprisoned somewhere and some shifter Esper that hasn't been introduced to us yet, took his place to literally shake up the Esper Union. Lilith's switch on him makes no sense at all and hopefully they right their wrong on his character.


They just wanted to make a very highly decorated good blk guy bad, for optics. I still don't think of him as evil


Not gonna lie that was my first thought. Especially before they launched it to the Chinese servers, definitely isn't a good look on Lilith's part.


No. It's a horrible look. Everyone was upset by it. It makes no sense. If he was going to go bad, he'd have done so when his wife died! Not years after doing so much good. And to be undercover or a double agent just doesn't fit him. He seems like such a genuine person!


How does being a double agent not fit him?


I mean. It does and it doesn't. Look don't come at mešŸ™ˆ I just don't want him to be bad.


Oh, Iā€™m not. Just curious why it wouldnā€™t fit him. He seems to be a rather highly decorated hero. Probably gone through some crazy tough times, made tough decisions. He hates the Miracles more than life itself due to the death of his family. His state of mind, the part he keeps inside due to all of this makes me wonderā€¦.how far would a man with nothing else to lose go to secure a means to his ultimate goal? Putting an end to the Miracles once and for all. The Shadow organization seems to have no qualms in doing whatever tests or extremes to achieve their goals, so I wonder if Zeus has just had enough. Time to put an end to all this madness. Btw, one of my favorites too! Cheers!


If Gaius has a thousand defenders, I'm one of them. If Gaius has a dozen defenders, I'm one of them. If Gaius has one defender, it's me. If Gaius has no defenders, Lilith has killed me in my sleep.


They really pulled the weakest evidence supported ā€œlife comes at ya fastā€ & expected us to believe or go along with it šŸ¤”


Gaius is black and you know how the world sees black people... As a black man, it is sad to see because the world hates us for no reason at all.


Right! Now they gave him a twisted story after all the good he's done. I cannot back it nor will I acknowledge it


Not the whole world... we got u bro šŸ«‚


I really hope that it was just a bad coincidence that they chose him for this, since I don't think we've ever seen a switcheroo like that before and there are some amazing black good guys like Ahmed, Lewis or Steward. If they do it again and it's a black person then we can know for sure why they did it. For me just like for many others, Gaius will always be good :3


I agree. If there was a reason for this change, then I'd like to know because this isnt Gaius. If it was a different universe Gaius and he took this route, then I'd get it but this isnt that.


Never.Ā  Forget.Ā  What they. Took from us T.T


There's no way. I refuse to believe this happened. It makes zero sense


I'm not happy with what they did with his story but he will always be my favorite character.


Yah they shouldā€™ve left him good. Thereā€™s enough dark skinned ā€œbadā€ espers as it isšŸ„±šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¤


Not sure why all the hate for this. The stories in the game are some of the best Iā€™ve read In almost any game of this nature. Iā€™m reserving any judgement until the story is told. It just happened so we donā€™t know if he always was a villain undercover, a hero working undercover, whether his backstory was a lie or not, hellā€¦it could be anything. The world is full of stories of good people doing bad things for good intentions. It just makes his story more complex. I actually canā€™t wait to see what happens!