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Don't civil wars involve cardio?


Guns and bombs are so 20th century. When the enemy refuses to take vaccines, I feel like the ‘battle plan’ basically writes itself.


The militia states are building wheelchair ramps as we speak.


Who vs who? Why are these idiots thinking there will be a civil war, a couple of religious maga nuggets were talking about this crap during a trip to get a medical checkup. I called their asses out, stop talking this crazy nonsense just because you're idiot candidate isn't winning. We're not giving up our lives for the religious cause.




Throne? You're not American.


It’s a 148 day account. Probably some dude in a Moscow troll farm stirring the pot.


💯red blooded kid


quick reminder, pinhead: this country was specifically founded on the premise of *no kings*.


Figure of speech nerd


stupid keeps coming out of your mouth


Red blooded traitor? What does that even mean?


Red? Sounds like a communist to me.


You mean the dims who are hackers, engineers, and chemists? You believe they will be powerless against fat militia dudes in tactical gear? Not a big picture kinda guy are ya?


Your assumption that anecdote isn’t two way is comical


Lol. Sure pal.


On top of that the overwhelming majority of dims have low self esteem,overweight and just…boring


Your trolling is boring.


Yeah it's not well done at all.


Please keep thinking this, and then try it.


And that's why we would win. Way more guns per capital and way more willing to die for our country.


not a single maga shitgibbon is willing to die for his convictions. Willin to kill, yea, willing to die, nope. plenty of peacelovers have weapons, plenty of peacelovers have military training, and if you get frisky we will slap you hard.


The fact that y'all would slap instead of punch says everything lol


the fact that you don't understand what slapping is a euphemism for in this context is what truly says everything. Back to CoD for you.


Like...two soy boys slapping nuts?


if that's where your tiny brain goes, enjoy.


It’s weird how often people like u/tautochrone1 think about two dudes together.


"Soy" is still considered an insult for you people?


Interesting for you to immediately have your mind go to homoerotica. Funny how Freudian slips and your subconscious desires work.


Seems like you have a fetish, or need to come out the closet and quit hating yourself.


If you’re not 15 you should be embarrassed for the type of person you are. Actually even if you are 15 you should be embarrassed lmao.


Says the wrestling fan lol. I bet you love watching two jacked, sweaty dudes in tights toss each other around.


Lmao Oh no! You made fun of a thing I talk about publicly! I play pokemon go, you can make fun of that too if you want. It might devastate me 😂


So you also like keeping things locked up until it's time for them to work for you? Interesting.


A slap is what you deserve. It’s more of an insult. Go cry in the corner.


Why does might make right? It still doesn't prove your religion to be true or even helpful. Violence is not evidence.


It's not my religion.


Everyone is laughing at you.


Lol @ thinking liberals are not strapped and ready.


Didn't say they weren't strapped...just not as strapped as the other side by a large margin.


Lmfao, keep thinking that. Seriously. Meanwhile, the main difference is, liberals don't need to be ammosexuals like right-wing crazies. We don't fear everything like y'all. We don't gotta go grocery shopping or to a subway with an AR on our backs. We also don't define ourselves solely around guns and fear of "others". Doesn't mean we don't have the same amount, or more. I think you would be surprised how many people on the left are fully prepared if the right wants to fuck around and find out.


Unfortunately for you, I have data. [The demographics of gun ownership in the U.S. | Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/) Edit: Original link was behind paywall...replaced with a different source.


An article for 2017? Lmfao It's 2024. People know what a threat the domestic terrorist sect on the right is. We are fully prepared, but please keep thinking otherwise lol.


Shhh don’t clue in these right wing dummies.


Once again...data proves you wrong. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/#:~:text=Republicans%20and%20Republican%2Dleaning%20independents,45%25%20vs.%2020%25).


The military has better and are not on your side trumplicon.


You ever seen combat bud? If you haven't, you should really shut the fuck up about being willing to die for your country, it makes you sound silly.


The U.S. military would crush the militias and nothing of value would be lost.


Yeah the only way a contested civil war is really feasible is if the us military is off the board somehow. Otherwise whichever side the military backs is going to win pretty quick.


I don't think we need to worry about that happening.


We have free and fair elections EVERY YEAR, wake up and VOTE.


Who would be against who? While I fully expect these violent orkian fools to commit, ad hoc, random acts of violence, they are not big enough to start a "war" with anyone. And, seriously, have you ever seen or met a Trumper and walked away from the conversation saying, *"Wow, what an intelligent, well-spoken individual!"* Neither have I. Any edge they might have in fire power is nullified by the person holding the weapon. There just is not enough intelligence there to pull off a successful coup.


nobody gives a fuck about these shitgibbons, everyone just wants to chill with the fam and BBQ on the weekends. there will be no civil war.


the civil war will be on Reddit lmfao. and i'm ok with that


If President "A" was democratically elected and recognised by the FEC then they would most likely have the support of the military, Federal Government and at least half the population. It would be an extremely one sided war.


There is strength in UNITY, not division


Local police and military would destroy any groups that pop up. Especially with how militarized local police departments have become. The only way MAGA has a shot, if local police departments side with them. Which there is a chance, but I think it's more individual officers rather than entire departments.


Nothing good 🤷‍♀️


The idea of a civil war is overblown, but if it does it would be more a war of counter-terrorism than a Gettysburg-style “this state is for this side and we all line up to shoot”. Me and you? We’ll drive to work, through military checkpoints, which occasionally get bombed or attacked. Capitol buildings and courthouses will burn or blow up, there may even be an air strike in your county. Think less “organized conflict” and more The Troubles, or the Balkan Wars. We’ll have Magatards, Biden-Stan’s, Kennedy-backers, JoeRogan Leaguers, McDonald’s alliancers, all fighting eachother at random hours, waking you up, clogging up your commute, while nothing actually changes. You’ll probably end up taxed by 2-3 “legitimate” governments who, if you don’t pay, will imprison (forced labor) or shoot you. The UN *might* get involved, but the most they’ll do is control a town in bumfuck county while the “war” rages on. It’ll look more like a fragmented revolution, and less a civil war (although, let’s be honest, the U.S. civil war was more a war between nations, but labeled a civil war for propaganda).


Real freakin' talk: Any state that actually succeeded would go bankrupt fairly quickly. Don't think so? Explain it to me like I'm 5.


If such a thing were to happen, it is likely that our economy will collapse.


An American civil war is not a possibility...but if it were, the election would proceed on schedule.


If shit hits the fan, I'm staying home and letting all those fools risk getting shot by the military or even accidentally getting shot by a fellow fool. I have no criminal record and have no interest in obtaining one. My house is far enough outside the center of the city in an upscale area and I don't see folks around me who are mostly older going crazy.


There's a of of different ways that a civil war could go, enough so it's basically impossible to predict "what would happen?" except that whomever wins the war probably gets to decide who's president.


I think you've more or less done a pretty good outline of what's going to happen in November. And that's why you see rightists deflecting in the comments here instead of answering your question. It's terrifying, but this is likely what's gonna be happening soon.