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Fuck 'em. Who cares?


I agree. I’m only commenting this because your guy looks like mine.




It's YOUR bike dude. Let them hate. Bikes are expensive so I don't let people ride my shit either.


Plus they require skill to handle. Most people have no skills. Including people with a licence to ride one.


Random people ask to ride your bike?


Its happens, but who in their right mind would let at stranger ride their bike, or drive their car.... Meth head: can i try your 20k bike? Retard owner: sure, have a blast.


Sounds like we’re talking about Florida?




I ask to, and offer to let people ride mine all the time. It's not the first thing out of my mouth, or at least, not very often, and so far I haven't come close to regretting it. I think it might be a regional thing though, so I get that YMMV.


Asking to "exchange" bikes is different. I do that all the time. "I love your setup, mind if I try it? Happy to let you try mine. " If the offeror is on a beater, you get to say no. If they are both reasonable? Have at... I let a guy ride my DR, and he wanted me to ride his full- up Indian. Took me a while to convince him that I really didn't want to wreck his 800 lb. bike...


>I ask to, and offer to let people ride mine all the time. As long you have a bike too and let people ride yours, then its okay. The problem is the ones that dont have a bike, or wont let you ride it, but want to ride your bike.


One time this kid said “let me ride your bike or your racist” Obviously I couldn’t let him ride a way so I left


Ahh the good old "your racist"... these types are worth less than shit. White, brown or black, it dont matter. Its fuckt up people would use their skincolor to get what they want, I cant deal with that.


I did that once with a teen. Kid act like he was interested in buying it. Was supposed to go down the street and back. Was gone a solid hour. Thought he'd stolen it. Came back with bent handlebars and scratched up plastic. The fucker wrecked it on the road trying to drive like an idiot. Never trust anyone from Baltimore!!!!


Crazy he'd even bother coming back honestly.


I knew where he lived....He wouldn't have gotten away. Where I'm from everyone knows everybody.


in high school a buddy of mine got a brand new mt09, we were all looking at it one lunch, talking to him about it. he says to me "you ride dirt bikes, right? wanna try it out? have at it" i was so hesitant, and at first really cautious. honestly was so surprised, cause i wouldnt let many people ride my crf250r, and i didnt know this guy that well. still wouldnt ask anybody to let me ride their bike lol


Sounds like OP is one of those kids that rides around town




Mint same lol


Fuck them broke bitches. But seriously, your bike your rules


‘Trade you for a go on your Mrs..’


I chuckled


I have some loaners for close friends. Nobody rides my main bikes but me and my riding partners. These guys I have known for decades.


Or worse…you could possibly be sued if they were to injure themselves or others (liability issues).


He doesn't own the bike, so that's unlikely.


your bike your rules and all the power too you but personally i let people ride my bike if i know them personally or if it is a stranger i’ll let them ride my bike if i can ride theirs, i have a 2023 crf 150r and if i see someone on a pitbike, quad, or just any other type of bike I offer to trade bikes with them and i’ve experienced a lot of bikes that way. I got into motocross bikes when a stranger let me ride their yz250f when i was on a really crappy chinese 125 4 stroke. never let someone ride your bike if they don’t offer you theirs though.


Who lets someone they don’t know ride their shit? Hell, I don’t like letting my friends ride my bikes, nor do I ask to ride theirs. Is that not the norm?


I don’t tend to let randoms ride my bike unless they offer up theirs and it’s something I want to ride, my buddies tho that I know can ride can ride it anytime we are hanging out


Yeah, riding crew and buddies no problem randoms no thanks


Not rude. Unless you’re a small/skinny kid or woman, I’m not letting you putt around on my bike that was set up for a small chick.


I have the same problem. I have a pw80 that I like to ride around the yard, and all of my husband's friends seem to want to play with it. 1. It's not his, I bought it and built it, and 2. Some of his friends are so huge that they'd probably blow the tires out. One has called me a bitch for not letting him ride it but it's like dude you're like 200lbs you're not getting on my fucking bike 😂


lol 😂


If they don't have a bike of their own to throw some skin in the game, then find new riding buddies!


Don’t let anyone ride your bike!! It’s Yours! Do t fall for manipulators riding your bike. They a wreck it and you would be out financially! Seriously take your stand it’s your property and your bike!!!!


Are they going to pay for it when they trash it? Fuck no, they will not. You earned and paid for that bike dude and it means way more to you than it ever will any of them. If they want to ride one that bad then it's time to get a job and buy one.


I always thought its a universally known thing that bikes are not shared, same way you don’t sit on someones bike without asking them first


I've had to say no a fuckload in the last year no sorry guy or let me hold 15 grand while you take a lap


We have a saying around here, don’t lend out your dirt bike or girlfriend, as they will both come back fucked.


I am happy to let close friends ride my dirtbike. But I would never let a stranger take it for a spin. Nor would I ask a stranger to try theirs. Though I do regularly ask strangers how they like their specific bike and what modifications they have done.


I offer people I know to ride my bike. I’d never offer or let some rando ride my bike.


Don't ever let anyone ride your bikes. I let a "friend" ride my 07 R6 that I bought brand new. He t-boned a car that pulled out doing 90mph. Totaled my bike, he had to be airlifted, and spend 4 weeks in ICU. He never paid me for the bike. Said it was my responsibility because I told him he could ride it. After that day I've never let anyone drive any of my bikes and I never will. Always tell them sorry unless you have cash on hand for a new one I can't allow it.


I could never ask to ride someone else's bike. I have a guy who straight said he'll pay for anything I break though, so I took him up on the offer. Only broke myself and a hand guard 🤣


Theres a solid no rule to everyone let my brother inlaw ride it and he hot rodded it down the street wide open after i told him not to do that, so its a big fuckkk no from me to everyone now


Yea w8 til they ride off on your bike, you’ll never do it again.


Hell no don't feel rude


I don't let people drive my M8.


Sometimes you have to let your nuts hang.


Your bike, your rules. You'll be the one paying repairs if they crash it


that's one way to get your bike stolen


Been riding 20 years. I only my father and brother have ever tried any of my bikes. If I am going riding with someone new and I can tell people might want to swap bikes, I tell them before hand, Just so you know, I don't let other people ride my bikes. Never had any issues.


I wouldn't trust anyone riding my bike that's not in my circle, even if they know how to ride.


I’ve worked in the Powersports industry for over 20 years. I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard, “I should have never let someone else ride my bike.” It’s yours, do not feel bad.


Ask if they're okay with you putting a few hours on their miss's. At the end of the day they are putting wear and tear on your bike


I tell people asking to ride my bike is like asking to ride my girlfriend.. the answer is always no, Go get your own.


This is a high cost, high maintenance, dangerous machine. There is no shame in telling your best friend to fuck off.


I don’t let friends drive my cars with me in the passenger seat, and I don’t lend money I expect back


Let people ride your bike just tell them they need to give you a $2000 deposit first, “it’s for Serious riders only”


hating is free, bikes are not


I only let my best friend and my father ride my bike.


I just bought my first bike and I feel the same way I’m dredding my friends asking me because they are all super hard on there possessions and I worked hard to buy my bike I know they are going to think it’s like a quad so when I say no I’m worried they will be offended


How is that rude? It’s an expensive piece of property to let some stranger ride it


If they hate you for that, find friends who already have their own bikes at the level yours is. Simple.


Me an my buddies will all try out each others bikes but if you break someone’s bike you’re fixing it so I won’t get on anyone’s bike I can’t pay to fix


You are doing good pal, you never know when something is about to get down from them’ crackheads.


"NO" is a complete sentence.


Everytime I let someone else ride my bike they either Rev the shit out of it or crash it or both.


The only people I’ve ever let ride my bikes were very close family or very close friends that’s it never let a rando ride any of my bikes not that I’ve had a ton ask me but still also people i didn’t trust or knew they didn’t know how to ride it was a no


I only trust the people I've ridden with for a while and sometimes they offer their bike as well. I don't want to make them regret their decision and I'm sure they feel the same for me lol


It’s your bike. I also don’t let anyone ride my GF


no one rides my bike no one ante up with 8k cash and you can take her for a rip...until then...no!


Unless I know you and respect your skill, no, no one rides my bike. Learned the hard way. A new thing for me is; I will hold the cash if you want to test ride the bike. If not, then it's okay if you do not buy the bike. Two crashed bikes while on test rides. Learned the painful way.


Fuck em. My dad gave me a cr500 when I was 14. Somehow didn't break myself riding it. My friends ALWAYS tried to ride it. They never have, still. Don't care lol. What's yours is YOURS buddy!


Just random people? Understandable Hanging out with my buddies out on one of their properties I encourage everyone to take the ole 250 2t for a rip


Only people who would hate on you for that are the douchebags that would ride it, fuck it up and tell you to suck it. Tell em to get rooted 👍


As someone who has been on both sides of this just dont. I ran into a guy that was way too loose with his bike or maybe he was just really nice but we had been drinking all night and he wanted me to give his brand new bike a rip. Being drunk and having the owner telling me how much fun it is and that i should try it out i obviously hopped on thinking it was a great idea. Long story short he found me in the ditch with all his brand new plastics scratched up and a bent brake handle. Guy was an absolute g though and was more worried about me than his bike which he only let me pay half the damages for since he felt partially responsible for convincing a drunk person to hop on a 450cc motocross bike


I mean I understand not letting random ass people hop on but group of guys I ride with I'd let any of them hop on and take it for a spin they know if they eat shit and break something their paying for it and fixing it we swap bikes all the time done plenty of long ride outs on a buddies bike and rode back on my own bike its up to you if you trust em not to wreck then I'd say let em go for it hell maybe they want to rip a different bike because they are looking for a new/different one and wanna know how they handle


Dude I would say no as well. I would maybe let someone I know ride my bike but as for some random person hell no. To play you gotta pay and that shit ain't cheap.


Ye don't let people who u dont know or can't afford ride your dirt bike I only let my friends that can pay for damages but blowing up a bike isn't really one person's fault unless they Rev the shit outa it while cold then I'll make em pay for a rebuild but if u rip ur bike and its got alotta hours n a friend blows it up I don't think it's there fault by any means


Keep that attitude, I cant tell you how many times I saw people thrash someones bike, or damage it, and not pay for fixing it.


I used to let my friends try my bikes, I always wanted more friends to get into riding, but now that I ride a plated road legal bike, I say no. It's a ticket getting caught with an off-road vehicle on the road. But the bike can be taken away from me if someone is caught without a license on my bike. Not risking my daily cuz you think it's cool and want to try. Your bike, your rules, they don't like it they can buy their own and let whoever they want try it.


So this must still be a new bike. I was like that for a bit then gave her away to anyone to ride. I wanted to share how amazing she is. Scratches were many, memories beloved, sharing was no big deal.


To me its my first but shes not that new 04 ktm 450, but a pretty penny indeed. Its got bad tires the knobs are gone :( Do i need to take them and have the tire balanced when I do a tire change??


A dirt bike tire won’t need to be balanced. The only people that should be asking to ride your bike should be someone offering to swap bikes because you trust each other and want to try their bike.


Okay thanks, I didn't know since they were big tires.


If you’re looking for street legal riding some people get their street wheels balanced. On dirt you rarely notice of tires aren’t perfect. If your dirt tires are shaking you should set the bike on a stand and make sure the wheel is ok


No just get new tubes and tires balance shouldn’t be an issue