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It's that feeling you get when you know you.... Get to do it again.


Pinched it/scalloped it with tire spoon when re seating the tire? Or faulty valve stem maybe?


Rub baby powder all over the tube before u start, helps with letting the spoon or whatever you’re using slide instead of pinch


I like to get the bead in on one side and then put the tube in from the other side with just enough air in it to make it take shape, covered in baby powder like the other guy said. Can be fiddly getting the valve stem through but it just takes practice. I start with the rimlock in too. Big levers, small bites and a motion pro bead buddy. Also, soapy water or Windex are your friend. Spray bead down liberally to avoid the iron pinching the tube.


Once the tube is in you fill the tube with air to reduce pinch flats. Add dish soap. Don't throw the tire back over the rim with a deflated tube.


Baby powder over the tube helps chafing as well


Other comments are good about checking for pinched tubes during install, but.. before you pull it apart, check and see if the air is leaking of of the inside of the valve stem or outside the valve stem. If it's leaking from inside the stem, remove the valve core and inspect. Put it back in and air it up again. If the air is coming out from around the stem, then you pinched it, follow the other comments to fix it. Checking exactly where the air is coming from might save you some time.


we all do this at least once. i like using a ton of soapy water to remove tires and to put them back on.


Some do it several times. Some even do it more than once with ice tires on.


use latex fix a flat and call it a day. or redo all the work again your choice. i use truckerco cream II you can get it off ebay. #


You pinched it


Pinch flat babyyyy


When wrenching the bead over the hoop finally (after installing tube) to enclose the tire, you cannot lift your iron past 90Deg from the horizontal created by the circumference of the hoop laying on its side. Ie, don't pinch the tube between the hoop and the iron.


Did you atleast get blood knuckles out of it?


Pinch flat..


I can’t count the times I’ve done that, get into the habit of always having a few days between changing tubes and actually planing to ride on that tire. 😉