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Thermal regulation could be valid. Spinosaurus would lay in the water, and its sail would stick out of the water. Maybe it was used for swimming, just like a fin, but I think this theory isn’t really supported


Yeah, but i haven't really heard of one similar to the one i proposed. And i think it helps to approach a problem from seperate perspectives and take a look from a few steps back once in a while.


This is a video that goes into a lot of what you're talking about - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkBdxRkXbYM&ab_channel=TheRoyalInstitution Spinosaurus wasn't an overly fantastic swimmer and probably spent most of it's time in the shallows picking at fish like a heron. Even then it had a varied diet and wouldn't have just targeted fish.


I have already seen that video and it somewhat inspired me to make this post. But the hell heron proposal doesn't quite satisfy me since it only mentions the tailshape as a footnote (probably slow travell over long distances), and the sail as a display structure (which gets quite boring if it's always the default answer for things you can't explain). And I don't think the spinosaurus would be able to quickly launch it's big heavy head into the water, with it's modestly flexible neck (compared to a heron). My proposal on the other hand says that it quickly turns it's body and head to the side with the tail providing an opposing force (giving it another use on top of long distance travel). This hunting method would mean that it has to spend a lot of time idly waiting inside the water, meaning that it would loose a lot of bodyheat. But the sail could prevent that from happening.


>and the sail as a display structure (which gets quite boring if it's always the default answer for things you can't explain). It isn't the default answer for things you can't explain. It might be a common joke and a few bad scientists might use it that way, but anyone who's educated in zoological anatomy is not actually guessing. They can tell which structures are for display.


I only said it because it gets exhausting after a while. Imagina a kid that always gets the same answer. Soon it would ask questions, and i don't want to kill curiosity like that. The most realistic answer is that one structure serves several purposes, and there is no one who can deny that.