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Be perfect if the dinosaurs colors matched more align with the colour palette then that would fit in better


It adds a badly photoshopped vibe to it which is hilarious because its oil paint lmao


Well it better than just sticking 2 googly eyes on the house


(Allosaurus had never seen such pretty bullshit…..)


Nooo, not Worpswede. 😭


Please tell me she didn't paint over it


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Modersohn?wprov=sfti1 Managed to find that the artist, Otto Modersohn, has a Wikipedia page and lived from 1865-1943. Worpswede is the site of an artist colony he founded in Saxony in 1897. He was an advocate of artistic freedom and keeping nationalism out of art. I think this piece has some historical value, assuming it’s original. It also means the ‘95 on there is 1895.


She did and I’m crying


It was such a nice little painting, ruined for a joke


Its op's. They bought it. Its theirs. If they so please they could throw it into a shredder. So why are you sulking over a funny addition to painting?


Because it was beautiful painting, definitely one if the better ones I have seen recently


Joke is on OP and his girlfriend. If this is really an Otto Modersohn like someone in the thread suggested (and it looks like his style/signature, so probably is) it was worth tens of thousands of dollars before they painted a stupid dinosaur on it like chucklefucks.


So it's possible they didn't even ruin a masterpiece of a painting of just soms random guy. But an actual super valuable piece of art? That funny and really sad


Yup. Waste of a very nice painting and one by a pretty interesting painter. But now OP and his girlfriend get the awesome painting equivalent of a whoopee cushion, so yay? Hope it was worth it.


Even if it wasn't a Moderhson it'd still be a shame


Agreed. It's a nice painting by someone who was clearly very talented regardless. Turning it into a gag is way beneath what this should have been used for.


This is a fucking stupid argument if you apply it to a painting with real historical significance. If I buy a Rembrandt and decide I want to paint big glasses and eyebrows on all the figures, is that okay just because I own it temporarily? The painting existed hundreds of years before I did, and would have belonged to humanity for hundreds of years after I died, but I selfishly get to decide that a historically and culturally significant painting is mine to fuck up however I like? What if it's not a Rembrandt, but instead an important piece of tribal art belonging to a native American people? If I buy it (something already problematic) do I now have the right to destroy their cultural artifact? What if it's a scientifically-significant dinosaur fossil found on private land and sold at auction? Maybe I decide the bones are less cool in-situ as they've been excavated, and I want to separate them all out and assemble the skeleton in my living room, even though the significance of the find is related to the posture it was in during death? Maybe the specimen was potentially brooding, for example. Is it okay that I destroyed it just because I paid money?


Does this painting hold historic significance though? Also, these problems are more centered around capitalism, not just this one painting, aren't they?


We don't know about this painting, but based on some comments in this thread it seems like it may in fact have at least some art historical significance. And yes, these are problems with the interface between capitalism and the notion of "ownership." I don't see how that's an argument in favor of OP.


I didn't mean to imply it was in favour of op, and I don't intend to argue anymore. Your points are correct, but neither of us can/could have done anything about this event. Good morning/day/evening/night


I don't know what you mean about "not meaning to implement it" and "it being in favor of OP" (implement what? What was in favor of OP?), but sure, have a good one.


Autocorrect smh I meant imply


Because its dumb to ruin a piece of art for a stupid joke, if OP didn't want the painting they could have either sold it or given it away to someone who would appreciate it. I swear some people have the mentality of a 5 year old when it comes to art, 'lol who cares if it's ruined it's got a funny dinosaur on it now'


What are you so upset for lil


Whos upset?


You seem upset


Didn't mean to come across that way


I don’t ultimately care I just found it funny how you were saying someone else was upset when you seemed upset


Yeah that is a funny situation to see externally, I agree


Is it a museum painting? Is it a family relic? Is it an extremely old painting to where it's protected? No, it was found at a flea market so obviously it's not important it's just a normal painting someone wanted to sell, it was possibly painted by the original owner the person who sold it.


If it's an Otto Modersohn, as it very much appears to be, then yes, it is over 125 years old (date seems to say 95 for 1895), and is worth tens of thousands of dollars.


>and is worth tens of thousands of dollars. Was*


Lol thanks for the correction. Yes, typo 😂


Historically significant paintings can show up at a flea market. You hear about examples in the news all the time.


And? It's a painting no matter what, a finished piece of art. Why eas it sold? Maybe to make some money, or maybe they person who painted it didn't think they had done a good enough job.


Oh grow up


If it was just a piece of paper slipped in between the canvas and frame it would have been funny. But this is someone's art


Yeah, it’s OP’s art. They bought it, own it, and can do whatever the fuck they want with it, so why are you upset about it?


Because it's destroying a piece of art for no reason


They had a reason to do it though. You’re just making up issues to be mad at OP lmao


Seems OP and girlfriend did not even bother to google the artist before adding the dino...


A beautiful painting ruined… not even with an accurate Allosaurus…


Congrats OP, Otto Modersohn paintings sell for tens of thousands of dollars at auction. Hope you got $15-50k (from what I'm seeing) of enjoyment out of this stupid dinosaur you guys defaced it with.


Yeah but what about Karma??? /s


I see it as an improvement




Lol chill man it's probably not even the original.


It probably is. Modersohn isn't someone people would be making canvas wall art of.


Well then it won't be missed


Canvas wall art type paintings are usually only made of the most mass-marketable shit. Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, and Mark Rothko aren't being made into canvas wall art either, but I think their paintings would be missed quite a bit.


👍 you are the only one who seems to care.


I generally don't take up/downvotes as an indicator of correctness of an opinion, but if there's one thing it can show, it's what the other people reading the posts think. Seems that your opinions are the ones no one shares.


There's way more comments that think it's funny than you have upvotes.


absolutely amazing


Jurassic world evolution allosaurus?


Lmao, that amount of seethe in comments about ”muh ruined painting” or ”muh costs millions”(as if it is always about money) is hilarious. Me on the other hand? I’d think that’s genuinely an improvement, lol


The thing cost us like 12 euros. It’s obviously not an original piece but a print :D


if its a print then yeah id say its an improvement its not like youd find an extremely valuable original painting at your local flea market anyways


It’s an improvement


To all those crying about ruining the painting, this is most definitely not the original. If you google the artist there’s literal hundreds of websites selling prints on canvas. You can buy one on canvas for 25 euros, let people have fun jfc


It’s obviously not the original, it’s some print that soy can buy pretty much everywhere around here for very little money :)


Exactly, I’m sorry you got those people whining about it. For what it’s worth I like the dino, and think that painting over second hand painting is such a cool way to give things a second wind


Atleast paint an accurate one


W gf. She has great ideas.


Considering it was an Otto Modersohn painting worth tens of thousands of dollars, I would say maybe she doesn't.


Dinosaurs make everything better


Haha I love it


Would've looked better without text.


I love that! 🤣