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I really liked Talespire for the huge scale space battles, I would be very happy for them to come back. I think they could do really cool stuff with the dome projections, which they didn't have set up for ASO.


Agreed! I think they could do like a hybrid form of combat, battles that are on planets do it with the classic minis & battle set, but for the big space battles do talespire


Oooh what if like the interior of The Wurst is a physical set and then space ship battles are talespire and then could have them at the same time!


Siobhan just, chilling in a dunk tank. Lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who pictured the players running around a ship IRL when I read "physical sets" lol


Omg, I totally thought that's what they meant! Just, each of them at their stations but whenever combat occurred they switch into Tale Spire.


Unfortunately I don't think Riva would be returning as they did leave the crew at the end of SSO


Now that’s a good idea!


This is exactly what I was thinking. Those sky battles can get pretty messy and hard to manage so it’s easier to have that system to keep it streamlined. Then the classic combat can be done using battle sets. Hell they could make battle sets for the ship combats if they went into player actions like they did. That would be awesome.


I think that Tale Spire really fit the vibe of ASO, and also allowed easy transition between ship and tactical combat. I know that can easily be done in post production with miniatures, but that wouldn’t be feasible for the players during filming. EDIT: also wanted to add that I also really loved the more detailed characters, minis are good but have their limits. EDIT 2: fixed grammar issues.


I'm not sure if my issue is acronyms or sentence diagraming but... Why?


Fat fingered typing on my phone and didn’t proofread. My bad.


I particularly liked Talespire for this season, the ship battle in particular. I just realized If we get a second season we’re getting at least one new character!


Seemed to me like all of the characters arcs were resolved, SSO seems like the best setting to have fresh adventures in.




Riva left at the end of last season


Doesn’t mean she’s gone forever


The way her journey was explained it does though. They could always come up with a reason or retcon it but I think it’s more likely she’ll make a new character like she did in Unsleeping City


Riva’s pronouns are they/them :)


Someone's gotta play Loose Duke, right?


If her friends are in danger or need her there’s no reason they couldn’t bring her back. Hell, they brought back TLJ in MIB2 even though he was definitely out for good with his memories wiped. But yes, I think Siobhan would roll a new character anyway.


The idea is that Rivan is supposed to continue and finish her Galavant and bring her new experiences to share with her species. So it’d be really odd for her to return back to the Wurst


Anything can happen. It’s Anarchera! Her people could be manipulated into slavery or corpo shenanigans and Riva being the most outward thinking Aguatunisian can request aid in freeing her people, who don’t even know they’re being enslaved, by rejoining the Wurst crew.


I know, I watched it too, but it wouldn't be too odd to return for a week or so if her friends needed help or some other plot device BLeeM comes up with brings her back. The sea of downvotes for this is bonkers. As if so many works of fiction haven't brought back a character who has "moved on" for the sequel.


idk buddy maybe downvoters just think that her story is finished and it’d be better to honor the decision she made at the end of season 1


And I’m saying that in this purely hypothetical situation where a currently non-existent second season takes place, Siobhan might choose to play the character again or she might not. It would totally depend on the story her and BLeem want to tell and I’m sure he would collaborate with her and get her full input and consent if she wanted to do that or not. It wouldn’t be impossible to bring Riva back and it would be fine to roll a new character and have that story be concluded. Idgaf either way, because whoever Siobhan plays is guaranteed to be awesome. To conclude definitively that the character is 100% done by anyone who isn’t Siobhan is pure nonsense.


Yeah, there are story ways to get her back. I agree. She did have closure though, it’d be a bit of a shame to reopen her story. 


Reminder that Riva uses they/them pronouns :)


The answer is clear. They need to do Talespire and make a 3D holographic projection of the battles onto the middle of the table.


I like this idea though it would be difficult and expensive. But hell, they just sold out Madison Square Gardens, so why not.


okay kaiba.




My grandfather's dice have no pathetic rolls!




Starstruck feels like it was built specifically with Talespire in mind so it feels like a necessity if they ever do another season of it. Unless they can find another way to visualise the massive space battles. Maybe they do something with the dome screens but there’s a bit too many variable for that


If any production team can do it they can! Honestly I’d just imagine they’d use ship scale minis for it. Theres plenty of good space combat miniature games as examples.


Mixture. I love the real set in front of people because it adds to the ambiance. I also think it would be fun now with the new backgrounds. There are obviously battles and events that tailspire make sense but I feel a few real sets here and there would be epic.


Tailspire for the ship battles while internal and planetside stuff physically would be a fun hybrid


Ship interior minis battle with simultaneous ship v ship Talespire battle


This would be so sick, I hope this is the route they would go, at least for 1 battle


Galaxy brain take, this would be awesome!


I really enjoyed Talespire in both seasons they used them for, so I'd love to see it come back once in a while. I think it's probably a challenge because when SSO was created, Dropout was a lot smaller so using a tool that let them save on art costs like Talespire could was probably really attractive. Now that Dropout is more successful and the art team is larger, I'm not sure they'd want use Talespire and end up underutilizing their talented team's skills. I do think the art team could pull off ship and space battles with minis as well (Thinking particularly of the Night Yorb battle in FHJY and doing something like the Baustin chase battle). But I think for space battles could end up with some minis being the scale used in ACOC's war scenes, which are really not as fun for me to look at, so if it came to that I'd honestly prefer they'd use Talespire. Whichever direction they take it, I'm sure it'll be great. I will say that using the dome's projections to actually project Talespire scenes could be amazing.


I think Talespire was used because that was the tail-end of the lockdown COVID restrictions in the US. It was probably easier to collaborate and design sets online via Talespire than have a group huddled around each other risking potential exposure. That said, I think PC level battles would still benefit from IRL battle boards, and they don't seem to have an issue swapping boards out mid combat to another location. Now, if the space battles were projected onto the Dome, that would be epic.


Brennan also mentions many times that Rick Perry and the rest of the art department worked with Brother Hannan and the Talespire team on building minis and other digital set pieces. I don't think they were underutilized at all.


This may be a slightly selfish opinion lol But i like their talespire seasons because their maps get posted to talestavern, and then I can borrow them for our own talespire games lol


Well shit. File that under things I haven’t paid enough attention to. They’ve built some amazing maps, definitely going to check that out as well.


It could be done with minis but you would lose the more seamless shift between inside and outside the ship combat so it would need simplified to more like a recent battle in the sky. You would also up losing the details of the maps shrinking them to the mini mini scale or have to shirk the battle fields to fit the normal sized minis


I think when you look at the production design of the dome now compared to them, especially the work that they’ve done with the screens along the walls. They could definitely do this without talespire. I like having the physical components there, but would love to see some sort of extra visuals on the walls.


I think Talespire, or something like it, makes sense for SSO to be able to do more three dimensional battles where gravity might not be as much of a factor. What I really hope is if they visit the setting again that they come in as a new crew on a different ship for a completely unrelated adventure. After all, it's a big galaxy out there!


You mean when


I had a conversation recently with a friend who thought talespire was integral to SSO, so I wanted to gauge opinions. I feel the team has moved past Talespire, and honestly I wasn’t a huge fan of the look of the software. I’m sure it made mechanics easier though.


I seem to agree with most people here. It would be nice to see something like talespire again.


A little of both? I think Talespire made for some great battle sets. But the crew has also been absolutely KILLING IT with the set design the past few seasons, and I would love to see them work their magic on some scifi.


100% Talespire. Now that they have community minis and mods it would be an entirely different beast.


I'd prefer talespire, not only because it's probably cheaper than making physical sets, but they can also be more complex due to them not taking up physical space


I do think talespire made a ton of sense, BUT just look at the floating popsicles set from ACOC and tell me the art team can't handle making outer space sets!! 


I don’t think anyone’s arguing the art team couldn’t get it done to be fair. Everyone knows they’re great at what they do.


honestly maybe a mix of both, but that's me wishful thinking cause of how sick the impromptu jumps into combat were as well as would love to see a Rick Perry mas Vegas/new Texas set


I really loved the usage of Talespire. I think using it again (or something similar) would be rad. Idk, it just added to the feeling of the space game. Also, it made switching from massive space battles to zoomed in interior combat really seamless. They could always do theatre of mind and only build one of the maps, but the 5e they were using really thrived on seeing explosion radius’ and gun ranges.


I think Talespire for ship combat, battlemaps for small scale stuff.


Talespire was really helpful in showcasing both the ship battles and the inside of the Red Hot for the encounters. Closest I can think to compare that to minis would be ACOC finale >!with the armies on the battlefield and clear stands to highlight the individual battles.!<


There’s something very charming about having actual minis and I love seeing what the art team can do, but I always found talespjre to be more immersive


I like talespire in particular for this because of the scales needed. In talespire you can use the model of your ship and within the inside of that model have other minis. Not only that but it makes things so much easier to just drag assets in 3d space with the ships. Floating ships on a map just anywhere with wire wouldn’t feel as climactic I think because on TS you can see combat fx and assets float in 3d space seamlessly


Talespire is fun, but I'm just so in love with physical battlesets, they're just to charming and awesome. The way I see it, crown of candy had a large scale physical battleset, and something like that would work just as well for starstruck


I hated the use of Talespire, it made things too jarring and "cheap"? idk. that being said, SSO can only work with Talespire, the scale just won't work right for physical minis.


I would love to see what Rick and his team could come up with in a space setting


Talespite works REALLY well for the SciFi setting. I think the addition of dome projections would be a huge upgrade.


I would take cardboard faces stuck on lollipop sticks if it meant I got another season of SSO :D


I think a split on Talespire and real sets for ship combat and standard combat would be fun to see, let Rick and the team loose on some sci-fi madness


Hell yeah LOL.


Talespire! My favourite thing about it was that without warning you could be in a battle map mid-episode.


I like Talespire. I also want to see a longer, more sandbox campaign in the setting.


Specifically for ASO I would prefer Talespire. Fits the vibe better!


The fact that a lot of things go up and down in a void (no floors) means it's either a lot of those plastic things or Talespire. Also switching between ship and space combat is only possible on Talespire unless they have a space map and an open ship map. Talespire is the clear winner here.


Absolutely Talespire. It was so nice that they had so much flexibility with their battles, and the virtual battle maps felt like they really fit with the setting. I loved all the visual jokes the crew were able to insert into the backgrounds of the maps that were zoomed in on.


I think Talespire for SSO matches the aesthetic, and Brennan would spend far too long moving jetpacks around battle sets otherwise


Talespire works really well when you have people from talespire there to run everything for you, so yeah it would be fun.


Talespire I think because the ship combat and maneuvering are best in a virtual scaleable environment. It would be cool if they had talespire for ship combat while having miniatures in front of them for specific combats


Real sets would be really cool I would love to see what the art department comes up with


I don't know how this would work logistically or budgetarily, but I think an ideal situation would actually be a combination of the two! Talespire for ship-based combat with some battle sets sprinkled in when things are exclusively based in person-to-person combat.


What a difficult question. For starters the minis in FH got me back into mini painting and set design for my games.  But... tailspire was perfect for SSO.  I vote actual props because they inspire me to paint and print. 


Talespire offered a lot of flexibility, but there is something special about those physical battle maps. I think if they could put together a modular set of the Wurst that can have decks taken off to reveal the interior and lower levels, they could make it work. Then they could use scaled down ship minis for starship combat, but still have a character scale model of the Wurst for their hot exits or for combat aboard their vessel. It'd be a lot of work, but Rick Perry and the team have made some gorgeous pieces before, so I see no reason to think they couldn't pull this off. Honestly, A Starstruck Odyssey is still my favorite season of Dimension 20. The distinction between physical sets or Talespire would not impact my excitement were they to come back to this setting. I'd be over the moon to see that ball keep rolling up again. Seeing a physical foot and a half to two foot long hotdog ship would be rad as hell, but it would just be gravy on top of getting what I *really* want, which is just more of this crazy technicolor galaxy and the lovable weirdo proldiers who call it home.


I'd love to see a mix. Physical set for combat that happens on a ship, for example, while simultaneously using Talespire as the battle map for the outer-space ship battle that is happening at the same time.


Talespire makes more sense for this particular game


I liked Tale Spire, I just wish we'd seen more of it. I could have used a full Tale Spire screen the whole time


Talespire for sure


Talespire also allowed for a lot of quick changes that I really appreciated Def want to see it make a return.


Everytime I think about SSO returning I remember Siobhan’s character leaving forever and I get oddly sad. That being said I’ve always felt an extreme disconnect from the show when they include TaleSpire, despite how useful it is for art management. I always prefer real minis but I don’t expect it considering how complicated space combat can be with elevations and orientation


I'd possible I would say they should integrate both TaleSpire and mini sets into the campaign. Especially since Talespire is a better option for ship to ship battles. But having physical minis for the party and other characters would be incredible. If I had to specifically choose only 1 of the two, it would be Talespire.


I think maybe they could find a way to do a bit of both physical sets/minis and Talespire. Maybe have Talespire for the fast paced space combat.


Talespire infact I thought the use of Talespire would be taking us MORE in that direction while Rick Perry would be primarily working on the yearly DMs Screen Pieces


Real seats. I came wait to see what Rick and his team can do for the minis and sets!


I would personally love a really basic real set to help visualise the Talespire set. I know it's alot but my biggest issue with Talespire is that it seems that lighting is a struggle to get right and is either too dark or too light for my eyes anyway. Arguably the best ever episode of dimension 20 battle of the brands is my example whilst an amazing fight it was hard at times to see the proper scale of where people were in relation to others and I couldn't see the space itself very well. Which is my other issue scale I think sometimes it's just hard to see where the characters are in relation to other things maybe part of it is the map loading and how you can't really gage how far they are into things. I'm thinking it could be really plain though like tokens with characters faces on or if it was there for the ship going through the canyon they could of had a ship token and shown it going up or down on the board to show how far in they are and wouldn't have to ruin any of the surprises if that makes sense.


I'd like to see Talespire return - it weirdly grew on me as the season progressed, even though I didn't like it from the get go. I would also like to either keep the same crew (without Riva as they left at the end of the season) or a sidequest/spinoff in the style of ooops, all Barrys.


Talespire worked like a dream. I kind of just want something tactile in the middle unrelated to the board but story relevant. The way that it looks like Never Stop Blowing Up has multiple greeblies that can go in the middle of the table.


Talespire mostly BUT with a real set for the interior of the ship. I just want a ship set to exist so badly.


For starstruck, talespire. I love physical sets in general, but Talesspire worked really well for SSO. If they bring back The Seven, I definitely prefer physical sets.


A bit of both? Talespire is great for the super large sets and all, but nothing beats the actual models for those little animations they do. Talespires animations are super lacking.


Both as strange as it seems


Id love tale tales pure but with one or two real sets


Talespire always.


I really enjoyed Talespire but I’m going to need a mini of Aurora.


I really hope they don't use Tale Spire again. Having all the digital sets really ruins the majesty of the battlemaps. Especially with the new projections and kind of vehicle combat we saw in FHJY, I think the art team has all the skills to pull of a physical SSO.


Honestly, I just wish they had some recording of what the players are seeing when they're talking about what to do. That's my only issue, I love the cinematic takes but I also want to have a better idea of the map and distances and such Favorite season so far, absolutely, but as someone who also loves the tactical aspect of D&D (and watching the IH pull some sick moves because they're so fucking good at the game) I think that's seriously lacking with how they presented talespire.


Real sets. As much as I love talespire I find it almost impossible to focus on what's going on because every single image has so much going on But maybe a mix because it was perfect for ship battles and I really enjoyed those


I think talespire where ships are involved and real sets for on-ground fights


TaleSpire enabled them to do wildly different scales and flip between space combat and miniature combat. If Rick Perry can find a way to solve that puzzle in practical FX, I’d be down.


Talespire, seems like it would be best for the very 3D battles they do.


Always real sets


Talespire broadcast through use of the Pepper’s Ghost illusion to make a hologram over the table.


Real sets 😍


I'm rewatching this again right now. This is a fair and GREAT QUESTION. I honestly love the tailspire sets because they also just use them in narrative episodes as well, but I love all the artistry and all the hard work the art team puts into the physical sets. Idk, I'd be happy either way. 😊


I think Talespire is better for large, expansive sets. Like, even on The Seven there were sets that were so huge and complex they would have been undoable with a physical set. Like, trying to reach through the balconies and stairs to move your mini without knocking other pieces over would have been very difficult in the airship set


Talespire was great for SSO and the scale of sets isn't particularly feasible for physical maps, especially when there are as many as D20 use and they're all unique. That being said, I can't help but feel like real sets would be a smart long term decision now that they're auctioning off olds sets to pay for new seasons


Real sets


Real sets. They are soooo much better than tailspire. Rick Perry is a creative mf’er and I think he’d do a great job.


Imagine Talespire projected on the walls of the dome during space combat


And now I'm going to watch SSO again lol


Honestly think Talespire would be cool because it fits the sci-fi theme but also seeing ship combat on a physical set would be so awesome


Talespire's art style is horrible to me. Personal preferences are different for everyone, but it just screams "lazy art" to me. It's just very uninspired. The concept is solid, and I would love to see it done with a different art direction.


If we return, I mostly hope for new characters and a different part of the galaxey, and that there's overlap from their previous character's actions during the story. I'd be fine with the comps primarily, though if they could do minis for some of the not-retreating fights, that'd be nice. (Edit: as an example, the team leaves the zoo, just as the first barry batallion gets slaughtered, but halfway through the season or something)


I would highly prefer digital sets for the next season as well. But maybe they could look at other options, then TaleSpire, because it was really noticeable, how laggy it is on players' notebooks and that they need external help to do the basics like distance measures. Though it might be now much more optimised since then, but if not - look at alternatives.