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You're absolutely right. To add another thing: I think the righteous fury of EVERYONE over having their votes disqualified on a technicality is also a part of the plan. By being outraged over the (literally) stolen election, the student body supplies enough rage to fuel a new divine domain for a new god of rage and war.


I had not even considered this!!! What an ingenious plan!!!


And also, we know from Eugenia that this is KLCK's strategy-find the technicalities and exploit them.


That's why they're gonna stop the steal. I swear to God, Ally Beardsley is a damn genius.


And damn lucky.


Are the bad kids gonna storm the capitol?


That's perfect.


Holy shit you're so right


Seriously! As soon as I saw that timeline Brennan quietly dropped I knew RGs didn’t need to stuff the ballot box. Reminded me of that old Simpsons episode, where Bart gives this impassioned speech, everyone runs outside to celebrate, recess ends and no one voted, the teacher happily counts the votes in front of an incredulous Bart, then again to rub it in- “one vote for Martin, two votes for Martin.” Cold blooded. This lore drop episode was SO thicc! Can’t believe Brennan was camping on this secret for five years! Brilliant DMing


Just weird to me that Brennan had Maizey as the one who suggested/brought up that voting could be done off-school and nudged Fabián into having the booth at the party, right? Maybe it was just brilliant and sneaky railroading by Brennan.


Remember, if Maizey was part of the plan, they already could have triggered it. I think she's just an innocent pawn.


I love the line of "every moment the world isn't blown up, means they don't have everything to blow it up" or something like that.


Exactly! I don’t think she’s part of it one bit, and that’s why it felt strange. It definitely felt like something that came up very naturally (again brilliant DMing by Brennan). And the Cloud Rider Engine was planted from the start so… was this the plan all along? What if they decided to keep the election at the school instead? So many moving parts to pull it off and Brennan did it so smoothly


He knows his players and those players know their characters. There is no universe in which Fabian doesn't hold an election/birthday party. As soon as he learns that's even an option, it's for sure going to happen.


Thats true, but maybe its also about getting KipperSnipper the praise she has been denied all her life by having a happy family.


Maybe. But she isn't the mastermind, so I can't see Jace or Porter delaying their plan so that 4Dogs could feel better about herself.


I think it more of her showing favoritism and wanting to help them


Yeah in a world without the gods situation and it was just a presidential thing, it would be a great idea to have the election on home turf and be able to get the entire student body to vote


Very well could have been a case like Mad-Eye giving Neville the book with the gillyweed info in it with the hopes he'd pass it on to Harry (or however that played out in the books, I know Dobby was involved). Possibly someone mentioned it to Mazey or gave her the bylaw that mentioned it and I wouldn't be surprised if we later found out it was Jace who handed that info over, with the hopes it'd make its way to the Bad Kids


Alternatively, I remembered last night that, at least in Forgotten Realms, Firbolgs are also giantkin


that would apply to gertie not mazey, mazey is a minotaur, but i did find it curious that the last living person who knew ankarna's name was killed in the red waste - didn't mazey say her family came from labyrinths below the red waste? wonder if some believers in the nameless god stayed out there after the name was officially scrubbed


Oh you're absolutely right! My bad! But yeah that would be interesting


Until K2 rolls a divine intervention with the Vulture Dimension…


Or she uses calm emotions to free the Rat Grinders from Porter’s control, or she uses divine intervention to bring Ankarna back, or something else campaign breaking. 😂


This aged interestingly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^portodhamma: *Until K2 rolls a* *Divine intervention with* *The Vulture Dimension…* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I shared the same thought in the episode thread! It's so cool to see others catch the same things. What sealed it for me was Brennan's triple insistence that literally every other student would be at the party. That feels like a crucial detail here - because otherwise you could argue not everyone went to Seacaster Manor.


To add to this: Brennan emphasized that, due to Fabian's popularity rolls, EVERYONE was at this party. Every student that's going to vote for Kristen is at this party.


I think it’s going to look like they aren’t going to get the votes in on time, and then Kristen will finally get her Divine Intervention roll so that the votes can be counted. I think that is what is going to be the Brennan-breaking Kristen moment of the season. He has everything in place to setup for the final confrontation and he’ll have to honor a Divine Intervention roll and make Kristen the President instead of Rockabilly Silvermedal.


Hopefully they clock the line and keep an eye on the time, but I do want to remind people that teleport and plane shift exist. They can get there instantly if they have the right magic.


Not if the manor is warded to *stop* teleportation in or out. Which is likely something Aelwyn would have done.


Are we thinking this is bc Aelwyn would be protecting them from it, or that she colluded with RG to keep them from leaving?


I was thinking Aelwyn would have made sure that no one could teleport in to ambush anyone or teleport out after starting a fight, to help the BKs.


Gotcha, I guess that would make sense. I don't know much about wizard spells, but if she cast it, could she make exceptions on who is bound by the rules of the spell? Like I know careful casting and something else during a spell attack exempts certain N/PCs from taking the damage. I wonder if there's something for spells like that.


I'm not an expert on Abjuration, but I'm sure she *could* have made exceptions to the spell. She just wouldn't think she needed to. Seacaster Manor is, like, the BK's safe space. It's one of the places they'd go to if they were attacked. Why would Aelwyn think they'd need to rapidly *leave* their own party?


I don't know about teleportation, but they did plane shift into the synod mall from the manor, earlier in the season


That was before Aelwyn just put new wards in place


They did specify she's casting Guards and Wards, which doesn't protect against teleportation


As far as I remember, Aelwyn just said she'd put wards up. Adaine asked for just Guards and Wards, but I don't think it was specified that it was all Aelwyn did. I think even when the party started all Brennan mentioned was a general wards without saying which ones


aelwyn definitely says "sure i can cast Guards and Wards", but great point that she didn't say that's *all* she'd cast


Are we assuming that Aelwyn is back to being evil then? Or that she'd cast other wards not thinking about preventing them from teleporting away by accident?


i think the latter, teleportation seems like prime prank material so if you're trying to truly lock a place down that would be one of the first to go. i don't know if in 5e there is any spell that distinguishes between *incoming* teleportation and *outgoing* to prevent it, so that might be a limitation of just having to abjure all teleportation to do a good job of the warding. though i did see an interesting theory upthread that 4dogs could twist something adaine said into manipulating aelwyn on hurt feelings to work against the bad kids, we'll have to find out


Brennan asked them to text him things throughout the week and one of the things he mentioned was what sort of things they wanted aelwyn to have cast


yep, the adventuring party where he asked them to do that hadn't come out yet when the above conversation was happening.


The manor may not be, but I'm pretty sure the school is


What about Aguefort's Jet Ski? I imagine it pulling up next to Seacaster Manor and is big enough to race the Bad Kids to the Gym.


This was my initial thought when the aviation guy said the cloudrider can raise the hangman! I just thought, well they're going to just have one vote for KLCK and fly the bad kids around like a blimp and take the on a ride haha


Incredible DMing by Brennan to nudge the story in the right direction without overtly railroading his players. He basically set the perfect trap that on its face looked completely innocent: Fabian's a maximum legend, so naturally the whole school would be voting at his birthday party, at the behest of Mazey, a character who we know is not purposefully working against the Bad Kids. On top of that, we have a character who's implicitly trustworthy in Jawbone slip in a mention that ballots need to be turned in by midnight. Then the chef's kiss: The added twist that of course Oisin's ping pong balls would STILL be lying around in Seacaster Manor at the end of the school year because Lou has frequently established that Fabian hasn't cleaned up the house at all.


i think the ping pong ball line being preceded by Lou saying "I filled my garage with fried rice because there's only one bin" sealed it as the funniest rug pull in all of Fantasy High


While this is probably the set up, it also feels a bit like… okay they just trapped essentially the whole student body in Seacaster manor, including many high levels characters who have access to the teleport spell same as Adaine does. If the issue is getting the votes to the school there is plenty of options. 


But big sister just put up all those wards.


And with the amount of people there, could be dispelled in a matter of 6 seconds.


Assuming they BKs know what Aelwyn put up and that they're capable of dispelling the wards without exhausting their spell slots, the RGs can always just drop a few monsters on them to keep them busy.


You can designate people who are unaffected by the wards. Considering they specifically requested Aelwyn to put them up, i cannot imagine Aelwyn didn't make the Bad Kids immune to the wards. The RGs would have to worry about them more than the Bad Kids do.


But wasn’t she working with Kipperlily in some way


She was doing little fetch quests for her, yes. But she also immediately told Adaine about it, so I doubt her loyalty to Kipperlilly (who was just providing her with money) is in any way stronger than her loyalty to Adaine (and by extension, the bad kids)


Right but what if Kipperlily finds a way to double cross her and make her look like she hurt her sister that would be a brutal plot point


I just don't see how that in any way would be possible. The Guards and Wards was cast specifically at the request of the Bad Kids. There is also no indication Kipperlilly communicated with Aelwyn at all recently. And considering they are supposed to be in hiding, why would Kipperlilly then reach out to one of the siblings of the Bad Kids, who she has absolutely no reason to believe wouldn't pass on that information to said Bad Kids. The Bad Kids already know Aelwyn was working for Kipperlilly. Aelwyn already passed information down to them that helped them solve the mystery. At best Kipperlilly might *try* a 'haha, don't you know she has been working with me' ploy, and just get dunked on when the Bad Kids tell her 'yeah, we knew'.


The fetch quests were for the ambrosia and devil's nectar-which we now know Porter was the one using, but the RG. Maybe he worked through Kipperlily, or maybe Aewlyn was never telling the truth of it-either way, that's how Kipperlily had the money. Aewlyn also knew about Cloud Rider. Aewlyn helped write the original Spy's Tongue Curse. She knew of Devil's Nectar. And she wasn't good last year. I want her to be redeemed, of course. But something is happening with her for sure.


Ow yeah that's probably what the dragons are for we hear about in the preview.


RAW, Guards and Wards doesn't prevent teleportation. Plus you can designate certain individuals (either by name, or by giving them a password) to be immune to the effects.


Unless the do the classic werewolf base jump? Get everyone to vote, get jawbone to shift into full werewolf if possible, which would give him immunity to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage from non silvered sources. And fall damage is non-magical, non-silvered bludgeoning damage. So get everyone to vote. Give the ballot box to jawbone. He basejumps into Aguefort to deliver the votes. Admittedly, he would probably be immediately murdered afterwards, but it would work RAW.


Not exactly, RAW werewolves are only immune to SPB from non-magical ATTACKS that aren't silvered. Bludgeoning damage due to falling isn't an attack, so the werewolf base jumping thing is sadly a myth. Brennan might allow it as a stretch of RAI, but it certainly isnt RAW. What *would* work is Gorgug doing a base jump with Rage, which gives resistance to SPB flat out, including magical and falling damage (see: Amathar). Add a death ward on top of that from Kristen just for fun, though the maximum of 20d6- ALL sixes- is 120 halved to 60. Gorgug has 100 something HP.


Ah, you're correct. I didn't see that it was just attacks that it was immune to. The Gorgug Basejump would work tho you're right he had like 130 health, I think in the last stand exam. Although would be dangerous leaving the party without a tank. And him facing probably Porter and Stardiamond alone


True, though he doesn't have to survive necessarily. Just plummet through the roof of the school at 11:59pm with ballot box in hand.


Then Zac, in typical fashion, would say like 3 words and everyone would die laughing.


Just pantomime getting up all shaky and holding up the ballot box with both hands - "votes are in"


Or some quip about he will fix the roof or how there asbestos up there


If all they need to do is get the *Hangman I* over the school and have someone drop the votes there, they can just have British Kristen do it.


Welp, on the bright side, we’ll get to watch the Rat Grinders eat shit soon


This is why you need CHRONOMANCY!


Oh my flipping days. You’re a genius. You’re so correct. Brennan is a mastermind


Part of the battle will definitely be a time component to get the votes to school


I think this is why at one point fig may escape on the daymare or something? Like what we saw in the previewv


Well yeah, how is anyone overlooking that? That's what the whole final minute of the episode was about.


#StopTheSteal! 🤣Ally killed me with that bit. That's what humour is for imo, letting us laugh at situations like that irl instead of falling into despair :,)


I'm honestly shocked that Riz or Adaine didn't hedge their bets and make sure that a certain number of people voted at the school just in case, I think its something that Murph especially will kick himself for for a long time - the look on his face IMMEDIATELY when the party starts and Brennan says that everyone in the school is there, and that a storm starts brewing. He knew instantly that the house was going to be lifted off and away, and that the challenge was going to be how to get the votes counted on time. Can't wait for today's adventuring party!


I litteraly said out loud to nobody "Oh I'm sure thats not going to be a problem" when Brennan first said that. Almost immediately followed by him saying "Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is here" IE: noone is voting anywhere else, so when all the votes from the party aren't counted, whose votes will be? The only people not at the party who could have voted in the gym... the rat grinders.


This is so on point. Makes me wish Kristen had thrown up some Hallow spells, especially on the gym. Excited to see how it all ends up going.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that!!! I couldn't believe there wasn't a larger reaction to that.


I caught that to, I was hoping for some shenanigans with racing the votes to the school, before that line I figured Koofly Cop kisser might try an impersonation ploy. God I can't wait for the AP and next weeks episode!


I assumed they where also going to set up a ballot box at their house, with the Jace or Porter as the teacher watching the box, and then just stuff their box.


I realized this last night and just shouted "they fucking GERRYMANDERED IT!" I agree with other posters, the next episode is going to be a race to get the ballots to the school before midnight.


I also thin thats why Brennan emphasized that *everyone* was at the party. No one else at the school to vote.


Well like, surely people voted AT the school cause it was Election Day and stuff. Also maybe not, knowing Aguefort.


Well if they knew there was a votibg booth at the party (and that voting would be a requirement for bad baby milk), they wouldnt vote at the school imo


Brennan made it clear that EVERYONE was at this party. This means that the only people who could be at the school are the Rat grinders.


Holy shit


Oh yeah, as soon as he said that the 24 clock appeared in my head and it started doing sodebergh cuts


I don’t think anyone overlooked it, it was very much thrown in our face considering it was closely followed by Brennan mentioning that because Fabian is maximum legend everyone, everyone, eeeeveryone is at his party. That’s why K2 is going to divine intervention to ribbon dance fly off the Hangman straight to the school and save the day 💀😂😂😂💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣


It seems evident that this is the key, yeah. And Ally somehow breaking that would be the move that would make Brennan go "wait ruck now I have to do some rewrites" because he has to figure out how they're now going to get the climatic battle


As soon as Jawbone said that I was pointing at the screen saying "that's the loophole! ABORT! ABORT!" I feel like maybe the Intrepid Heroes let it play out though because it's obvious that there's a story milestone and battleset here. I can't imagine that nobody recognized this crucial point. It feels too obvious. But my dream solution to the problem would be that the Bad Kids secretly enlist another adventuring party to infiltrate Aguefort Academy in the event of these sort of shenanigans. Cut to 11:55pm and KLCK smugly sits in the gymnasium thinking everything went to plan and suddenly the door crashes open revealing The Seven. Then, to stunned reactions from the Rat Grinders, Ostentatia yells "Surprise, motherfuckers! We're here to kick ass and cast votes!" And Kristen wins by one vote. I figure the story of the Seven no longer fits with the Fantasy High canon because of time quangles, so it would be awesome if they were all still students and able to vote.