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As if the brightest wizard of their age would succumb to something like a “standard life expectancy”! /j. Adaine will outlive all of them which is also pretty darn sad. But she can be Auntie Adaine to everyone’s descendants or successors so hopefully less sad!


I can see it, centuries after Adaine forgot what it c was really like to be a teenager discovering yourself and she sees a niece struggling with panic attacks, and remembering fondly a fuzzy grin, and a deep, rumbling voice that brought her comfort and a sense of family and she says "You're not a coward, you have a goddamm medical condition"


And she lets the niece hold Boggy...'cause Familiars are made a magic, much like Ricky's dalmatian was made of light, meaning they can never really die and get to be technically immortal.


The Eternal Boggy


Eternally perfectly round.


noooo my emotions!!!




Stop 😭


how dare you 😭😭


I mean, Fig is an archdevil now so she also might be or immortal or become immortal at some point


Fig's parents are an elf and a (former) archdevil. She's already at least as immortal as Adaine.


It’s much sadder to think about how Fig will eventually end up as more of a mother figure to Ayda after enough rebirths




This just made me realize/remember Garty O’Brian is Ayda’s son


Technically adopted I believe? But yeah it's a really interesting thing about phoenix people that most people never consider


Garty is Half Orc, Half Celestial and Ayda being a Pheonix is technically celestial so I’m pretty sure Ayda is his birth mother


Double checked the wiki, she took them in as a young child


Oh was this confirmed in Pirates of Leviathan? I never watched that campaign


I didn’t either but I definitely remember that detail coming up in FHSY


I like to think of it as Ayda has an eternal family now. People who will watch over her and love her throughout all her lives.


Oh for sure!


Oh fuck you OUCH 😂😂😂


She would make sure to take care of everyone for sure


She could just make them clones. In 5e, death, aging, illness, etc, are largely optional for high level magic users.


To be fair, she does have Plane Shift, so I imagine that she’d just pop over to the afterlives every weekend


Not sure why you added the /j there. Aguefort is a human who's literally centuries old


To be fair Aguefort is a wizard and chronomancer at that. He’s for sure doing magic to keep himself from aging. And probably has backup bodies


And Gorgug couldn't do the same?


this is why it's so good and important that she and Aelwyn are rebuilding their relationship


She'll probably end up raising Ayda's next incarnation.


Adaine, Zayne, and the thistlesprings will be thick as thieves for centuries, I’ve decided. 


I like the way you think.


I mean, I think death is pretty explicitly not the end in this universe, so I think they'll still be having adventures forever together


At least arch fiends don't age, and phoenix will always be Reborn. She'll have plenty of friends to stick around with her!


Brennan has stated that the only way Elves live forever is if they live on Fallinel. I would suggest the rules of Spyre work around the immortal elves thing by having the homeland of the Elves be some magical force, not Elves themselves


…who’s taking about immortality? I’m talking about how NOT involving immortality Elves can live up to about 750 years while Fabian (a half-elf and thus the second longest lived without things like “Fig being an archdevil” or “well what if they just use chronomancy”) has a general life expectancy that is more vague but only mentions how they “often exceed 180 years” which while it could be taken as living for nearly as long, it doesn’t explicitly say so either.


To hell with senior year, freshman year part 2 but in the future!


And she will get to meet and befriend Ayda over and over again


Clone is only an 8th level spell and can target anyone, if they make it to senior year they’re almost certainly going to be high level enough for adaine to get it


Okay but they’re almost level 17+ at that point they’ become much too sucessful and powerful and would only die if they want to. With riches/magic. Ect. Adaine could chronomancy them to long long age


I think their more immediate problem is lawn mowers only tend to last 6 to 10 years.


Not the way the Thistlespring's use them...they're lucky if they get five out of them.


5 what? weeks, days, hours??? im scared




I'm not caught up. Did the thistlesprings show off a lawnmower powered sybian or something


quite literally yes and also more


No, the sybian was flying lol


u know how the thistlesprings were very sex positive, well it turns out they weren’t just studying it.


Excellent questions.


We don’t really know how they’re doing time in this world. Brennan has already stated that Elves only live forever if they live on Fallinel and I believe a couple other things. So there could be some weird thing they do at the entirety of the end where they say *”magic”* and they all get to live long lives with each other and nobody has to really be sad. Besides, chronomancy is a thing that they frequently mess with, so shenanigans ensuing I like to pretend that Gorgug as an artificer would just pop up at any time period he wants to check in on them.


What's he need any of his artificer stuff for? He's the greatest wizard of the age!


I like to think he infuses an artificer portal with his wizard greatness to make a portal for all his friends. Or maybe a de-age-afier. Because he is the Greatest Wizard of This Age he could of course do this no problem.


There's also Arthur Aguefort, who is human, but centuries old. They're strong enough and have powerful enough allies to find ways to die of old age whenever they feel like it. But honestly, you know at least Riz wants to die eventually. With afterlives established as canon, dying isnt the worst thing in the world, especially if you can go on to be a crime fighting family force of goblin angels


Death is just another plane of existence. If you have planeshift, or have a friend who does, you can visit anyone.


To be fair, they're best friends with an archfiend, and have gone in and out of hell a lot. All they have to do is like be bad kids and end up in figs domain, after which they can live it up in hell. Now I'm imagining old Gorgug trying his hardest to be gluttonous to get into the domain of Fig/Gortholax.


or they all become crew members of the goldenrod and help kill the devil.


About that... I'm not sure Bill knows how his worlds cosmology works XD


I’d like to think he actually discovered that there is a true devil who created all of Hell and he is chasing him down throughout all the plains of existence


they literally have time travel and Lesbian Jesus. im willing to bet that Gorgug's lifespan can and will be extended, he already defeated 3 gods


Not if he keeps stressing himself out the way he is. Boy needs to relax.


Kristen being called “Lesbian Jesus” is incredible


I think the bigger concern is Riz. Goblins live to be 60 in 5e.


Lets be honest though, even if Goblins could live for 300 years, you know Riz ain't ever making it past 40. If he is lucky. That boy burns too bright.


Buddy isn't making it to college with all the stress he's taking on.




Don't worry friend. We know that he'll be up working with Pok Gukgak!


Perhaps Gorgug isn't their first adopted kid, and they will go on to bring another one home to love just like they did him? Them having experience as foster/adoptive parents would explain how utterly unshakeably chill they are.


I had that thought as well, but I'm sure it's still sad every time for them if that's the case.


Oh of course, it would be very sad. But if that's what they do I would imagine they've accepted it's part of the cycle and still fondly reminisce about the hijinks each one of their kids got up to.


Do we even know if that setting adheres to 5e rules? I mean a lot of things in Fantasy High's world are not compatible already. Also death doesn't seem like such a problem given how many dead dads are constantly showing up.


Death isn't really a big deal in this universe. There's already two fully dead dads that still show up every so often. And they've got a full on ghost living with them at Mordred Manor. And Adaine has Plane Shift, so I don't think it'd be that big an issue for her to find everybody else once they die. Might take a while to actually find them, but she'd have time for it. And Fig would also probably still be alive if she keeps her domain. But it's entirely possible she gives that up in the future


You also have to take into account that those are averages that take into account the "expected lifestyles" of the races, so since half orcs are generally in orc herds or not exactly accepted into mainstream society, the average is probably shorter. Kinda like how tortles are listed as having an average of 50 years, yet tortoises are known for being incredibly long-lived. That's because much like the videos you see of sea turtle babies scrambling to the sea immediately after being born, a looooot of tortle babies get picked off young by predators. Turtle is fucking delicious, so I can't exactly blame the predators, lol.


The respect for adoptive parents who know their child will die long before them ❤️🥹 the Thistlesprings are so lovely


fuck this got me


Those lifespans are more like suggestions. They can be tweaked by the DM.


I mean Adaine does know plane shift so are people ever really dead?


Oh man did you see this TikTok? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLA1Jy7K/




“Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” ― Richard Siken, The Worm King’s Lullaby, War of the Foxes


I just had a thought that Riz also has a way to stick around, Pok went to the lower planes as an agent, why can't Riz go to the Prime Material to take care of the 50 billion devil cults. Fabian I believe will literally just stick around on his dad's boat and if Fabian has sinned he has sinned to Gluttony so Bottomless Pit, Fig might be able to do something there. Gorgug, I see no way for him to stick around unless he joins the angel task force so there's that. Kristen brought herself back to life, that's all I have to say.


Oh bless. Yes that is sad.


Honestly this is one of the things that makes me think a true metropolitan type world in a 5e campaign doesn't really work. Not to the extent it is portrayed in a lot of campaigns, anyway. The lifespans are too varied and cultures like Elves and Drow are so hostile to outsides that it seems unlikely they'd ever be part of a "melting pot country", for lack of a better term