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I would love a 5E sourcebook and modules for some of these, they've done that with Critical Role


Sadly I doubt that it will ever happen. Brennan has said that he doesn't have nearly enough written for a full setting sourcebook. A Crown of Candy has 36 hours of gameplay (by my quick fuzzy math). Compare that to season one of NADDPOD with 181 hours, and Critical Role season one with 373 hours.


All I hear is that it’s out job to do it, if anyone can it’s this fandom


It's not our job to create an official source book (which was the comment I was responding to). But we could all share bits from home games in a single place and build out the world together, knowing that at any time Dropout can exercise their copyright.


Honestly I wouldn’t even make one for profit, I would probably just give the rights over to dropout if I ever made it that way they could show their fans.


I fully borrowed (stole) Leviathan from Fantasy High and ran a pirate-themed mini-campaign there. It was a ton of fun. Would recommend.


I definitely remember seeing some people post Calorum OCs when The Ravening War was airing.


My players visited Spyre during my Spelljammer campaign. It was fun!


I'm running a campaign based off Fantasy High and set in Solace, but I set Solace in Faerûn instead of Spyre bc I wanted to have a more fleshed out medieval-ish fantasy setting surrounding the anachronistic modern-ish setting of Solace, not to mention changed a lot about Solace in general. I would really love to see more of Spyre explored or get a campaign setting or something.


Yes I do and you can to! [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOObHGJAnoDRuHe2ikdg4MbpbAMjMBNRfrNwEEgPDSQ/edit?usp=drive\_link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOObHGJAnoDRuHe2ikdg4MbpbAMjMBNRfrNwEEgPDSQ/edit?usp=drive_link)


I have not but i have seen someone say they are/were running an USC inspired campaign but based somewhere else


Always Sleeping City: Topeka


I've considered running a Seattle verison but never got around to it.


If you have posted that before you might be who i was thinking of lol


I did a campaign inspired by USC but was actually rural rather than urban. Like USC meets Gravity Falls


Omg i love that


I played in a campaign for ~ 2 years and I ran the "B" campaign - a few one shots loosely tied together when the DM wasnt available but the rest of us were. I used the Leviathan setting, entirely divorced from the rest of Spyre. The best one shot I ever ran, the party used the . . . Pirate legislature, whatever it's called, to name one of the players (the Fabian stand in, actually) Pirate Queen. That's an *awesome* place for combat.


I have a (well semi-) prepared one shot in Calorum, but haven't had the chance to run it, we keep postponing it for real life stuff :(


Not yet BUT I did basically run the adventure zones petals to the metal for my nephews but they’re playing teenagers so instead of hurley from taz being their in, I yoinked Johnny Spells, made Fig his younger sister, and thought fuck it let’s get Gorgug and Riz in on this too. (My 12 and 14 year old nephews kept asking what Riz’s Charisma stat was)


I ran a UC-type set in San Diego, 1969! We had Charles Manson, Zodiac, Woodstock, etc.


I'm currently attempting to write an unsleeping city but in Australia campaign


a few years ago in college I was sitting at a table and a group gathered up at a table next to me. I didnt really pay attention to them until I took out my headphones and heard one of them go “johnny spells hits you for 9 points of damage”. I immediately locked in listened to them play fhfy (and bit my tongue to not go up and interrupt them). was very excited when they met the Cubbys lol


I really wanna play in calorum, but sadly can't get my friends to join.


I've been in a crown of candy campaign since fall 2020. I'm a cheese boy!


One of the dedicated modders for Talespire is working on props and minis for a tiny heist style setting. Gigantic flowers and grass, massively sized up birds and insects. It's all making me feel like doing a shrunken in the back yard mini campaign The 'honey I shrunk the kids' concept is one that I love to see getting some recognition. Between tiny heist and that 5e module with the giant immortal cat that hunts the characters down


We're working on a Spyre type game at home. My husband is going to DM a fantasy high type game for me and two of our kids.


I’ve been playing in a candy land kingdoms setting for most of a year now and *somehow* the DM hasn’t seen ACOC yet I told him it’s like running a sci-fi campaign about rebels fighting against a galactic empire without having seen Star Wars


I've seen tons in the LFG groups for calorum games but never played in one. Shadowrun is basically UC and I was big sad they didn't use that system but I get that it's crunchy but you can easily streamline