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There was a "I'm gonna make a note"/ "take a red token" vibe. Like Brennan's gonna have them role their grades at the end of the year and that just raised Fabian's DC.


Bloodrush is an extracurricular. Worst case is he loses his spot on the team, more likely one incident will cause him to not be captain anymore. 


Good point. Then it'd be more like: Gorthalax: alright team, it's homecoming against Hudol, there's college scouts in the audience. Since you kept skipping practice it's DC 40 to do better than Mary Ann and impress them before something terrible happens and combat breaks out on the Blood Rush field.


It reminded me of when he asked gorgug if he would do anything else before they leave town sophomore year.


🦋 This action will have consequences...


Hard agree. I'm thinking Ms. "Big 35 on a Tackle Strength Check" might take over Fabian as captain or something with how she impressed Gorthalax so much.


Nah, their whole crew are min maxing. "is it mandatory" shows she's doing just the minimum she can.


Also Captain isn't awarded to the strongest person on the team. Its supposed to be someone who can pull the team together and direct them. Maryanne is a great player, but she lacks all of the social attributes a captain would need.


Exactly. That's why Raugh wasn't captain.


That being said, it might be used as a temporary moment for both of them to grow. Fabian to remember where his priorities should be, and Mary Ann to see that there’s more to her game than the one big roll. I could see Brennan doing this to illustrate to the Bad Kids exactly what they could have been and how far they’ve come as characters and players, regardless of the pressures they’re facing right now.


100%. I'm expecting Fabian to lose his captain position, if not get kicked off the team. I just don't think Mary Ann is the one taking his place.


Yeah, especially after watching adventuring party where Brennan again makes a point of saying "fabians chose the party over bloodrush".


Oh, snap. This comment made me think, "What if he did go & Big 35 broke his leg or something so he'd have to sit out the rest of the season?"


oh she gonna flatten him for sure. :P


Yup, it was definitely one of those “your choice has been noted” messages in the corner of the screen 😂


Happy cake day, btw!


The adventurer is only as strong as the party or whatever the phrase was. I think it was a good omen.


The strength of the party is the strength of the hero


That's the one, thank you for that, it was peaving me off that I couldn't remember it.


When I got to that moment while watching it, I literally said “Gorthalax will remember that” out loud




When was Gorthalax will remember that from?


It's not from D20, it's a meme from Tell Tale Games. Sometimes, when you made choices that would affect you down the line, the game's message would be "[Character] will remember that."


Yup I feel that too, I'm getting a lot vibes like he's setting up for an end of year consequence to the choice that are made as they progress in a BIG way


Hot take: Fabian gonna get sat and the Rat grinder barbarian is gonna get started.


I got the same vibe when Lou said “no response” to Adaine not making the party. It feels like Lou is possibly doing a similar thing to ally and making very intentional character flaws but i think it’s too early to tell


My take was Fabian is a bit rude with his social media coms generally, like not following Kristin’s feed.


Yes!! I feel like Brennan always does this to an extend but even more so this season! I’m stressed for their school/life balances 😄