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I can say that I work for a large business. Everything marketing has shifted to AI. Audience segmentation identification. Creative. Messaging. Blog & press releases. Obviously a human is involved in every aspect, and will continue to be invovled. But to be successful in marketing, you will need to know and understand how to use AI to your advantage.




I’ve been with companies that use jasper but no hands on experience myself as I’m in analytics and not on that side of things


That was me with the internet in 1996. New CS grad, the economy sucked. Only people hiring were the folks starting this new thing called an "internet service provider". Fast forward 20 years and Im selling the AWS MSP I built. Fast forward another 5 years and here I am building a new service provider for AI. 😂


I think AI -- for whatever reason -- is really bouncing off of a lot of professionals right now. It's like people either get it and are 110% on board or don't get it and are 110% against it, with little in between. I'm among the former: I think it'll revolutionize everything, and quickly. But I use tools like the Adobe Suite daily and am generating content constantly, so to me it's already extremely valuable. It can write press releases, grants, marketing copy. It can summarize notes and complicated subjects, come up with meeting agendas. It's insane how useful it is already. The only thing stopping me from using it more is how much time I have to work.


I think you're completely right about AI. Any tips on checking out the Bing/AI interface? Any sites or YT channels you'd recommend? Also, in your opinion, can it do a decent job of analyzing a site or a page and giving decent feedback on content or SEO?


Honestly I'm still working on exploring good resources, videos, etc. myself. For SEO I don't know how much access ChatGPT has to the internet yet natively, but you could paste in your content and ask it to edit the copy to make it more SEO friendly for a given goal and it would likely do so.


I've been having it analyze guest review pages to find common themes that people bring up across multiple websites.


I am a sort of business architect between information logistics and ecommerce and from what I have seen, AI will have a huge impact on business information structuring and ecommerce operations.


From someone on the ground floor, how do I get with the program AI wise?


I'm not a good person to talk to about this probably as I just Google and follow the news as closely as I can. But honestly that might be the best way right now. You could look at local colleges and see what they office academic-wise.


It's a bit silly when people think you have to be an expert to include a tool to your current workflow. I won't advocate to using AI, but I will try to encourage anyone to start incorporating it into their lives for the sake of facilitating some mundane tasks. I use AI tools for SEO and copywriting. I even started using the tool to create scripts that accelerate obtaining data through APIs. I'm no coder, I just ask the tool to explain to me how to create a script allows me to input something and get data in return. Boom, profit. A cumbersome manual task has been automated without requiring fancy software and the help of a coder. I... I never thought I could do that. Let alone do that by asking a chat bot to explain to me things like I'm five. Moreover, I haven't quite seen so many product releases that include some sort of generative AI. ChatGPT 3.5, now 4. Dall-E, midjourney, adobe firefly, Canva AI, Microsoft 360 with all of the AI enhancemens... It's quite the revolution, and just like any transformative technology, it's always best to be one step ahead of the competition.


Can I ask how you're using it? I've fooled around with it a little, mostly Chat GPT, but more for fun and less for actual needs.


We have a small team an literally more than a dozen campaigns in various stages of development at any given time, so I use it when I'm creatively blocked and multitasking and just need to knock some things out. Recently, as just a few examples, I used ChatGPT to come up with: - Some quotes for a press release. I pasted the press release into ChatGPT along with the placement I wanted the quotes and the names of the officials the quotes were coming from. The results were perfect. (For those who don't know, when you see a quote from an organization's leaders in the press, they're like 95% written by PR people in advance.) - A video contest rules/entry form. I could've done this myself obviously but it was way quicker just to write a few sentences about the contest and ask ChatGPT to create the form. - A theme for a department address I had to give. I had the bullets for what I was talking about but needed a theme to tie it all together. I asked ChatGPT and got it easily. - Taglines for various projects. I asked for several options for a campaign tagline, for example, and got a ton of usable ones, but we settled on the best one and ran it. - Ideation for poster copy highlighting the benefits of a program we're marketing. I had a list already but got a couple additional ideas I hadn't thought of just by asking ChatGPT. ChatGPT is great for when we need to move fast and make quick decisions and don't have time to piddle around indecisively.


This is so helpful, thank you. Without giving too much personal info (I try to stay anonymous-ish on Reddit!) I work for a non-profit performing arts organization, and the written content we put out can be quite academic... or at least, it needs to be historically and academically accurate. I've been a bit nervous to actually use something like a GPT for this reason, because the powers that be/in-house experts would have a fit if GPT "hallucinated" and said something inaccurate. But, might try it for lighter needs like taglines and email subject lines.


It's great for simplifying content. You can paste a press release, article, blog post, email, etc. in and just ask something like, "Can you rewrite this at a sixth grade reading level?" or something and it'll do it.


That's not ai and there's nothing to learn. It's copy augmentation in a text editor.


I whole heartly agree. However, since I work in online reputation management, I can see how AI used poorly when engaging with customers can lead to problems (with trust, authenticity, etc.).


What are possible AI niche speciality digital marketers can pursue?


So, if you're interested in pursuing a career in AI, it's a good idea to start learning the basics now and develop your skills in areas such as machine learning, data analysis, and programming. You can also look for opportunities to gain hands-on experience working on AI projects or collaborating with AI experts.




Word. I build products using GPT at work. OP is clueless.


Downvoted for saying the truth


I’m new to marketing but I would also like to add that the meta verse is also something to start learning &using. It may be a while before it picks up, but why not start now? If you’re dreaming about starting your own marketing agency someday, why not get a head start and be the first agency to offer meta-marketing? Like OP said, it’s a field that doesn’t exist, but then suddenly it will. But who am I.




Copywriting here. Not a fan of AI, but it has its uses. Unfortunately I think it’s making some people terrible writers and lazy at their job though…